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History teaches.....

A Frenchman, a Brit, and a Russian are admiring a painting of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.

The Frenchman says, "They must be French, they're naked and they're eating fruit."

The Englishman says, "Clearly, they're English; observe how politely the man is offering the woman the fruit."

The Russian notes, "They are Russian, of course. They have nothing to wear, little to eat, and they think they are in paradise."


Four dogs -- Mexican, American, Polish, Russian -- are discussing their lives.

The Mexican dog says, "The servants used to leave meat out for me, but now I have to bark for it."

The American dog says, "You have servants in Mexico?"

The Polish dog says, "They feed you meat?"

The Russian dog says, "They let you bark?!"

Socialism is the tits. All those pre20 year old reddit kids told me. And Bernie knows best....


The proof that socialism is Marxism.

  1. While the United States is one of the few democracies without an official socialist party, in reality socialist occupy some of the highest positions in the “Marxist-socialist” bloc in Congress. In fact, the Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded as a sister to the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA. Aaron Klein
  2. Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA., knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elements The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive Socialism time line. 3.The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

    a. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”
    Congressional Socialists No Longer in the Marxist Closet 1

    404 test

4. Creation of the Progressive Caucus is credited to Bernie Sanders. The groups in the radical network include a) the Congressional Progressive Caucus, b) the Congressional Black Caucus, c) the Populist Caucus, and the d) Progressive Democrats of America.

a. Allied with the above is ACORN, SEIU, and the Institute for Policy Studies

b. And, indirectly, the Center for American Progress and the Apollo Alliance.
who isn't communist to a paranoid nutjob like you? Is Trump communist?

What's that you say???

You're not convinced?

Wellllllll....as this an interactive exercise....try this little quiz that I made up just for dolts like you:

Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

9. Which restricts free speech and thought?

10. Which can be summed up in Hegel's “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

And, of course, they all are do...they are all consubstantial.

They are all the same in their ultimate plan for society: a totalitarian regime with the peons marching lock-step.







How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies...i.e., conservatism.
did you write these yourself or are you copying them from stormfront?

While on the face of it, your post makes no sense....

....the real meaning is that you understand how dispositive the little quiz is....and you resent the indoctrination you are unable to shake off.

I understand, some are too weak to reconsider the facts.

Unlike collectivist regimentation, I will allow you to continue to live.

Socialism is the tits. All those pre20 year old reddit kids told me. And Bernie knows best....


The proof that socialism is Marxism.

  1. While the United States is one of the few democracies without an official socialist party, in reality socialist occupy some of the highest positions in the “Marxist-socialist” bloc in Congress. In fact, the Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded as a sister to the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA. Aaron Klein
  2. Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA., knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elements The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive Socialism time line. 3.The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

    a. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”
    Congressional Socialists No Longer in the Marxist Closet 1

    404 test

4. Creation of the Progressive Caucus is credited to Bernie Sanders. The groups in the radical network include a) the Congressional Progressive Caucus, b) the Congressional Black Caucus, c) the Populist Caucus, and the d) Progressive Democrats of America.

a. Allied with the above is ACORN, SEIU, and the Institute for Policy Studies

b. And, indirectly, the Center for American Progress and the Apollo Alliance.
who isn't communist to a paranoid nutjob like you? Is Trump communist?

What's that you say???

You're not convinced?

Wellllllll....as this an interactive exercise....try this little quiz that I made up just for dolts like you:

Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

9. Which restricts free speech and thought?

10. Which can be summed up in Hegel's “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

And, of course, they all are do...they are all consubstantial.

They are all the same in their ultimate plan for society: a totalitarian regime with the peons marching lock-step.







How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies...i.e., conservatism.
did you write these yourself or are you copying them from stormfront?

While on the face of it, your post makes no sense....

....the real meaning is that you understand how dispositive the little quiz is....and you resent the indoctrination you are unable to shake off.

