History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

Why haven't you started a successful enterprise based on this model? It's completely doable, even within our capitalist system.

I love my job. I'm a CNC operator and programmer, I take home a very good chunk of change. That wouldn't necessarily be the case without my labor union. My mother's husband, is also a CNC machinist, in Florida, and he's not a union member. He makes considerably less than me. I have more benefits. I don't have the money to start a factory full of CNC machines. Maybe if 10 or 20 of us machinists got together we could start a business, but I don't feel the need. I'm one of the lucky workers in America, that had the time and resources to train as a machinist and have an awesome job, with great pay and benefits, fully protected by a union that moves heaven and earth to serve its members.

If the government can provide subsidies and all the "socialist" help these big companies need to remain in business, why can't the US government assist working-class people, to start labor-owned, democratically-run, labor cooperatives? Why am I always being told by Republicans here on the forum, that I'm a bum, that wants to live off the "nanny state", when I propose our government (a gov that is supposed to be for the people, by the people..), help the average Joe American, and his buddies start a cooperative. Why is it OK for our government to funnel billions of dollars into the coffers of billionaires, to keep them in business, but not help working-class Joes? There's a break or "fuzzy logic" that plagues these types of Republicans.

I'm at heart a socialist Republican. I'm pro-life, I'm against all of this lunacy:


I'm a Christian. So I feel much more comfortable in a room full of social conservatives and Republicans, than I do in a room full of purple-haired "woke" liberal, pink unicorn Democrats. It irks me that I have to agree with the leftists, on economics. Republicans don't have to be communists, but for heaven's sake man, can't you be a bit more conscientious of the needs of the working class? Why are Republicans always pooping on workers and defending the rich and powerful? I've been in some nasty debates at church, to the point that I no longer discuss economics or politics with my brothers and sisters in Christ. They've all drank the Milton Friedman Capitalist Kool-Aid.
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Many people prefer to be followers,
Their minds closed to any information not offered by there sides propaganda machine.
Thinking for your self is a lot of work.
Despite his four years in office without committing a single despotic act.
Please read the definition of a despot.
despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.

Trump spent his entire Presidency and post Presidency feeling laws do not apply to him. His entire focus is on Donald Trump, not the country.

If you do not see this, you are a card carrying Trump cult member.
You stated that Mussolini was a bad person - and I stated he was not, but that he was very much liked in Italy, until his own party knew the war is lost, arrested and disposed of him in 1943 - therefore enabling the Communists to revive from practically zero, and thus taking over most cities in Italy by military force before the Allied troops arrived.

As for your question:
Certain countries beholding certain cultures are indeed suitable towards an autocratic government - e.g. Singapore, Russia, or China, etc. etc.
Fascism, has nothing to do with Hitler or the Nazi's (just in case you will throw that nonsense in next). Fascism was basically developed out of the unfeasible concept, of Socialism. Fascism therefore stands for: (propagating and promoting a more equal wealth distribution), parts of the economy controlled by the government, (Therefore making a government independent or rather protecting it from $$ manipulation and interference from outside power circles) but allows for a basic democracy on community level and promotes free market rules and thus private enterprises.

If Fascism becomes too dictatorial or subjected to a mindless/ruthless dictator - it will eventually fail, just as any other political system.
You have to be kidding. There are people who argue Hitler was a good leader. Are you one of those, also.
Born on July 29, 1883, Mussolini gained a reputation for bullying and fighting during his childhood. At age 10 he was expelled from a religious boarding school for stabbing a classmate in the hand, and another stabbing incident took place at his next school.
Mussolini's Fascist takeover of Italy was an inspiration and example for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany
Under his leadership, squads of militants attacked, beat and killed fellow Italians; later, once he had become the authoritarian ruler of Italy, he oversaw brutality in Ethiopia, an alliance with Hitler and the persecution of Italy's Jewish population and others, among other crimes.
I can think of a few:
  1. Caligula
  2. Ivan The Terrible
  3. Fidel Castro
  4. Bashar al-Assad
  5. Hugo Chavez
  6. Pol Pot
  7. Barry Hussein Obuma
  8. Joseph R. Bidden

