Hitler and the right

You engage in the same nonsense, daveyboy. Everything on the far right is good nonsense, and on the far left is bad nonsense.

Nonsense. Until you are willing to use traditional definitions and historical narratives, you and the far left, are simply crippling the national narrative.

You have to stop that if you want to worthy of being an American.

I dont think socialism is a right wing thing.....So the OP as normal is ignorant of the facts.

Socialism is a liberal thing. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works.

Communism and fascism are conservative things. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works.

Glad I could clear that up for you. Now your response will be the obligatory but, but, but...it was called the national socialist party. Hitler objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name as Hitler at the time instead preferred to use "Social Revolutionary" wiki
So I was right in describing your inability to think, wasn't I?

Everything good is on the left. Everything bad is on the right.

And I was right about something else, too: There is nothing so stupid that you can't make yourself believe it.

Socialism is a liberal thing. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works.

Communism and fascism are conservative things. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works.

Glad I could clear that up for you. Now your response will be the obligatory but, but, but...it was called the national socialist party. Hitler objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name as Hitler at the time instead preferred to use "Social Revolutionary" wiki
So I was right in describing your inability to think, wasn't I?

Everything good is on the left. Everything bad is on the right.

And I was right about something else, too: There is nothing so stupid that you can't make yourself believe it.

The child-like level of your replies require one at an equal cognitive level...'I know you are, but what am I'
so say you get your socialist country will you be one of the first to turn in your fellow americans for not doing as the party say? Will you be one of the staunch defenders of the death camps and prisons for political prisoners?
thanatos, check out socialism in Great Britain, France, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, and realize your are nattering mindlessly.
thanatos, check out socialism in Great Britain, France, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, and realize your are nattering mindlessly.

Awww look at the progressive trying to make socialism seem main stream.... None of those countries are truly socialist yet.

The PIGS, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain
have moved further along their "socialist dream"

Notice how the left never talks about them

Funny how that works


Here boy
...says the idiot woman who calls people Nazis for the singular crime of disagreeing with her.

Did you really think your moral judgement is worth a shit?
That's not why I called you a nazi, creep.

Then why did you? I asked you for quotes of mine that show Nazi leanings -- several times -- but you never provided any.

Now you get one more chance. Will you punk out yet again?
Since you dave so much, it's because you keep repeating lies that you know to be lies simply because you believe they will be believed.
thanatos, check out socialism in Great Britain, France, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, and realize your are nattering mindlessly.

Awww look at the progressive trying to make socialism seem main stream.... None of those countries are truly socialist yet.

The PIGS, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain
have moved further along their "socialist dream"

Notice how the left never talks about them

Funny how that works


Here boy
nor do they ever talk about this ultimate goal of remaking the ussr

Socialism is a liberal thing. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works.

Communism and fascism are conservative things. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works.

Glad I could clear that up for you. Now your response will be the obligatory but, but, but...it was called the national socialist party. Hitler objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name as Hitler at the time instead preferred to use "Social Revolutionary" wiki
So I was right in describing your inability to think, wasn't I?

Everything good is on the left. Everything bad is on the right.

And I was right about something else, too: There is nothing so stupid that you can't make yourself believe it.

The child-like level of your replies require one at an equal cognitive level...'I know you are, but what am I'
"Everything good is on the left. Everything bad is on the right."

Why are you running from it? That's exactly what you're saying.
You engage in the same nonsense, daveyboy. Everything on the far right is good nonsense, and on the far left is bad nonsense.

Nonsense. Until you are willing to use traditional definitions and historical narratives, you and the far left, are simply crippling the national narrative.

You have to stop that if you want to worthy of being an American.
Fuck off, you little piece of Poli Sci 101 shit.
That's not why I called you a nazi, creep.

Then why did you? I asked you for quotes of mine that show Nazi leanings -- several times -- but you never provided any.

Now you get one more chance. Will you punk out yet again?
Since you dave so much, it's because you keep repeating lies that you know to be lies simply because you believe they will be believed.

THAT'S a reason to call somebody a Nazi? :wtf:

Don't take this the wrong way, but you're fucked in the head.

Okay, I really don't care how you take it.
daveyboy is a simple, silly, extremist right wing wacko.

He clearly hates America's narrative, its values, and he and friends want to change all that.

Not going to happen.
So I was right in describing your inability to think, wasn't I?

Everything good is on the left. Everything bad is on the right.

And I was right about something else, too: There is nothing so stupid that you can't make yourself believe it.

The child-like level of your replies require one at an equal cognitive level...'I know you are, but what am I'
"Everything good is on the left. Everything bad is on the right."

Why are you running from it? That's exactly what you're saying.

Why are you projecting dave? Your constant drone is "Everything good is on the right. Everything bad is on the left." As a matter of fact, that is the seminal tenet of Rush Limbaugh and hate radio. It is why Rush is the leader of the conservative movement and why every Republican who criticizes Limbaugh has to crawl back and beg forgiveness.
I dont think socialism is a right wing thing.....So the OP as normal is ignorant of the facts.

