History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

The Canaanites are not Semitic according to anyone. I think you are getting confused because they spoke a Semitic langauge.

The bible shows the Canaanites were Black on many occasions The first being that Ham is the father of Canaan. If you know your bible Ham is father of all Blacks that populated what we now call the African continent and parts ot the middle east.

"The Nations Descending from Ham:
First on the list, as being the darkest, is Cush or Ethiopia (Genesis 10:6), after which comes Mitsrayim, or Egypt, then PuT or Libyia, and Canaan last. The sons or descendants of each of these are then taken in turn, and it is noteworthy that some of them, like the Ethiopians and the Canaanites, spoke Semitic, and not Hamitic, languages"

The Egyptians weren't black, and neither were the Libyans. Ethiopians are black now, but who knows what their ethnicity was 3000 years ago. What the Egyptians called "Ethiopia" doesn't even coincide with the borders of modern Ethiopia. According to archaeologists and historians the people living in the area of Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria at the time were Semitic. There is no evidence that they were black. Otherwise, why isn't there a trace of their black genes in modern populations?

Ham | Free online library at BiblicalTraining.org
The youngest son of Noah, born probably about ninety-six years before the Flood, and one of the eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races—not the Blacks, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans, and Canaanites (Gen.10.6-Gen.10.20).
Yes the Egyptians and Libyans were Black. Please provide some proof they were not. Ethiopia is where the eldest remains of homo sapiens has been found and we know for a fact that white people didnt appear until 7k years ago.

The Egyptians were not black. Do these people look black to you?



Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

They haven't been altered and they don't look a bit black. The statue of Nefertiti, in particular, shows none of the classic features of blacks. She doesn't have a flat nose. She doesn't have thick lips, she doesn't have frizzy hair and she doesn't have dark skin, so how does she look black?
Thats your first mistake. You dont define whats classic Black features. No white person does.

"Amenemhat III (Reign: c. 1860–1814 BC)
Amenemhat III, also spelled Amenemhet III, was a 12th dynasty pharaoh, whose reign is regarded as the golden age of the Middle Kingdom."


Huni (Reign: ca. 2650 B.C. – 2632 B.C.)
Huni was the last pharaoh of the third dynasty during the Old Kingdom period."

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The Canaanites were Semitic according to historians. Who cares what the History Channel says? They have shows about crab boats and naked survival trips. That's real serious history, isn't it?

Nothing in the Bible indicates the Canaanites were black. According to the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 (verses 15-19), Canaan was the ancestor of the tribes who originally occupied the ancient Land of Canaan: all the territory from Sidon or Hamath in the north to Gaza in the southwest and Lasha in the southeast. This territory is roughly the areas of modern day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, westernJordan, and western Syria. Historians say the people living in this area were Semites, just like the Israelites.

Science doesn't say a thing about Hannibal's ethnicity. The term "Hamitic" is meaningless in historical or anthropological terms.
The Canaanites are not Semitic according to anyone. I think you are getting confused because they spoke a Semitic langauge.

The bible shows the Canaanites were Black on many occasions The first being that Ham is the father of Canaan. If you know your bible Ham is father of all Blacks that populated what we now call the African continent and parts ot the middle east.

"The Nations Descending from Ham:
First on the list, as being the darkest, is Cush or Ethiopia (Genesis 10:6), after which comes Mitsrayim, or Egypt, then PuT or Libyia, and Canaan last. The sons or descendants of each of these are then taken in turn, and it is noteworthy that some of them, like the Ethiopians and the Canaanites, spoke Semitic, and not Hamitic, languages"

The Egyptians weren't black, and neither were the Libyans. Ethiopians are black now, but who knows what their ethnicity was 3000 years ago. What the Egyptians called "Ethiopia" doesn't even coincide with the borders of modern Ethiopia. According to archaeologists and historians the people living in the area of Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria at the time were Semitic. There is no evidence that they were black. Otherwise, why isn't there a trace of their black genes in modern populations?

Ham | Free online library at BiblicalTraining.org
The youngest son of Noah, born probably about ninety-six years before the Flood, and one of the eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races—not the Blacks, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans, and Canaanites (Gen.10.6-Gen.10.20).
Yes the Egyptians and Libyans were Black. Please provide some proof they were not. Ethiopia is where the eldest remains of homo sapiens has been found and we know for a fact that white people didnt appear until 7k years ago.

The Egyptians were not black. Do these people look black to you?



Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

That isn't one of the pictures I posted. Those people look brown, as Semites normally look.

Are these people negroes?

Nope. They're Syrians - Semites, in other words.
The Canaanites are not Semitic according to anyone. I think you are getting confused because they spoke a Semitic langauge.

The bible shows the Canaanites were Black on many occasions The first being that Ham is the father of Canaan. If you know your bible Ham is father of all Blacks that populated what we now call the African continent and parts ot the middle east.

