History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

Yeah, we see that with capitalism. Workers who claim to be lovers of liberty and democracy in politics, but never question why the workplace, where they spend most of their waking hours, is run like a totalitarian regime.
Ever hear of a union?
Sure...............Just like a "middle class" tax cut.

Trump again dangles a promise of tax cuts

View attachment 793933
https://www.cnn.com › 2019/09/13 › politics › trump-mi...
Sep 13, 2019 — President Donald Trump is reviving last year's promise to slash taxes for America's middle class as he seeks to bolster his reelection bid
He delivered them in 2017....sadly, he didn't win re-election and the demafascist got Congress and the Oval in 2020, and they began to wage their war on the middle class. Hopefully, the nation has learned their lesson and boot Joey out of the Oval, and the Demafascsit out of the Senate.
Yes. They tried to prevent people from dying and tried to get the economy back on its feet as soon as it could reasonably/safely be done.
Teabaggers ignore..............

March 30 2020
Last week, U.S. President Donald Trump dangled the possibility of reopening the U.S. economy by Easter. Now he has changed his mind. At a White House Rose Garden briefing, Trump extended the current guidelines on social distancing until April 30, keeping the United States in line with measures taken by other nations gripped by the coronavirus pandemic to keep their populations at home.

The United States has the highest number of coronavirus cases worldwide at 143,025, according to Johns Hopkins University.
He delivered them in 2017....sadly, he didn't win re-election and the demafascist got Congress and the Oval in 2020, and they began to wage their war on the middle class. Hopefully, the nation has learned their lesson and boot Joey out of the Oval, and the Demafascsit out of the Senate.
Poor Q-NUT.
Even on Sunday, the orange kool-aid never takes a break.
When i was in the Air Force, my first base i went to was Hahn AFB Germany. During that time, i never saw anyone facing machine guns and rabid dogs, trying to go over the fence into Communist East Germany, but i saw many, some dying, trying to leave East Germany to be free in West Germany. Capitalism isnt perfect, but it is 1000s of times better than any shit that Lefties have come up with.

That was in the middle of a Cold War, and yes indeed there were people risking their lives to get to McDonald's and order a Bigmac and fries, in West Germany and experience the "American Dream", especially in an age when you didn't have to be asleep to experience it.

The United States came out of WW2 essentially unscathed when compared to Western Europe and Asia. The US has the blessing of being surrounded by two huge oceans, creating an extremely effective natural wall of defense against mass invasion. The USSR was invaded in WW2 by four million Nazis and lost nine million soldiers and 18 million civilians (14% of its population) and much of their national infrastructure which they had built since the founding of their new nation in October 1917.

The US lost 460 thousand Americans (0.3% of its population vs the 14% Soviet Russia had lost), in the war, and shortly after that due to not losing most of its national infrastructure or suffering comparable loss of life as the Soviets and Western Europe, was in the unique position to become the world's manufacturing hub of the world. The so-called "Marshal Plan" was enacted by the US Congress, to rebuild Western Europe and Japan, allowing American industry to flourish, including facilitating the practically instant creation of the most affluent working class ("middle-class") in human history.


The United States had the highest-paid workers, with the most benefits, with 1/3rd of them fully unionized, owning their own homes in the suburbs.


The Soviet Union had to lift itself up by its own bootstraps after suffering the catastrophic consequences of being invaded by Nazi Germany and had to rebuild practically all of its infrastructure in Western Russia, which before the war, was at the time the most developed region of the USSR. Do you factor all of the above when judging socialism and its history?

The American worker in the 1950s and 60s, all the way up to 1981, was living and working in a completely different America, than the one we're in now. The American workforce was the "aristocracy of labor", the citizens of the empire, and the main consumers of the world. The customer base of the most powerful, wealthy elites, weren't the Mexicans or even the Western Europeans, but rather the American consumer. A well-paid, happy worker, with benefits, a house, a new car, and plenty of purchasing power to buy all of the products and services offered by the rich American capitalists. The highest tax rate at the time was over 90% and when Ronald Reagan became president in 1981 it was at 70%.

