History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!

That's for sure! It has gotten so bad that Southpark even did a show on how bad that channel has become.

I saw that episode! I've watched enough South Park filthy-funny genius I do know my way around that series!
If Hannibal was black makes no difference, he was a great leader n a hell of a warrior. Traits lacking in most black males today.
Yeah it makes a difference showing history accurately. When you dont show history accurately you end up with white people playing ancient Egyptians and other weird things.
The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!

In the age of Trump calling someone a joke or a failure is mistaken as a valid point.

Kindly inform me, oh wise guru, what the FUCK Trump has to do with the History Channel conspiracy theories??? That channel was filled with alien conspiracies LONG before Trump announced his candidacy. Trump is the only candidate fighting back against leftist, violent, self-hating-American, Islam-fellatrix, bullying, PC-speech fascism with which Obama reprobates have gone absolutely INSANE!
I agree ancient Egyptians were black and they owned slaves. How's that for history?
If Hannibal was black makes no difference, he was a great leader n a hell of a warrior. Traits lacking in most black males today.
Yeah it makes a difference showing history accurately. When you dont show history accurately you end up with white people playing ancient Egyptians and other weird things.
What do u exspect from those weirdos in Hollywood
I agree ancient Egyptians were black and they owned slaves. How's that for history?
Lots of people had slaves. Hell the word slave comes from the enslavement of the Slavic people. Everyone knows that. I wouldnt have thought you of all people would know and accept that the ancient Egyptians were Black.
If Hannibal was black makes no difference, he was a great leader n a hell of a warrior. Traits lacking in most black males today.
Yeah it makes a difference showing history accurately. When you dont show history accurately you end up with white people playing ancient Egyptians and other weird things.
What do u exspect from those weirdos in Hollywood
Accuracy and erring on the side of the evidence.
I agree ancient Egyptians were black and they owned slaves. How's that for history?
Lots of people had slaves. Hell the word slave comes from the enslavement of the Slavic people. Everyone knows that. I wouldnt have thought you of all people would know and accept that the ancient Egyptians were Black.
Cool! Jungle Bunny civilizations again.

Doesn't get much more comical than this folks :)
You liberals are so paranoiacally, psychotically obsessed with Donald Trump "Trump Deragenement Syndrome" you really have to frantically insert Donald Trump into EVERY unrelated subject. Why don't you liberals just get yourselves a life-sized post of the Donald, hang it on your bedroom wall, and masturbate to your hearts' content. Obviously, it's you Obamabot lefties who have a psychotic, sexual obsession with Mr. Trump. I'm a Trump supporter who ADMITS that he's a pompous, blowhard bullshitter. But I prefer a blowhard bullshitter who's LOYAL to America over a clinical psychopath like HillarYEEGODS!!! who is bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia to guzzle enough muslim terrorist semen to coat the entire surface of the moon 3 times over.
I agree ancient Egyptians were black and they owned slaves. How's that for history?
Lots of people had slaves. Hell the word slave comes from the enslavement of the Slavic people. Everyone knows that. I wouldnt have thought you of all people would know and accept that the ancient Egyptians were Black.
Of course I know it. So youse blacks need to quit whining about salary since you invented it five thousand years ago.
No matter what a TV channel says, the ancient Egyptian mummies all had caucasoid skull details. And in their art & statuary, the ancient Egyptians had narrow noses, high cheekbones, large round eyes and thin lips. Obviously they were either white or our closest sister race, arab.
I agree ancient Egyptians were black and they owned slaves. How's that for history?
Lots of people had slaves. Hell the word slave comes from the enslavement of the Slavic people. Everyone knows that. I wouldnt have thought you of all people would know and accept that the ancient Egyptians were Black.
Of course I know it. So youse blacks need to quit whining about salary since you invented it five thousand years ago.
What in hell are you talking about?
No matter what a TV channel says, the ancient Egyptian mummies all had caucasoid skull details. And in their art & statuary, the ancient Egyptians had narrow noses, high cheekbones, large round eyes and thin lips. Obviously they were either white or our closest sister race, arab.
Nope the ancient Egyptians had Black features and Black DNA sorry.
The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!

In the age of Trump calling someone a joke or a failure is mistaken as a valid point.

