History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.

Of course those items are irrefutable.

Actually, they're far from it. As the link I provided explains, there is no evidence that Hannibal was back. He might have been, but there is no actual evidence that he was. The only thing that is known is he was Carthaginian, and the Carthaginians were Phoenicians. Phoenicians are not black. However, the experts do not discount the possibility that he could indeed have had black ancestors. There is simply no evidence that he had.

That's the difference between historical research and political advocacy.
Yes Phonecians were Black. Who told you they were not Black? Phonecians is the term the greeks used for the Canaanites. Guess who was the father of the Canaanites?
no, that is the term they used for that region. Try again?
I dont have to try again. I already said thats what the Greeks called them.
Yelling doesnt change my answer.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.

Of course those items are irrefutable.

Actually, they're far from it. As the link I provided explains, there is no evidence that Hannibal was back. He might have been, but there is no actual evidence that he was. The only thing that is known is he was Carthaginian, and the Carthaginians were Phoenicians. Phoenicians are not black. However, the experts do not discount the possibility that he could indeed have had black ancestors. There is simply no evidence that he had.

That's the difference between historical research and political advocacy.
Yes Phonecians were Black. Who told you they were not Black?

No, they weren't. They were Semites, or possibly from India. They absolutely positively did NOT originate in Africa, nor did they come from Europe as is now very well known from DNA research.

"Before going into the origin of the Phoenicians, two things musts be made clear. The Phoenicians do not have their origin in Europe or in Africa. They were neither European nor where they black Africans. Their origin is in the eastern Mediterranean, as recent DNA studies prove -- they belong to the ancient Mediterranean sub-starum. Some trace them back to as far away as India about 10,000 BC or suggest that they migrated to Phoenicia from elsewhere; however, none of these stories are proven or provable through archaeology, and genetics spoke the final word. Further, the Phoenician colonies which spread all over the coastline of the Mediterranean and even the Atlantic coasts were inhabited by Phoenician Semitic speaking immigrants. No one can claim that the Phoenicians of North Africa were black or the Phoenicians of Spain, Gibraltar, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta...etc. were European"

Read more: Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians

Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians[/QUO
greek historian Strabo said he thought they came from Bahrain. Which is in the Persian Gulf.[/QUOTE]
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.

Of course those items are irrefutable.

Actually, they're far from it. As the link I provided explains, there is no evidence that Hannibal was back. He might have been, but there is no actual evidence that he was. The only thing that is known is he was Carthaginian, and the Carthaginians were Phoenicians. Phoenicians are not black. However, the experts do not discount the possibility that he could indeed have had black ancestors. There is simply no evidence that he had.

That's the difference between historical research and political advocacy.
Yes Phonecians were Black. Who told you they were not Black? Phonecians is the term the greeks used for the Canaanites. Guess who was the father of the Canaanites?
no, that is the term they used for that region. Try again?
I dont have to try again. I already said thats what the Greeks called them.
that's what they called the area, not the people. FFS, can you not read? Did I accidently type that in English or something?
Of course those items are irrefutable.

Actually, they're far from it. As the link I provided explains, there is no evidence that Hannibal was back. He might have been, but there is no actual evidence that he was. The only thing that is known is he was Carthaginian, and the Carthaginians were Phoenicians. Phoenicians are not black. However, the experts do not discount the possibility that he could indeed have had black ancestors. There is simply no evidence that he had.

That's the difference between historical research and political advocacy.
Yes Phonecians were Black. Who told you they were not Black? Phonecians is the term the greeks used for the Canaanites. Guess who was the father of the Canaanites?
no, that is the term they used for that region. Try again?
I dont have to try again. I already said thats what the Greeks called them.
that's what they called the area, not the people. FFS, can you not read? Did I accidently type that in English or something?


Canaan was the name of a large and prosperous country (at times independent, at others a tributary to Egypt) which corresponds roughly to present-day Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel and was also known asPhoenicia. The origin of the name `Canaan’ for the land comes from various ancient texts (among them the Hebrew Bible) and there is no scholarly consensus on precisely where the name originated nor what it was intended to convey about the land. According to the Bible the land was named after a man called Canaan, the grandson of Noah (Genesis 10). Other theories cite `Canaan’ as derived from the Hurrian language for `purple’ and, as the Greeks knew the Canaanites as `Phoenicians’ (Greek for `purple’ as the Phoenicians worked, primarily at the city of Tyre, in purple dye and so were called by the Greeks `purple people’) this explanation is the most probable but, by no means, provable.
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The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!
The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!
sour grapes

Not at all, I feel incredulity about the channel getting so silly. There's nothing bitter or emotional about it. I simply don't take it seriously anymore.
The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!
sour grapes

Not at all, I feel incredulity about the channel getting so silly. There's nothing bitter or emotional about it. I simply don't take it seriously anymore.
Thanks for you opinion. That wasnt the topic which tells me you were feeling sorta emotional about the whole thing.
you posted a pic of a fuckin coin and some black guy. That isn't irrefutable.

