History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

Hitler shut down 90% of the newspapers...bout the same time he purged the German government of Socialists, Communists, Jews and Democrats in 1933.

We aren't a banana Republic yet. Suspending the US Constitution to overturn an election would be a big step in that direction.

When people become poorer and poorer, they will succumb to authoritarian people. When rich nations citizens become benign, they let a slower death of civilization occur. This is not about democracy elections. This is about the powerful elite and their agendas influencing people and their voting to get what they want. A slow and effective system has turned the Western World into the worse parts of biblical scripture. Whether you are religious or secular. The promotion of human worse ways while the people promoting it condemn those who oppose it for screwing up is ingenious. We all are imperfect or if religious, sin.

Sure...............Just like a "middle class" tax cut.

Trump again dangles a promise of tax cuts​

https://www.cnn.com › 2019/09/13 › politics › trump-mi...

Sep 13, 2019 — President Donald Trump is reviving last year's promise to slash taxes for America's middle class as he seeks to bolster his reelection bid
Yeah, we see that with capitalism. Workers who claim to be lovers of liberty and democracy in politics, but never question why the workplace, where they spend most of their waking hours, is run like a totalitarian regime. They're for elected leadership in politics but never in the workplace, where they spend ten of their precious hours, six days weekly.
Why is it that the low IQ workers never go out and make a business where they can be the boss, but are complacent in doing what they agreed to do with the boss? Oh yeah, that is how business works in a capitalist society, where both parties reach an agreement on pay and hours worked. While in a Communist Society, if you dare speak out against the establishment you are sent to a gulag(Work as a slave) or shot on sight.

Politico will spew liberal talking points all the time.

History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

I beg to differ - since the exact opposite is the case
Authoritarian leaders open the eyes of people with either lies or the truth

The then convinced followers, don't follow blindly, but with extreme "open eyes" as to what they perceive to be the truth.

The same goes for Lefty&libs, and religious nut cases.
History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

I beg to differ - since the exact opposite is the case
Authoritarian leaders open the eyes of people with either lies or the truth

The then convinced followers, don't follow blindly, but with extreme "open eyes" as to what they perceive to be the truth.

The same goes for Lefty&libs, and religious nut cases.

And Trump sycophants.
And those authoritarian leaders are blindly followed regardless the leaders’ corruption and criminality.
After Pence bails, Kari Lake fires up Georgia crowd by saying Republicans have guns – and trump's back

“Hours after federal prosecutors unsealed the 37 charges against former President Donald Trump, failed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake delivered a message to his detractors: You'll have to go through us first.”

It is a safe bet Kari Lake will take no risks defending trump with firearms. Just as every other right-wing politician urging the rank-and-file trump Nazis to commit violent acts, Lake will keep a considerable distance from any gun play. Just as trump’s assistant instigators remained far away from the 1/6/20 attack on the Capitol Building.

Maintaining “plausible deniability” will always top the list of GOP instigators. It is up to trump’s mindless cult members to decide if prison time is worth shooting someone to “defend” their “fearless (lol) leader”.

When Lake or any of the other cowards firing up the right-wing goofballs actively participates in the gun violence, pigs will fly.

The trump Nazis should all heed the warning offered by the prison terms being handed to the proud boy dipsh!ts for their actions 1/6/20.

Just more incitement for the rubes.

She's putting them up to murdering people, having them thinking they're doing it because they're patriots.
Why is it that the low IQ workers never go out and make a business where they can be the boss, but are complacent in doing what they agreed to do with the boss? Oh yeah, that is how business works in a capitalist society, where both parties reach an agreement on pay and hours worked. While in a Communist Society, if you dare speak out against the establishment you are sent to a gulag(Work as a slave) or shot on sight.

Why is it that the low IQ workers never go out and make a business where they can be the boss, but are complacent in doing what they agreed to do with the boss?

Do you actually believe that those who own businesses, own them because they have higher IQs than their employees? The man with the highest IQ in the world, was a member of the working class, all of his life:

He was a nightclub bouncer for most of his life. Most of the smartest people in the world are employed by an employer. Do you know what they're called? Scientists. Most of them have jobs and don't run businesses. Engineers and machinists like myself, are typically smarter than most of our employers. I'm a CNC operator and programmer. I'm employed through my labor union and usually work with two factories. One of them is owned by two brothers, who inherited all of their capital from their wealthy daddy, who also inherited his wealth from his daddy. Some of the dumbest people own businesses. It doesn't take much IQ to own and successfully operate one.

Oh yeah, that is how business works in a capitalist society, where both parties reach an agreement on pay and hours worked.

It's not an agreement between equals, on an equal footing or under the same circumstances, since one has to be employed to avoid starving to death, and lacks the capital and assets to be self-employed or to employ others. It's actually a contract between a master and what essentially amounts to a wage slave.

Adam Smith the father of capitalism, identified employers under capitalism as "masters" and their workers as "servants". That was common parlance in 18th-century Scotland to describe a master-slave relationship. Smith admits that the interests of the capitalist masters differ significantly from that of their employees and that they "combine" (form unions or organizations like super PACs), to advance their interests through the power of government at the expense of their workers. He then goes on to say that workers also "combine" (form labor unions), to defend and advance their own financial interests). If you want me to quote Smith, let me know. I don't want to waste my time if you're not interested.

