History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

Makes you wonder why racists like Divine are so eager to say Hannibal wasnt Black. Maybe they just hate movies being made about Black people.
LOL. You keep building your tiny little boxes and see how that helps your life. (Hint: it doesn't)

Obviously you think anyone who disagrees with you is racist and that you are never racist. The fact remains you're the one constantly making racist remarks and I'm simply scientific fact like these posts:
Why only "Black" scholars? Isn't truth universal?

Modern genetics has made old ideas of race as antiquated as phrenology.

This link details some findings, the most important being that all human beings only differ by a maximum of 0.1%. It appears the only people who really care about race are racists.

Genetic variation, classification and 'race' - Nature Genetics
Few concepts have as tarnished and contentious a history as 'race'1. Among both the scientific and lay communities, the notion that humans can be grouped into different races has been enshrined by some and dismissed by others. Even the definition of race varies considerably, depending on context and criteria2, 3. Nevertheless, race continues to be used in a variety of applications. Forensic databases in the US are typically organized according to traditional racial and ethnic categories (e.g., African-American, European-American, Hispanic). Investigators funded by the US National Institutes of Health are required to show that minority populations are adequately represented in biomedical studies. Responses to medical therapies, such as drugs, are often compared among populations that are divided according to traditional racial divisions. Among the general public, the validity of racial categories is often taken for granted.

Not surprisingly, biomedical scientists are divided in their opinions about race. Some characterize it as "biologically meaningless"4 or "not based on scientific evidence"5, whereas others advocate the use of race in making decisions about medical treatment or the design of research studies6, 7, 8. Amid this controversy, modern human genetics has generated a staggering array of new data. For the first time, it is possible to study human genetic variation using not just a few dozen polymorphisms, but hundreds or even thousands. In addition to neutral polymorphisms that inform us about population history, increasing numbers of variants that contribute to disease are being discovered.....

I'm sure there are racists of all backgrounds and cultures on this forum.

Like Jesus, the odds are Hannibal was more Semitic than "black". It's impossible to figure out his melanin content from a statue.

The Real Face Of Jesus
Makes you wonder why racists like Divine are so eager to say Hannibal wasnt Black. Maybe they just hate movies being made about Black people.
LOL. You keep building your tiny little boxes and see how that helps your life. (Hint: it doesn't)

Obviously you think anyone who disagrees with you is racist and that you are never racist. The fact remains you're the one constantly making racist remarks and I'm simply scientific fact like these posts:
Why only "Black" scholars? Isn't truth universal?

Modern genetics has made old ideas of race as antiquated as phrenology.

This link details some findings, the most important being that all human beings only differ by a maximum of 0.1%. It appears the only people who really care about race are racists.

Genetic variation, classification and 'race' - Nature Genetics
Few concepts have as tarnished and contentious a history as 'race'1. Among both the scientific and lay communities, the notion that humans can be grouped into different races has been enshrined by some and dismissed by others. Even the definition of race varies considerably, depending on context and criteria2, 3. Nevertheless, race continues to be used in a variety of applications. Forensic databases in the US are typically organized according to traditional racial and ethnic categories (e.g., African-American, European-American, Hispanic). Investigators funded by the US National Institutes of Health are required to show that minority populations are adequately represented in biomedical studies. Responses to medical therapies, such as drugs, are often compared among populations that are divided according to traditional racial divisions. Among the general public, the validity of racial categories is often taken for granted.

Not surprisingly, biomedical scientists are divided in their opinions about race. Some characterize it as "biologically meaningless"4 or "not based on scientific evidence"5, whereas others advocate the use of race in making decisions about medical treatment or the design of research studies6, 7, 8. Amid this controversy, modern human genetics has generated a staggering array of new data. For the first time, it is possible to study human genetic variation using not just a few dozen polymorphisms, but hundreds or even thousands. In addition to neutral polymorphisms that inform us about population history, increasing numbers of variants that contribute to disease are being discovered.....

