History! Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea

Trump has made historic progress

Progress that will be quickly forgotten if it does not result in de escalation at the border and an end to their nuclear program
What an historic moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What an amazing President Donald Trump is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:

The One and Only Donald!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thankusmile:


Each of those Presidents could have easily done a handshake with Kim or his father

They declined because they did not want to give credibility to a ruthless dictator.

Let’s see what comes out of Trumps handshake
You don't follow the news very closely, do you?

Please point to a nuclear test or a NK ICBM flyover of Japan since Trump's 1st summit with Kim.

He is throwing a temper tantrum tantrum because Bills NK deal failed and Trump ripped Obama's up with Iran.


Hopefully the era of Democrat 'kick the can down the short road' bad geopolitical deals are over; or at the least, significantly interrupted.

Obama & 4 allies negotiate an agreement to stop Iran nuke program & make it a ten year deal & you assfucks run screaming down the streets " OMG OMG OMG"

So El Dumpster renegotiates NAFTA & makes it a 16 year deal & it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.


Probably because of Bill Clinton's fucked up NK deal, God damn your dense and the only reason he made it was because Putin bitch slapped Obama's red line.

Obama was embarrassed.


NK reneged on deals made under Clinton, Bush, & Obama. Nothing to do with the US efforts. All because of NK is not trustworthy. Trump is such an egomaniac, he thinks they won't renege on any deal he makes.
One small step for Donald J. Trump, one big step towards denuclearization.

Trump wins again!

The leftists are furious, now they are even attacking their own candidate Tulsi for not wanting to war monger all over the globe. They are out for blood.

NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
I know this because I am informed.

There is some report about WMDs in IRAN?
I'll assume, because of your ignorance,m you meant Iraq. Our intelligence agencies had intel that Iraq had a nuclear program and it had plenty of intel that it did not. Just because Bush cheery picked it does not make the CIA wrong.
Just so we are clear.

Liberal logic:

It is perfectly acceptable and crucial towards world peace that....NK got nuclear capability, Iran nuclear capability, and saddam should still be in charge, but it is horrible for world peace for any white conservative to take twe twenty steps into NK and shake hands.

Remember this from the commie gods?

One small step for Donald J. Trump, one big step towards denuclearization.

Trump wins again!

The leftists are furious, now they are even attacking their own candidate Tulsi for not wanting to war monger all over the globe. They are out for blood.

NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
I know this because I am informed.

There is some report about WMDs in IRAN?
I'll assume, because of your ignorance,m you meant Iraq. Our intelligence agencies had intel that Iraq had a nuclear program and it had plenty of intel that it did not. Just because Bush cheery picked it does not make the CIA wrong.

The intelligence report CLEARLY stated that there was a high threat of them having WMDs. You are straight up lying to us now. The report is in public domain and can be viewed by anyone, did you forget that?

The coward bitch Kenyan Pig hiding behind bullet proof glass,
and our great President Donald Trump unafraid to achieve peace.

Just so we are clear.

Liberal logic:

It is perfectly acceptable and crucial towards world peace that....NK got nuclear capability, Iran nuclear capability, and saddam should still be in charge, but it is horrible for world peace for any white conservative to take twe twenty steps into NK and shake hands.

Remember this from the commie gods?

Trumptard logic. Thinking Trump van prevent NK getting a nuke when they already have one.

Trumptard loic. The only way to remove Sadam was to invade Iraq & launch a long term nation building effort that killed 4600 US soldiers. Sadam was no worse than the dictators Trump chums up with on an ongoing basis.

Trumptard logic. An agreement that prevented Iran from getting a nuke is really wanting Iran to get a nuke.

Trumptsard logic A photo op that benefits Kim means we denuclearized NK.
One small step for Donald J. Trump, one big step towards denuclearization.

Trump wins again!

The leftists are furious, now they are even attacking their own candidate Tulsi for not wanting to war monger all over the globe. They are out for blood.

NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
I know this because I am informed.

There is some report about WMDs in IRAN?
I'll assume, because of your ignorance,m you meant Iraq. Our intelligence agencies had intel that Iraq had a nuclear program and it had plenty of intel that it did not. Just because Bush cheery picked it does not make the CIA wrong.

The intelligence report CLEARLY stated that there was a high threat of them having WMDs. You are straight up lying to us now. The report is in public domain and can be viewed by anyone, did you forget that?
Actually, the intelligence said nothing of the kind. Bush only presented intelligence that supported his view

Most of the world and the UN said no
One small step for Donald J. Trump, one big step towards denuclearization.

Trump wins again!

The leftists are furious, now they are even attacking their own candidate Tulsi for not wanting to war monger all over the globe. They are out for blood.

NK is increasing their nuclear arsenal.

And you know this how? The same intelligence that was used to verify there were WMDs in Iran?

Trump won, get over it. Eventually we will get tired as he promised. For now we are only getting started.
I know this because I am informed.

There is some report about WMDs in IRAN?
I'll assume, because of your ignorance,m you meant Iraq. Our intelligence agencies had intel that Iraq had a nuclear program and it had plenty of intel that it did not. Just because Bush cheery picked it does not make the CIA wrong.

The intelligence report CLEARLY stated that there was a high threat of them having WMDs. You are straight up lying to us now. The report is in public domain and can be viewed by anyone, did you forget that?
Actually, the intelligence said nothing of the kind. Bush only presented intelligence that supported his view

Most of the world and the UN said no

There was a report which was released afterwards, which identified the numerous, numerous failures of the intelligence community. You can read the report here:



Senate Report on Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq - Wikipedia

"The report, which was released on July 9, 2004, identified numerous failures in the intelligence-gathering and -analysis process. The report found that these failures led to the creation of inaccurate materials that misled both government policy makers and the American public."

The report completely shatters the intelligence community.

You are full of shit and lying, but that's always the case so I am not surprised. We should send these individuals to the front lines as body shields if the Iran invasion occurs.
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