History! Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea

For Tr

North Korea weapons test is a shot across the bow of Washington
You don't follow the news very closely, do you?

Please point to a nuclear test or a NK ICBM flyover of Japan since Trump's 1st summit with Kim.

Yeah, Trump has really got Kim rattled:

North Korea weapons test is a shot across the bow of Washington

You're a typical lefty propagandist in moving the goalposts.
You purposely ignored what I previously said, and I was very specific, too!
Therefore, :anj_stfu:

Poor Kidde. His hero turned out to be a fraud.

Meanwhile you cry over conventional weapons tests admitted in an exaggerated article in your lil' linky-poo.


Kidd, you are obviously not even old enough to remember the Korean war. Hell, I doubt if you are old enough to remember Vietnam, based on your total lack of knowledge of anything that happened before Grunge rock. So leave the history threads to grown ups.
Meanwhile, in a return to reality, there have been no more NK nuclear tests and ICBM tests over Japan since Trump engaged Kim in person.
Thank God Trump is our President!

You don't follow the news very closely, do you?

Please point to a nuclear test or a NK ICBM flyover of Japan since Trump's 1st summit with Kim.

He is throwing a temper tantrum tantrum because Bills NK deal failed and Trump ripped Obama's up with Iran.


Hopefully the era of Democrat 'kick the can down the short road' bad geopolitical deals are over; or at the least, significantly interrupted.
So you are unaware of Bush/'s dealings with NK.

And who's deal with NK and Iran we warned you about?

Meanwhile, in a return to reality, there have been no more NK nuclear tests and ICBM tests over Japan since Trump engaged Kim in person.
Thank God Trump is our President!

You don't follow the news very closely, do you?

Please point to a nuclear test or a NK ICBM flyover of Japan since Trump's 1st summit with Kim.

He is throwing a temper tantrum tantrum because Bills NK deal failed and Trump ripped Obama's up with Iran.


Hopefully the era of Democrat 'kick the can down the short road' bad geopolitical deals are over; or at the least, significantly interrupted.

Obama & 4 allies negotiate an agreement to stop Iran nuke program & make it a ten year deal & you assfucks run screaming down the streets " OMG OMG OMG"

So El Dumpster renegotiates NAFTA & makes it a 16 year deal & it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.


Probably because of Bill Clinton's fucked up NK deal, God damn your dense and the only reason he made it was because Putin bitch slapped Obama's red line.

Obama was embarrassed.

For Tr

North Korea weapons test is a shot across the bow of Washington
Please point to a nuclear test or a NK ICBM flyover of Japan since Trump's 1st summit with Kim.

Yeah, Trump has really got Kim rattled:

North Korea weapons test is a shot across the bow of Washington

You're a typical lefty propagandist in moving the goalposts.
You purposely ignored what I previously said, and I was very specific, too!
Therefore, :anj_stfu:

Poor Kidde. His hero turned out to be a fraud.

Meanwhile you cry over conventional weapons tests admitted in an exaggerated article in your lil' linky-poo.


Kidd, you are obviously not even old enough to remember the Korean war. Hell, I doubt if you are old enough to remember Vietnam, based on your total lack of knowledge of anything that happened before Grunge rock. So leave the history threads to grown ups.

Feel better?
I don't think so.
Especially since your Looney interwebz 'facts' collapse at face value.

Go take an aspirin and lay down. :bigbed:

I commend Trump for meeting with Kim. If they never talk, how can peace be attained?

However I also recognize the truth of what Donnie has done. This column is a good summation. Can you handle the truth?

How to Start an Unnecessary War
I confess to being mystified by those Americans who lean conservative, like myself, who continue to think that President Donald J. Trump is somehow doing a good job. To be sure, the economy continues to add mostly low paying jobs but claims that the new tax law benefits the middle class are a bit hard to swallow as the elimination of a whole category of deductions for state and local taxes means that I and many other middle-income types will be paying more. And there are whole policy-categories where the Trump record is appalling, to include the federal deficit, trade disputes that are alienating friends and allies, and sheer obstinate idiocy regarding the environment and climate change. Meanwhile, the president’s unrelenting moronic tweets and ridicule of critics have demeaned the office that he holds and made him look like a buffoon.

But Trump was not elected necessarily to create jobs or provide clean water, to make international trade more fair, or to pay attention to the weather. He was elected on two issues. The first was immigration, which energized folks in working class communities who were watching the America they grew up and the jobs that sustained it disappear in a confrontation with an unassimilable wave of mostly Latin American illegal immigrants. Trump promised to put a stop to the flow of immigrants across the border by building a wall if necessary while also catching and deporting illegals currently in the country.

The second issue was foreign policy, and more specifically the termination of the never-ending war legacy that Trump inherited from George W. Bush and Barack Obama, which motivated people like myself to vote for him. He exploited legitimate concerns over “Hillary the Hawk” and promised to disengage from existing conflicts in Afghanistan and Syria while more-or-less pledging not to get involved in further democracy promotion or regime change.

To no one’s surprise, perhaps, after more than two years in office the border wall is not built and the United States is confronting an increased flow of refugees coming from Mexico, inclusive of Central Americans and even Africans who are now into the game of claiming asylum in the U.S. To be sure, much of the problem rests with Congress, which refuses to authorize money for increased border security or pass sensible legislation to change America’s awful immigration system. Indeed, Trump is in fact deporting more illegals, but the deportations cannot keep up with the numbers of new arrivals.