While in a Communist Society, if you dare speak out against the establishment you are sent to a gulag(Work as a slave) or shot on sight.

That's false because a communist society on a national scale has never existed. The Soviet Union or "USSR" was a socialist republic, not a communist society or state for the simple reason that according to Karl Marx and Engels, communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The USSR was the:


Do you see the word "communist" there anywhere? Nope.

Socialism is the social and technological process that leads to a truly communist society. Some socialists like myself, might identify as communists, in the same way as some Christians might identify Christendom or Christians as a community of "saints". Are we "saints" or perfect? No not really, but sainthood is the objective, hence we identify with that state of being, even though we haven't reached it yet. Some socialists identify with the objective of "communism", calling themselves "communists" and their ideology "communism", but that doesn't imply that we have already reached that state of socialization and production.

If we identify socialism, based upon the metric set by American Republicans, who often identify American progressive democrats (i.e. "Social Democrats") like AOC as "commies", then all of Western Europe is commie and socialist. The progressive Democrat policies that Republicans often assert equate to socialism are taken for granted in Western Europe, being commonplace and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Policies like universal healthcare, tuition-free education, free housing for the homeless and poor, highly unionized labor forces fully protected by the government, paid maternity leaves, paid vacations, paid sick leave, retirement pensions, government-owned utilities, government-owned energy sector, publicly owned and run mining sector and even in some cases, a publicly owned central bank and banking system. etc.

Following the above standard of what constitutes socialism, set by American right-wing ideologues, most of Western Europe is SOCIALIST! HELLO?! Countries like Germany, Portugal and Spain, are led by Socialist Parties. In the case of Portugal, it's led by a government coalition comprised of their Socialist, Party Communist Party, and Green Party. Ireland and the United States are gradually moving further to the left, as well as many other countries around the world, especially in Latin America. Hence much of the world is gradually moving to the left, economically and otherwise.

If you think that the neo-liberal, laissez-faire (hands off), "free market" capitalism of Milton Friedman and Ayan Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", is taking over the world, you're extremely confused and positioning yourself for a devastating disappointment.

Furthermore, if you're appealing to political democracy as the standard of what constitutes an effective and legitimate economic system and mode of production, you're in for another disappointment, because some of the most oppressive government regimes in the world in the past and even today, have capitalist-run economies and governments, so you simply don't know what you're talking about. Saudi Arabia chops people's heads off for possessing more than an ounce of Marijuana. You can lose your head for being an astrologer who tells people their daily horoscope and does tarot card readings. There are capitalist-run countries like Haiti where there's chaos in the streets and people are being burned alive.

If you're foolish enough to resort to death-toll arguments to ilegitimize socialism and communism, let me remind you that capitalist colonialism and imperialism has caused the death of many more innocent people than communism, or at the very least has just as many rotting corpses under its stinky, filthy feet as Marxist communism has. Your mountain of rotting corpses is just as high and stinky as that of communism, so spare us all your self-righteous tripe about how "goooood" capitalism supposedly is and how "baaaad" communism supposedly is, based upon such a standard. You're being unfair and hypocritical.
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October 7 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration.

October 8 2020
With less than one month until the election, President Donald Trump is calling for his attorney general to indict his challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, for the "greatest political crime in the history of our country."
Tweets and actual indictments are quite different. I guess they didn't cover that in clown school.
Neither party wants to stop illegals. The problem is easily solved by expanding E verify and fining employers who hire illegals. Most illegals will self-deport within 6 months. It's worked very successfully in other countries.

They prefer fighting about walls and monuments to their egos.

Meanwhile, Trump says he's going to turn the GOP into the Worker's Party.

He already WAS the president for the people. That's why these bullshit charges won't hurt him. We know the truth.

The fact is the dems are fascists, and are out to destroy this country.

We KNOW this.
You think that Joe Biden is a despot? You might not like him but he is no despot.
You are playing the Trump juvenile lemming reply of "I know you are, what am I".
You minions would be funny if you were not so pathetic.
No, I don't think Joey Xiden is a despot, never claimed he was.

Trump? hahah Trump had nothing to do with my post....but I see, the Demafascist cult has you trained to deflect and bring him up ALL the time.
Why is it that the low IQ workers never go out and make a business where they can be the boss, but are complacent in doing what they agreed to do with the boss?

Do you actually believe that those who own businesses, own them because they have higher IQs than their employees? The man with the highest IQ in the world, was a member of the working class, all of his life:

He was a nightclub bouncer for most of his life. Most of the smartest people in the world are employed by an employer. Do you know what they're called? Scientists. Most of them have jobs and don't run businesses. Engineers and machinists like myself, are typically smarter than most of our employers. I'm a CNC operator and programmer. I'm employed through my labor union and usually work with two factories. One of them is owned by two brothers, who inherited all of their capital from their wealthy daddy, who also inherited his wealth from his daddy. Some of the dumbest people own businesses. It doesn't take much IQ to own and successfully operate one.

