Hitler and the right

Not only are you profoundly ignorant of history, you're incapable of originality, too.

Anyone who believes Castro, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Mao, and Pol Pot are on the right is too stupid to breath on his own.

Or are you saying they're not highly authoritarian?

Either way, you're astoundingly wrong.

You are still stuck in left/right. Do you understand that conservatism is based on the country, tenets and orthodoxy you were raised to believe, and conserve?

WHY would a man like Stalin want to conserve the US Constitution, capitalism or American tenets and orthodoxy?

When Mikhail S. Gorbachev tried to liberalize the Soviet society in the late 1980's and implement democratic elections, Russian conservatives, an alliance including xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearned for what they saw as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church rebelled.

At election rallies Russian conservatives called out against the influence of ''Zionist forces,'' and in campaign leaflets decried ''liberal yellow journalists.''

Russian conservatives regards the liberalization of Soviet society as a conspiracy by Jews, Masons and Westernizers.

Russian conservatives called THEMSELVES...Stalinists.

Here is what Mao Zedong said about liberalism.

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads.
Combat Liberalism
Damn, you retards can make yourselves believe anything, no matter how stupid, can't you?


The totalitarians I named are on the left. No amount of vapid mental gymnastics will ever change that fact.

I enjoy watching progressives twist and turn trying to spin the truth about socialism and how it is truly just facism hidden.

That's because Progressives fall into two categories: the ignorant and the stupid.

The Ignorant are exactly that ignorant, they lack the facts about what Progressivism (American Socialism/Fascism) is and they support it anyway; the Stupid know that Progressives are progressing toward Socialism and fully embrace a system with a guaranteed 100% Fail Rate, so bad that they have walls and armed guards to keep talented people from fleeing.
You don't defend rightwingers. They could be on fire, screaming for help, and you could be sitting in a lawnchair next to a fire extinguisher and a bucket of water, and you wouldn't lift a finger.

You support abortion. I don't know about Jake, I can't remember.
What does that have to do with population control, exactly. You've claimed that I support Hitler's population control policies. I do no such thing.

You're a liar.
You support abortion. I don't know about Jake, I can't remember.
What does that have to do with population control, exactly. You've claimed that I support Hitler's population control policies. I do no such thing.

You're a liar.

:lol: She tried to pull that same crap on me too. Everyone woman who is pro-choice is a major skank who has had a zillion abortions AND they also support eugenics to boot!

Diagnosis: Delusional! :cuckoo:
You support abortion. I don't know about Jake, I can't remember.
What does that have to do with population control, exactly. You've claimed that I support Hitler's population control policies. I do no such thing.

You're a liar.

:lol: She tried to pull that same crap on me too. Everyone woman who is pro-choice is a major skank who has had a zillion abortions AND they also support eugenics to boot!

Diagnosis: Delusional! :cuckoo:
Yep. In reality her own beliefs are more Hitler-like. She wants government to decide who gives birth and when. Smells like Adolph!
Hitler was a leftist. His party was the socialist party.
Ravi, what population control policies do we support?

I hope that Allie is not equating legalized abortion with population control or eugenics, for that would be a monumental error.

Abortion? Rape and Incest to the 20th week, and serious danger to the mother's physical health at any stage.

No, his policy in Poland sounds exactly like the population control policies thcies that progressives like Ravi & Jakey pull for.

Which population control policies do Jake and I pull for?

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