"The Nations Descending from Ham:
First on the list, as being the darkest, is Cush or Ethiopia (Genesis 10:6), after which comes Mitsrayim, or Egypt, then PuT or Libyia, and Canaan last. The sons or descendants of each of these are then taken in turn, and it is noteworthy that some of them, like the Ethiopians and the Canaanites, spoke Semitic, and not Hamitic, languages"

The Egyptians weren't black, and neither were the Libyans. Ethiopians are black now, but who knows what their ethnicity was 3000 years ago. What the Egyptians called "Ethiopia" doesn't even coincide with the borders of modern Ethiopia. According to archaeologists and historians the people living in the area of Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria at the time were Semitic. There is no evidence that they were black. Otherwise, why isn't there a trace of their black genes in modern populations?

Ham | Free online library at BiblicalTraining.org
The youngest son of Noah, born probably about ninety-six years before the Flood, and one of the eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races—not the Blacks, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans, and Canaanites (Gen.10.6-Gen.10.20).
Yes the Egyptians and Libyans were Black. Please provide some proof they were not. Ethiopia is where the eldest remains of homo sapiens has been found and we know for a fact that white people didnt appear until 7k years ago.

The Egyptians were not black. Do these people look black to you?



Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

That isn't one of the pictures I posted. Those people look brown, as Semites normally look.

Are these people negroes?

Nope. They're Syrians - Semites, in other words.
Whats a Negro? Syrians is a nationality not a race. Semites were Black as well. Yes those people are Black.
The Egyptians weren't black, and neither were the Libyans. Ethiopians are black now, but who knows what their ethnicity was 3000 years ago. What the Egyptians called "Ethiopia" doesn't even coincide with the borders of modern Ethiopia. According to archaeologists and historians the people living in the area of Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria at the time were Semitic. There is no evidence that they were black. Otherwise, why isn't there a trace of their black genes in modern populations?

Ham | Free online library at BiblicalTraining.org
The youngest son of Noah, born probably about ninety-six years before the Flood, and one of the eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races—not the Blacks, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans, and Canaanites (Gen.10.6-Gen.10.20).
Yes the Egyptians and Libyans were Black. Please provide some proof they were not. Ethiopia is where the eldest remains of homo sapiens has been found and we know for a fact that white people didnt appear until 7k years ago.

The Egyptians were not black. Do these people look black to you?



Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

They haven't been altered and they don't look a bit black. The statue of Nefertiti, in particular, shows none of the classic features of blacks. She doesn't have a flat nose. She doesn't have thick lips, she doesn't have frizzy hair and she doesn't have dark skin, so how does she look black?
Thats your first mistake. You dont define whats classic Black features. No white person does.

"Amenemhat III (Reign: c. 1860–1814 BC)
Amenemhat III, also spelled Amenemhet III, was a 12th dynasty pharaoh, whose reign is regarded as the golden age of the Middle Kingdom."


Huni (Reign: ca. 2650 B.C. – 2632 B.C.)
Huni was the last pharaoh of the third dynasty during the Old Kingdom period."


ROFL! There's no point in debating the subject if you think you get to define what a negro is. I can win any argument if I get to define the terms used.
The Egyptians weren't black, and neither were the Libyans. Ethiopians are black now, but who knows what their ethnicity was 3000 years ago. What the Egyptians called "Ethiopia" doesn't even coincide with the borders of modern Ethiopia. According to archaeologists and historians the people living in the area of Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria at the time were Semitic. There is no evidence that they were black. Otherwise, why isn't there a trace of their black genes in modern populations?

Ham | Free online library at BiblicalTraining.org
The youngest son of Noah, born probably about ninety-six years before the Flood, and one of the eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races—not the Blacks, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans, and Canaanites (Gen.10.6-Gen.10.20).
Yes the Egyptians and Libyans were Black. Please provide some proof they were not. Ethiopia is where the eldest remains of homo sapiens has been found and we know for a fact that white people didnt appear until 7k years ago.

The Egyptians were not black. Do these people look black to you?



Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

That isn't one of the pictures I posted. Those people look brown, as Semites normally look.

Are these people negroes?

Nope. They're Syrians - Semites, in other words.
Whats a Negro? Syrians is a nationality not a race. Semites were Black as well. Yes those people are Black.

Some Semites have dark skin. That doesn't make them negroes. It takes more than dark skin to identify someone as a negro.
Yes the Egyptians and Libyans were Black. Please provide some proof they were not. Ethiopia is where the eldest remains of homo sapiens has been found and we know for a fact that white people didnt appear until 7k years ago.

The Egyptians were not black. Do these people look black to you?



Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

They haven't been altered and they don't look a bit black. The statue of Nefertiti, in particular, shows none of the classic features of blacks. She doesn't have a flat nose. She doesn't have thick lips, she doesn't have frizzy hair and she doesn't have dark skin, so how does she look black?
Thats your first mistake. You dont define whats classic Black features. No white person does.

