History! Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea

One small step for Donald J. Trump, one big step towards denuclearization.

Trump wins again!

The leftists are furious, now they are even attacking their own candidate Tulsi for not wanting to war monger all over the globe. They are out for blood.

NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
Possibly the same intelligence that says they are sneakily making nuclear weapons in Iran AS WE SPEAK.

Oh yeah... you imagine having a dick don't you? And imagine masturbating with it like a true war-hawk when thinking about the oh so glorious Iran war.

Anti-American POS. Wait? Wasn't it the case that you AREN'T even American? Canada can fight this one, put you on the front line.

No Norman, I don’t imagine having a dick. That would be YOU. But I’m not surprised you get a hard on over the idea of war.

Fools think that women want dicks. Why would we want to give up multiple orgasms and get something as fragile as balls? Kick a man in the balls and he does down like a rock.

Women don’t want dicks. We just want men to stop being dicks.
One small step for Donald J. Trump, one big step towards denuclearization.

Trump wins again!

The leftists are furious, now they are even attacking their own candidate Tulsi for not wanting to war monger all over the globe. They are out for blood.

NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
Possibly the same intelligence that says they are sneakily making nuclear weapons in Iran AS WE SPEAK.

Oh yeah... you imagine having a dick don't you? And imagine masturbating with it like a true war-hawk when thinking about the oh so glorious Iran war.

Anti-American POS. Wait? Wasn't it the case that you AREN'T even American? Canada can fight this one, put you on the front line.

No Norman, I don’t imagine having a dick. That would be YOU. But I’m not surprised you get a hard on over the idea of war.

Fools think that women want dicks. Why would we want to give up multiple orgasms and get something as fragile as balls? Kick a man in the balls and he does down like a rock.

Women don’t want dicks. We just want men to stop being dicks.

You pretend not wanting dicks, because you never had any luck. No wonder you boast the standard views expected from Canadian cat ladies.

Because you lack the balls and the dick, you must prove yourself by wanting an unnecessary, useless war. Only thing you don't realize is that, this won't only not grow you any balls, you will now be an idiot who also doesn't have balls.
Trump exposes the Left for what they are. That's why they hate him so much. He makes another gesture of peace, and is successful at entering a country no other President has been able to enter and is criticized by the Democrats, the Media, and their Leftist, Progressive supporters. Keep it up Lefties and lose again in 2020.
ME: So President Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea as he meets Kim at DMZ. That is history. Talking is always better than war. We shall see how the Left attacks him for this as he surely will.

Trump, Kim meet at Demilitarized Zone, face-to-face for first time since Hanoi
source link

After days of speculation -- and optimistic statements by the two leaders -- President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met and shook hands Sunday at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. It was their first face-to-face meeting since an ill-fated summit in Hanoi, Vietnam, in February.

Trump arrived at the DMZ shortly before 2 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, accompanied by South Korean President Moon Jae-in. They were shown awaiting Kim's arrival, along with South Korean military members and other officials.

But before the meeting with Kim was expected to begin, Trump met with some military members and others and was expected to review some relics from the Korean War era. "We're with you all the way," Trump told the service members, who included both U.S. troops stationed in South Korea as well as South Korean forces.

Finally around 2:40 a.m. ET, the two leaders spotted one another from a short distance apart, then walked toward one another. They met, shook hands, then briefly walked across the border into North Korea before crossing back to the DMZ. "I was proud to step over the line," Trump told Kim later, inside the Freedom House on the South Korea side, according to the Associated Press. "It is a great day for the world."


The reason for that is no US President has wanted to give the North Korea regime legitimacy. Trump is desperate.
NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
Possibly the same intelligence that says they are sneakily making nuclear weapons in Iran AS WE SPEAK.

Oh yeah... you imagine having a dick don't you? And imagine masturbating with it like a true war-hawk when thinking about the oh so glorious Iran war.

Anti-American POS. Wait? Wasn't it the case that you AREN'T even American? Canada can fight this one, put you on the front line.

No Norman, I don’t imagine having a dick. That would be YOU. But I’m not surprised you get a hard on over the idea of war.

Fools think that women want dicks. Why would we want to give up multiple orgasms and get something as fragile as balls? Kick a man in the balls and he does down like a rock.

Women don’t want dicks. We just want men to stop being dicks.

You pretend not wanting dicks, because you never had any luck. No wonder you boast the standard views expected from Canadian cat ladies.

Because you lack the balls and the dick, you must prove yourself by wanting an unnecessary, useless war. Only thing you don't realize is that, this won't only not grow you any balls, you will now be an idiot who also doesn't have balls.

There has been no danger of war until Trump took office. Trump was pushing us to war.
NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
I know this because I am informed.

There is some report about WMDs in IRAN?
I'll assume, because of your ignorance,m you meant Iraq. Our intelligence agencies had intel that Iraq had a nuclear program and it had plenty of intel that it did not. Just because Bush cheery picked it does not make the CIA wrong.

