History Channel To Portray Hannibal Accurately

Thats what i think about you silly ass white people. What makes them think they can define who is Black and you are not even Black? :laugh:

Quick qestion though. Why did Herodotus the first white historian describe the Egyptians as Black even after they had mixed with the Persians?

"Khafra (Reign: 26 years, ca. 2570 B.C.)
The pharaoh Khafra is the son of Khufu and built the second-largest pyramid at Giza."


Where is the quote of Herodotus saying Egyptians are Negros?

Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said

"Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?"

Black Egyptian hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many scholars regard the works of Herodotus as being unreliable as historical sources. Fehling writes of "a problem recognized by everybody", namely that much of what Herodotus tells us cannot be taken at face value.[57] Sparks writes that "In antiquity, Herodotus had acquired the reputation of being unreliable, biased, parsimonious in his praise of heroes, and mendacious".[58][59][60][61][62] Najovits writes that “Herodotus fantasies and inaccuracies are legendary.”[63] Voltaire and Hartog both described Herodotus as the "father of lies".[64][65]

The reliability of Herodotus is particularly criticized when writing about Egypt. Alan B. Lloyd states that as a historical document, the writings of Herodotus are seriously defective, and that he was working from "inadequate sources".[66] Nielsen writes that: "Though we cannot entirely rule out the possibility of Herodotus having been in Egypt, it must be said that his narrative bears little witness to it."[67] Fehling states that Herodotus never traveled up the Nile River, and that almost everything he says about Egypt and Aethiopia is doubtful.[57][68]

Who are the people whipping the black slaves in this picture?


That wiki article pretty much discredits itself so I dont know why you even posted it. How can you claim the guy was working from inadequate sources when he was in Egypt and saw the Egyptians for himself? :laugh:

Its a well known fact that the Nubians and the Egyptians enslaved each other depending on who controlled egypt. Its the first documented proof that Africans...Black Africans had beef with each other. Why do you think that means the Egyptians were not Black?

How does the Wiki article "discredit itself?" It points out that you can't believe anything Herodotus said, especially his claim that he visited Egypt.

You obviously didn't watch the videos, especially the one that says the genetic evidence shows that Egyptians are not Negros.

I already pointed out how it discredits itself. It said Herodotus was working from inadequate sources. He was there in Egypt. He wasn't working from any sources other than his eyes.
Is it true if a black person wrote it and false if a white person wrote it?
No its not true either way. I was just guessing a white person wrote it since very few Black people would make such ignorant classifications. The people were white werent they?

So it's not true because the people who wrote it were white? Seriously?
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.
Where is the quote of Herodotus saying Egyptians are Negros?

Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said

"Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?"

Black Egyptian hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many scholars regard the works of Herodotus as being unreliable as historical sources. Fehling writes of "a problem recognized by everybody", namely that much of what Herodotus tells us cannot be taken at face value.[57] Sparks writes that "In antiquity, Herodotus had acquired the reputation of being unreliable, biased, parsimonious in his praise of heroes, and mendacious".[58][59][60][61][62] Najovits writes that “Herodotus fantasies and inaccuracies are legendary.”[63] Voltaire and Hartog both described Herodotus as the "father of lies".[64][65]

The reliability of Herodotus is particularly criticized when writing about Egypt. Alan B. Lloyd states that as a historical document, the writings of Herodotus are seriously defective, and that he was working from "inadequate sources".[66] Nielsen writes that: "Though we cannot entirely rule out the possibility of Herodotus having been in Egypt, it must be said that his narrative bears little witness to it."[67] Fehling states that Herodotus never traveled up the Nile River, and that almost everything he says about Egypt and Aethiopia is doubtful.[57][68]

Who are the people whipping the black slaves in this picture?


That wiki article pretty much discredits itself so I dont know why you even posted it. How can you claim the guy was working from inadequate sources when he was in Egypt and saw the Egyptians for himself? :laugh:

Its a well known fact that the Nubians and the Egyptians enslaved each other depending on who controlled egypt. Its the first documented proof that Africans...Black Africans had beef with each other. Why do you think that means the Egyptians were not Black?

How does the Wiki article "discredit itself?" It points out that you can't believe anything Herodotus said, especially his claim that he visited Egypt.

You obviously didn't watch the videos, especially the one that says the genetic evidence shows that Egyptians are not Negros.

I already pointed out how it discredits itself. It said Herodotus was working from inadequate sources. He was there in Egypt. He wasn't working from any sources other than his eyes.

Given his inaccurate descriptions of places in Egypt, his claim that he was there isn't credible.
No its not true either way. I was just guessing a white person wrote it since very few Black people would make such ignorant classifications. The people were white werent they?