I understand, some are too weak to reconsider the facts.

Unlike collectivist regimentation, I will allow you to continue to live.
yep you got it im just indoctrinated and weak... your not a crazy nazi at all
....but not everyone learns it's lessons.

Si vis pacem, para bellum .... "If you want peace, prepare for war".

Such a simple understanding of both history and of human nature.

But....the dominant political philosophy understands neither history nor human nature.....it's adherents actually claim that disarming law-abiding citizens will reduce crime, and disarming our nation, to peace.

1. Venezuela...disarmed the citizens to insure a Socialist dictatorship.

"In Gun-Controlled Venezuela, Dictator Promises Gun to Each Socialist Militant
Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro is giving guns to upwards of 400,000 of his supporters in hopes of squashing opponents’ demands for free and fair elections."

Venezuela banned the sale of guns to private citizens in 2012 during the tenure of the late dictator Hugo Chávez.

On June 1, 2012, the BBC reported that private citizens with a license/permit to own firearms would lose their rights, their permits invalid for purchasing or keeping weapons they already owned. “Only the army, police and certain groups like security companies [would] be able to buy arms from the state-owned weapons manufacturer and importer,” the BBC noted. At that time, “Hugo Chavez’s government [said] the ultimate aim [was] to disarm all civilians.”
In Gun-Controlled Venezuela, Dictator Promises Gun to Each Socialist Militant - Breitbart

2. There was a similar call from another socialist head of government:

Government already has an army.
Why would Obama demand even a civilian army?

It could only have been due to his realization that what he planned for America might not be popular with its people.

3. Are there adults who believe a government's demands that they be disarmed?


They're called Liberals.

But....it goes beyond this ignorance.

4. And here is the lesson that history has taught:

Si vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin adage translated as, "If you wish for peace, prepare for war". The source of this adage remains unknown;[1] however, it is universally believed, rightly or wrongly, to be based on a quotation from Roman military writer Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus: Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.[2] The saying is one of many from or based on his work, Epitoma rei militaris, possibly written around the year 390 AD.
Si vis pacem, para bellum - Wikipedia

And true to this day....both for nations, and for individuals.

Just lousy management. They merely need a "corp of agricultural engineers" to help them command economize their way to prosperity.

The proof that socialism is Marxism.

  1. While the United States is one of the few democracies without an official socialist party, in reality socialist occupy some of the highest positions in the “Marxist-socialist” bloc in Congress. In fact, the Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded as a sister to the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA. Aaron Klein
  2. Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA., knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elements The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive Socialism time line. 3.The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

    a. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”
    Congressional Socialists No Longer in the Marxist Closet 1

    404 test

4. Creation of the Progressive Caucus is credited to Bernie Sanders. The groups in the radical network include a) the Congressional Progressive Caucus, b) the Congressional Black Caucus, c) the Populist Caucus, and the d) Progressive Democrats of America.

a. Allied with the above is ACORN, SEIU, and the Institute for Policy Studies

b. And, indirectly, the Center for American Progress and the Apollo Alliance.
who isn't communist to a paranoid nutjob like you? Is Trump communist?

What's that you say???

You're not convinced?

Wellllllll....as this an interactive exercise....try this little quiz that I made up just for dolts like you:

Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

9. Which restricts free speech and thought?

10. Which can be summed up in Hegel's “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

And, of course, they all are do...they are all consubstantial.

They are all the same in their ultimate plan for society: a totalitarian regime with the peons marching lock-step.







How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies...i.e., conservatism.
did you write these yourself or are you copying them from stormfront?

While on the face of it, your post makes no sense....

....the real meaning is that you understand how dispositive the little quiz is....and you resent the indoctrination you are unable to shake off.

I understand, some are too weak to reconsider the facts.

Unlike collectivist regimentation, I will allow you to continue to live.
yep you got it im just indoctrinated and weak... your not a crazy nazi at all

Let's take a huge leap of imagination, and pretend you were learning-able.