"Amenemhat III (Reign: c. 1860–1814 BC)
Amenemhat III, also spelled Amenemhet III, was a 12th dynasty pharaoh, whose reign is regarded as the golden age of the Middle Kingdom."


Huni (Reign: ca. 2650 B.C. – 2632 B.C.)
Huni was the last pharaoh of the third dynasty during the Old Kingdom period."


ROFL! There's no point in debating the subject if you think you get to define what a negro is. I can win any argument if I get to define the terms used.
Thats what i think about you silly ass white people. What makes them think they can define who is Black and you are not even Black? :laugh:

Quick qestion though. Why did Herodotus the first white historian describe the Egyptians as Black even after they had mixed with the Persians?

"Khafra (Reign: 26 years, ca. 2570 B.C.)
The pharaoh Khafra is the son of Khufu and built the second-largest pyramid at Giza."

Yes the Egyptians and Libyans were Black. Please provide some proof they were not. Ethiopia is where the eldest remains of homo sapiens has been found and we know for a fact that white people didnt appear until 7k years ago.

The Egyptians were not black. Do these people look black to you?



Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

That isn't one of the pictures I posted. Those people look brown, as Semites normally look.

Are these people negroes?

Nope. They're Syrians - Semites, in other words.
Whats a Negro? Syrians is a nationality not a race. Semites were Black as well. Yes those people are Black.

Some Semites have dark skin. That doesn't make them negroes. It takes more than dark skin to identify someone as a negro.
You still havent told me what a negro was so i can see if you have the correct classification. The point is that they were Black. Even the bible describes them as Black. News flash. You dont even have to have dark skin to be Black.
The Egyptians were not black. Do these people look black to you?



Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

They haven't been altered and they don't look a bit black. The statue of Nefertiti, in particular, shows none of the classic features of blacks. She doesn't have a flat nose. She doesn't have thick lips, she doesn't have frizzy hair and she doesn't have dark skin, so how does she look black?
Thats your first mistake. You dont define whats classic Black features. No white person does.

"Amenemhat III (Reign: c. 1860–1814 BC)
Amenemhat III, also spelled Amenemhet III, was a 12th dynasty pharaoh, whose reign is regarded as the golden age of the Middle Kingdom."


Huni (Reign: ca. 2650 B.C. – 2632 B.C.)
Huni was the last pharaoh of the third dynasty during the Old Kingdom period."


ROFL! There's no point in debating the subject if you think you get to define what a negro is. I can win any argument if I get to define the terms used.
Thats what i think about you silly ass white people. What makes them think they can define who is Black and you are not even Black? :laugh:

Quick qestion though. Why did Herodotus the first white historian describe the Egyptians as Black even after they had mixed with the Persians?

"Khafra (Reign: 26 years, ca. 2570 B.C.)
The pharaoh Khafra is the son of Khufu and built the second-largest pyramid at Giza."


Where is the quote of Herodotus saying Egyptians are Negros?
The Egyptians were not black. Do these people look black to you?



Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

That isn't one of the pictures I posted. Those people look brown, as Semites normally look.

Are these people negroes?

Nope. They're Syrians - Semites, in other words.
Whats a Negro? Syrians is a nationality not a race. Semites were Black as well. Yes those people are Black.

Some Semites have dark skin. That doesn't make them negroes. It takes more than dark skin to identify someone as a negro.
You still havent told me what a negro was so i can see if you have the correct classification. The point is that they were Black. Even the bible describes them as Black. News flash. You dont even have to have dark skin to be Black.

Negroid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ashley Montagu lists "neotenous structural traits in which...Negroids [generally] differ from Caucasoids... flattish nose, flat root of the nose, narrower ears, narrower joints, frontal skull eminences, later closure of premaxillary sutures, less hairy, longer eyelashes, [and] cruciform pattern of second and third molars."[24] He also suggested that in the extinct Negroid group termed the "Boskopoids", pedomorphic traits proceeded further than in other Negroids.[24] Additionally, Montagu wrote that the Boskopoids had larger brains than modern humans (1,700 cubic centimeters cranial capacity compared to 1,400 cubic centimeters in modern-day humans), and the projection of their mouth was less than in other Negroids.[24] He believed that the Boskopoids were the ancestors of the Bushmen.[24]

Human hair texture distribution
Afro-textured hair is tightly coiled, kinky hair. It is a ubiquitous trait among Negroid populations. By consequence, the presence of looser, frizzly hair texture in other populations has often been considered an indication of possible admixture with Negroid peoples.[25]

Commenting on the lack of body hair (glabrousness) of Negroids and Mongoloids, Carleton S. Coon wrote that "oth negroid and mongoloid skin conditions are inimical to excessive hair development except upon the scalp."[26]

Skin pigmentation[edit]

Skin pigmentation in Negroid populations varies from very dark brown to light brown.[10] As dark skin is also relatively common in human groups that have historically not been defined as "Negroid", including many populations in both Africa and Asia, it is only when present with other typical Negroid physical traits such as broad facial features, Negroid cranial and dental characteristics, prognathism, afro-textured hair and neoteny, that it has been used in Negroid classification.[25] Populations with frequently dark skin yet on the whole lacking the suite of Negroid physical traits were thus usually not regarded as "Negroid", but instead as either "dark Caucasoid" (e.g.Hamitic/Ethiopid and Arabid) or "Australoid" depending on their other salient physical attributes. By contrast, populations with relativelylight skin yet generally possessing typical Negroid physical characteristics, such as the Khoisan, were still regarded as "Negroid."[25]
Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

That isn't one of the pictures I posted. Those people look brown, as Semites normally look.

