History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

Lincoln shit on the bill on the BoR. He defied the Supreme Court. Scorched Earth policies for innocent people. All over money.
And he is revered as one of the best presidents we ever had.
Look at FDR and his tyranny. Also one of the greatest.
Stalin, in Russia, still has massive approval numbers.
Most people must be led. As long as they agree with the outcome, they will support whatever it takes. The majority of humans are regressive, simplistic creatures.
Thats why im so cynical about the human race.
Look at you people that lick the ass of the duopoly day in and day out. They erode our rights, little by little each day. And what do you dumbasses do? Throw away your integrity for them. Throw away your dignity. Lie for them.
People generally do not feel personally responsible for the actions of their government.
The truth is that people FEEL that they are not responsible....especially if they didn't vote or support their leaders currently in office.....but guess what?

No one snowflake feels responsible for the avalanche.

But the consequences are the same no matter what you feel.
And Trump sycophants.
Well at least with President Trump it is people working, while the Marxists, are the WELFARE party where shits like you bitch and moan how unfair life is, while sucking off the government teat for your monthly stipend.
Nope, knee capped that on November 3rd 2020!
The media didn't claim Trump was establishing the Worker's Party. Trump proudly made that announcement. But, he's so damned stupid he may not know what that means.. just like claiming he's a nationalist.
Welcome to the ignore list with the other 135 stupid Marxists slaves.


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