How about you see if you can find any errors in any of the posts I provided.

A plan?

BTW....it's "you're," not "your."

Were you the government school valedictorian?
6. When Leftism advances, the culture changes, becomes less responsible, actually comes to believe that government can coddle and cosset all from cradle to grave.....and also allow for liberty and freedom.

It weakens and infantilizes those who believe the lies.

"Another asymmetrical attack is via support of those who represent a change in cultural values to those that weaken America. "'What you're seeing is how a civilization commits suicide," says Camille Paglia.... the diminished status of military service.

"The entire elite class now, in finance, in politics and so on, none of them have military service—hardly anyone, there are a few. But there is no prestige attached to it anymore. That is a recipe for disaster," she says. "These people don't think in military ways, so there's this illusion out there that people are basically nice, people are basically kind, if we're just nice and benevolent to everyone they'll be nice too. They literally don't have any sense of evil or criminality." Camille Paglia: A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues

In comparison with Paglia's indictment of Liberals, take a look at the military leaders that President Trump has selected.
Si vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin adage translated as, "If you wish for peace, prepare for war".
who isn't communist to a paranoid nutjob like you? Is Trump communist?

What's that you say???

You're not convinced?

Wellllllll....as this an interactive exercise....try this little quiz that I made up just for dolts like you:

Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

9. Which restricts free speech and thought?

10. Which can be summed up in Hegel's “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

And, of course, they all are do...they are all consubstantial.

They are all the same in their ultimate plan for society: a totalitarian regime with the peons marching lock-step.







How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies...i.e., conservatism.
did you write these yourself or are you copying them from stormfront?

While on the face of it, your post makes no sense....

....the real meaning is that you understand how dispositive the little quiz is....and you resent the indoctrination you are unable to shake off.

I understand, some are too weak to reconsider the facts.

Unlike collectivist regimentation, I will allow you to continue to live.
yep you got it im just indoctrinated and weak... your not a crazy nazi at all

Let's take a huge leap of imagination, and pretend you were learning-able.

How about you see if you can find any errors in any of the posts I provided.

A plan?

BTW....it's "you're," not "your."

Were you the government school valedictorian?
why do you hit the enter key so much?
The war we must prepare for in far more than military confrontations....it is intellectual and moral as well. Being prepared applies not merely in owning the weapons, but in the view of oneself as free men and women who aren't fooled by the promises of a so-called benevolent unlimited government.

And knowledge is power.

7. As most Democrats/Liberals/Progressives are admitted socialists, I would be remiss not to point out a truth we can learn from history... Socialism leads to dictatorship.

Close to home, we find.....

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship

On March 29, the Supreme Court of Venezuela dissolved the country's elected legislature, allowing Venezuela's top court to write future laws. The court is filled with allies of Venezuela's socialist president,....

Last week's episode is only the latest reminder of the tendency of socialism to lead to dictatorship, as identified by the Nobel Prize-winning economist Friedrich Hayek in The Road to Serfdom.

In 1944, when he wrote his book, Hayek noted that the crimes of the German National Socialists and Soviet Communists were, in great part, the result of growing state control over the economy. As he explained, growing state interference in the economy leads to massive inefficiencies and long queues outside empty shops. A state of perpetual economic crisis then leads to calls for more planning.

...... economic planning is inimical to freedom. As there can be no agreement on a single plan in a free society, the centralization of economic decision-making has to be accompanied by centralization of political power in the hands of a small elite. When, in the end, the failure of central planning becomes undeniable, totalitarian regimes tend to silence the dissenters—sometimes through mass murder." Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship

a. "20,642 New Regulations Added in the Obama Presidency"
20,642 New Regulations Added in the Obama Presidency

b. . "Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs
BY TIM DEVANEY - 04/20/17 12:16 PM EDT
President Trump has saved taxpayers more than $86 billion in regulatory costs during his first three months in the White House, according to a new study from a conservative group."
Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

Socialism vs Capitalism....the war.
"..... economic planning is inimical to freedom. As there can be no agreement on a single plan in a free society, the centralization of economic decision-making has to be accompanied by centralization of political power in the hands of a small elite."