Oh yeah, that is how business works in a capitalist society, where both parties reach an agreement on pay and hours worked.

It's not an agreement between equals, on an equal footing or under the same circumstances, since one has to be employed to avoid starving to death, and lacks the capital and assets to be self-employed or to employ others. It's actually a contract between a master and what essentially amounts to a wage slave.

Adam Smith the father of capitalism, identified employers under capitalism as "masters" and their workers as "servants". That was common parlance in 18th-century Scotland to describe a master-slave relationship. Smith admits that the interests of the capitalist masters differ significantly from that of their employees and that they "combine" (form unions or organizations like super PACs), to advance their interests through the power of government at the expense of their workers. He then goes on to say that workers also "combine" (form labor unions), to defend and advance their own financial interests). If you want me to quote Smith, let me know. I don't want to waste my time if you're not interested.

While in a Communist Society, if you dare speak out against the establishment you are sent to a gulag(Work as a slave) or shot on sight.

That's false because a communist society on a national scale has never existed. The Soviet Union or "USSR" was a socialist republic, not a communist society or state for the simple reason that according to Karl Marx and Engels, communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The USSR was the:


Do you see the word "communist" there anywhere? Nope.
Socialism is the social and technological process that leads to a truly communist society. Some socialists like myself, might identify as communists, in the same way as some Christians might identify Christendom or Christians as a community of "saints". Are we "saints" or perfect? No not really, but sainthood is the objective, hence we identify with that state of being, even though we haven't reached it yet. Some socialists identify with the objective of "communism", calling themselves "communists" and their ideology "communism", but that doesn't imply that we have already reached that state of socialization and production.

If we identify socialism, based upon the metric set by American Republicans, who often identify American progressive democrats (i.e. "Social Democrats") like AOC as "commies", then all of Western Europe is commie and socialist. The progressive Democrat policies that Republicans often assert equate to socialism are taken for granted in Western Europe, being commonplace and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Policies like universal healthcare, tuition-free education, free housing for the homeless and poor, highly unionized labor forces fully protected by the government, paid maternity leaves, paid vacations, paid sick leave, retirement pensions, government-owned utilities, government-owned energy sector, publicly owned and run mining sector and even in some cases, a publicly owned central bank and banking system. etc.

Following the above standard of what constitutes socialism, set by American right-wing ideologues, most of Western Europe is SOCIALIST! HELLO?! Countries like Germany, Portugal and Spain, are led by Socialist Parties. In the case of Portugal, it's led by a government coalition comprised of their Socialist, Party Communist Party, and Green Party. Ireland and the United States are gradually moving further to the left, as well as many other countries around the world, especially in Latin America. Hence much of the world is gradually moving to the left, economically and otherwise.

If you think that the neo-liberal, laissez-faire (hands off), "free market" capitalism of Milton Friedman and Ayan Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", is taking over the world, you're extremely confused and positioning yourself for a devastating disappointment.

Furthermore, if you're appealing to political democracy as the standard of what constitutes an effective and legitimate economic system and mode of production, you're in for another disappointment, because some of the most oppressive government regimes in the world in the past and even today, have capitalist-run economies and governments, so you simply don't know what you're talking about. Saudi Arabia chops people's heads off for possessing more than an ounce of Marijuana. You can lose your head for being an astrologer who tells people their daily horoscope and does tarot card readings. There are capitalist-run countries like Haiti where there's chaos in the streets and people are being burned alive.

If you're foolish enough to resort to death-toll arguments to ilegitimize socialism and communism, let me remind you that capitalist colonialism and imperialism has caused the death of many more innocent people than communism, or at the very least has just as many rotting corpses under its stinky, filthy feet as Marxist communism has. Your mountain of rotting corpses is just as high and stinky as that of communism, so spare us all your self-righteous tripe about how "goooood" capitalism supposedly is and how "baaaad" communism supposedly is, based upon such a standard. You're being unfair and hypocritical.

When i was in the Air Force, my first base i went to was Hahn AFB Germany. During that time, i never saw anyone facing machine guns and rabid dogs, trying to go over the fence into Communist East Germany, but i saw many, some dying, trying to leave East Germany to be free in West Germany. Capitalism isnt perfect, but it is 1000s of times better than any shit that Lefties have come up with.

When i was in the Air Force, my first base i went to was Hahn AFB Germany. During that time, i never saw anyone facing machine guns and rabid dogs, trying to go over the fence into Communist East Germany, but i saw many, some dying, trying to leave East Germany to be free in West Germany. Capitalism isnt perfect, but it is 1000s of times better than any shit that Lefties have come up with.

Trump and his cult had an idea about that and a 1000's of times worse.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

VIDEO: Trump Praises Putin, Applauds Xi for 'Iron Fist' at ...​

Business Insider
https://www.businessinsider.com › Politics

Sep 4, 2022 — Trump compliments 'fierce' and 'smart' Putin and applauds Xi Jinping for ruling China with an 'iron fist' · Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, ...


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