The Soviets, despite all of the challenges and obstacles, rebuilt itself and became a world, nuclear superpower, rivaling the United States, a county that had over 120 years of industrial development ahead of the Soviet Union. Notwithstanding the fact that the Soviets were a new country, established in 1917, who were invaded in 1918 by the United States and 14 other countries. Soviet Russia was in a state of war for most of its history, with only a very brief "halftime" break for a few years in the 1930s, when the US and most of the Western World was in its Great Depression, and Soviet Socialism accomplished the most as far as industrialization, farm collectivization and mechanization, urban development and so forth.

You're comparing a new nation, that started out as an under-industrialized, agrarian society under a monarchal government, adopting socialism, in 1917, with over half of its population being comprised of illiterate peasants living under oppressive feudal lords (i.e. kulaks), to the United States, a world capitalist superpower and hegemon, with over 120 years of industrialization ahead of socialism. Is that really a fair comparison? If that wasn't enough, the Bolshevic Russian socialist "red army", had to not only fight the feudal, capitalist forces within its borders a.k.a. the "white armies", but it also had to deal with a foreign invasion comprised of over 200 thousand, Americans, British, French, Greeks, Romanians, Japanese..etc. REALLY? Is your critique really fair?

Did the capitalist mercantile class of Western Europe replace the kings and royal aristocracy of Europe overnight? Was it one single swoop of the sword, one battle or war that decisively gave victory to the capitalist Republicans, or did it take several centuries and revolutions for that to happen? Did the merchants become powerful industrialists before the advent of the steam engine and other required technology? Think. A system of production doesn't replace another, without the necessary material conditions being present. I ask you to be thoughtful. Think.

You can dismiss socialism and communism as viable alternatives to capitalism, based on the history of the USSR, but that's not a reasonable assessment of its potential or viability. Also consider the fact that every single country that identifies itself as having a Marxist, socialist economy, gets itself on the radar and target hairs of the US Government. Your country will be threatened with war, coups, and economic sanctions. As an apologist for capitalism, you don't have the ideological luxury of dismissing Marxism on the grounds of its performance in comparison to the US economy, when the US is imposing economic sanctions and threatening these little socialist countries with war. Lift the sanctions, then maybe you'll have more of an argument.

The future by default, is inevitably socialist.

Advanced 21st-century automation and artificial intelligence, ensure that we're looking at socialism as the successor of capitalism. Capitalism depends now upon socialism to exist, with all of its booms and busts forcing the government to bail it out, to avoid the complete catastrophic collapse of the economy and in the future, it will be socialism that will replace the chaos of markets with the high-tech, computerized, rational central planning of mass production, at a national scale. Socialism is going to socialize and democratic production, rendering it non-profit and mostly automated. If we don't live to see the adoption of socialism in the US, our children and grandchildren will. Guaranteed.
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Woodrow Wilson suffered a debilitating stroke and evidence indicates that he was unable to perform his duties as president. The media kept it a secret. FDR committed the most serious Constitutional crime in history when he ordered the incarceration of American citizens without due process strictly on the basis of their ethnicity. The media supported him and still does even though he might have engaged in criminal conduct. Harry Truman was afraid of the general he appointed to command troops in Korea and we lost about the same number in three years as we did in the almost ten years of Vietnam. The media politely called it "the forgotten war". JFK was a philanderer who might have been dependent on prescription drugs and he hired his own brother as A.G. to cover his ass. The media still called it "Camelot". LBJ was such a notorious crook that media pundits joked about it. Still they defended his decision to send troops to Vietnam under a faked crisis. My point is that the Founding Fathers depended on the 1st Amendment to make sure the public had the right information to make a political decision. It seems that democrats gain when the public remains ignorant.
Woodrow Wilson suffered a debilitating stroke and evidence indicates that he was unable to perform his duties as president. The media kept it a secret. FDR committed the most serious Constitutional crime in history when he ordered the incarceration of American citizens without due process strictly on the basis of their ethnicity. The media supported him and still does even though he might have engaged in criminal conduct. Harry Truman was afraid of the general he appointed to command troops in Korea and we lost about the same number in three years as we did in the almost ten years of Vietnam. The media politely called it "the forgotten war". JFK was a philanderer who might have been dependent on prescription drugs and he hired his own brother as A.G. to cover his ass. The media still called it "Camelot". LBJ was such a notorious crook that media pundits joked about it. Still they defended his decision to send troops to Vietnam under a faked crisis. My point is that the Founding Fathers depended on the 1st Amendment to make sure the public had the right information to make a political decision. It seems that democrats gain when the public remains ignorant.

