Hitler and the right

Doubt that Hitler had the support of the conservative right wing?

1. "Hitler found his greatest support in traditionally conservative small towns. He campaigned with attacks on Marxism, making it clear that by Marxism he meant the Social Democrats. Hitler appealed to morality, attacking free love and what he inferred was the immorality of Berlin and some other major cities. He promised to stamp out big city corruption. He called for a spiritual revolution, for a "positive Christianity" and a spirit of national pride. Hitler repeatedly called for national renewal. He and his National Socialists benefited from the recent upheaval in the Soviet Union and the rise in fear and disgust for Bolshevism. His party's posters read:

If you want your country to go Bolshevik, vote Communist. If you want to remain free Germans, vote for the National Socialists."

Hitler and Germany: 1928 to 1935

2. Neville Chamberlain, appeaser in chief, after the Sudetenland was handed over to Hitler, "But the Conservative leader has always expressed his desire to find a peaceful solution to the Fuehrer's wish to create a new - and enlarged - German homeland in Europe."

BBC ON THIS DAY | 30 | 1938: 'Peace for our time' - Chamberlain

3. The French right admired Hitler, "When Socialists and Communists formed a Popular front Government in 1936 there were many French conservatives who boldly announced that Hitler was preferrable to the leadership of the French socialist Leon Blum."

Road to War

4. "right-to-work" anti-labor conservatives were also pro-Hitler. "There were a mulitude of other racists jumping on the Fascist bandwagon. Joseph P. Kamp printed over two million copies of his anti-labor pamphlet, "Join the C.I.O. and Help Build a Soviet America" which he advertised with the Ku Klux Klan. Millionaire John Kirby in Houston began publishing the anti-black, anti-labor Christian American in support of "right to work" legislation"

Support for Hitler (or Fascism) in the United States | Radical Reference

5. Foreshadowing Republican views on the Clinton being concerned about bin laden as a distraction from Lewinsky, "The former president, Herbert Hoover, had become the Republican Party's chief spokesman in foreign affairs, and when Germany seized Moravia and Bohemia, Hoover declared that no clear and present danger existed and that Britain, France and others in Europe would be able to defend themselves should there be war. Hoover spoke of Roosevelt's "dangerous adventures" and argued that Roosevelt was trying to divert people's attention from his failure to end the depression"

The United States, War Preparation, China, and Jewish Immigration: 1938-39
Artevelde hiding behind nonsense.

Hitler used and hid behind Christianity.

You racists pretend you are American in values.

What a joke.
Oh, and Jroc, of course.

Sorry, I forgot you, Jroc. I won't in the future. You hide behind patriotism the way Hitler hid behind Christianity.

Adolph sounds like some of the far right extremists on the board here, such as Artevelde, for instance.

Hitler hiding behind Christianity. What a joke!
Last edited:
Projecting again? YOU are one of those "special" people who believes everything horrible comes from the left, and the ultimate rightist utopia is a unicorn in every meadow.
Not only are you profoundly ignorant of history, you're incapable of originality, too.
It is not my fault all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives. It is just a FACT of life.
Anyone who believes Castro, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Mao, and Pol Pot are on the right is too stupid to breath on his own.

Or are you saying they're not highly authoritarian?

Either way, you're astoundingly wrong.

You are still stuck in left/right. Do you understand that conservatism is based on the country, tenets and orthodoxy you were raised to believe, and conserve?

WHY would a man like Stalin want to conserve the US Constitution, capitalism or American tenets and orthodoxy?

When Mikhail S. Gorbachev tried to liberalize the Soviet society in the late 1980's and implement democratic elections, Russian conservatives, an alliance including xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearned for what they saw as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church rebelled.

At election rallies Russian conservatives called out against the influence of ''Zionist forces,'' and in campaign leaflets decried ''liberal yellow journalists.''

Russian conservatives regards the liberalization of Soviet society as a conspiracy by Jews, Masons and Westernizers.

Russian conservatives called THEMSELVES...Stalinists.

Here is what Mao Zedong said about liberalism.

