History Quiz

USViking said:
First US Presidential candidate who was Roman Catholic.

FDR called him "The happy warrior".

Al Smith. I think this was just on the History Channel or A&E a while back....
USViking said:
Yes, indeed.

Sticking with my Texas history here.....

Where was the first capital of Texas? (the name of the town) and who was their first elected president?
freeandfun1 said:
Sticking with my Texas history here.....

Where was the first capital of Texas? (the name of the town) and who was their first elected president?
Rats- you got me on the capital.

I would guess Austin for president, Houston being too obvious.
The first Texas Capital was Los Adaes, Louisiana. It was the capital of Spanish Texas from 1729 to 1773.

Oh, and the Pres. was Sam Houston.
no1tovote4 said:
The first Texas Capital was Los Adaes, Louisiana. It was the capital of Spanish Texas from 1729 to 1773.

Well, I was speaking of the first capital of the Republic of Texas, which wasn't formed until 1836.
no1tovote4 said:
Then that would be Columbia (now knows as West Columbia).

and the first president? (have to make it "official" so you can ask the next question! :teeth:
no1tovote4 said:
What is Juneteenth and when and why did it come about?

It is a BIG holiday in the South for African Americans. Since the news surrounding the emancipation proclomation didn't reach the south until June and since it reached most areas during the 13th - 19th of June, the entire period is referred to as "juneteenth".
freeandfun1 said:
It is a BIG holiday in the South for African Americans. Since the news surrounding the emancipation proclomation didn't reach the south until June and since it reached most areas during the 13th - 19th of June, the entire period is referred to as "juneteenth".

Yup, however there is a little more to the actual story. The When is a very important part of the question.
no1tovote4 said:
Yup, however there is a little more to the actual story. The When is a very important part of the question.

I was a bit off on the answer so I will give somebody else a shot. I knew that it is a big holiday in Texas and I knew that it had to do with the end of slavery, but I had the rest of the answer wrong.

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