Hitler actually deregulated guns

Hitler had no interest in whether the people should have the right to own guns. The attempt by the NRA and Fox News to compare Hitler's actions with those that seek more control over guns is weak at best and is just an attempt to smear the opposition.

Seems there's evidence to contrary but, whatever. Stalin then. Mao, Pol Pot...pick one. All of history's atrocities and examples of tyranny were preceded by an unarmed populace. It's not going to happen here.

You funny guy.

None of those guys were about gun control either.

Pick up a book.

They didn't take over because they got rid of guns. They took over because their movement was more powerful then the "tyrannical" governments they revolted against.

These folks had the same perspective of "tyranny" you folks have..

Right big guy, whatever you say. Those misunderstood leaders managed to slaughter tens of millions of civilians despite them being armed...:cuckoo:
Seems there's evidence to contrary but, whatever. Stalin then. Mao, Pol Pot...pick one. All of history's atrocities and examples of tyranny were preceded by an unarmed populace. It's not going to happen here.

You funny guy.

None of those guys were about gun control either.

Pick up a book.

They didn't take over because they got rid of guns. They took over because their movement was more powerful then the "tyrannical" governments they revolted against.

These folks had the same perspective of "tyranny" you folks have..

None of them started out taking away guns before they were in power. They took the guns once they were firmly in power. Along with that they took their food stores and their wealth as well. Along the way they took their dignity and their individualism.

You do know that we are talking about 3 unique and very different events, right?

With the common thread being, that each one of the people came to power after a popular revolt against a tyrannical government.
Seems there's evidence to contrary but, whatever. Stalin then. Mao, Pol Pot...pick one. All of history's atrocities and examples of tyranny were preceded by an unarmed populace. It's not going to happen here.

You funny guy.

None of those guys were about gun control either.

Pick up a book.

They didn't take over because they got rid of guns. They took over because their movement was more powerful then the "tyrannical" governments they revolted against.

These folks had the same perspective of "tyranny" you folks have..

Right big guy, whatever you say. Those misunderstood leaders managed to slaughter tens of millions of civilians despite them being armed...:cuckoo:

Um..this makes no sense.
You funny guy.

None of those guys were about gun control either.

Pick up a book.

They didn't take over because they got rid of guns. They took over because their movement was more powerful then the "tyrannical" governments they revolted against.

These folks had the same perspective of "tyranny" you folks have..

Right big guy, whatever you say. Those misunderstood leaders managed to slaughter tens of millions of civilians despite them being armed...:cuckoo:

Um..this makes no sense.

That would be your cross to bear. Good luck.
Right big guy, whatever you say. Those misunderstood leaders managed to slaughter tens of millions of civilians despite them being armed...:cuckoo:

Um..this makes no sense.

That would be your cross to bear. Good luck.


You're the one trying to communicate something.

And failing at it.

But overall you folks don't make much sense and don't seem to know history.

The world is one big amorphous blob for you folks.

They "hate us for our freedom".

anyone notice under Obama EVERYTHING is a crisis according to him?

Don't think this isn't PLANNED people..

you fall for it at your OWN RISK

Because Bush never did anything like that, right?

Hey did you all find those Iraqi WMD's yet?

Hey.. remember the other parts of the resolution authorizing action?? Remember the terms of cease fire that were continually violated??.. Remember those who had the same intel that we did??

Hitler had no interest in whether the people should have the right to own guns. The attempt by the NRA and Fox News to compare Hitler's actions with those that seek more control over guns is weak at best and is just an attempt to smear the opposition.

Fox isn't even talking about this. This is a looney-lefty trying to say Hitler didn't disarm Germans before he started WWII.

You know, if you'd watch BBC every once in awhile instead of MSNBC or other lib news channels you'd discover that there are more important events happening in the world than gun violence in America. This fucken obsession with grabbing guns is getting pathetic. Right now they're fighting the spread of al Qaeda all over Africa.

