History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

Read the post No. 132 you nitwit.

On April 28, 1945, “Il Duce,” Benito Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci, are shot by Italian partisans (Communists) who had captured the couple as they attempted to flee to Switzerland. So obviously until 9 days before Nazi-Germany surrendered - the non Italian Communists did not pursue or try to capture Mussolini - but kept hiding and protecting him whilst fighting against Italian anarchists.

Their bodies were then transported by truck to Milan by Communist partisans - where they were hung upside down and displayed publicly for revilement by the masses. (In vast majority Communists). Anarchists upon Italy's surrender in September 1943 immediately threw themselves into armed struggle, establishing where possible (Carrera, Pistoia, Genoa and Milan) autonomous formations and Communist control.

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by this time, discontent with Mussolini was so intense that when the news of his downfall was announced on the radio, there was no resistance of any sort. People rejoiced because they believed that the end of Mussolini also meant the end of the war.[177] The king appointed Marshal Pietro Badoglio as the new prime minister
by this time, discontent with Mussolini was so intense that when the news of his downfall was announced on the radio, there was no resistance of any sort. People rejoiced because they believed that the end of Mussolini also meant the end of the war.[177] The king appointed Marshal Pietro Badoglio as the new prime minister
Again you simply proof that you got no clue whatsoever in regards to Italy. Despite Italy's surrender in September 1943 - widespread civil war between Mussolini supporters and Communist Anarchists continued. Even after Mussolini was shot and publicly hanged for display and even after WW2 in Europe had officially ended.

Italy just as Spain and Germany had been a primary target for Communists since before the end of WW1 - with the dis-empowering of the Fascist Party due to Italy's surrender - the Communists (not the Italians in majority) took their chances again, trying to establish a communist Italy via military force.
Again you simply proof that you got no clue whatsoever in regards to Italy. Despite Italy's surrender in September 1943 - widespread civil war between Mussolini supporters and Communist Anarchists continued. Even after Mussolini was shot and publicly hanged for display and even after WW2 in Europe had officially ended.

Italy just as Spain and Germany had been a primary target for Communists since before the end of WW1 - with the dis-empowering of the Fascist Party due to Italy's surrender - the Communists (not the Italians in majority) took their chances again, trying to establish a communist Italy via military force.
Communism, even though it does not work, was better than fascism of Mussolini. Communists were part of the resistance against facism and included Catholics and othe political and religous groups.
Without Russian Communists, WWII would have been lost by the allies. Italy communism grew after WWII but there was very little violence.
In 1950's Italian Communists broke away from Russian Communism as they undersood what Stalin did.
Mussollini was a failed hated leader. He is a shit stain on Italian history. You need to educate yourself.
Mussollini was a failed hated leader. He is a shit stain on Italian history. You need to educate yourself.
That the Italians were never a warlike nation - and that they did not favor war as such is known to everyone.
So far, you haven't come up with anything that would proof a dislike of the Italian population towards Mussolini and his Fascist party in majority.

Keep in mind that before the Allies landed in Sicily and Southern Italy - there was absolute no public discontent towards Mussolini (even after his military debacle in North-Africa and Greece) - actually the opposite was the case, including the full support by the Roman Catholic Church. (The by far most important and influential institution in Italy)

In 1929 Pope Pius XI referred to Mussolini as the “man whom providence has sent us.”

The Italians were simply war-weary and knew that the war was lost - therefore the Badoglio government, that consisted mostly of ex-Fascists (an internal bloodless coup directed solely against Mussolini), clearly following the mindset - let's sacrifice the prominent leader, so that a Fascist oriented Italy can remain in power, - and the Communists and antifascist groups decided to take their chance, since Badoglio had nowhere near the support of the Italian population as Mussolini had.

The one who evidently lacks education and knowledge towards the history of Fascist Italy - is clearly YOU. Since you just blah, blah, the unsubtantiated nonsense that was imprinted onto Italians after 1946.
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That the Italians were never a warlike nation - and that they did not favor war as such is known to everyone.
So far, you haven't come up with anything that would proof a dislike of the Italian population towards Mussolini and his Fascist party in majority.

Keep in mind that before the Allies landed in Sicily and Southern Italy - there was absolute no public discontent towards Mussolini (even after his military debacle in North-Africa and Greece) - actually the opposite was the case, including the full support by the Roman Catholic Church. (The by far most important and influential institution in Italy)

In 1929 Pope Pius XI referred to Mussolini as the “man whom providence has sent us.”

The Italians were simply war-weary and knew that the war was lost - therefore the Badoglio government, that consisted mostly of ex-Fascists (an internal bloodless coup directed solely against Mussolini), clearly following the mindset - let's sacrifice the prominent leader, so that a Fascist oriented Italy can remain in power, - and the Communists and antifascist groups decided to take their chance, since Badoglio had nowhere near the support of the Italian population as Mussolini had.

The one who evidently lacks education and knowledge towards the history of Fascist Italy - is clearly YOU. Since you just blah, blah, the unsubtantiated nonsense that was imprinted onto Italians after 1946.
Are you trying to make the argument that fascism can be good for a country and it's people?
The fighting between Italians was finished by mid-October with some sporadic clashes into early 1944.

The Trump faction here would have far less a chance to succeed at anything violently except for needless suffering.
The fighting between Italians was finished by mid-October with some sporadic clashes into early 1944.

The Trump faction here would have far less a chance to succeed at anything violently except for needless suffering.
Yep, we've seen how successful Biden is in anything he's attempted. Actually, the only thing he's good at is screwing it up.

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