So it's not true because the people who wrote it were white? Seriously?
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.
i dont subscribe to the term negro so I dont really have an answer for you. i can tell you that only Black people can define Black people.

No actually thats not really true. If thats the case then everyone would be a "Negro". The DNA tells us everyone is descended from Black africans. Every single race has Black genes in it. All genetics does is tell you how much and were certain mutations occurred. I love how you just tried to use genetics but pretend genetics doesnt prove that whites were a mutation. :laugh:
Calling Ancient Egyptians Black Isn't Myth-making The Greek Writer Herodotus Said

"Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?"

Black Egyptian hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many scholars regard the works of Herodotus as being unreliable as historical sources. Fehling writes of "a problem recognized by everybody", namely that much of what Herodotus tells us cannot be taken at face value.[57] Sparks writes that "In antiquity, Herodotus had acquired the reputation of being unreliable, biased, parsimonious in his praise of heroes, and mendacious".[58][59][60][61][62] Najovits writes that “Herodotus fantasies and inaccuracies are legendary.”[63] Voltaire and Hartog both described Herodotus as the "father of lies".[64][65]

The reliability of Herodotus is particularly criticized when writing about Egypt. Alan B. Lloyd states that as a historical document, the writings of Herodotus are seriously defective, and that he was working from "inadequate sources".[66] Nielsen writes that: "Though we cannot entirely rule out the possibility of Herodotus having been in Egypt, it must be said that his narrative bears little witness to it."[67] Fehling states that Herodotus never traveled up the Nile River, and that almost everything he says about Egypt and Aethiopia is doubtful.[57][68]

Who are the people whipping the black slaves in this picture?


That wiki article pretty much discredits itself so I dont know why you even posted it. How can you claim the guy was working from inadequate sources when he was in Egypt and saw the Egyptians for himself? :laugh:

Its a well known fact that the Nubians and the Egyptians enslaved each other depending on who controlled egypt. Its the first documented proof that Africans...Black Africans had beef with each other. Why do you think that means the Egyptians were not Black?

How does the Wiki article "discredit itself?" It points out that you can't believe anything Herodotus said, especially his claim that he visited Egypt.

You obviously didn't watch the videos, especially the one that says the genetic evidence shows that Egyptians are not Negros.

I already pointed out how it discredits itself. It said Herodotus was working from inadequate sources. He was there in Egypt. He wasn't working from any sources other than his eyes.

Given his inaccurate descriptions of places in Egypt, his claim that he was there isn't credible.

Of course its credible. Who said his descriptions were inaccurate? How did he describe other places accurately if he was not there?

"Khufu (Reign: 2589 B.C. – 2566 B.C.)
Khufu was the second pharaoh of the fourth dynasty and is generally accepted as having commissioned the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World."

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I wish that they would tell the whole truth about Hannibal. For instance, he was supposed to have crossed the alps with elephants to fight the Romans. In truth the elephants were thoroughly pissed at Hannibal, because he had tried to start a circus with them, and they chased him over the alps:

No its not true either way. I was just guessing a white person wrote it since very few Black people would make such ignorant classifications. The people were white werent they?

So it's not true because the people who wrote it were white? Seriously?
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.

I dont think here is such a thing as "negro genetics"...

Criminal justice system cant determine if a dna belongs to a white or a black person, how can you make this distinction on a thousand year old mummy, thats what I really wonder...
So it's not true because the people who wrote it were white? Seriously?
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.

I dont think here is such a thing as "negro genetics"...

Criminal justice system cant determine if a dna belongs to a white or a black person, how can you make this distinction on a thousand year old mummy, thats what I really wonder...

The Criminal justice system doesn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge to make such a determination. Furthermore, they have little need for such a capability.

Thousand year old mummies have DNA sufficiently intact to make such a determination. DNA can last as long as 300,000 years.

If there are no genes that determine whether you are a Negro, then what does?
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.

I dont think here is such a thing as "negro genetics"...

Criminal justice system cant determine if a dna belongs to a white or a black person, how can you make this distinction on a thousand year old mummy, thats what I really wonder...

The Criminal justice system doesn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge to make such a determination. Furthermore, they have little need for such a capability.

Thousand year old mummies have DNA sufficiently intact to make such a determination. DNA can last as long as 300,000 years.

If there are no genes that determine whether you are a Negro, then what does?
Are these people "negroes" Hint. DNA says they are not.

Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.

I dont think here is such a thing as "negro genetics"...

Criminal justice system cant determine if a dna belongs to a white or a black person, how can you make this distinction on a thousand year old mummy, thats what I really wonder...

