History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

Trump minions are all alike in they will never criticize Trump. Whatever he does is right.Anyone who criticizes Trump is the enemy whether they are Republican, Democrat or independent.
You are a cult. A cult should not be part of the US political leadership.
Get help
How do you get out of cultism?
Work on your boundaries. Stay strong in your decision to leave the cult. Remind yourself why you wanted to get away, and tell any current members of the group that you don't want to talk to them. Practice making your own decisions, and work on rediscovering your personality.
I've criticized him on actual policy, not the endless ginned up fake scandals that you knuckle dragging sub-cretins do.

You're the cultist who needs the help....You're in a cult of blind hatred, that believes everything ORANGE MAN BAAAAAD, no matter how absurd.
You want to be culled, MAGA, then go for it.


‘We Need to Start Killing’: Trump’s Far-Right Supporters Are Threatening Civil War​

Within minutes of Trump’s indictment, supporters lit up social media platforms with violent threats and calls for civil war.
David Gilbert
By David Gilbert
June 9, 2023, 7:33am

In what is becoming a now all-too-familiar trend, former President Donald Trump’s far-right supporters have threatened civil war after news broke Thursday that the former president was indicted for allegedly taking classified documents from the White House without permission.

“We need to start killing these traitorous fuckstains,” wrote one Trump supporter on The Donald, a rabidly pro-Trump message board that played a key role in planning the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Another user added: “It's not gonna stop until bodies start stacking up. We are not civilly represented anymore and they'll come for us next. Some of us, they already have.”
Bullshit, they shut down their states hoping that these events would make President Trump look bad, and when the red states opened long before the blue, the fix was in, the people saw how Nazi'ist the left could be, along with them murdering 10s of thousand of elderly like Andrew Cuojo and Gretchen Whitless did to their states.
Did most of the countries of the world,with advice of their medical and scientific communities, shut down like the USA because they wanted to make Trump look bad.
The Trump cult members think the world revolves around Trump. These sick, pathetic people view the world like Trump is god.
Brainless puppets vote for a guy who is going to raise gasoline and food prices because the guy before him had policies of prosperity. Got that, even a puppet has more intelligence than a Joe Biden Voter.
Trump can do no wrong. Anyone who criticizes Trump is the enemy. Trump is our leader. The words of a sick Trump cult member.
I've criticized him on actual policy, not the endless ginned up fake scandals that you knuckle dragging sub-cretins do.

You're the cultist who needs the help....You're in a cult of blind hatred, that believes everything ORANGE MAN BAAAAAD, no matter how absurd.
Orange man bad is correct. Mussolini is bad. Kim Jong un is bad. Putin is bad.
Smart people, who think for themselves, can identify bad people.
Yeah, we see that with capitalism. Workers who claim to be lovers of liberty and democracy in politics, but never question why the workplace, where they spend most of their waking hours, is run like a totalitarian regime. They're for elected leadership in politics but never in the workplace, where they spend ten of their precious hours, six days weekly.

Poor baby
The ant-Trumpers are winning if you have not notices.

No, I haven’t “notices” you dipshit. Nobody has. Just another one of your ridiculous baseless claims.
The job is not done yet.
Which is why Trump needs to get re-elected. 👍
You are either for Trump or for our country.
As always, you got things bass ackwards. No surprise. In reality, of course, one displays being FOR America by supporting Trump.

Hurry back with more of your dishonesty. 😎
Orange man bad is correct. Mussolini is bad. Kim Jong un is bad. Putin is bad.
Smart people, who think for themselves, can identify bad people.
Why is Mussolini supposed to be bad? - obviously you got absolutely no idea as to what you talk about.
Mussolini vastly enhanced Italy into an industrialized country, brought in huge social reforms, modernized the entire education system, promoted and set in place huge infrastructural enhancements, eradicated Malaria and the Communists.

The latter hanged him because he had reduced them to nothing - and the population turned against it's extremely popular leader, due to his alliance with Hitler bringing about death and destruction to mainland Italy, and the thus resulting occupation of Italy by the Allies. If he had stayed neutral such as Franco in Spain - the Italian people would never have turned against him.
Why is Mussolini supposed to be bad? - obviously you got absolutely no idea as to what you talk about.
Mussolini vastly enhanced Italy into an industrialized country, brought in huge social reforms, modernized the entire education system, promoted and set in place huge infrastructural enhancements, eradicated Malaria and the Communists.

The latter hanged him because he had reduced them to nothing - and the population turned against it's extremely popular leader, due to his alliance with Hitler bringing about death and destruction to mainland Italy, and the thus resulting occupation of Italy by the Allies. If he had stayed neutral such as Franco in Spain - the Italian people would never have turned against him.
That is why the Italian citizens had a pubic hanging of Mussolini to the delight of the italian population.
That is why the Italian citizens had a pubic hanging of Mussolini to the delight of the italian population.
Read the post No. 132 you nitwit.

On April 28, 1945, “Il Duce,” Benito Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci, are shot by Italian partisans (Communists) who had captured the couple as they attempted to flee to Switzerland. So obviously until 9 days before Nazi-Germany surrendered - the non Italian Communists did not pursue or try to capture Mussolini - but kept hiding and protecting him whilst fighting against Italian anarchists.

Their bodies were then transported by truck to Milan by Communist partisans - where they were hung upside down and displayed publicly for revilement by the masses. (In vast majority Communists). Anarchists upon Italy's surrender in September 1943 immediately threw themselves into armed struggle, establishing where possible (Carrera, Pistoia, Genoa and Milan) autonomous formations and Communist control.

Communists April 1945.jpg
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