Now....about Obama pal and fellow socialist.....

8. "Beginning in 1999, when Maduro's predecessor, the late Hugo Chavez, became President, the government has played an ever-increasing role in the Venezuelan economy. Price and wage controls were put in place, trade was restricted, and private property was expropriated—often without compensation. Partly as a result of those economically illiterate actions (the fall in the price of oil, which Venezuela depends on, did not have such dire consequences in any other oil-rich country), Venezuela's economy tanked and public opposition to the ruling regime increased. Thus, the 2015 parliamentary election saw the opposition to Maduro's leftist policies capture a super-majority in the country's National Assembly.

Unfortunately, socialism, in spite of its manifest failings and Hayek's warnings, refuses to go away. Wannabe socialists are thus destined to learn not from history, but from their own mistakes. In the meantime, ordinary people suffer.

....when Hugo Chavez took over as President, and 2016, average per capita income in Venezuela rose by 2 percent. In the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean, it rose by 41 percent." http://reason.com/archives/2017/04/04/from-socialism-to-dictatorship

Obama, of course, did almost as badly at handling the US economy.

"Chavez to Obama: I'd vote for you, and you for me" Chavez to Obama: I'd vote for you, and you for me
Do you wonder why a representative of Hezbollah endorsed Obama, as did Hugo Chavez.

Are Liberals ready to admit the huge mistake they made in '08?
9. Obama's leadership of the free world was more about embracing Leftists and Leftist....no matter what they did to freedom or liberty.

a. "....the warm greetings he exchanged with Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, President Obama said Sunday that the United States, with its overwhelming military superiority and need to improve its global image, could afford to extend such diplomatic "courtesy."
Obama defends greeting Hugo Chavez

b. " A dictator dies. He’s persecuted Jews, denied basic civil libertiesand acted as a banker for the Iranian regime. What does the president say? Our president actually says something so meaningless it is impossible to decipher whether he thought Chavez was a friend or foe:

“At this challenging time of President Hugo Chavez’s passing, the United States reaffirms its support for the Venezuelan people and its interest in developing a constructive relationship with the Venezuelan government..... Obama never bothered to mention Chavez’s deplorable record of trying to meddle in and destabilize democratic governments. And then there was his support for terrorist groups. But if you didn’t know better (and perhaps you do), you’d think Obama was indifferent on the domestic and international misdeeds of the tyrant." Obama’s atrocious statement on Chavez’s death

10. "Obama Says No Real Difference Between Capitalism and Communism" Obama Says No Real Difference Between Capitalism and Communism

That's a declaration of war.
11. America was founded as an example of what could be, and was successful because it honored the rights of the individual, the common man.
It made capitalism and the free market the 'yellow brick road.'

a. "In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!" David Mamet

But in this culture war, the Left claims that there is some perpetual '1%' oppressing the rest of us....and it seems to be quite a weapon, powerful when used on the uninformed.

b. "...economic mobility. About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile. This is a nation where you can rise or fall. It is a nation where you can climb the economic ladder based not on who you are born to, or what class you are born into, but based on your talents, your passion, your perseverance, and the content of your character."

How can truth be a weapon when the Left controls the schools and the media?

It's a war.
12. “We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”—C.S. Lewis

There are heroes in wartime, and there are traitors.

"Our kids are no longer taught about patriotism, morality, honor or self-reliance. They’re not taught economics. They’re not taught about the Constitution. The boys aren’t taught to be men and the girls aren’t taught to be women.

... society used to inculcate these values in schools, church and via our entertainment. It was a different and, in many ways, better world. Liberals try to portray everything that happened in America’s past as evil and backward....