The Criminal justice system doesn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge to make such a determination. Furthermore, they have little need for such a capability.

Thousand year old mummies have DNA sufficiently intact to make such a determination. DNA can last as long as 300,000 years.

If there are no genes that determine whether you are a Negro, then what does?
BTW where is your link saying the ancient Egyptians were white? I cant wait to make you look silly. :laugh:
So it's not true because the people who wrote it were white? Seriously?
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.
i dont subscribe to the term negro so I dont really have an answer for you. i can tell you that only Black people can define Black people.

You have just announced that there is no objective truth and that you are immune to logic

No actually thats not really true. If thats the case then everyone would be a "Negro". The DNA tells us everyone is descended from Black africans. Every single race has Black genes in it. All genetics does is tell you how much and were certain mutations occurred. I love how you just tried to use genetics but pretend genetics doesnt prove that whites were a mutation. :laugh:

We are also all descended from apes. Does that mean science cannot tell the genetic difference between a human and an ape? If there were no genetic differences between black and whites, then what makes them different?

BTW, I didn't claim that white genes are not mutations from black genes. The fact you can't ignore is that the genes are not the same.
ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.

I dont think here is such a thing as "negro genetics"...

Criminal justice system cant determine if a dna belongs to a white or a black person, how can you make this distinction on a thousand year old mummy, thats what I really wonder...

The Criminal justice system doesn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge to make such a determination. Furthermore, they have little need for such a capability.

Thousand year old mummies have DNA sufficiently intact to make such a determination. DNA can last as long as 300,000 years.

If there are no genes that determine whether you are a Negro, then what does?
Are these people "negroes" Hint. DNA says they are not.


That proves nothing without a reference.
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.

I dont think here is such a thing as "negro genetics"...

Criminal justice system cant determine if a dna belongs to a white or a black person, how can you make this distinction on a thousand year old mummy, thats what I really wonder...

The Criminal justice system doesn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge to make such a determination. Furthermore, they have little need for such a capability.

Thousand year old mummies have DNA sufficiently intact to make such a determination. DNA can last as long as 300,000 years.

If there are no genes that determine whether you are a Negro, then what does?

Utter bullshit. Scientists in the most advanced nation on this planet dont have the equipment, but you have ha...

What are you smoking???

And claiming criminal justice system dont need the capability to do so?

What a bullshit is this. They need as many information as possible to create a criminal profile to go after them, when there is a crime.

And you are claiming the knowledge if the criminal they are going after is black or white dont make difference?
They dont need such capability to determine that?

You either acting stupid, or you are stupid. Pick one...
ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.

I dont think here is such a thing as "negro genetics"...

Criminal justice system cant determine if a dna belongs to a white or a black person, how can you make this distinction on a thousand year old mummy, thats what I really wonder...

The Criminal justice system doesn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge to make such a determination. Furthermore, they have little need for such a capability.

Thousand year old mummies have DNA sufficiently intact to make such a determination. DNA can last as long as 300,000 years.

If there are no genes that determine whether you are a Negro, then what does?
BTW where is your link saying the ancient Egyptians were white? I cant wait to make you look silly. :laugh:

I've posted about a dozen links proving Egyptians were not Negros. I never claimed they were white.
Thats precisely the reason. Who told white people they had the authority to define what constituted the Black race? Why should I take a white persons definition of my race as credible?

ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.
i dont subscribe to the term negro so I dont really have an answer for you. i can tell you that only Black people can define Black people.

You have just announced that there is no objective truth and that you are immune to logic

No actually thats not really true. If thats the case then everyone would be a "Negro". The DNA tells us everyone is descended from Black africans. Every single race has Black genes in it. All genetics does is tell you how much and were certain mutations occurred. I love how you just tried to use genetics but pretend genetics doesnt prove that whites were a mutation. :laugh:

We are also all descended from apes. Does that mean science cannot tell the genetic difference between a human and an ape? If there were no genetic differences between black and whites, then what makes them different?

BTW, I didn't claim that white genes are not mutations from black genes. The fact you can't ignore is that the genes are not the same.
I didnt say we cant tell the difference. I said whites are not the authority in labeling those differences.
ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.

I dont think here is such a thing as "negro genetics"...

Criminal justice system cant determine if a dna belongs to a white or a black person, how can you make this distinction on a thousand year old mummy, thats what I really wonder...

The Criminal justice system doesn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge to make such a determination. Furthermore, they have little need for such a capability.

Thousand year old mummies have DNA sufficiently intact to make such a determination. DNA can last as long as 300,000 years.

If there are no genes that determine whether you are a Negro, then what does?

Utter bullshit. Scientists in the most advanced nation on this planet dont have the equipment, but you have ha...