Socialism is a liberal thing. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works.

Communism and fascism are conservative things. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works.

Glad I could clear that up for you. Now your response will be the obligatory but, but, but...it was called the national socialist party. Hitler objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name as Hitler at the time instead preferred to use "Social Revolutionary" wiki

“Auschwitz meant that six million Jews were killed, and thrown on the waste--heap of Europe, for what they were considered: money-Jews. Finance capital and the banks, the hard core of the system of imperialism and capitalism, had turned the hatred of men against money and exploitation, and against the Jews.... Anti-Semitism is really a hatred of capitalism.“- Ulrike Meinhof, left-wing German terrorist of the 1970s. 1

Capitalism and the market economy encourage racial, ethnic, and religious tolerance, while supporting a plurality of diverse lifestyles and customs. Heavily regulated or socialist economies, in contrast, tend to breed intolerance and ethnic persecution. Socialism leads to low or negative rates of economic growth, disputes over resource use, and concentrated political power-all conditions which encourage conflict rather than cooperation. Ethnic and religious minorities usually do poorly when political coercion is prevalent. Economic collapses - usually associated with interventionism-worsen the problem by unleashing the destructive psychological forces of envy and resentment, which feed prejudice and persecution.

While discrimination is present in societies of all kinds, discriminators must pay pecuniary costs for indulging their prejudices in a market setting. Even the prejudiced usually will trade with minorities; bigots attempt to oppress minorities by socializing the costs through government action, but bigots usually are less willing to bear these costs themselves. Repeated commercial interactions also increase the social familiarity of customs or lifestyles that otherwise might be found unusual or alien. Sustained economic growth alleviates political and social tensions by creating more for everybody.

The history of the Jewish people illustrates the relatively favorable position of minorities in a market setting. Hostility toward trade and commerce has often fueled hostility toward Jews, and vice versa. The societies most congenial to commercial life for their time - Renaissance Italy, the growing capitalist economies of England and the Netherlands in the seventeenth century, and the United States - typically have shown the most toleration for Jews. Ellis Rivkin, in his neglected masterpiece, The Shaping of Jewish History.- A Radical New Interpretation, wrote:

Since World War II Jews and Judaism have been liberated in every country and territory where capitalism has been restored to vigorous growth-and this includes Germany. By contrast, wherever anti-capitalism or pre-capitalism has prevailed the status of Jews and Judaism has either undergone deterioration or is highly precarious. Thus at this very moment the country where developing global capitalism is most advanced, the United States, accords Jews and Judaism a freedom that is known nowhere else in the world and that was never known in the past. It is a freedom that is not matched even in Israel... By contrast, in the Soviet Union, the citadel of anti-capitalism, the Jews are cowed by anti-Semitism, threatened by extinction, and barred from access to their God.2

FrontPage Magazine - The Socialist Roots of Anti-Semitism
The child-like level of your replies require one at an equal cognitive level...'I know you are, but what am I'
"Everything good is on the left. Everything bad is on the right."

Why are you running from it? That's exactly what you're saying.

Why are you projecting dave?
No projection. That's what you said when you so ridiculously tried to claim the leftist totalitarians I listed were on the right.

Embrace your moonbattery.
Your constant drone is "Everything good is on the right. Everything bad is on the left."
Speaking of projection...
As a matter of fact, that is the seminal tenet of Rush Limbaugh and hate radio. It is why Rush is the leader of the conservative movement and why every Republican who criticizes Limbaugh has to crawl back and beg forgiveness.
I don't listen to Rush. Talk radio bores me. Give me classic rock and country any day.

Meanwhile, you're still a moron.
Capitalism the great equalizer

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5Gppi-O3a8]Power of the Market - The Pencil - YouTube[/ame]
I dont think socialism is a right wing thing.....So the OP as normal is ignorant of the facts.

Socialism is a liberal thing. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works.

Communism and fascism are conservative things. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works.

Glad I could clear that up for you. Now your response will be the obligatory but, but, but...it was called the national socialist party. Hitler objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name as Hitler at the time instead preferred to use "Social Revolutionary" wiki

“Auschwitz meant that six million Jews were killed, and thrown on the waste--heap of Europe, for what they were considered: money-Jews. Finance capital and the banks, the hard core of the system of imperialism and capitalism, had turned the hatred of men against money and exploitation, and against the Jews.... Anti-Semitism is really a hatred of capitalism.“- Ulrike Meinhof, left-wing German terrorist of the 1970s. 1

Capitalism and the market economy encourage racial, ethnic, and religious tolerance, while supporting a plurality of diverse lifestyles and customs. Heavily regulated or socialist economies, in contrast, tend to breed intolerance and ethnic persecution. Socialism leads to low or negative rates of economic growth, disputes over resource use, and concentrated political power-all conditions which encourage conflict rather than cooperation. Ethnic and religious minorities usually do poorly when political coercion is prevalent. Economic collapses - usually associated with interventionism-worsen the problem by unleashing the destructive psychological forces of envy and resentment, which feed prejudice and persecution.