I'm sure there are racists of all backgrounds and cultures on this forum.

Like Jesus, the odds are Hannibal was more Semitic than "black". It's impossible to figure out his melanin content from a statue.

The Real Face Of Jesus
I already told you I just took that box you tried to put me in and forced you to wear it. There is a reason you claimed no one could figure out melanin content then proceeded to link to something that showed Jesus as a certain skin tone. I've shown scientific, archaeological and biblical evidence Hannibal was Black. There is zero evidence he was white as you tried to pass off by showing us coins with a god on them. I dont mind that you are a racist but lets not pretend you arent one. There is a reason you are trying with all your might to pretend Hannibal isnt Black despite the irrefutable evidence he is a Black African.
Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

You're sad.

No. I am happy. Thats why I made this thread. :D

You're a happy racist? Good to know.

If by racist you mean a person that is glad the truth is being told then yes.

Don't try to justify your racism, child.
Kudos to the History Channel for accurately portraying Hannibal as who he really was. A Black African.

You're sad.

No. I am happy. Thats why I made this thread. :D

You're a happy racist? Good to know.

If by racist you mean a person that is glad the truth is being told then yes.

Don't try to justify your racism, child.

Not trying to justify your racism dummy.
You're sad.
No. I am happy. Thats why I made this thread. :D

You're a happy racist? Good to know.
If by racist you mean a person that is glad the truth is being told then yes.

Don't try to justify your racism, child.
Not trying to justify your racism dummy.

Your racism, child.
No. I am happy. Thats why I made this thread. :D

You're a happy racist? Good to know.
If by racist you mean a person that is glad the truth is being told then yes.

Don't try to justify your racism, child.
Not trying to justify your racism dummy.

Your racism, child.
Your racism dummy.
Nice selfie.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't an elephant.
I'm positive he was not a white person.
He was a Carthaginian. Origins from Phonecians.

He wasn't a Viking. But he wasn't black either.
Of course he wasnt a Viking. The Phonecians were Black. He was Berber hence the term barbarian

They were not black. There wasn't a black person within a thousand miles of pheonicia.
Was Napoleon Corsican or French? It is so important to decide! It means so much today!

The battle of Cannae was over two thousand years ago. Perhaps Hannibal was brilliant, perhaps the Romans were incredibly stupid. Hannibal didn't march into Rome, Carthage did not benefit all that much from the 'victory', the Roman army was soon back to strength.

Whatever ethnicity Hannibal was, he, like Napoleon, failed strategically in the long term and was essentially deemed great because he saw to the demise of many.
Why does this matter to anyone?
For the same reason it mattered to whoever chose to lie and claim he was a white guy for centuries.
Asclepias, this denial is a very old story. There's also a story about when Cahokia was first discovered in America and the locals all claimed that it must have been some other culture that maybe died out because all the 'indians' they ever saw were incapable of building cities and trade routes and recruiting armies paid for by the populace so they didn't have to farm but could concentrate exclusively on being soldiers. And a while back I recall a bitter argument on a message board denying that Alexander (the Great) was gay. It makes sense that Hannibal was black, but there are many who will deny it because they believe black Africans were incapable of commanding and leading armies. Even today in America there are those who claim black people are genetically incapable of an IQ above the Step 'n Fetchit stereotype. (sigh)
Unfortunately for your idiot theory there are historical accounts of Hannibal and even statues of him. They don't portray a negroe.
I always thought Hannibal would have been like an olive or something. From the sculptures I have seen from ancient carthage and surrounding areas, they looked neither "black" nor "white".
I think its pretty much just a useless pissing match anyways. No one knows for sure.
Olives are either green or Black. The indigenous people of that area are Black. Yes we know this for sure. He is even on a coin and obviously Black.
I thought his mother was from spain and his dad was from Lebanon?
There's no record of who his mother was. His father was born in Carthage. The Carthaginians were originally from Pheonicia

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