Sure hope the fact that we're fighting a war in Gao doesn't come out. Wouldn't want the public to get wind that we still need a strong national defense. Battle of Gao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He certainly disarmed the Jews on November 11, 1938! Read all about it

And after his henchmen routed many Jews to the Border of Poland on the night of Oct. 27, 1938, they expropriated all properites and took the Jews to the border of Poland, they were refused entrance by the Polish government. A son of the Grynspahn family who had their small business taken away from them was staying in Paris. When he heard of the plight of so many Jews in his town, he took a gun to the German embassy in Paris with intent to kill the Ambassador. The Ambassador was away for the day, however, so he shot and critically wounded the third Secretary, who died two days later. Goebbels used the shooter's desperate act as a cause celebre against Jews in Germany, and here's the result aka Krystallnacht:

On the nights of November 9 and 10, rampaging mobs throughout Germany and the newly acquired territories of Austria and Sudetenland freely attacked Jews in the street, in their homes and at their places of work and worship. At least 96 Jews were killed and hundreds more injured, more than 1,000 synagogues were burned (and possibly as many as 2,000), almost 7,500 Jewish businesses were destroyed, cemeteries and schools were vandalized, and 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps [added by Mitchell Bard from his book The Complete Idiot's Guide to World War II. NY: MacMillan, 1998, pp. 59-60].
The burning of the synagogue in Ober Ramstadt (USHMM Photo).

The official German position on these events, which were clearly orchestrated by Goebbels, was that they were spontaneous outbursts. The Fuehrer, Goebbels reported to Party officials in Munich, "has decided that such demonstrations are not to be prepared or organized by the party, but so far as they originate spontaneously, they are not to be discouraged either." (Conot, Robert E. Justice At Nuremberg. NY: Harper & Row, 1983:165)

You funny guy.

None of those guys were about gun control either.

Pick up a book.

They didn't take over because they got rid of guns. They took over because their movement was more powerful then the "tyrannical" governments they revolted against.

These folks had the same perspective of "tyranny" you folks have..

None of them started out taking away guns before they were in power. They took the guns once they were firmly in power. Along with that they took their food stores and their wealth as well. Along the way they took their dignity and their individualism.

You do know that we are talking about 3 unique and very different events, right?

With the common thread being, that each one of the people came to power after a popular revolt against a tyrannical government.

Actually, the common thread is that the Progressives lied about who they were and what they would do once they came to power
None of them started out taking away guns before they were in power. They took the guns once they were firmly in power. Along with that they took their food stores and their wealth as well. Along the way they took their dignity and their individualism.

You do know that we are talking about 3 unique and very different events, right?

With the common thread being, that each one of the people came to power after a popular revolt against a tyrannical government.

Actually, the common thread is that the Progressives lied about who they were and what they would do once they came to power


They also lied about being "progressives".

They weren't.
You funny guy.

None of those guys were about gun control either.

Pick up a book.

They didn't take over because they got rid of guns. They took over because their movement was more powerful then the "tyrannical" governments they revolted against.

These folks had the same perspective of "tyranny" you folks have..

None of them started out taking away guns before they were in power. They took the guns once they were firmly in power. Along with that they took their food stores and their wealth as well. Along the way they took their dignity and their individualism.

You do know that we are talking about 3 unique and very different events, right?

With the common thread being, that each one of the people came to power after a popular revolt against a tyrannical government.

No shit. And once the smoke clears they all put the clamps on the civilians

Sorry, but there are other issues in the world needing our attention other than the removal of private gun ownership.

Not to me.

Seriously, you can go on about how we need to send our boys to die in some other Middle East Rathole because the Oil Companies might have to pay a fair price for oil, but nope, I kind of don't care.

Americans are sick of sending their boys off to die for Exxon and Israel.
anyone notice under Obama EVERYTHING is a crisis according to him?

Don't think this isn't PLANNED people..

you fall for it at your OWN RISK

Because Bush never did anything like that, right?

Hey did you all find those Iraqi WMD's yet?

Hey.. remember the other parts of the resolution authorizing action?? Remember the terms of cease fire that were continually violated??.. Remember those who had the same intel that we did??


Dave, no one gavea flip about any of those things until Bush started trying to make Saddam BFF with Bin Laden.

5000 dead Americans and Trillion dollars we had to borrow from China, and what do we have to show for it?
Hwy progressives do you think Hitler didn't confiscate guns cause it was only Jews and they don't matter?

They took away ALL the rights the Jews had, not just their guns...

So it's a false argument.

What he didn't do was disarm the general populace.

That was done by Dwight D. Eisenhower, and US GI's were surprised how many private guns the Germans had.

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