History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.
The characteristics of a despot are similar. Trump has all of the characteristics of a despot.
What are the characteristics of a despot?
The term despot typically carries a negative connotation. This is because 'despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.
The enablers (followers) of a despot are the same. They worship the leader over any principles or love of country. North Korea is a great example.
History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.
The characteristics of a despot are similar. Trump has all of the characteristics of a despot.
What are the characteristics of a despot?
The term despot typically carries a negative connotation. This is because 'despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.
The enablers (followers) of a despot are the same. They worship the leader over any principles or love of country. North Korea is a great example.
View attachment 793707
History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.
The characteristics of a despot are similar. Trump has all of the characteristics of a despot.
What are the characteristics of a despot?
The term despot typically carries a negative connotation. This is because 'despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.
The enablers (followers) of a despot are the same. They worship the leader over any principles or love of country. North Korea is a great example.
View attachment 793707
Yeah, we see that with capitalism. Workers who claim to be lovers of liberty and democracy in politics, but never question why the workplace, where they spend most of their waking hours, is run like a totalitarian regime. They're for elected leadership in politics but never in the workplace, where they spend ten of their precious hours, six days weekly.
Yeah, we see that with capitalism. Workers who claim to be lovers of liberty and democracy in politics, but never question why the workplace, where they spend most of their waking hours, is run like a totalitarian regime. They're for elected leadership in politics but never in the workplace, where they spend ten of their precious hours, six days weekly.
All workplaces have a different culture or a different leadership style.
Some are much more authoritarian than others.
Decentralized workplaces are much more productive and have a higher worker satisfaction.
Some people like authoritarian work places because it takes less mental work. They just do what they are told.
Workplaces are like countries. The less authoritarian there is, the more satisfaction but it takes more mental work and self discipline. Lazy, stupid people like authoritarian cultures; work or government.
The last authoritarian we had was fdr. Internment camps, confiscation of gold or face prison etc.

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History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.
The characteristics of a despot are similar. Trump has all of the characteristics of a despot.
What are the characteristics of a despot?
The term despot typically carries a negative connotation. This is because 'despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.
The enablers (followers) of a despot are the same. They worship the leader over any principles or love of country. North Korea is a great example.
View attachment 793707
Absolutely no sense of irony whatsoever.....

All workplaces have a different culture or a different leadership style.
Some are much more authoritarian than others.
Decentralized workplaces are much more productive and have a higher worker satisfaction.
Some people like authoritarian work places because it takes less mental work. They just do what they are told.
Workplaces are like countries. The less authoritarian there is, the more satisfaction but it takes more mental work and self discipline. Lazy, stupid people like authoritarian cultures; work or government.

If being employed by a capitalist dictator was truly a matter of choice for most people, then I would be more inclined to agree with you. But in view of the fact that work is a life requirement, that we must do to survive and avoid starving to death, I believe all productive enterprises should be owned and run by those who work them. The workers should elect their leaders and then work under that elected authority, which as you say, takes care of all of the complicated stuff that most workers don't want to deal with.

When 1/3rd of our workforce was unionized, work conditions were much better, including salaries and benefits. But unfortunately, the capitalists will always eventually have their way by bribing politicians and making it impossible for their employees to form unions. So rather than continue with this battle, of trying to keep unions alive in the face of capitalist power and legal opposition, we should just establish democratically run enterprises. Capitalists have rigged the system to only favor those with capital, rather than workers (those who sell their labor power to capitalists).

If workers go to the SBA (Small Business Administration), with a business plan to start a worker-owned, democratically run cooperative, they will almost always get turned down. If they go directly to the bank with excellent credit and a well-written business plan for a cooperative, they also get shot-down. This system is completely on the side of the capitalist-lords, at the expense of workers, who want to free themselves.