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads.
Combat Liberalism
Damn, you retards can make yourselves believe anything, no matter how stupid, can't you?


The totalitarians I named are on the left. No amount of vapid mental gymnastics will ever change that fact.
Codevilla correctly identifies the source of legitimacy for the ruling class: Darwinism. Darwinism removed God from the vocabulary of self-accredited academia. Once liberated from the doctrine of original sin, the Progressives regarded as illegitimate the Constitutional limits placed on the Federal government.
Note well the direction of Progress: Deny original sin, deny limited government. There is a corollary: Humanism, Tyranny.
Deny original sin, deny the need for divine regeneration and renewal. Yet mankind is “moving in the wrong direction,” according to the Progressive creed. It still needs a “savior.” Say whatever you want about God—Wilson was a Prebysterian, Ph.D.—salvation, that is, “improving,” must come in the form of the enlightened forcing the unenlightened to live, act, eat, work, buy, socialize, educate, reproduce, exercise, breathe, and think rightly. Don’t call it tyranny, call it Progress."

Progressive Tyranny*|*American Vision

Hey koshergrl, WHO is espousing the Darwinist rhetoric of survival of the richest?
If you'd get off your lazy ass, you could be rich, too.

Or is The Man keeping you down?
Who is calling the working class 'parasites', 'takers' and 'moochers'?

Republican economics IS social Darwinism.
We don't call the working class "parasites", "takers" and "moochers".

We call parasites, takers and moochers "parasites", "takers" and "moochers".
You don't get it yet.

Lincoln used Big Government to end slavery. He was a liberal progressive.

Truman used Big Government to end segregation in the Armed Forces. He was a liberal progressive.

Johnson used Big Government to end the mockery of segregation in American culture. He was a liberal progressive.

Hitler used Big Government to end the life of Jewry in Europe. He was a conservative progressive.

If you want to use Big Government to enforce your will about abortion, you are a conservative Progressive.

Thus, you, AllieBaba, are a Progressive because you want to use big government to control the masses on the issue of abortion.

Yeah, cuz it's fascist to prevent the abuse and death of women and children, idiot.

Using your idiotic logic, those who fought to eliminate slavery were fascists as well.

Brain dead nutcase.
Hitler killed or jailed all the socialists. Then all the communists. Then all of the Jews.

Hitler did not nationalize any industry.

Hint: Hitler was not a socialist.

Hint: Hitler was a tyrant.

Hint: thanatos144 is wandering along deserted highways and biways of ill logic.
Not only are you profoundly ignorant of history, you're incapable of originality, too.

Anyone who believes Castro, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Mao, and Pol Pot are on the right is too stupid to breath on his own.

Or are you saying they're not highly authoritarian?

Either way, you're astoundingly wrong.

You are still stuck in left/right. Do you understand that conservatism is based on the country, tenets and orthodoxy you were raised to believe, and conserve?

WHY would a man like Stalin want to conserve the US Constitution, capitalism or American tenets and orthodoxy?

When Mikhail S. Gorbachev tried to liberalize the Soviet society in the late 1980's and implement democratic elections, Russian conservatives, an alliance including xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearned for what they saw as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church rebelled.

At election rallies Russian conservatives called out against the influence of ''Zionist forces,'' and in campaign leaflets decried ''liberal yellow journalists.''

Russian conservatives regards the liberalization of Soviet society as a conspiracy by Jews, Masons and Westernizers.

Russian conservatives called THEMSELVES...Stalinists.

Here is what Mao Zedong said about liberalism.

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads.
Combat Liberalism
Damn, you retards can make yourselves believe anything, no matter how stupid, can't you?


The totalitarians I named are on the left. No amount of vapid mental gymnastics will ever change that fact.

The Left is driven by the template to excuse away the horrific acts of gov't by
claiming they are right somehow

Most amusing is the claiming by the concerned trolls that Lincoln was a "progressive"
I am still laughing about that one- comparing a war (civil) powers a President might use as a template for all gov't

The Nazis organized all German businesses into cartels.