Kindly inform me, oh wise guru, what the FUCK Trump has to do with the History Channel conspiracy theories??? That channel was filled with alien conspiracies LONG before Trump announced his candidacy. Trump is the only candidate fighting back against leftist, violent, self-hating-American, Islam-fellatrix, bullying, PC-speech fascism with which Obama reprobates have gone absolutely INSANE!

Hmmm I missed Trump addressing "Islam-fellatrix"- maybe that was when he said a Muslim judge wouldn't be fair to him?
I agree ancient Egyptians were black and they owned slaves. How's that for history?
Lots of people had slaves. Hell the word slave comes from the enslavement of the Slavic people. Everyone knows that. I wouldnt have thought you of all people would know and accept that the ancient Egyptians were Black.
I'm pretty sure there was a lot of interracial action going on in Egypt from way, way back, them being on the Mediterranean, enslaving people from the Middle East and all that. I assume this because History Channel also did a show on the Black Pharoahs. They came from south of Egypt; can't remember where. History Channel thought it was notable enough to do a show on. Then at some point, the Greeks came in with Alexander, and I'm guessing he didn't come alone. The Greeks weren't black and they colonized the place for centuries, adding their genes to the pool.
Now, Hannibal? I'll take your word for it he was black. All I know is he crossed the Alps with elephants. I don't even remember where ancient Phoenicia was.
I agree ancient Egyptians were black and they owned slaves. How's that for history?
Lots of people had slaves. Hell the word slave comes from the enslavement of the Slavic people. Everyone knows that. I wouldnt have thought you of all people would know and accept that the ancient Egyptians were Black.
I'm pretty sure there was a lot of interracial action going on in Egypt from way, way back, them being on the Mediterranean, enslaving people from the Middle East and all that. I assume this because History Channel also did a show on the Black Pharoahs. They came from south of Egypt; can't remember where. History Channel thought it was notable enough to do a show on. Then at some point, the Greeks came in with Alexander, and I'm guessing he didn't come alone. The Greeks weren't black and they colonized the place for centuries, adding their genes to the pool.
Now, Hannibal? I'll take your word for it he was black. All I know is he crossed the Alps with elephants. I don't even remember where ancient Phoenicia was.
Speaking of ancient Egypt, I'm not talking about later. I'm talking about before the greeks had a civilization. Egypt was founded by Blacks. This is verified by archaeology and the bible. I would say all the way up until the 20th dynasty the Egyptians were Black. Even Herodotus makes that clear as he was the first historian to describe them. Even after the interracial influx he described them as Black.
Olives are either green or Black. The indigenous people of that area are Black. Yes we know this for sure. He is even on a coin and obviously Black.
I thought his mother was from spain and his dad was from Lebanon?
Could be. You do realize both places had Black people even if that was true?

indeed. that's why I called it a useless pissing match. None of us know. One can pretend to know, but there is NO irrefutable evidence.
One can stick to one instance, but then they are only ignoring others..

You may not know but dont make the assumption that I dont. Its already been proven I know more than you do about a variety of topics. i am light years ahead of you in Black history.
then please show me irrefutable evidence.
Olives are either green or Black. The indigenous people of that area are Black. Yes we know this for sure. He is even on a coin and obviously Black.
I thought his mother was from spain and his dad was from Lebanon?
Could be. You do realize both places had Black people even if that was true?

indeed. that's why I called it a useless pissing match. None of us know. One can pretend to know, but there is NO irrefutable evidence.
One can stick to one instance, but then they are only ignoring others..

You may not know but dont make the assumption that I dont. Its already been proven I know more than you do about a variety of topics. i am light years ahead of you in Black history.
then please show me irrefutable evidence.
Tnharley, this article is educated speculation that needs to be read thru. The part about complexion and Roman biases based on skin color are interesting too. Hope you are as fascinated as I by this read.
I always thought Hannibal would have been like an olive or something. From the sculptures I have seen from ancient carthage and surrounding areas, they looked neither "black" nor "white".
I think its pretty much just a useless pissing match anyways. No one knows for sure.
Those coins that Asclepias provided make a compelling argument that Hannibal was a negro. Look at the exaggerated lips. What other Black would have coins made for them?

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