Of course those items are irrefutable.

Actually, they're far from it. As the link I provided explains, there is no evidence that Hannibal was back. He might have been, but there is no actual evidence that he was. The only thing that is known is he was Carthaginian, and the Carthaginians were Phoenicians. Phoenicians are not black. However, the experts do not discount the possibility that he could indeed have had black ancestors. There is simply no evidence that he had.

That's the difference between historical research and political advocacy.
Yes Phonecians were Black. Who told you they were not Black?

No, they weren't. They were Semites, or possibly from India. They absolutely positively did NOT originate in Africa, nor did they come from Europe as is now very well known from DNA research.

"Before going into the origin of the Phoenicians, two things musts be made clear. The Phoenicians do not have their origin in Europe or in Africa. They were neither European nor where they black Africans. Their origin is in the eastern Mediterranean, as recent DNA studies prove -- they belong to the ancient Mediterranean sub-starum. Some trace them back to as far away as India about 10,000 BC or suggest that they migrated to Phoenicia from elsewhere; however, none of these stories are proven or provable through archaeology, and genetics spoke the final word. Further, the Phoenician colonies which spread all over the coastline of the Mediterranean and even the Atlantic coasts were inhabited by Phoenician Semitic speaking immigrants. No one can claim that the Phoenicians of North Africa were black or the Phoenicians of Spain, Gibraltar, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta...etc. were European"

Read more: Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians

Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians
Everyone is from Africa so that pretty much kills your theory right there. Thats proven via DNA. Also Africa was much larger than the land mass whites have used to define the boundaries. The ME and India was all considered part of Africa by the Greeks. They called India "west Ethiopia" Ethiopia means burnt face or something like that in Greek.

No, it's not. It is a theory. Furthermore, after over 100,000 generations if it were true the genetic migration would be so great that there is no way to know. Once again, that's the difference between political activism and scholarly research.
Of course those items are irrefutable.

Actually, they're far from it. As the link I provided explains, there is no evidence that Hannibal was back. He might have been, but there is no actual evidence that he was. The only thing that is known is he was Carthaginian, and the Carthaginians were Phoenicians. Phoenicians are not black. However, the experts do not discount the possibility that he could indeed have had black ancestors. There is simply no evidence that he had.

That's the difference between historical research and political advocacy.
Yes Phonecians were Black. Who told you they were not Black?

No, they weren't. They were Semites, or possibly from India. They absolutely positively did NOT originate in Africa, nor did they come from Europe as is now very well known from DNA research.

"Before going into the origin of the Phoenicians, two things musts be made clear. The Phoenicians do not have their origin in Europe or in Africa. They were neither European nor where they black Africans. Their origin is in the eastern Mediterranean, as recent DNA studies prove -- they belong to the ancient Mediterranean sub-starum. Some trace them back to as far away as India about 10,000 BC or suggest that they migrated to Phoenicia from elsewhere; however, none of these stories are proven or provable through archaeology, and genetics spoke the final word. Further, the Phoenician colonies which spread all over the coastline of the Mediterranean and even the Atlantic coasts were inhabited by Phoenician Semitic speaking immigrants. No one can claim that the Phoenicians of North Africa were black or the Phoenicians of Spain, Gibraltar, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta...etc. were European"

Read more: Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians

Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians
Everyone is from Africa so that pretty much kills your theory right there. Thats proven via DNA. Also Africa was much larger than the land mass whites have used to define the boundaries. The ME and India was all considered part of Africa by the Greeks. They called India "west Ethiopia" Ethiopia means burnt face or something like that in Greek.

No, it's not. It is a theory. Furthermore, after over 100,000 generations if it were true the genetic migration would be so great that there is no way to know. Once again, that's the difference between political activism and scholarly research.
No its not a theory. The Human Genome Project would be outraged by your suggestion.
The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!

That's for sure! It has gotten so bad that Southpark even did a show on how bad that channel has become.

The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!
sour grapes

Not at all, I feel incredulity about the channel getting so silly. There's nothing bitter or emotional about it. I simply don't take it seriously anymore.
Thanks for you opinion. That wasnt the topic which tells me you were feeling sorta emotional about the whole thing.