The argument was that—in contrast to the disorderliness and egoism of free market capitalism—centralization and state control would increase efficiency and a sense of German unity.

In July of 1933, membership in a cartel became compulsory for businesses, and by early 1934 the cartel structure was re-organized and placed firmly under the direction of the German government.​

By 1937, small businesses with capital under $40,000 were dissolved by the State; labor unions had been dissolved, as were the rights to strike and collective bargaining. Unemployment was dealt with by public works programs of road-building and so on.

All property and labor power was now either owned by the State or, if still owned by private parties, subject to almost-total control. Businesses were told by the State what to produce and in what quantities. Prices and wages were set by the State.

And if anyone complained, a commonly used Nazi slogan put them on the defensive: “The common interest before self interest.”[36] The argument was quite clear: You are not a private individual seeking profit or higher wages in a capitalist economy. You and your property belong in trust to the German people, and you have a duty to serve the public interest, even if it involves a personal sacrifice.​

The left have spent decades trying to marginalize it right, to cover for the fact that, it is a creature of the left.

As we can see here, the extreme left continues everyday their big lie

They make the rather weak and limited argument that socialism is just pure nationalization of industry.
This argument is either intentionally misleading or based on a rather simplistic and ignorant view of economics
Shallow people can get lost in discussions on socialism

Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Progressivism, Crony Capitalism
all the other collectivist groups are all based on the Rousseauian vision. They are creatures of the left.
They are all promoters of Statism

They have more in common than not
which the left is trying to run from...

As I have quoted before"

Friedrich Hayek defined fascism best

"It is simply collectivism freed from all traces of an individualist tradition which might hamper its realization."

The Left's ignorance and intentional historical revisionism on these issues are
big factors in why the US keeps making the sames mistakes when it comes
to centralizing power.


Here boy
Progressivism is given to a process: organized effort; big government; channel changes in the entire society; by professionals and those with expertise.

Lincoln and the Civil War can easily be argued and be defended as as an early example of Progressivism.

Not all Progressive attempts are beneficial or classically liberal. Strom Thurmond and the Dixiecrats, if victorious, would have resegregated the armed forces, which were under integration by Truman's order. Woodrow Wilson was not a fan of civil rights or free speech.

All the examples in the paragraph above were actions or intended actions by Democrats.

Eisenhower used big government to initiate the Interstate Highway Act, a transportation project that had tremendous impact on the American economy in the last half of the 20th century.

The childish attempts to isolate "this" or "that" Progressivism as only "liberal" or "conservative" and as "good" or "bad" are not only erroneous, they are stupid.

Indeed, concerned troll as well
One who poorly attempts to use edits to

The following quotes are interesting and sure to get the "hackles" of the left up

A. "...above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual... By this we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow men."

B. "The [] people must march forward as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline."

C. "...moral law, binding together individual and the generations into a tradition and a mission, suppressing the instinct for a life enclosed within the brief round of pleasure in order to restore within duty a higher life free from the limits of time and space."

The choices are Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Who said which?

post time 5:19pm

Here boy
Remember, anyone who exposes the common roots of progressivism and fascism is anti-American, according to Fakey. :cool:

The Meghan McCain of the posting board
The fake edit thing was so feminine, after all

Don't forget the Left needs identity politics.
The Nazi's were big promoters of identity politics

If it was not for identity politics, the left could not survive
The left's use of identity politics promotes the collective, as well.

If one puts the "group" above themselves and gets their worth
from it - it helps to promote and empower the left

The basic core of racism is the idea that the individual is meaningless and that membership in the collective, in this case race, is the only source of value.

Thus the left's 'diversity' and identity politics entails exactly the same premise as racism -- one's political worth is determined by race or ethnic heritage.

The left is very racist; it is just racism they can live with,
"Progressive Approved"

The Left's new motto should be

From each race according to their ability
To each race according to their need


Here boy
Indeed, concerned troll as well
One who poorly attempts to use edits to

The following quotes are interesting and sure to get the "hackles" of the left up

A. "...above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual... By this we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow men."