Are these people negroes?

Nope. They're Syrians - Semites, in other words.
Whats a Negro? Syrians is a nationality not a race. Semites were Black as well. Yes those people are Black.

Some Semites have dark skin. That doesn't make them negroes. It takes more than dark skin to identify someone as a negro.
You still havent told me what a negro was so i can see if you have the correct classification. The point is that they were Black. Even the bible describes them as Black. News flash. You dont even have to have dark skin to be Black.

Negroid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ashley Montagu lists "neotenous structural traits in which...Negroids [generally] differ from Caucasoids... flattish nose, flat root of the nose, narrower ears, narrower joints, frontal skull eminences, later closure of premaxillary sutures, less hairy, longer eyelashes, [and] cruciform pattern of second and third molars."[24] He also suggested that in the extinct Negroid group termed the "Boskopoids", pedomorphic traits proceeded further than in other Negroids.[24] Additionally, Montagu wrote that the Boskopoids had larger brains than modern humans (1,700 cubic centimeters cranial capacity compared to 1,400 cubic centimeters in modern-day humans), and the projection of their mouth was less than in other Negroids.[24] He believed that the Boskopoids were the ancestors of the Bushmen.[24]

Human hair texture distribution
Afro-textured hair is tightly coiled, kinky hair. It is a ubiquitous trait among Negroid populations. By consequence, the presence of looser, frizzly hair texture in other populations has often been considered an indication of possible admixture with Negroid peoples.[25]

Commenting on the lack of body hair (glabrousness) of Negroids and Mongoloids, Carleton S. Coon wrote that "oth negroid and mongoloid skin conditions are inimical to excessive hair development except upon the scalp."[26]

Skin pigmentation[edit]

Skin pigmentation in Negroid populations varies from very dark brown to light brown.[10] As dark skin is also relatively common in human groups that have historically not been defined as "Negroid", including many populations in both Africa and Asia, it is only when present with other typical Negroid physical traits such as broad facial features, Negroid cranial and dental characteristics, prognathism, afro-textured hair and neoteny, that it has been used in Negroid classification.[25] Populations with frequently dark skin yet on the whole lacking the suite of Negroid physical traits were thus usually not regarded as "Negroid", but instead as either "dark Caucasoid" (e.g.Hamitic/Ethiopid and Arabid) or "Australoid" depending on their other salient physical attributes. By contrast, populations with relativelylight skin yet generally possessing typical Negroid physical characteristics, such as the Khoisan, were still regarded as "Negroid."[25]
Who wrote this? Were they Black or white?
Yes they look Black to me even after some of them have been altered.

They haven't been altered and they don't look a bit black. The statue of Nefertiti, in particular, shows none of the classic features of blacks. She doesn't have a flat nose. She doesn't have thick lips, she doesn't have frizzy hair and she doesn't have dark skin, so how does she look black?
Thats your first mistake. You dont define whats classic Black features. No white person does.

"Amenemhat III (Reign: c. 1860–1814 BC)
Amenemhat III, also spelled Amenemhet III, was a 12th dynasty pharaoh, whose reign is regarded as the golden age of the Middle Kingdom."


Huni (Reign: ca. 2650 B.C. – 2632 B.C.)
Huni was the last pharaoh of the third dynasty during the Old Kingdom period."


ROFL! There's no point in debating the subject if you think you get to define what a negro is. I can win any argument if I get to define the terms used.
Thats what i think about you silly ass white people. What makes them think they can define who is Black and you are not even Black? :laugh:

Quick qestion though. Why did Herodotus the first white historian describe the Egyptians as Black even after they had mixed with the Persians?

"Khafra (Reign: 26 years, ca. 2570 B.C.)
The pharaoh Khafra is the son of Khufu and built the second-largest pyramid at Giza."


Where is the quote of Herodotus saying Egyptians are Negros?

Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said

"Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?"
That isn't one of the pictures I posted. Those people look brown, as Semites normally look.

Are these people negroes?

Nope. They're Syrians - Semites, in other words.
Whats a Negro? Syrians is a nationality not a race. Semites were Black as well. Yes those people are Black.