While discrimination is present in societies of all kinds, discriminators must pay pecuniary costs for indulging their prejudices in a market setting. Even the prejudiced usually will trade with minorities; bigots attempt to oppress minorities by socializing the costs through government action, but bigots usually are less willing to bear these costs themselves. Repeated commercial interactions also increase the social familiarity of customs or lifestyles that otherwise might be found unusual or alien. Sustained economic growth alleviates political and social tensions by creating more for everybody.

The history of the Jewish people illustrates the relatively favorable position of minorities in a market setting. Hostility toward trade and commerce has often fueled hostility toward Jews, and vice versa. The societies most congenial to commercial life for their time - Renaissance Italy, the growing capitalist economies of England and the Netherlands in the seventeenth century, and the United States - typically have shown the most toleration for Jews. Ellis Rivkin, in his neglected masterpiece, The Shaping of Jewish History.- A Radical New Interpretation, wrote:

Since World War II Jews and Judaism have been liberated in every country and territory where capitalism has been restored to vigorous growth-and this includes Germany. By contrast, wherever anti-capitalism or pre-capitalism has prevailed the status of Jews and Judaism has either undergone deterioration or is highly precarious. Thus at this very moment the country where developing global capitalism is most advanced, the United States, accords Jews and Judaism a freedom that is known nowhere else in the world and that was never known in the past. It is a freedom that is not matched even in Israel... By contrast, in the Soviet Union, the citadel of anti-capitalism, the Jews are cowed by anti-Semitism, threatened by extinction, and barred from access to their God.2

FrontPage Magazine - The Socialist Roots of Anti-Semitism

The Hard Road to Fascism

Today’s antiliberal revolt looks a lot like 1920s Europe.

A more apt (and troubling) comparison is with the 1920s, when an earlier liberal order collapsed and was replaced by imperial and mega-state regimes.

* * *

Traditional conservatives have persistently criticized modern liberalism for its alleged “softness.” After the First World War right-wing German and Italian critics abused the governments of Weimar Germany and pre-Mussolini Italy for their commitment to social welfare, which their critics linked to an unwillingness to use force in international relations. To use Robert Kagan’s expression, the Weimar Republic could only do the dishes, not prepare the feast.

German and Italian critics of liberalism—writers such as Ernst Jünger and Giovanni Gentile—longed for the military spirit that allegedly typified the “front-fighter” generation that had lived through the horrors of trench warfare during World War I. The experience of war, they said, could redeem the anti-national Weimar Republic and the spineless decadence of Italian liberalism by reintroducing them to the necessity of using force—which would mean a much more ready resort to military power and a reorientation of government to promote its use. Both men and nations could thereby reestablish their virility.

Extreme right-wing theoreticians—for example, German jurist and political philosopher Carl Schmitt—believed that the European states in general had to choose between defending the interests of their national communities—at the end of the day by force—and sustaining a debilitating commitment to popular welfare, which more and more absorbed the energies of a weak-kneed liberalism that precariously clung to power in many European states. Schmitt believed that the state existed exclusively to oppose the enemies of the national community and ensure domestic order. Politics, he famously said, is founded on the friend-enemy polarity. Liberals had embarked on a fruitless crusade to escape inevitable political conflict within their societies by expanding the welfare function of the modern state to appease the demands of the masses, and thereby weakening its “executive function.”

The proximate causes of this revulsion against liberalism in Italy, Germany, and elsewhere are not far to seek. And the underlying anti-liberal logic was more cultural than political-economic. After defeat in World War I neither Germany nor Italy was able to advance its interests effectively in Europe. The Italians were widely regarded as pathetic soldiers. “The Italians,” Bismarck said, “have such large appetites and such poor teeth.” Giovanni Gentile, subsequently a Fascist minister for Mussolini, lamented the dolce far niente (“sweet do nothing”) that he found characterized the Italians as a nation. As for the Germans, they had of course lost the war, but they were encouraged to believe that their armies and fighting men had not been defeated on the battlefield but had been betrayed by an unpatriotic cabal of Jews, Francophiles, liberals, and socialists.

So for these men and like-minded others, there was a necessary connection between reviving militarism and imperialism and curtailing the state’s commitment to popular welfare. Only a new political elite—battle-hardened, ruthless, and devoted to authoritarian government—could achieve the reforms needed to restore these states to the ranks of the European powerful. The new governments would not be parliamentary: talk shops never get anything done. In Italy the Fascist elite developed an imperial ideology focusing on Rome; in Germany, too, there was an imperial element—the “Thousand Year Empire”—although we correctly understand the racism of the National Socialists to have been their most memorable contribution to the horrors of the 20th century.

The Hard Road to Fascism
Sorry loon… Conservatives are fighting for liberty, the liberty of the individual to pursue his own self-interests. Totally the opposite of what todays liberals favor "social justice" at the expense of the individual big government socialism. Marxism, fascism same principals, one also just has a racial component to it

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