History shows examples of authoritarian leaders being blindly followed.

I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.

But I will continue to use your words, and those of your comrades, to illustrate my points.

If you don't like that, tough shit.
We get it mac. It is unbelievable for people to be upset at political targeting, while it is fine to kiss the ass of the people who are doing that and worse. We should just take all those republican's money from them, force them to pay for non-citizens, take control of their healthcare and force them to go to shitty schools. Open your eyes, turn off CNN.
Trump can do no wrong. Anyone who criticizes Trump is the enemy. Trump is our leader. The words of a sick Trump cult member.
So are you willing to say he can do something right, or that the left is doing something wrong in regards to him?
The people you vote for used the IRS to target political enemies. They tried to mandate vaccines. They tried to make a board of misinformation. They extended lockdowns and masking while knowing they had no effect and at the same time they ran around without masks to wherever they wanted. The FBI has lied under several circumstances, including the FISA Court. Then we have their pledge to end fossil fuels. They want people trapped in public schools and absolute control of our healthcare. If abuse of power is your problem, your buddies are leading the way.
Yes. And I sure wish I hadn't had to vote for them, since I disagree with them on so many goddamn issues.

But I will not support a sociopathic political cult, led by a mentally ill authoritarian megalomaniac who shouldn't be within three miles of political power. I want to believe that America is better than this, all signs to the contrary, and I feel obligated to vote accordingly.

And I'll always resent the GQP for having put me in the position to had to vote for the Dems. Twice.

So we agree.
Please read the definition of a despot.
despot' describes a ruler who holds absolute power in their country and is not bound by many laws and restrictions when ruling. Rulers with all this power rarely act for the good of their country and usually act in their own self-interest.

Trump spent his entire Presidency and post Presidency feeling laws do not apply to him. His entire focus is on Donald Trump, not the country.

If you do not see this, you are a card carrying Trump cult member.
Voters actually liked his policies, and people had more freedom and earning power than in a long, long time. That is not a despot. He did absolutely nothing that was above the law. All of his policies were enacted using the levers of government. He let leftist burn down their own cities without forcing federal action. Stop drinking CNN cool-aid. Trump spent too much, but he was no despot.
So are you willing to say he can do something right, or that the left is doing something wrong in regards to him?
Yes, Trump is not 100% bad, everything he did as President was wrong but his lack of morality and focus on his own needs over the country's need trump what he has done good.
Many things Biden has done, I do not agree with.
Yes. And I sure wish I hadn't had to vote for them, since I disagree with them on so many goddamn issues.

But I will not support a sociopathic political cult, led by a mentally ill authoritarian megalomaniac who shouldn't be within three miles of political power. I want to believe that America is better than this, all signs to the contrary, and I feel obligated to vote accordingly.

And I'll always resent the GQP for having put me in the position to had to vote for the Dems. Twice.

So we agree.
The problem is that you are voting for vile things because you don't like somebody. Trump is no despot, and much less authoritarian than your buddies. He is a jerk who spent too much, but most of his policies were on point and common sense. To vote for foulness over common sense is on you.
When I review this Board topics, and see this silly thread again, I have to wonder if the OP’s brain is still leaking out of his ears.
The problem is that you are voting for vile things because you don't like somebody. Trump is no despot, and much less authoritarian than your buddies. He is a jerk who spent too much, but most of his policies were on point and common sense. To vote for foulness over common sense is on you.
No, that's not what I said. This has never been about Trump. I've said that a zillion times.

This is about a society that is so sick that such a person can be so adored.

World history shows us that's never about one person. It's about those who enable them.
Open your eyes, turn off CNN.
It's funny. Trump supporters get spoonfed propaganda from their various MSM and conspiracy sources, so they reflexivly project their own nature on to the normal people. They're brainless buthturt propaganda parrots themselves, so they can't even imagine that others aren't brainless butthurt propaganda parrots.

That is not the case, Trump cult losers. We are not like you.

Seriuosly, I know of no liberals who get their news from CNN or any MSM source. Trump cult kooks are just whacked.

Now, Laslow, how do your masters tell you to respond to that? Run and check. You wouldn't want to be caught thinking independently. You know how much your masters hate that. And you always embarrass yourself when you try. Just mindlessly repeat ThePartyLine, like you always do.
It's funny. Trump supporters get spoonfed propaganda from their various MSM and conspiracy sources, so they reflexivly project their own nature on to the normal people. They're brainless buthturt propaganda parrots themselves, so they can't even imagine that others aren't brainless butthurt propaganda parrots.

That is not the case, Trump cult losers. We are not like you.

Seriuosly, I know of no liberals who get their news from CNN or any MSM source. Trump cult kooks are just whacked.

Now, Laslow, how do your masters tell you to respond to that? Run and check. You wouldn't want to be caught thinking independently. You know how much your masters hate that. And you always embarrass yourself when you try. Just mindlessly repeat ThePartyLine, like you always do.
Again, common sense is not a bad thing, nor is it propaganda. It does not have to be hyped or imprinted.
No, that's not what I said. This has never been about Trump. I've said that a zillion times.

This is about a society that is so sick that such a person can be so adored.

World history shows us that's never about one person. It's about those who enable them.
Same old bullshit from the leftards.

Communism, even though it does not work, was better than fascism of Mussolini. Communists were part of the resistance against facism and included Catholics and othe political and religous groups.
Without Russian Communists, WWII would have been lost by the allies. Italy communism grew after WWII but there was very little violence.
In 1950's Italian Communists broke away from Russian Communism as they undersood what Stalin did.
Mussollini was a failed hated leader. He is a shit stain on Italian history. You need to educate yourself.

I don't think the Trump cultists here are being paid by China, even if they do act like it.

Most Trump cultists betray the USA for ideological reasons. They're fanatically devoted to the cause of fascism.
I don't think the Trump cultists here are being paid by China, even if they do act like it.

Most Trump cultists betray the USA for ideological reasons. They're fanatically devoted to the cause of fascism.
As more information is coming out that Joe Biteme is being paid by China. Yeah, you fuckers are disgusting.
No, that's not what I said. This has never been about Trump. I've said that a zillion times.

This is about a society that is so sick that such a person can be so adored.

World history shows us that's never about one person. It's about those who enable them.
Did you ever consider that people like him because they agree with his policies? He is not adored, people simply agree. So you are promoting filth and harming your neighbors because someone is popular and people agree with him. You are being duped into ill thought and illogical choices. Is attacking a popular president supposed to make him less popular, especially after years of proven bs? At what point does someone being popular make them a monster?
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