Under our present capitalist system, the only option to job and financial security, is to become self-employed, but if everyone becomes self-employed or a capitalist, where are the Indians? Only the "chiefs" can secure a source of income and live a good life? Who's going to extract the raw materials from the mines? Who's going to do all of the work, to make stuff? The goods that we consume require workers, not a bunch of people who want to spend their day playing golf while others do all of the needed work. We need a better way of organizing production and making the workplace a lot more democratic than it is today. We need democracy in politics and in the productive enterprise. Mass production has always been a social endeavor, it's never private.
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History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.
The characteristics of a despot are similar. Trump has all of the characteristics of a despot.
What are the characteristics of a despot?
The term despot typically carries a negative connotation. This is because 'despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.
The enablers (followers) of a despot are the same. They worship the leader over any principles or love of country. North Korea is a great example.
View attachment 793707
And those authoritarian leaders are blindly followed regardless the leaders’ corruption and criminality.
History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.
The characteristics of a despot are similar. Trump has all of the characteristics of a despot.
What are the characteristics of a despot?
The term despot typically carries a negative connotation. This is because 'despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.
The enablers (followers) of a despot are the same. They worship the leader over any principles or love of country. North Korea is a great example.
View attachment 793707
The trump Nazis feel they have spent their lives being wronged by everyone trump condemns, insults, and/or criticizes.

Since the opening days of his 2016 presidential campaign the trump Nazis have selectively ignored his many negative comments aimed at his devoted supporters, and do so to this day. Were his mindless followers to acknowledge trump's hatred of his loyal conservatve Christian voters, they would be forced to realize their hero's hate speech was not validation of their own racist and bigoted views, that, instead, his words always and only revealed he is totally inadequate to fulfill the duties and obligations of the United States President.

With his indictment on federal charges, the trump Nazis are beginning to demand violent actions be taken. But who or what will be targeted. Have they forgotten their failed insurrection on 1/6/20? Forgotten the unpleasant penalties received by the fools that acted on trump's encouragement that day? Have they forgotten that, though he had time as POTUS to do so, he pardoned no one involved in the attack on the Capitol? Have the trump Nazis forgotten this storming of the U.S. Capitol by the pro-trump mob on 1/6/20 was the culmination of a year of white nationalist and anti-democratic violence that steadily intensified and featured the direct incitement of the U.S. president?

If the history of trump Nazi violence prevails, the proposed attacks will target those too weak to defend themselves. So the trump Nazis' acts of "patriotism" will, again, prove they are nothing more than domestic terrorists. Self-serving criminals, just like their cult leader.

Certainly true in Dem's case. There's no lie those sheeple won't believe.

President Biden isn’t an ‘authoritarian leader.’

Indeed, no one ‘supports’ President Biden – don’t confuse warranted, appropriate opposition to Trump as ‘support.’

That’s why Trump is the only Republican President Biden can defeat.
Ouch, why are you picking on rightwinger?
This is not right or left.
This is mindless people who do not think for themselves and follow their favorite politician mindlessly.
Trump has been brilliant in conning his followers to mindlessly follow him and feel everything he says is true. I didn't realize there are that many mindless, stupid people in the USA.
The last authoritarian we had was fdr. Internment camps, confiscation of gold or face prison etc.

Did you see what the Dem's did during the Kung Flu?
The trump Nazis feel they have spent their lives being wronged by everyone trump condemns, insults, and/or criticizes.

Since the opening days of his 2016 presidential campaign the trump Nazis have selectively ignored his many negative comments aimed at his devoted supporters, and do so to this day. Were his mindless followers to acknowledge trump's hatred of his loyal conservatve Christian voters, they would be forced to realize their hero's hate speech was not validation of their own racist and bigoted views, that, instead, his words always and only revealed he is totally inadequate to fulfill the duties and obligations of the United States President.

With his indictment on federal charges, the trump Nazis are beginning to demand violent actions be taken. But who or what will be targeted. Have they forgotten their failed insurrection on 1/6/20? Forgotten the unpleasant penalties received by the fools that acted on trump's encouragement that day? Have they forgotten that, though he had time as POTUS to do so, he pardoned no one involved in the attack on the Capitol? Have the trump Nazis forgotten this storming of the U.S. Capitol by the pro-trump mob on 1/6/20 was the culmination of a year of white nationalist and anti-democratic violence that steadily intensified and featured the direct incitement of the U.S. president?

If the history of trump Nazi violence prevails, the proposed attacks will target those too weak to defend themselves. So the trump Nazis' acts of "patriotism" will, again, prove they are nothing more than domestic terrorists. Self-serving criminals, just like their cult leader.


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