Is it a shocker that millennials lean to the Left when they constantly have liberalism shoved down their throats by their schools, their favorite musicians, and Hollywood? Is it a big surprise that 51% of millennials do not support capitalism when we allow honest-to-goodness communists to teach them in college and liberals are publicly extolling the virtues of socialist hellholes like Cuba and Venezuela?"
How Liberals Are Poisoning The Minds Of Young Americans

Not hard to recognize the traitors to America, is it.
Is it a shocker that millennials lean to the Left when they constantly have liberalism shoved down their throats by their schools, their favorite musicians, and Hollywood? Is it a big surprise that 51% of millennials do not support capitalism when we allow honest-to-goodness communists to teach them in college and liberals are publicly extolling the virtues of socialist hellholes like Cuba and Venezuela?"
How Liberals Are Poisoning The Minds Of Young Americans

Not hard to recognize the traitors to America, is it.

Who has the guts to stand up to Liberal Hollywood, and Liberal musicians?

Certainly not Capitalist individualists.

I'm a Millennial, and of course I don't support Capitalism, Capitalism is outsourcing our jobs, importing illegals, supporting feminism, and so forth to maximize profits.

Why would someone support a system which causes much of the problems they object to? Welcome to Republican idiocy.

Republicans get it wrong, over, and over again.

Capitalism is part of the problem, not the solution.
Last edited:
6. When Leftism advances, the culture changes, becomes less responsible, actually comes to believe that government can coddle and cosset all from cradle to grave.....and also allow for liberty and freedom.

It weakens and infantilizes those who believe the lies.

"Another asymmetrical attack is via support of those who represent a change in cultural values to those that weaken America. "'What you're seeing is how a civilization commits suicide," says Camille Paglia.... the diminished status of military service.

"The entire elite class now, in finance, in politics and so on, none of them have military service—hardly anyone, there are a few. But there is no prestige attached to it anymore. That is a recipe for disaster," she says. "These people don't think in military ways, so there's this illusion out there that people are basically nice, people are basically kind, if we're just nice and benevolent to everyone they'll be nice too. They literally don't have any sense of evil or criminality." Camille Paglia: A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues

In comparison with Paglia's indictment of Liberals, take a look at the military leaders that President Trump has selected.
Si vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin adage translated as, "If you wish for peace, prepare for war".

Collectivist governments would find people work, rather than having people be idle.

What we should really be doing is have our government funnel welfare problems into sectors of the economy that need work, like farming, construction, restaurants etc.

Kill 2 birds with 1 stone, by making Illegal immigrants obsolete by funneling our Americans into such jobs.

But, Individualists certainly would disapprove, saying it's collectivism, anti-free market, and big government.
13. "In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed — they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock." “The Third Man” (Harry Lime)

Peace is not so enviable if it entails bending the neck and the knee to a tyrannical government that can dictate what one says, and how one thinks.

When Materialism......Marxism...controls the culture, only 'things,' 'possessions' are important....not principles.

Seems that warriors for principles,freedom and liberty, are few and far between.
But, there are heroes...and heroines...

"....the Nazi march across publicly funded college campuses to prevent students from inviting conservative speakers is a government issue. It’s a direct, unambiguous violation of the First Amendment.

God bless Ann Coulter. When her speech at UC Berkeley was cancelled, Ann had the guts to say she’s going anyway. She said she’s going to speak, and if the school wanted to stop her it could have her arrested. The school has (at least for the moment) un-canceled the event, though it tried to schedule it on a different day.

That won’t work for Ann, and she’s still planning on showing up Thursday.
Is Ann Coulter the only person willing to stand up to the modern Gestapo?"
Is Ann Coulter The Last Conservative With Guts?
13. "In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed — they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock." “The Third Man” (Harry Lime)

Peace is not so enviable if it entails bending the neck and the knee to a tyrannical government that can dictate what one says, and how one thinks.