Both parties are corrupt. As a Christian social conservative, I agree with the Republicans with respect to abortion and the "woke", LGBTQ lunacy. But when it comes to economics, I'm a socialist. That's where the Republicans fail miserably. The Republicans gutted America of its manufacturing base and reduced the middle class to 40%. Over half of America, today lives paycheck to paycheck, and tens of millions of hardworking Americans are on food stamps and are uninsured without access to healthcare. They only see a doctor when there's an emergency at the ER. The price of living is through the roof.

Both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for keeping us addicted to fossil fuels, being that they have their grubby hands in the pockets of big oil. We should be generating our electricity with clean, safe, modern nuclear plants, not burning coal as if we were still living in the 1800s or the early 20th century. Capitalism keeps us hooked on old technology, for the sake of profits . The money motive, keeps us from advancing.
Nothing gets busted but you. You were nothing at Charlottesville, Oakland, and J6. Do it again and we will get serious on you.
Yeah, right.

Just like you did in Uvalde, right?

You fucktards don't have the stones. You're too busy kneeling for commies.

Maybe the righties pull a surprise on YOU, just like the lefties do when they burn your vehicles and force you to flee.

Multiply that by ten, and you have rightie anger.

You cowards will run for the hills at the first sign of trouble. Just like the looters. Birds of a feather.
Yeah, right. Just like you did in Uvalde, right? You fucktards don't have the stones. You're too busy kneeling for commies. Maybe the righties pull a surprise on YOU, just like the lefties do when they burn your vehicles and force you to flee. Multiply that by ten, and you have rightie anger. You cowards will run for the hills at the first sign of trouble. Just like the looters. Birds of a feather.
All you can do is whine. Not a thing more.

And that you would identify with a mass murderer of school children shows that you should be a locked psychiatric ward.
No, I don't think Joey Xiden is a despot, never claimed he was.

Trump? hahah Trump had nothing to do with my post....but I see, the Demafascist cult has you trained to deflect and bring him up ALL the time.
Another "I know you are what am I". You Trump braindead minions need to come up with new retorts. I know that is difficult with limited use of your brain.
All you can do is whine. Not a thing more.

And that you would identify with a mass murderer of school children shows that you should be a locked psychiatric ward.
See ? ^^^

Stalinist piglet here. ^^^

These rotten fucking bastards are WORSE than Nazis.

Josef Stalin put the political opposition in psych wards too.

Admit it leftard, you're a Stalinist pig.
John Edgar Slow Horses said:
All you can do is whine. Not a thing more.

And that you would identify with a mass murderer of school children shows that you should be a locked psychiatric ward.

See ? ^^^ Stalinist piglet here. ^^^ These rotten fucking bastards are WORSE than Nazis. Josef Stalin put the political opposition in psych wards too. Admit it leftard, you're a Stalinist pig.

John Edgar Slow Horses said: He is spittling and drooling now.
History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed

Like how liberals adore and blindly follow the likes of Obumbler and Potato. I’m sure that just has to be what the OP has in “mind.”

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