NO ONE ever blindly followed Trump, not even his own party or administration.
Another "I KNOW YOU ARE WHAT AM I" from one of the Trump trained monkeys.
You have to be kidding. There are people who argue Hitler was a good leader. Are you one of those, also.
Born on July 29, 1883, Mussolini gained a reputation for bullying and fighting during his childhood. At age 10 he was expelled from a religious boarding school for stabbing a classmate in the hand, and another stabbing incident took place at his next school.
Mussolini's Fascist takeover of Italy was an inspiration and example for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany
Under his leadership, squads of militants attacked, beat and killed fellow Italians; later, once he had become the authoritarian ruler of Italy, he oversaw brutality in Ethiopia, an alliance with Hitler and the persecution of Italy's Jewish population and others, among other crimes.
First of all - you obviously are far too lefty&lib to understand the difference between Franco, Mussolini and Fascism - contra to a psychopath like Hitler and his Nazi party.
Secondly - your post is total Lefty garbage, and shows your utter lack of knowledge and ignorance towards factual political occurrences in Europe from 1915 - 1940 especially in regards to Italy.
First of all - you obviously are far too lefty&lib to understand the difference between Franco, Mussolini and Fascism - contra to a psychopath like Hitler and his Nazi party.
Secondly - your post is total Lefty garbage, and shows your utter lack of knowledge and ignorance towards factual political occurrences in Europe from 1915 - 1940 especially in regards to Italy.
You have no clue about Fascism, its ideology, and how functioned. You just go "lefty, lefty" like a dog barking.
First of all - you obviously are far too lefty&lib to understand the difference between Franco, Mussolini and Fascism - contra to a psychopath like Hitler and his Nazi party.
Secondly - your post is total Lefty garbage, and shows your utter lack of knowledge and ignorance towards factual political occurrences in Europe from 1915 - 1940 especially in regards to Italy.
Leftards are completely fucked up.

They're so goddamn ignorant they're spouting Stalin's propaganda as if it were something new.

The American left has turned EVIL.

They're trying to dumb down the country. Pro.oting totally unqualified people into positions of power and responsibility just cause they're WEIRD.
Please read the definition of a despot.
despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.

Trump spent his entire Presidency and post Presidency feeling laws do not apply to him. His entire focus is on Donald Trump, not the country.

If you do not see this, you are a card carrying Trump cult member.

It's simply not Congrous with the facts.
Leftards are completely fucked up.

They're so goddamn ignorant they're spouting Stalin's propaganda as if it were something new.

The American left has turned EVIL.

They're trying to dumb down the country. Pro.oting totally unqualified people into positions of power and responsibility just cause they're WEIRD.

If the GOPtards were more working-class friendly, maybe you would have more people on your side. But since you only concern yourself with the interests and needs of the rich, at the expense of workers, you're not going to have too much support.
First of all - you obviously are far too lefty&lib to understand the difference between Franco, Mussolini and Fascism - contra to a psychopath like Hitler and his Nazi party.
Secondly - your post is total Lefty garbage, and shows your utter lack of knowledge and ignorance towards factual political occurrences in Europe from 1915 - 1940 especially in regards to Italy.
Google Mussolini and read a broad base of information.
Very few think the way you do. Thank goodness.
People like you facilitate despots.
Very few think the way you do...
Off course, - because people like you - get their "wisdom" from google (only reading/acquitting the parts they like to hear) and Commie/Lefty&Lib infotainment.
I went to Italy countless times and e.g. TALKED to people who had experienced those times.
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If the GOPtards were more working-class friendly, maybe you would have more people on your side. But since you only concern yourself with the interests and needs of the rich, at the expense of workers, you're not going to have too much support.
Ask me if I give a shit about GOP-tards.

Go ahead, ask me.
Ask me if I give a shit about GOP-tards.

Go ahead, ask me.

When you're a conservative, you don't want people you don't know to care about you. Preferentially, as a conservative, I don't even want strangers to think about me. Particularly those strangers (both public and private) with a Jones for arm's-length social reform, fairness, and social equity.

As a conservative, my highest aspiration is to gain the admiration of those whom I value and esteem for their individual merits and value. I seek nothing from anyone else and ... as a conservative ... I will pay any stranger the ultimate compliment of believing they can get along just fine without my concern.
When you're a conservative, you don't want people you don't know to care about you. Preferentially, as a conservative, I don't even want strangers to think about me. Particularly those strangers (both public and private) with a Jones for arm's-length social reform, fairness, and social equity.

As a conservative, my highest aspiration is to gain the admiration of those whom I value and esteem for their individual merits and value. I seek nothing from anyone else and ... as a conservative ... I will pay any stranger the ultimate compliment of believing they can get along just fine without my concern.
We are close.

I'm libertarian.

I want the asswipe leftards to leave my children alone.

I will do whatever it takes to protect them. Legal or not.
Off course, - because people like you - get their "wisdom" from google (only reading/acquitting the parts they like to hear) and Commie/Lefty&Lib infotainment.
I went to Italy countless times and e.g. TALKED to people who had experienced those times.
I have been to Italy multiple times also. I did not hear positive comments on Mussolini. Even more important, there was no statues or public commeroation of Mussolini. Italians are treating Mussilini like germany is treating Hitler. They are trying to forget him.

Why do you think there are no statues or public commeroration to Mussolini in Italy.
There you go. And he says it, he illustrates the OP, proudly.

This is happening, right here, right now, in America, of all places.

The people you vote for used the IRS to target political enemies. They tried to mandate vaccines. They tried to make a board of misinformation. They extended lockdowns and masking while knowing they had no effect and at the same time they ran around without masks to wherever they wanted. The FBI has lied under several circumstances, including the FISA Court. Then we have their pledge to end fossil fuels. They want people trapped in public schools and absolute control of our healthcare. If abuse of power is your problem, your buddies are leading the way.

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