What are you smoking???

I didn't say that, moron. I said the Criminal justice system doesn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge to make such a determination.

And claiming criminal justice system dont need the capability to do so?

What a bullshit is this. They need as many information as possible to create a criminal profile to go after them, when there is a crime.

And you are claiming the knowledge if the criminal they are going after is black or white dont make difference?
They dont need such capability to determine that?

You either acting stupid, or you are stupid. Pick one...

When have the police ever put out an APB based entirely on DNA evidence?
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.

I dont think here is such a thing as "negro genetics"...

Criminal justice system cant determine if a dna belongs to a white or a black person, how can you make this distinction on a thousand year old mummy, thats what I really wonder...

The Criminal justice system doesn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge to make such a determination. Furthermore, they have little need for such a capability.

Thousand year old mummies have DNA sufficiently intact to make such a determination. DNA can last as long as 300,000 years.

If there are no genes that determine whether you are a Negro, then what does?
BTW where is your link saying the ancient Egyptians were white? I cant wait to make you look silly. :laugh:

I've posted about a dozen links proving Egyptians were not Negros. I never claimed they were white.
You claimed the Egyptians were proven white by DNA. Lets have some links. The reason why is that I have links that say they were Black. Lets compare whos is more credible.
ROFL! You have just announced that no amount of proof will dissuade you from your beliefs.
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.
i dont subscribe to the term negro so I dont really have an answer for you. i can tell you that only Black people can define Black people.

You have just announced that there is no objective truth and that you are immune to logic

No actually thats not really true. If thats the case then everyone would be a "Negro". The DNA tells us everyone is descended from Black africans. Every single race has Black genes in it. All genetics does is tell you how much and were certain mutations occurred. I love how you just tried to use genetics but pretend genetics doesnt prove that whites were a mutation. :laugh:

We are also all descended from apes. Does that mean science cannot tell the genetic difference between a human and an ape? If there were no genetic differences between black and whites, then what makes them different?

BTW, I didn't claim that white genes are not mutations from black genes. The fact you can't ignore is that the genes are not the same.
I didnt say we cant tell the difference. I said whites are not the authority in labeling those differences.

ROFL! The scientists who make the determination are most probably white. Your belief that skin color disqualifies them is hilarious.
What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.

I dont think here is such a thing as "negro genetics"...

Criminal justice system cant determine if a dna belongs to a white or a black person, how can you make this distinction on a thousand year old mummy, thats what I really wonder...

The Criminal justice system doesn't have the necessary equipment or knowledge to make such a determination. Furthermore, they have little need for such a capability.

Thousand year old mummies have DNA sufficiently intact to make such a determination. DNA can last as long as 300,000 years.

If there are no genes that determine whether you are a Negro, then what does?
BTW where is your link saying the ancient Egyptians were white? I cant wait to make you look silly. :laugh:

I've posted about a dozen links proving Egyptians were not Negros. I never claimed they were white.
You claimed the Egyptians were proven white by DNA. Lets have some links. The reason why is that I have links that say they were Black. Lets compare whos is more credible.

No, I never said that. Why don't you read what I actually said?
Thats not what i said. I said white people dont have the authority to define what is a Black person. if they can show me some proof that certain Black people are not Black then i could be dissuaded.

What gives anyone the authority to define who is a negro? Only Negros? I'll bet you claim to be a believer in science.

The irrefutable proof that a given person is Negro or not is genetic. That's proof you can't argue with. If you had watched the second video you would know that the genes of mummified Egyptians have been compared with the genes of Negroes, and they don't match.

That is the bottom line. It's evidence you can't argue with. It's the last word.
i dont subscribe to the term negro so I dont really have an answer for you. i can tell you that only Black people can define Black people.

You have just announced that there is no objective truth and that you are immune to logic

No actually thats not really true. If thats the case then everyone would be a "Negro". The DNA tells us everyone is descended from Black africans. Every single race has Black genes in it. All genetics does is tell you how much and were certain mutations occurred. I love how you just tried to use genetics but pretend genetics doesnt prove that whites were a mutation. :laugh:

We are also all descended from apes. Does that mean science cannot tell the genetic difference between a human and an ape? If there were no genetic differences between black and whites, then what makes them different?

BTW, I didn't claim that white genes are not mutations from black genes. The fact you can't ignore is that the genes are not the same.
I didnt say we cant tell the difference. I said whites are not the authority in labeling those differences.

ROFL! The scientists who make the determination are most probably white. Your belief that skin color disqualifies them is hilarious.
White people dont have the authority to make that determination no matter how hilarious you find it. They arent Black people.

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