The intelligence report CLEARLY stated that there was a high threat of them having WMDs. You are straight up lying to us now. The report is in public domain and can be viewed by anyone, did you forget that?
Actually, the intelligence said nothing of the kind. Bush only presented intelligence that supported his view

Most of the world and the UN said no

There was a report which was released afterwards, which identified the numerous, numerous failures of the intelligence community. You can read the report here:



Senate Report on Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq - Wikipedia

"The report, which was released on July 9, 2004, identified numerous failures in the intelligence-gathering and -analysis process. The report found that these failures led to the creation of inaccurate materials that misled both government policy makers and the American public."

The report completely shatters the intelligence community.

You are full of shit and lying, but that's always the case so I am not surprised. We should send these individuals to the front lines as body shields if the Iran invasion occurs.

Your Wikipedia link fails to point out that the intelligence community was ordered by the Bush Administration to come up intel to support theirs WMD lies.

Their previous Intelligence which reported compliance with limits on their nuclear program as verified by UN inspections, was soundly rejected by Cheney and W who were hell bent on invading Iraq. They told the CIA to come back with proof, so they did what they were told.

The Canadians, the French and many of your allies refused to participate in W’s war, simply because they knew he was lying and making up shit to justify the invasion. Who can forget “freedom fries”?

So after W and Cheney forced the CIA to lie about WMD’s to justify their war, the Republican Senate issued a report blaming the CIA for their faulty intelligence.

Talk about damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
I know this because I am informed.

There is some report about WMDs in IRAN?
I'll assume, because of your ignorance,m you meant Iraq. Our intelligence agencies had intel that Iraq had a nuclear program and it had plenty of intel that it did not. Just because Bush cheery picked it does not make the CIA wrong.

The intelligence report CLEARLY stated that there was a high threat of them having WMDs. You are straight up lying to us now. The report is in public domain and can be viewed by anyone, did you forget that?
Actually, the intelligence said nothing of the kind. Bush only presented intelligence that supported his view

Most of the world and the UN said no

There was a report which was released afterwards, which identified the numerous, numerous failures of the intelligence community. You can read the report here:



Senate Report on Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq - Wikipedia

"The report, which was released on July 9, 2004, identified numerous failures in the intelligence-gathering and -analysis process. The report found that these failures led to the creation of inaccurate materials that misled both government policy makers and the American public."

The report completely shatters the intelligence community.

You are full of shit and lying, but that's always the case so I am not surprised. We should send these individuals to the front lines as body shields if the Iran invasion occurs.

The intelligence community gave Cheney just the intelligence he demanded
How much balls does it take to suck up to a ruthless dictator?

Ask the Kenyan Pig who gave billions of dollars to Iran.

BLAM! You've been bitchslapped, bitch.
The Great Obama gave Iran back it’s own money.
In return, Iran abandoned its stockpiles of enriched uranium and the centrifuges in which to make it

Guess what?
Under Trump, Iran is now exceeding its agreed to limits on enriched uranium.

Way to go Crooked Donnie!
Trump exposes the Left for what they are. That's why they hate him so much. He makes another gesture of peace, and is successful at entering a country no other President has been able to enter and is criticized by the Democrats, the Media, and their Leftist, Progressive supporters. Keep it up Lefties and lose again in 2020.
Best way to define it.......a gesture

Unless he gets Kim to abandon his nuclear program, it will be a case of Trump being used by a dictator for propaganda purposes
Trump exposes the Left for what they are. That's why they hate him so much. He makes another gesture of peace, and is successful at entering a country no other President has been able to enter and is criticized by the Democrats, the Media, and their Leftist, Progressive supporters. Keep it up Lefties and lose again in 2020.
Best way to define it.......a gesture

Unless he gets Kim to abandon his nuclear program, it will be a case of Trump being used by a dictator for propaganda purposes
Trump sure is making "The Great Obama" look puny, eh?
Use too be viewed as the little nut case tucked between China & Russia, now he stands with equal footing with the leader of the free world, good bad or what ever who can tell ?
NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
Possibly the same intelligence that says they are sneakily making nuclear weapons in Iran AS WE SPEAK.

Oh yeah... you imagine having a dick don't you? And imagine masturbating with it like a true war-hawk when thinking about the oh so glorious Iran war.

Anti-American POS. Wait? Wasn't it the case that you AREN'T even American? Canada can fight this one, put you on the front line.

No Norman, I don’t imagine having a dick. That would be YOU. But I’m not surprised you get a hard on over the idea of war.

Fools think that women want dicks. Why would we want to give up multiple orgasms and get something as fragile as balls? Kick a man in the balls and he does down like a rock.

Women don’t want dicks. We just want men to stop being dicks.

You pretend not wanting dicks, because you never had any luck. No wonder you boast the standard views expected from Canadian cat ladies.

Because you lack the balls and the dick, you must prove yourself by wanting an unnecessary, useless war. Only thing you don't realize is that, this won't only not grow you any balls, you will now be an idiot who also doesn't have balls.
NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
Possibly the same intelligence that says they are sneakily making nuclear weapons in Iran AS WE SPEAK.

Oh yeah... you imagine having a dick don't you? And imagine masturbating with it like a true war-hawk when thinking about the oh so glorious Iran war.

Anti-American POS. Wait? Wasn't it the case that you AREN'T even American? Canada can fight this one, put you on the front line.