Some Semites have dark skin. That doesn't make them negroes. It takes more than dark skin to identify someone as a negro.
You still havent told me what a negro was so i can see if you have the correct classification. The point is that they were Black. Even the bible describes them as Black. News flash. You dont even have to have dark skin to be Black.

Negroid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ashley Montagu lists "neotenous structural traits in which...Negroids [generally] differ from Caucasoids... flattish nose, flat root of the nose, narrower ears, narrower joints, frontal skull eminences, later closure of premaxillary sutures, less hairy, longer eyelashes, [and] cruciform pattern of second and third molars."[24] He also suggested that in the extinct Negroid group termed the "Boskopoids", pedomorphic traits proceeded further than in other Negroids.[24] Additionally, Montagu wrote that the Boskopoids had larger brains than modern humans (1,700 cubic centimeters cranial capacity compared to 1,400 cubic centimeters in modern-day humans), and the projection of their mouth was less than in other Negroids.[24] He believed that the Boskopoids were the ancestors of the Bushmen.[24]

Human hair texture distribution
Afro-textured hair is tightly coiled, kinky hair. It is a ubiquitous trait among Negroid populations. By consequence, the presence of looser, frizzly hair texture in other populations has often been considered an indication of possible admixture with Negroid peoples.[25]

Commenting on the lack of body hair (glabrousness) of Negroids and Mongoloids, Carleton S. Coon wrote that "oth negroid and mongoloid skin conditions are inimical to excessive hair development except upon the scalp."[26]

Skin pigmentation[edit]

Skin pigmentation in Negroid populations varies from very dark brown to light brown.[10] As dark skin is also relatively common in human groups that have historically not been defined as "Negroid", including many populations in both Africa and Asia, it is only when present with other typical Negroid physical traits such as broad facial features, Negroid cranial and dental characteristics, prognathism, afro-textured hair and neoteny, that it has been used in Negroid classification.[25] Populations with frequently dark skin yet on the whole lacking the suite of Negroid physical traits were thus usually not regarded as "Negroid", but instead as either "dark Caucasoid" (e.g.Hamitic/Ethiopid and Arabid) or "Australoid" depending on their other salient physical attributes. By contrast, populations with relativelylight skin yet generally possessing typical Negroid physical characteristics, such as the Khoisan, were still regarded as "Negroid."[25]
Who wrote this? Were they Black or white?

Is it true if a black person wrote it and false if a white person wrote it?
Whats a Negro? Syrians is a nationality not a race. Semites were Black as well. Yes those people are Black.

Some Semites have dark skin. That doesn't make them negroes. It takes more than dark skin to identify someone as a negro.
You still havent told me what a negro was so i can see if you have the correct classification. The point is that they were Black. Even the bible describes them as Black. News flash. You dont even have to have dark skin to be Black.

Negroid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ashley Montagu lists "neotenous structural traits in which...Negroids [generally] differ from Caucasoids... flattish nose, flat root of the nose, narrower ears, narrower joints, frontal skull eminences, later closure of premaxillary sutures, less hairy, longer eyelashes, [and] cruciform pattern of second and third molars."[24] He also suggested that in the extinct Negroid group termed the "Boskopoids", pedomorphic traits proceeded further than in other Negroids.[24] Additionally, Montagu wrote that the Boskopoids had larger brains than modern humans (1,700 cubic centimeters cranial capacity compared to 1,400 cubic centimeters in modern-day humans), and the projection of their mouth was less than in other Negroids.[24] He believed that the Boskopoids were the ancestors of the Bushmen.[24]

Human hair texture distribution
Afro-textured hair is tightly coiled, kinky hair. It is a ubiquitous trait among Negroid populations. By consequence, the presence of looser, frizzly hair texture in other populations has often been considered an indication of possible admixture with Negroid peoples.[25]

Commenting on the lack of body hair (glabrousness) of Negroids and Mongoloids, Carleton S. Coon wrote that "oth negroid and mongoloid skin conditions are inimical to excessive hair development except upon the scalp."[26]

Skin pigmentation[edit]

Skin pigmentation in Negroid populations varies from very dark brown to light brown.[10] As dark skin is also relatively common in human groups that have historically not been defined as "Negroid", including many populations in both Africa and Asia, it is only when present with other typical Negroid physical traits such as broad facial features, Negroid cranial and dental characteristics, prognathism, afro-textured hair and neoteny, that it has been used in Negroid classification.[25] Populations with frequently dark skin yet on the whole lacking the suite of Negroid physical traits were thus usually not regarded as "Negroid", but instead as either "dark Caucasoid" (e.g.Hamitic/Ethiopid and Arabid) or "Australoid" depending on their other salient physical attributes. By contrast, populations with relativelylight skin yet generally possessing typical Negroid physical characteristics, such as the Khoisan, were still regarded as "Negroid."[25]
Who wrote this? Were they Black or white?

