History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

this guy is a Berber from northern Africa.

But that's a cherry-picked photo. While he may be a Berber, he isn't typical.

berbers - Google Search
It probably has more to do with giving failed black actors jobs and portraying everyone as black.

A recent broadway play has Alexander Hamilton as black too. Queen Guinevere has been portrayed as black. Next, Queen Victoria and King Henry will both be played by black people.
They remade the movie Annie too. Little white redhead turned into a black kid.
Why does this matter to anyone?
For the same reason it mattered to whoever chose to lie and claim he was a white guy for centuries.
Asclepias, this denial is a very old story. There's also a story about when Cahokia was first discovered in America and the locals all claimed that it must have been some other culture that maybe died out because all the 'indians' they ever saw were incapable of building cities and trade routes and recruiting armies paid for by the populace so they didn't have to farm but could concentrate exclusively on being soldiers. And a while back I recall a bitter argument on a message board denying that Alexander (the Great) was gay. It makes sense that Hannibal was black, but there are many who will deny it because they believe black Africans were incapable of commanding and leading armies. Even today in America there are those who claim black people are genetically incapable of an IQ above the Step 'n Fetchit stereotype. (sigh)
Why does this matter to anyone?
For the same reason it mattered to whoever chose to lie and claim he was a white guy for centuries.
Asclepias, this denial is a very old story. There's also a story about when Cahokia was first discovered in America and the locals all claimed that it must have been some other culture that maybe died out because all the 'indians' they ever saw were incapable of building cities and trade routes and recruiting armies paid for by the populace so they didn't have to farm but could concentrate exclusively on being soldiers. And a while back I recall a bitter argument on a message board denying that Alexander (the Great) was gay. It makes sense that Hannibal was black, but there are many who will deny it because they believe black Africans were incapable of commanding and leading armies. Even today in America there are those who claim black people are genetically incapable of an IQ above the Step 'n Fetchit stereotype. (sigh)
Excellent example. Whites have for so long lied about and omitted true history the reasons can only be attributed to an inferiority complex. I remember reading about Piltdown Man and how that hoax was taught in american schools for decades because whites were so eager to believe they were the first to inhabit the planet.
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Apparently even after 8 years of our first Black Vagina President, blacks have very little to be thankful for or proud of

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