"Hitchcock" and "Frozen"


A REAL free thinker
Mar 8, 2014
Got to see these two on an On Demand channel from our cable system this past weekend.

"Hitchcock" is a movie based on the book "Alfred Hitchcock and the Making Of Psycho", starring Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock, Helen Mirren as his wife Alma Reville (still hot for an old lady) and Scarlett Johansen (who is hot for a young lady) as Janet Leigh.

The movie details the problems Hitchcock ran into while trying to make Psycho - not being able to get the money from Paramount and finally having to finance it himself by mortgaging his house, fighting with the censors over the shower scene, and falling ill during the filming at a crucial point.

Anthony Hopkins nails the role as Hitchcock - he looks like him, sounds like him, and was probably channeling him. The movie brings out Hitchcock's rapier wit, for those of us who remember the TV show.

Helen Mirren is brilliant, as always, and so is Scarlett Johansen. I still have "Funderal March for a Marionette" going through my head. Four stars.

Frozen: Just when you thought animation couldn't get any better, it does. Beautiful animation and sound, Idina Menzel is at her "Wicked" best. A lot of fun, and you'll be "wowing" at the animation. Four stars.
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Seen both. Both are incredible. Hitchcock is probably the best major motion picture that no one has seen.

I am up for pretty much anything with Anthony Hopkins and/or Helen Mirren in it.

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