Is it true if a black person wrote it and false if a white person wrote it?
No its not true either way. I was just guessing a white person wrote it since very few Black people would make such ignorant classifications. The people were white werent they?
They haven't been altered and they don't look a bit black. The statue of Nefertiti, in particular, shows none of the classic features of blacks. She doesn't have a flat nose. She doesn't have thick lips, she doesn't have frizzy hair and she doesn't have dark skin, so how does she look black?
Thats your first mistake. You dont define whats classic Black features. No white person does.

"Amenemhat III (Reign: c. 1860–1814 BC)
Amenemhat III, also spelled Amenemhet III, was a 12th dynasty pharaoh, whose reign is regarded as the golden age of the Middle Kingdom."


Huni (Reign: ca. 2650 B.C. – 2632 B.C.)
Huni was the last pharaoh of the third dynasty during the Old Kingdom period."


ROFL! There's no point in debating the subject if you think you get to define what a negro is. I can win any argument if I get to define the terms used.
Thats what i think about you silly ass white people. What makes them think they can define who is Black and you are not even Black? :laugh:

Quick qestion though. Why did Herodotus the first white historian describe the Egyptians as Black even after they had mixed with the Persians?

"Khafra (Reign: 26 years, ca. 2570 B.C.)
The pharaoh Khafra is the son of Khufu and built the second-largest pyramid at Giza."


Where is the quote of Herodotus saying Egyptians are Negros?

Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said

"Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?"

Black Egyptian hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many scholars regard the works of Herodotus as being unreliable as historical sources. Fehling writes of "a problem recognized by everybody", namely that much of what Herodotus tells us cannot be taken at face value.[57] Sparks writes that "In antiquity, Herodotus had acquired the reputation of being unreliable, biased, parsimonious in his praise of heroes, and mendacious".[58][59][60][61][62] Najovits writes that “Herodotus fantasies and inaccuracies are legendary.”[63] Voltaire and Hartog both described Herodotus as the "father of lies".[64][65]

The reliability of Herodotus is particularly criticized when writing about Egypt. Alan B. Lloyd states that as a historical document, the writings of Herodotus are seriously defective, and that he was working from "inadequate sources".[66] Nielsen writes that: "Though we cannot entirely rule out the possibility of Herodotus having been in Egypt, it must be said that his narrative bears little witness to it."[67] Fehling states that Herodotus never traveled up the Nile River, and that almost everything he says about Egypt and Aethiopia is doubtful.[57][68]

Who are the people whipping the black slaves in this picture?


Some Semites have dark skin. That doesn't make them negroes. It takes more than dark skin to identify someone as a negro.
You still havent told me what a negro was so i can see if you have the correct classification. The point is that they were Black. Even the bible describes them as Black. News flash. You dont even have to have dark skin to be Black.

Negroid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ashley Montagu lists "neotenous structural traits in which...Negroids [generally] differ from Caucasoids... flattish nose, flat root of the nose, narrower ears, narrower joints, frontal skull eminences, later closure of premaxillary sutures, less hairy, longer eyelashes, [and] cruciform pattern of second and third molars."[24] He also suggested that in the extinct Negroid group termed the "Boskopoids", pedomorphic traits proceeded further than in other Negroids.[24] Additionally, Montagu wrote that the Boskopoids had larger brains than modern humans (1,700 cubic centimeters cranial capacity compared to 1,400 cubic centimeters in modern-day humans), and the projection of their mouth was less than in other Negroids.[24] He believed that the Boskopoids were the ancestors of the Bushmen.[24]

Human hair texture distribution
Afro-textured hair is tightly coiled, kinky hair. It is a ubiquitous trait among Negroid populations. By consequence, the presence of looser, frizzly hair texture in other populations has often been considered an indication of possible admixture with Negroid peoples.[25]

Commenting on the lack of body hair (glabrousness) of Negroids and Mongoloids, Carleton S. Coon wrote that "oth negroid and mongoloid skin conditions are inimical to excessive hair development except upon the scalp."[26]

Skin pigmentation[edit]

Skin pigmentation in Negroid populations varies from very dark brown to light brown.[10] As dark skin is also relatively common in human groups that have historically not been defined as "Negroid", including many populations in both Africa and Asia, it is only when present with other typical Negroid physical traits such as broad facial features, Negroid cranial and dental characteristics, prognathism, afro-textured hair and neoteny, that it has been used in Negroid classification.[25] Populations with frequently dark skin yet on the whole lacking the suite of Negroid physical traits were thus usually not regarded as "Negroid", but instead as either "dark Caucasoid" (e.g.Hamitic/Ethiopid and Arabid) or "Australoid" depending on their other salient physical attributes. By contrast, populations with relativelylight skin yet generally possessing typical Negroid physical characteristics, such as the Khoisan, were still regarded as "Negroid."[25]
Who wrote this? Were they Black or white?

Is it true if a black person wrote it and false if a white person wrote it?
No its not true either way. I was just guessing a white person wrote it since very few Black people would make such ignorant classifications. The people were white werent they?