B. "The [] people must march forward as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline."

C. "...moral law, binding together individual and the generations into a tradition and a mission, suppressing the instinct for a life enclosed within the brief round of pleasure in order to restore within duty a higher life free from the limits of time and space."

The choices are Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Who said which?

post time 5:19pm

Here boy
Remember, anyone who exposes the common roots of progressivism and fascism is anti-American, according to Fakey. :cool:

The Meghan McCain of the posting board
The fake edit thing was so feminine, after all

Don't forget the Left needs identity politics.
The Nazi's were big promoters of identity politics

If it was not for identity politics, the left could not survive
The left's use of identity politics promotes the collective, as well.

If one puts the "group" above themselves and gets their worth
from it - it helps to promote and empower the left

The basic core of racism is the idea that the individual is meaningless and that membership in the collective, in this case race, is the only source of value.

Thus the left's 'diversity' and identity politics entails exactly the same premise as racism -- one's political worth is determined by race or ethnic heritage.

The left is very racist; it is just racism they can live with,
"Progressive Approved"

The Left's new motto should be

From each race according to their ability
To each race according to their need


Here boy
At least Meghan McCain has a nice rack. Fakey doesn't even have that redeeming feature. :cool:
Remember, anyone who exposes the common roots of progressivism and fascism is anti-American, according to Fakey. :cool:

The Meghan McCain of the posting board
The fake edit thing was so feminine, after all

Don't forget the Left needs identity politics.
The Nazi's were big promoters of identity politics

If it was not for identity politics, the left could not survive
The left's use of identity politics promotes the collective, as well.

If one puts the "group" above themselves and gets their worth
from it - it helps to promote and empower the left

The basic core of racism is the idea that the individual is meaningless and that membership in the collective, in this case race, is the only source of value.

Thus the left's 'diversity' and identity politics entails exactly the same premise as racism -- one's political worth is determined by race or ethnic heritage.

The left is very racist; it is just racism they can live with,
"Progressive Approved"

The Left's new motto should be

From each race according to their ability
To each race according to their need


Here boy
At least Meghan McCain has a nice rack. Fakey doesn't even have that redeeming feature. :cool:

He makes up with these "teats"
No wonder Ravi and Dante "thank" him so much



Here boy
The Meghan McCain of the posting board
The fake edit thing was so feminine, after all

Don't forget the Left needs identity politics.
The Nazi's were big promoters of identity politics

If it was not for identity politics, the left could not survive
The left's use of identity politics promotes the collective, as well.

If one puts the "group" above themselves and gets their worth
from it - it helps to promote and empower the left

The basic core of racism is the idea that the individual is meaningless and that membership in the collective, in this case race, is the only source of value.

Thus the left's 'diversity' and identity politics entails exactly the same premise as racism -- one's political worth is determined by race or ethnic heritage.

The left is very racist; it is just racism they can live with,
"Progressive Approved"

The Left's new motto should be

From each race according to their ability
To each race according to their need


Here boy
At least Meghan McCain has a nice rack. Fakey doesn't even have that redeeming feature. :cool:

He makes up with these "teats"
No wonder Ravi and Dante "thank" him so much



Here boy
Of course. Leftists always stick together.
Thus, you, AllieBaba, are a Progressive because you want to use big government to control the masses on the issue of abortion.

Wrong it was overreaching federal government who legalized and imposed abortion throughout the country. The conservative position is leave it to the people to decide, individually in each state, also the federal government should have no role in funding it or promoting it
Hitler quotes..

"There is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it. There is, above all, genuine, revolutionary feeling, which is alive everywhere in Russia except where there are Jewish Marxists. I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communists always will."

"Of what importance is all that, if I range men firmly within a discipline they cannot escape? Let them own land or factories as much as they please. The decisive factor is that the State, through the Party, is supreme over them regardless of whether they are owners or workers. All that is unessential; our socialism goes far deeper. It establishes a relationship of the individual to the State, the national community. Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings."

The Voice of Destruction: Conversations with Hitler 1940 - Hermann Rauschning - Google Books

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