Emotional? No, I just laugh that channel off. I don't get particularly emotionally involved in any TV channels, my original point is that the History Channel has little credibility and that's all.
The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!

In the age of Trump calling someone a joke or a failure is mistaken as a valid point.
Actually, they're far from it. As the link I provided explains, there is no evidence that Hannibal was back. He might have been, but there is no actual evidence that he was. The only thing that is known is he was Carthaginian, and the Carthaginians were Phoenicians. Phoenicians are not black. However, the experts do not discount the possibility that he could indeed have had black ancestors. There is simply no evidence that he had.

That's the difference between historical research and political advocacy.
Yes Phonecians were Black. Who told you they were not Black?

No, they weren't. They were Semites, or possibly from India. They absolutely positively did NOT originate in Africa, nor did they come from Europe as is now very well known from DNA research.

"Before going into the origin of the Phoenicians, two things musts be made clear. The Phoenicians do not have their origin in Europe or in Africa. They were neither European nor where they black Africans. Their origin is in the eastern Mediterranean, as recent DNA studies prove -- they belong to the ancient Mediterranean sub-starum. Some trace them back to as far away as India about 10,000 BC or suggest that they migrated to Phoenicia from elsewhere; however, none of these stories are proven or provable through archaeology, and genetics spoke the final word. Further, the Phoenician colonies which spread all over the coastline of the Mediterranean and even the Atlantic coasts were inhabited by Phoenician Semitic speaking immigrants. No one can claim that the Phoenicians of North Africa were black or the Phoenicians of Spain, Gibraltar, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta...etc. were European"

Read more: Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians

Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians
Everyone is from Africa so that pretty much kills your theory right there. Thats proven via DNA. Also Africa was much larger than the land mass whites have used to define the boundaries. The ME and India was all considered part of Africa by the Greeks. They called India "west Ethiopia" Ethiopia means burnt face or something like that in Greek.

No, it's not. It is a theory. Furthermore, after over 100,000 generations if it were true the genetic migration would be so great that there is no way to know. Once again, that's the difference between political activism and scholarly research.
No its not a theory. The Human Genome Project would be outraged by your suggestion.

ummmm. Yes, it is.
The History Channel has been a fucking JOKE for years! All they're ever about is reading alien UFO visits into EVERY SINGLE EVENT in human history! Talk about a channel of tinfoil hats!
sour grapes

Not at all, I feel incredulity about the channel getting so silly. There's nothing bitter or emotional about it. I simply don't take it seriously anymore.
Thanks for you opinion. That wasnt the topic which tells me you were feeling sorta emotional about the whole thing.

Emotional? No, I just laugh that channel off. I don't get particularly emotionally involved in any TV channels, my original point is that the History Channel has little credibility and that's all.
Of course you were emotional. You even cursed about it. The funny thing is that you didnt even have to comment on the thread but you were compelled to....even though it was something you claimed has little credibility.
Yes Phonecians were Black. Who told you they were not Black?

No, they weren't. They were Semites, or possibly from India. They absolutely positively did NOT originate in Africa, nor did they come from Europe as is now very well known from DNA research.

"Before going into the origin of the Phoenicians, two things musts be made clear. The Phoenicians do not have their origin in Europe or in Africa. They were neither European nor where they black Africans. Their origin is in the eastern Mediterranean, as recent DNA studies prove -- they belong to the ancient Mediterranean sub-starum. Some trace them back to as far away as India about 10,000 BC or suggest that they migrated to Phoenicia from elsewhere; however, none of these stories are proven or provable through archaeology, and genetics spoke the final word. Further, the Phoenician colonies which spread all over the coastline of the Mediterranean and even the Atlantic coasts were inhabited by Phoenician Semitic speaking immigrants. No one can claim that the Phoenicians of North Africa were black or the Phoenicians of Spain, Gibraltar, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta...etc. were European"

Read more: Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians

Ethnic Origin, Language and Literature of the Phoenicians
Everyone is from Africa so that pretty much kills your theory right there. Thats proven via DNA. Also Africa was much larger than the land mass whites have used to define the boundaries. The ME and India was all considered part of Africa by the Greeks. They called India "west Ethiopia" Ethiopia means burnt face or something like that in Greek.

No, it's not. It is a theory. Furthermore, after over 100,000 generations if it were true the genetic migration would be so great that there is no way to know. Once again, that's the difference between political activism and scholarly research.
No its not a theory. The Human Genome Project would be outraged by your suggestion.

ummmm. Yes, it is.
Ummmm. No its not.
If Hannibal was black makes no difference, he was a great leader n a hell of a warrior. Traits lacking in most black males today.

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