History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed

Like how liberals adore and blindly follow the likes of Obumbler and Potato. I’m sure that just has to be what the OP has in “mind.”
I cannot fricking believe it ANOTHER "I KNOW YOU ARE WHAT AM I".
Come on MAGA lemmings, you can do better.
I cannot believe it, every Trump lemming continues to respond to my posts with the juvenile retort of "I know you are what am I". A bunch of brainless puppets for Donald Trump.
Nobody does that. But making a new post based on a lie is all you, ElmoDud.
Keep talking, dumbshit.

You're showing the world what a vile human being you are.

All you can do is whine. Not a thing more.

And that you would identify with a mass murderer of school children shows that you should be a locked psychiatric ward.

He is continuing to spittle and drool.
I cannot fricking believe it ANOTHER "I KNOW YOU ARE WHAT AM I".
Come on MAGA lemmings, you can do better.
Again, you intentionally mischaracterize the response. Your unending weakness is underscored in that fashion. 👍
History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.
The characteristics of a despot are similar. Trump has all of the characteristics of a despot.
What are the characteristics of a despot?
The term despot typically carries a negative connotation. This is because 'despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.
The enablers (followers) of a despot are the same. They worship the leader over any principles or love of country. North Korea is a great example.
View attachment 793707
Trump is definitely a despot. And his followers are the most stupid of our society! They are so stupid, they are an insult to 'dumb'!
Wrong...It demonstrates what a complete dearth of self-awareness that you moonbats have.
What you idiots ignore, with your responses, is the anti-Trumpers includes Democrats, Independents and Republicans. Diverse demographics. You act like all anti-Trumpers are extreme left wing activists.
Very few intellectual conservatives are pro-Trump.
haha Trump again!

i’m still waiting on you to show me where i ever called Xiden a despot

this is all in your head
I said

History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.​

You said
history? we can look no more then the dembots today in the united states

Pretty straight forward. You are saying look no more then the dembots today for examples of authoritarian leaders.

You need to keep track of what you say. Are you losing it?
What you idiots ignore, with your responses, is the anti-Trumpers includes Democrats, Independents and Republicans. Diverse demographics. You act like all anti-Trumpers are extreme left wing activists.
Very few intellectual conservatives are pro-Trump.
I'm ignoring nothing....You have the self-awareness and introspection of an earthworm.

Oh, and opposing nose picking nincompoops like you doesn't make anyone a Trumpster as a mater of course...Yet another *ahem* politically myopic ass-u-mption you make with regularity.
I said

History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.​

You said
history? we can look no more then the dembots today in the united states

Pretty straight forward. You are saying look no more then the dembots today for examples of authoritarian leaders.

You need to keep track of what you say. Are you losing it?
yep nowhere did i say he was a despot…nor even brought him up directly

i think it’s straightforward…and your repeated post prove my point…
yep nowhere did i say he was a despot…nor even brought him up directly

i think it’s straightforward…and your repeated post prove my point…
Oh please. You are like Bill Clinton being asked if he had sex with Monica Lewinsky. His response was "that depends on your definition of is".
I'm ignoring nothing....You have the self-awareness and introspection of an earthworm.

Oh, and opposing nose picking nincompoops like you doesn't make anyone a Trumpster as a mater of course...Yet another *ahem* politically myopic ass-u-mption you make with regularity.
Trump minions are all alike in they will never criticize Trump. Whatever he does is right.Anyone who criticizes Trump is the enemy whether they are Republican, Democrat or independent.
You are a cult. A cult should not be part of the US political leadership.
Get help
How do you get out of cultism?
Work on your boundaries. Stay strong in your decision to leave the cult. Remind yourself why you wanted to get away, and tell any current members of the group that you don't want to talk to them. Practice making your own decisions, and work on rediscovering your personality.
Yes. They tried to prevent people from dying and tried to get the economy back on its feet as soon as it could reasonably/safely be done.
Bullshit, they shut down their states hoping that these events would make President Trump look bad, and when the red states opened long before the blue, the fix was in, the people saw how Nazi'ist the left could be, along with them murdering 10s of thousand of elderly like Andrew Cuojo and Gretchen Whitless did to their states.
Trump minions are all alike in they will never criticize Trump. Whatever he does is right.Anyone who criticizes Trump is the enemy whether they are Republican, Democrat or independent.
You are a cult. A cult should not be part of the US political leadership.
Get help
How do you get out of cultism?
Work on your boundaries. Stay strong in your decision to leave the cult. Remind yourself why you wanted to get away, and tell any current members of the group that you don't want to talk to them. Practice making your own decisions, and work on rediscovering your personality.
I love watching ElmoDud ^ flop and flail a fail. Good stuff.
Both parties are corrupt. As a Christian social conservative, I agree with the Republicans with respect to abortion and the "woke", LGBTQ lunacy. But when it comes to economics, I'm a socialist. That's where the Republicans fail miserably. The Republicans gutted America of its manufacturing base and reduced the middle class to 40%. Over half of America, today lives paycheck to paycheck, and tens of millions of hardworking Americans are on food stamps and are uninsured without access to healthcare. They only see a doctor when there's an emergency at the ER. The price of living is through the roof.

Both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for keeping us addicted to fossil fuels, being that they have their grubby hands in the pockets of big oil. We should be generating our electricity with clean, safe, modern nuclear plants, not burning coal as if we were still living in the 1800s or the early 20th century. Capitalism keeps us hooked on old technology, for the sake of profits . The money motive, keeps us from advancing.
And who is president with all those people living pay check to paycheck? Oh yeah, the guy who necessarily skyrocketed energy and food prices, as soon as he stepped in office.
I cannot believe it, every Trump lemming continues to respond to my posts with the juvenile retort of "I know you are what am I". A bunch of brainless puppets for Donald Trump.
Brainless puppets vote for a guy who is going to raise gasoline and food prices because the guy before him had policies of prosperity. Got that, even a puppet has more intelligence than a Joe Biden Voter.

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