When Materialism......Marxism...controls the culture, only 'things,' 'possessions' are important....not principles.

Seems that warriors for principles,freedom and liberty, are few and far between.
But, there are heroes...and heroines...

"....the Nazi march across publicly funded college campuses to prevent students from inviting conservative speakers is a government issue. It’s a direct, unambiguous violation of the First Amendment.

God bless Ann Coulter. When her speech at UC Berkeley was cancelled, Ann had the guts to say she’s going anyway. She said she’s going to speak, and if the school wanted to stop her it could have her arrested. The school has (at least for the moment) un-canceled the event, though it tried to schedule it on a different day.

That won’t work for Ann, and she’s still planning on showing up Thursday.
Is Ann Coulter the only person willing to stand up to the modern Gestapo?"
Is Ann Coulter The Last Conservative With Guts?

So, violence is "Okay" so long as Nazis, or Communists don't do it?

Interesting proposition.

Nazi Germany had awesome technology, because they invested into it.

Nazi Germany's technologies were way ahead of those in the USA at the time.

Yes, I'm anti-Nazi for their warfare, and genocide.

But, what about the warfare, and genocide by Capitalists in Britain, and the USA?
(I guess that's just part of the greater good, huh?)
6. When Leftism advances, the culture changes, becomes less responsible, actually comes to believe that government can coddle and cosset all from cradle to grave.....and also allow for liberty and freedom.

It weakens and infantilizes those who believe the lies.

"Another asymmetrical attack is via support of those who represent a change in cultural values to those that weaken America. "'What you're seeing is how a civilization commits suicide," says Camille Paglia.... the diminished status of military service.

"The entire elite class now, in finance, in politics and so on, none of them have military service—hardly anyone, there are a few. But there is no prestige attached to it anymore. That is a recipe for disaster," she says. "These people don't think in military ways, so there's this illusion out there that people are basically nice, people are basically kind, if we're just nice and benevolent to everyone they'll be nice too. They literally don't have any sense of evil or criminality." Camille Paglia: A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues

In comparison with Paglia's indictment of Liberals, take a look at the military leaders that President Trump has selected.
Si vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin adage translated as, "If you wish for peace, prepare for war".
We should reserve welfare for those for whom solving for a simple poverty of money, may not be enough;

unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, should be enough for the rest.
"..... economic planning is inimical to freedom. As there can be no agreement on a single plan in a free society, the centralization of economic decision-making has to be accompanied by centralization of political power in the hands of a small elite."

Now....about Obama pal and fellow socialist.....

8. "Beginning in 1999, when Maduro's predecessor, the late Hugo Chavez, became President, the government has played an ever-increasing role in the Venezuelan economy. Price and wage controls were put in place, trade was restricted, and private property was expropriated—often without compensation. Partly as a result of those economically illiterate actions (the fall in the price of oil, which Venezuela depends on, did not have such dire consequences in any other oil-rich country), Venezuela's economy tanked and public opposition to the ruling regime increased. Thus, the 2015 parliamentary election saw the opposition to Maduro's leftist policies capture a super-majority in the country's National Assembly.

Unfortunately, socialism, in spite of its manifest failings and Hayek's warnings, refuses to go away. Wannabe socialists are thus destined to learn not from history, but from their own mistakes. In the meantime, ordinary people suffer.

....when Hugo Chavez took over as President, and 2016, average per capita income in Venezuela rose by 2 percent. In the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean, it rose by 41 percent." Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship

Obama, of course, did almost as badly at handling the US economy.

"Chavez to Obama: I'd vote for you, and you for me" Chavez to Obama: I'd vote for you, and you for me
Do you wonder why a representative of Hezbollah endorsed Obama, as did Hugo Chavez.

Are Liberals ready to admit the huge mistake they made in '08?

why take the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

Free Trade, not "renegotiated" trade!

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