So it's not true because the people who wrote it were white? Seriously?
Thats your first mistake. You dont define whats classic Black features. No white person does.

"Amenemhat III (Reign: c. 1860–1814 BC)
Amenemhat III, also spelled Amenemhet III, was a 12th dynasty pharaoh, whose reign is regarded as the golden age of the Middle Kingdom."


Huni (Reign: ca. 2650 B.C. – 2632 B.C.)
Huni was the last pharaoh of the third dynasty during the Old Kingdom period."


ROFL! There's no point in debating the subject if you think you get to define what a negro is. I can win any argument if I get to define the terms used.
Thats what i think about you silly ass white people. What makes them think they can define who is Black and you are not even Black? :laugh:

Quick qestion though. Why did Herodotus the first white historian describe the Egyptians as Black even after they had mixed with the Persians?

"Khafra (Reign: 26 years, ca. 2570 B.C.)
The pharaoh Khafra is the son of Khufu and built the second-largest pyramid at Giza."


Where is the quote of Herodotus saying Egyptians are Negros?

Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said

"Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?"

Black Egyptian hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many scholars regard the works of Herodotus as being unreliable as historical sources. Fehling writes of "a problem recognized by everybody", namely that much of what Herodotus tells us cannot be taken at face value.[57] Sparks writes that "In antiquity, Herodotus had acquired the reputation of being unreliable, biased, parsimonious in his praise of heroes, and mendacious".[58][59][60][61][62] Najovits writes that “Herodotus fantasies and inaccuracies are legendary.”[63] Voltaire and Hartog both described Herodotus as the "father of lies".[64][65]

The reliability of Herodotus is particularly criticized when writing about Egypt. Alan B. Lloyd states that as a historical document, the writings of Herodotus are seriously defective, and that he was working from "inadequate sources".[66] Nielsen writes that: "Though we cannot entirely rule out the possibility of Herodotus having been in Egypt, it must be said that his narrative bears little witness to it."[67] Fehling states that Herodotus never traveled up the Nile River, and that almost everything he says about Egypt and Aethiopia is doubtful.[57][68]

Who are the people whipping the black slaves in this picture?


That wiki article pretty much discredits itself so I dont know why you even posted it. How can you claim the guy was working from inadequate sources when he was in Egypt and saw the Egyptians for himself? :laugh:

Its a well known fact that the Nubians and the Egyptians enslaved each other depending on who controlled egypt. Its the first documented proof that Africans...Black Africans had beef with each other. Why do you think that means the Egyptians were not Black?
You still havent told me what a negro was so i can see if you have the correct classification. The point is that they were Black. Even the bible describes them as Black. News flash. You dont even have to have dark skin to be Black.

Negroid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ashley Montagu lists "neotenous structural traits in which...Negroids [generally] differ from Caucasoids... flattish nose, flat root of the nose, narrower ears, narrower joints, frontal skull eminences, later closure of premaxillary sutures, less hairy, longer eyelashes, [and] cruciform pattern of second and third molars."[24] He also suggested that in the extinct Negroid group termed the "Boskopoids", pedomorphic traits proceeded further than in other Negroids.[24] Additionally, Montagu wrote that the Boskopoids had larger brains than modern humans (1,700 cubic centimeters cranial capacity compared to 1,400 cubic centimeters in modern-day humans), and the projection of their mouth was less than in other Negroids.[24] He believed that the Boskopoids were the ancestors of the Bushmen.[24]

Human hair texture distribution
Afro-textured hair is tightly coiled, kinky hair. It is a ubiquitous trait among Negroid populations. By consequence, the presence of looser, frizzly hair texture in other populations has often been considered an indication of possible admixture with Negroid peoples.[25]

Commenting on the lack of body hair (glabrousness) of Negroids and Mongoloids, Carleton S. Coon wrote that "oth negroid and mongoloid skin conditions are inimical to excessive hair development except upon the scalp."[26]

Skin pigmentation[edit]

Skin pigmentation in Negroid populations varies from very dark brown to light brown.[10] As dark skin is also relatively common in human groups that have historically not been defined as "Negroid", including many populations in both Africa and Asia, it is only when present with other typical Negroid physical traits such as broad facial features, Negroid cranial and dental characteristics, prognathism, afro-textured hair and neoteny, that it has been used in Negroid classification.[25] Populations with frequently dark skin yet on the whole lacking the suite of Negroid physical traits were thus usually not regarded as "Negroid", but instead as either "dark Caucasoid" (e.g.Hamitic/Ethiopid and Arabid) or "Australoid" depending on their other salient physical attributes. By contrast, populations with relativelylight skin yet generally possessing typical Negroid physical characteristics, such as the Khoisan, were still regarded as "Negroid."[25]
Who wrote this? Were they Black or white?

Is it true if a black person wrote it and false if a white person wrote it?
No its not true either way. I was just guessing a white person wrote it since very few Black people would make such ignorant classifications. The people were white werent they?