Regarding foreign policy, Trump has not started any new wars though he has twice attacked Syria and he came very close to a serious escalation last Thursday when, for reasons that remain obscure, he stopped a planned attack on Iran at the last minute. And he is still in Syria-Iraq and Afghanistan in spite of somewhat confused assertions that he would be drawing down the number of troops in both theaters. And the absence of new wars is demonstrably not for lack of trying, witness the constant belligerence expressed towards all competitor nations as well as the comic opera coup attempt orchestrated in Venezuela
How to Start an Unnecessary War

You're a typical lefty propagandist in moving the goalposts.
You purposely ignored what I previously said, and I was very specific, too!
Therefore, :anj_stfu:

Poor Kidde. His hero turned out to be a fraud.

Meanwhile you cry over conventional weapons tests admitted in an exaggerated article in your lil' linky-poo.


Kidd, you are obviously not even old enough to remember the Korean war. Hell, I doubt if you are old enough to remember Vietnam, based on your total lack of knowledge of anything that happened before Grunge rock. So leave the history threads to grown ups.

Feel better?
I don't think so.
Especially since your Looney interwebz 'facts' collapse at face value.

Go take an aspirin and lay down. :bigbed:

Do you know what the USA used to launch satellites in the 1960's? Intercontinental ballistic missiles, just like the two that Kim said that he plans to launch. Are you so fucking naïve to believe him when he says that he suddenly needs to launch two satellites when half of his people are starving?

You are hopeless, Kidd, but I can give you a great deal on ocean front property down here in AZ

I commend Trump for meeting with Kim. If they never talk, how can peace be attained?

However I also recognize the truth of what Donnie has done. This column is a good summation. Can you handle the truth?

How to Start an Unnecessary War
I confess to being mystified by those Americans who lean conservative, like myself, who continue to think that President Donald J. Trump is somehow doing a good job. To be sure, the economy continues to add mostly low paying jobs but claims that the new tax law benefits the middle class are a bit hard to swallow as the elimination of a whole category of deductions for state and local taxes means that I and many other middle-income types will be paying more. And there are whole policy-categories where the Trump record is appalling, to include the federal deficit, trade disputes that are alienating friends and allies, and sheer obstinate idiocy regarding the environment and climate change. Meanwhile, the president’s unrelenting moronic tweets and ridicule of critics have demeaned the office that he holds and made him look like a buffoon.

But Trump was not elected necessarily to create jobs or provide clean water, to make international trade more fair, or to pay attention to the weather. He was elected on two issues. The first was immigration, which energized folks in working class communities who were watching the America they grew up and the jobs that sustained it disappear in a confrontation with an unassimilable wave of mostly Latin American illegal immigrants. Trump promised to put a stop to the flow of immigrants across the border by building a wall if necessary while also catching and deporting illegals currently in the country.

The second issue was foreign policy, and more specifically the termination of the never-ending war legacy that Trump inherited from George W. Bush and Barack Obama, which motivated people like myself to vote for him. He exploited legitimate concerns over “Hillary the Hawk” and promised to disengage from existing conflicts in Afghanistan and Syria while more-or-less pledging not to get involved in further democracy promotion or regime change.

To no one’s surprise, perhaps, after more than two years in office the border wall is not built and the United States is confronting an increased flow of refugees coming from Mexico, inclusive of Central Americans and even Africans who are now into the game of claiming asylum in the U.S. To be sure, much of the problem rests with Congress, which refuses to authorize money for increased border security or pass sensible legislation to change America’s awful immigration system. Indeed, Trump is in fact deporting more illegals, but the deportations cannot keep up with the numbers of new arrivals.

Regarding foreign policy, Trump has not started any new wars though he has twice attacked Syria and he came very close to a serious escalation last Thursday when, for reasons that remain obscure, he stopped a planned attack on Iran at the last minute. And he is still in Syria-Iraq and Afghanistan in spite of somewhat confused assertions that he would be drawing down the number of troops in both theaters. And the absence of new wars is demonstrably not for lack of trying, witness the constant belligerence expressed towards all competitor nations as well as the comic opera coup attempt orchestrated in Venezuela
How to Start an Unnecessary War

This is gibberish that ignores the internal political nuances/resistance in ANY sovereign Nations political system.
This viewpoint was simplistically written by a monkey for other low IQ monkey house monkeys.
This is gibberish that ignores the internal political nuances/resistance in ANY sovereign Nations political system.
This viewpoint was simplistically written by a monkey for other low IQ monkey house monkeys.

Monkey see monkey do. Gipper is a bit of a chimp, or is that chump.

Good for Trump
An historic meeting

Let’s see if he can make it more than a photo op
I have never in my life seen so many gotdamn dumb stupid ass white people. And your suppose to be this fuckin master race???? Trump is playing you mf's to know end, and you saps, you simple minded white bastards is buying this shit. Gotdamn you white bastards are stupid and dumb

Master fuckin disgrace!!
Racist retard is racist.
Say hello to my middle finger!!
Wow, you sure proved me wrong!
What an historic moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What an amazing President Donald Trump is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:

The One and Only Donald!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thankusmile:

and how many missiles fired threatening War have been fired compared to Obama.....


In 8 years of President Obama, there were 12 missile tests by North Korea

In 2 years and 4 months of Pres Trump, there have been 18 missile tests by North Korea

List of North Korean missile tests - Wikipedia

View attachment 266984
Wow...it's almost like the Norks' missile technology got better over time, regardless of who our President was.
They were firing them to the point of Japan threatening to go to War with them.............which made my jaw drop........I was stationed there..........

To piss off the Japanese to a point of that is incredible...................

He's not firing them anymore..................for the moment we have averted War..........

What is the freaking problem with that...................Doesn't mean we trust him..........just means we are avoiding War instead of the path we were on before.
What an historic moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What an amazing President Donald Trump is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:

The One and Only Donald!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thankusmile:

Thank you.............BRAVO ZULU


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