No Norman, I don’t imagine having a dick. That would be YOU. But I’m not surprised you get a hard on over the idea of war.

Fools think that women want dicks. Why would we want to give up multiple orgasms and get something as fragile as balls? Kick a man in the balls and he does down like a rock.

Women don’t want dicks. We just want men to stop being dicks.

You pretend not wanting dicks, because you never had any luck. No wonder you boast the standard views expected from Canadian cat ladies.

Because you lack the balls and the dick, you must prove yourself by wanting an unnecessary, useless war. Only thing you don't realize is that, this won't only not grow you any balls, you will now be an idiot who also doesn't have balls.

Conversely, you have never been a woman, and therefore have never used your brain to think with because your dick clearly does all your thinking.

Trump issuing a booty call to Kim who showed up for it and all the hoopla ver this photo op reminds me so much that Kim’s other American BFF is Dennis Rodman.

Americans laughed at Rodman, calling him stupid and naive, for being friends with Kim. And hailing Trump as a hero for doing the exact same thing as Rodman.

Kim is quietly building and refining his nuclear program and now the Trump Administration is so desperate for a deal that they have taken denuclearization off the table.

Since Trump’s inauguration, Kim has acquired both short and long range nuclear capability, built 100 nuclear weapons, gotten many of the sanctions lifted, and China is ignoring many of the rest, and now Trump is saying NK can keep their nukes. In return, Trump got a box of bones and Otto Warmbier.

If having a dick means that I look up to a fool like Trump as my hero, well I thank the Good Lord that he gave me a real brain instead and I know when someone is a lying con artist.
Use too be viewed as the little nut case tucked between China & Russia, now he stands with equal footing with the leader of the free world, good bad or what ever who can tell ?
Strange English aside, do you honestly view him on equal footing of the leaders of the free world?!
And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
Possibly the same intelligence that says they are sneakily making nuclear weapons in Iran AS WE SPEAK.

Oh yeah... you imagine having a dick don't you? And imagine masturbating with it like a true war-hawk when thinking about the oh so glorious Iran war.

Anti-American POS. Wait? Wasn't it the case that you AREN'T even American? Canada can fight this one, put you on the front line.

No Norman, I don’t imagine having a dick. That would be YOU. But I’m not surprised you get a hard on over the idea of war.

Fools think that women want dicks. Why would we want to give up multiple orgasms and get something as fragile as balls? Kick a man in the balls and he does down like a rock.

Women don’t want dicks. We just want men to stop being dicks.

You pretend not wanting dicks, because you never had any luck. No wonder you boast the standard views expected from Canadian cat ladies.

Because you lack the balls and the dick, you must prove yourself by wanting an unnecessary, useless war. Only thing you don't realize is that, this won't only not grow you any balls, you will now be an idiot who also doesn't have balls.
And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
Possibly the same intelligence that says they are sneakily making nuclear weapons in Iran AS WE SPEAK.

Oh yeah... you imagine having a dick don't you? And imagine masturbating with it like a true war-hawk when thinking about the oh so glorious Iran war.

Anti-American POS. Wait? Wasn't it the case that you AREN'T even American? Canada can fight this one, put you on the front line.

No Norman, I don’t imagine having a dick. That would be YOU. But I’m not surprised you get a hard on over the idea of war.

Fools think that women want dicks. Why would we want to give up multiple orgasms and get something as fragile as balls? Kick a man in the balls and he does down like a rock.

Women don’t want dicks. We just want men to stop being dicks.

You pretend not wanting dicks, because you never had any luck. No wonder you boast the standard views expected from Canadian cat ladies.

Because you lack the balls and the dick, you must prove yourself by wanting an unnecessary, useless war. Only thing you don't realize is that, this won't only not grow you any balls, you will now be an idiot who also doesn't have balls.

Conversely, you have never been a woman, and therefore have never used your brain to think with because your dick clearly does all your thinking?

Trump issuing a booty call to Kim who showed up for it and all the hoopla ver this photo op reminds me so much that Kim’s other American BFF is Dennis Rodman.

Americans laughed at Rodman, calling him stupid and naive, for being friends with Kim. Kim is quietly building and refining his nuclear program and now the Trump Administration is so desperate for a deal that they have taken denuclearization off the table. And hailing Trump as a hero for doing the exact same thing as Rodman.

Since Trump’s inauguration, Kim has acquired both short and long range nuclear capability, built 100 nuclear weapons, gotten many of the sanctions lifted, and China is ignoring many of the rest, and now Trump is saying NK can keep their nukes, and in return, Trump got a box of bones and Otto Warmbier.

If having a dick means that I look up to a fool like Trump as my hero, well I thank the Good Lord that he gave me a real brain instead and I know when someone is a lying con artist.

Did you pick this up from some feminist manifesto? Being a man doesn't mean being 13 years old. A 13 year old about sums up your intellectual capacity right now.

Maybe you should turn off CNN for a moment. This is the closest to peace we have ever gotten. And since the man with balls is in charge, we may even achieve it.

By the way, what has your country's president done to improve the situation? Nothing at all. So shut the fuck up.

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