So it's not true because the people who wrote it were white? Seriously?
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?
Negroid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ashley Montagu lists "neotenous structural traits in which...Negroids [generally] differ from Caucasoids... flattish nose, flat root of the nose, narrower ears, narrower joints, frontal skull eminences, later closure of premaxillary sutures, less hairy, longer eyelashes, [and] cruciform pattern of second and third molars."[24] He also suggested that in the extinct Negroid group termed the "Boskopoids", pedomorphic traits proceeded further than in other Negroids.[24] Additionally, Montagu wrote that the Boskopoids had larger brains than modern humans (1,700 cubic centimeters cranial capacity compared to 1,400 cubic centimeters in modern-day humans), and the projection of their mouth was less than in other Negroids.[24] He believed that the Boskopoids were the ancestors of the Bushmen.[24]

Human hair texture distribution
Afro-textured hair is tightly coiled, kinky hair. It is a ubiquitous trait among Negroid populations. By consequence, the presence of looser, frizzly hair texture in other populations has often been considered an indication of possible admixture with Negroid peoples.[25]

Commenting on the lack of body hair (glabrousness) of Negroids and Mongoloids, Carleton S. Coon wrote that "oth negroid and mongoloid skin conditions are inimical to excessive hair development except upon the scalp."[26]

Skin pigmentation[edit]

Skin pigmentation in Negroid populations varies from very dark brown to light brown.[10] As dark skin is also relatively common in human groups that have historically not been defined as "Negroid", including many populations in both Africa and Asia, it is only when present with other typical Negroid physical traits such as broad facial features, Negroid cranial and dental characteristics, prognathism, afro-textured hair and neoteny, that it has been used in Negroid classification.[25] Populations with frequently dark skin yet on the whole lacking the suite of Negroid physical traits were thus usually not regarded as "Negroid", but instead as either "dark Caucasoid" (e.g.Hamitic/Ethiopid and Arabid) or "Australoid" depending on their other salient physical attributes. By contrast, populations with relativelylight skin yet generally possessing typical Negroid physical characteristics, such as the Khoisan, were still regarded as "Negroid."[25]
Who wrote this? Were they Black or white?

Is it true if a black person wrote it and false if a white person wrote it?
No its not true either way. I was just guessing a white person wrote it since very few Black people would make such ignorant classifications. The people were white werent they?

So it's not true because the people who wrote it were white? Seriously?
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
ROFL! There's no point in debating the subject if you think you get to define what a negro is. I can win any argument if I get to define the terms used.
Thats what i think about you silly ass white people. What makes them think they can define who is Black and you are not even Black? :laugh:

Quick qestion though. Why did Herodotus the first white historian describe the Egyptians as Black even after they had mixed with the Persians?

"Khafra (Reign: 26 years, ca. 2570 B.C.)
The pharaoh Khafra is the son of Khufu and built the second-largest pyramid at Giza."


Where is the quote of Herodotus saying Egyptians are Negros?

Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said

"Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?"

Black Egyptian hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many scholars regard the works of Herodotus as being unreliable as historical sources. Fehling writes of "a problem recognized by everybody", namely that much of what Herodotus tells us cannot be taken at face value.[57] Sparks writes that "In antiquity, Herodotus had acquired the reputation of being unreliable, biased, parsimonious in his praise of heroes, and mendacious".[58][59][60][61][62] Najovits writes that “Herodotus fantasies and inaccuracies are legendary.”[63] Voltaire and Hartog both described Herodotus as the "father of lies".[64][65]

The reliability of Herodotus is particularly criticized when writing about Egypt. Alan B. Lloyd states that as a historical document, the writings of Herodotus are seriously defective, and that he was working from "inadequate sources".[66] Nielsen writes that: "Though we cannot entirely rule out the possibility of Herodotus having been in Egypt, it must be said that his narrative bears little witness to it."[67] Fehling states that Herodotus never traveled up the Nile River, and that almost everything he says about Egypt and Aethiopia is doubtful.[57][68]

Who are the people whipping the black slaves in this picture?


That wiki article pretty much discredits itself so I dont know why you even posted it. How can you claim the guy was working from inadequate sources when he was in Egypt and saw the Egyptians for himself? :laugh:

Its a well known fact that the Nubians and the Egyptians enslaved each other depending on who controlled egypt. Its the first documented proof that Africans...Black Africans had beef with each other. Why do you think that means the Egyptians were not Black?

How does the Wiki article "discredit itself?" It points out that you can't believe anything Herodotus said, especially his claim that he visited Egypt.

You obviously didn't watch the videos, especially the one that says the genetic evidence shows that Egyptians are not Negros.
Who wrote this? Were they Black or white?

Is it true if a black person wrote it and false if a white person wrote it?
No its not true either way. I was just guessing a white person wrote it since very few Black people would make such ignorant classifications. The people were white werent they?

So it's not true because the people who wrote it were white? Seriously?
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

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