History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.
The characteristics of a despot are similar. Trump has all of the characteristics of a despot.
What are the characteristics of a despot?
The term despot typically carries a negative connotation. This is because 'despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.
The enablers (followers) of a despot are the same. They worship the leader over any principles or love of country. North Korea is a great example.
View attachment 793707
Yes, absolutely, the left follow their leaders just like the Borg Collective.
History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.
The characteristics of a despot are similar. Trump has all of the characteristics of a despot.
What are the characteristics of a despot?
The term despot typically carries a negative connotation. This is because 'despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.
The enablers (followers) of a despot are the same. They worship the leader over any principles or love of country. North Korea is a great example.
View attachment 793707

when Donald Trump talks about obliterating and then politicizing the civil service and seizing control of every aspect of government if he wins back the White House in 2024, he really means it.
And the sad part is now many "good Americans" he has that want him to do it.

Makes me think about how the Supreme Court cancelled Biden's student loan forgiveness and he found another way to do it. I don't think Biden has the power to do that either.

Except, I thought about this the other day. If Trump can pardon hundreds of swamp creatures who got caught and were in jail for their crimes, why can't Biden "pardon" students who owe the government money? Find them all guilty of not paying their loans back, then pardon them all.

I wish they'd take that pardon power away from Presidents and Governors. It's bullshit.
I have heard a large percent of Republicans want/love/prefer/like authoritarian leaders.

I don't think a Republican has a chance in 2024 but if America has a Republican POTUS in 2029, I hope they have to deal with a Democratic house and senate. With abortion on the ballot, we should have control of both chambers by then.
Makes me think about how the Supreme Court cancelled Biden's student loan forgiveness and he found another way to do it. I don't think Biden has the power to do that either.

Except, I thought about this the other day. If Trump can pardon hundreds of swamp creatures who got caught and were in jail for their crimes, why can't Biden "pardon" students who owe the government money? Find them all guilty of not paying their loans back, then pardon them all.

I wish they'd take that pardon power away from Presidents and Governors. It's bullshit.
The supreme court struck it down on procedural grounds. And claimed, unlike what the republicans did with the Obamacare penalty, that modify doesn't mean eliminate.
Except, I thought about this the other day. If Trump can pardon hundreds of swamp creatures who got caught and were in jail for their crimes, why can't Biden "pardon" students who owe the government money? Find them all guilty of not paying their loans back, then pardon them all.
A presidents pardon power, is for crimes against the United States, not for Debts against the United States.

That is why if someone has been convicted, where they get both jail time, and a fine and/or restitution, a pardon doesn't entitle them to get the fine or penalties returned.
I wish they'd take that pardon power away from Presidents and Governors. It's bullshit.

The problem isn't with the pardon power, it's with those who get elected into the office.
It's just like with police officers. We give them a gun, and the power to pull the trigger.
The problem isn't with the pardon power, it's with those who get elected into the office.
It's just like with police officers. We give them a gun, and the power to pull the trigger.
There isn't a white person on USMB who would ever defend Kwame

So why did Trump pardon him? That was a political favor or payback for something. Quid Pro Quo? IDK?
Really? Who's the party of "celebrities". From the big screen to the big desk.

Those people are young and that's new money not old. People who made their own money tend to be more liberal about taxes because they know they can always make more. And they don't mind their money going to poor people and social safety nets.

It's old money that is so cheap and greedy. They need to hang on to it because they aren't making anymore. Just living off the interest.

They are going on strike so all the people who work under them will get pay raises. Rich actors aren't crossing the picket line.
Makes me think about how the Supreme Court cancelled Biden's student loan forgiveness and he found another way to do it. I don't think Biden has the power to do that either.

Except, I thought about this the other day. If Trump can pardon hundreds of swamp creatures who got caught and were in jail for their crimes, why can't Biden "pardon" students who owe the government money? Find them all guilty of not paying their loans back, then pardon them all.

I wish they'd take that pardon power away from Presidents and Governors. It's bullshit.
There are tens of millions of people who are poorer today than when Joe took office. Stupidity is the voter who wears their heritage on their sleeves when voting. As this continues, there will be less on their kitchen tables. and they will vote the same to get even with their oppressors as promoted from the people who live the life of royalty.
There are tens of millions of people who are poorer today than when Joe took office. Stupidity is the voter who wears their heritage on their sleeves when voting. As this continues, there will be less on their kitchen tables. and they will vote the same to get even with their oppressors as promoted from the people who live the life of royalty.

Because of inflation and the pandemic? Yea, not his fault.

Also, did you know

On the last business day of March 2022, there were 11.5 million job openings and 6.0 million unemployed people.

Did you ever hear of the Great Retirement during Covid? Thousands of highly paid older people who would have worked another 10 years retired. Their jobs became available. It was never a better time to enter the job market or look for a better job. People at Walmart could find office jobs that pay more. All they had to do was go look. Anyone worth a damn got a promotion or a raise. And the people who made out the best left their current company. That's just the way it is. The people who stayed put maybe got a 3% raise where people who left to go find another job did better, even factoring in inflation. Look it up.

There are 11 million job openings right now and only 6 million looking for work. If you look for another job, you'll beat inflation. Stay put and your employer is not going to give you that kind of raise. It's just the way things are.

But at least there are jobs to be had. I remember the Bush years it was for every 20 people looking 1 job was available. It was bad. Today it's good. Don't be a pussy.

That would be my advice to anyone complaining.
I have heard a large percent of Republicans want/love/prefer/like authoritarian leaders.

I don't think a Republican has a chance in 2024 but if America has a Republican POTUS in 2029, I hope they have to deal with a Democratic house and senate. With abortion on the ballot, we should have control of both chambers by then.
That is not true. There are law enforcement and judicial entities who abuse people that are in those communities.
There are tens of millions of people who are poorer today than when Joe took office. Stupidity is the voter who wears their heritage on their sleeves when voting. As this continues, there will be less on their kitchen tables. and they will vote the same to get even with their oppressors as promoted from the people who live the life of royalty.

The voters have been seduced into the Democrat Cult.

Democrat Politicians have turned into Fascists who use the Cult to deflect criticism while enriching themselves.

Three Classic Traits of a Fascist Party are -

(Apparently) Legal maneuvers against any political opponent
(Almost) Total control of the flow of information
Families of politicians becoming exceedingly wealthy with no visible/viable legitimate income streams

That is where we are.

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