Hitler Hated Communism, Socialist, Homosexuals, and Jews

"We are Socialists,we are enemies of today's Capitalistic economic System for the exploitation of the economically weak,with its unfair salaries,with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance,and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

Though those words could have easily been spoken by Barack Obama,Nancy Pelosi,and just about all Leftists in this country,they were actually words spoken by Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a loyal Socialist right up til the end and this is just fact. Today's American Socialists do have eerie similarities with the Nazi Socialists. Their words seem to echo Adolf Hitler's own words more and more each day. It's actually pretty frightening.

Our Founding Fathers really were true geniuses all those years ago. They got it right back then. Socialism/Communism sound pretty good in the beginning but always end badly. Socialism/Communism simply open the door to Government oppression and Dictatorship. You can't even get to Fascism or Dictatorship without first going the Socialist/Communist route. Our Founding Fathers really did have it right back then. The further we move away from our Constitution the closer we get to Socialism,Communism,Fascism,and ultimately Dictatorship. Right now we are rapidly moving away from our Constitution and that should frighten all Americans.

link me to the source or tell me in which book it is cited that adolf hitler spoke those words.

i already answered your question who it was. it was not hitler.
He doesn't answer questions.

He spams the same stuff over and over again. He is a bot.

yeah, i told him his stuff will be true after the 129645th repetition or some such number. looks like he really believes that.
I will say, it is said to be quoted in Toland's biography of Hitler.

I thought I had the book in my library, but I can't find it. I was looking to verify. It's supposedly quoted on page 306.
Althoughhhhhhhhhhhh...Jonah Goldberg states it was Gregor Strasser who said it.

This is a quandary. Who to believe. Who to believe.

I will say, it is said to be quoted in Toland's biography of Hitler.

I thought I had the book in my library, but I can't find it. I was looking to verify. It's supposedly quoted on page 306.

i saw that on wikipedia. i did not find a way to get my hands on the "nationalsozialistische briefe". what all sources seem to say that it was said or written in 1927. 3 years before kicking the socialists out of the NSDAP.
link me to the source or tell me in which book it is cited that adolf hitler spoke those words.

i already answered your question who it was. it was not hitler.
He doesn't answer questions.

He spams the same stuff over and over again. He is a bot.

yeah, i told him his stuff will be true after the 129645th repetition or some such number. looks like he really believes that.
Repeat the big lie often enough...
Althoughhhhhhhhhhhh...Jonah Goldberg states it was Gregor Strasser who said it.

This is a quandary. Who to believe. Who to believe.


maybe jonah goldberg got something right. i am searching in german, no jonah goldberg in sight to cite.
Roosevelt was trying to backdoor many things in order to prepare the US for war. However, as usual, C misses the most important line in my post. They were German citizens. To ignore this would step the US over a big bad line we were not prepared to cross at that point, and would have helped to suck us in to the war in Europe before we were ready.


Jewish refugees aboard the SS Quanza arrive in Norfolk, Va., on Sept. 11, 1940, in this photo from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum released Friday by Indiana University Press. The photo appears in the new book Refugees and Rescue

Jews and Immigration

A few days after the elections came Kristallnacht in Germany. Roosevelt spoke out publicly, expressing his dismay and horror.
He sent a protest to Germany and brought his ambassador to Germany home for consultations. The American Legion endorsed Roosevelt's statement, as did the CIO labor organization. Prominent movie stars -- Fred Astaire, Claudette Colbert and Bette Davis -- spoke out against the brutalities, Bette Davis suggesting that the U.S. sever all economic ties with Hitler's Germany. Support among U.S. citizens for the appeasement policy of Britain's prime minister, Chamberlain, diminished. In a Gallup poll that month, 94 percent expressed disapproval of "Nazi treatment of Jews.

For Hitler, the case of the S.S. St. Louis marked a stunning victory. It proved that, in spite of the protestations of the Allied leaders to the contrary, they didn’t want Jews in their countries any more than he wanted them in his. In fact, when a Canadian official was asked how many Jews fleeing from Nazi Europe could be admitted to Canada, he responded: “None is too many.” This eventually became the title of a book, describing Canada’s draconian refugee policies.


Nothing you have said refutes what I have said.
He doesn't answer questions.

He spams the same stuff over and over again. He is a bot.

yeah, i told him his stuff will be true after the 129645th repetition or some such number. looks like he really believes that.
Repeat the big lie often enough...

Inadvertently, you've hit the nail on the head. I realize that you were referring to the previous poster's statements, but your post also illustrates how Hitler operated vis-à-vis Socialism.

Who were the main opponents of Hitler and the Nazi's? Socialists. Socialists were also pretty popular with the general population. So in order to fool, persuade and get the populace behind him, he first put the word "Socialist" right there in his party's name. Then he spouted some rhetoric about Socialism which made it look like he supported it. However, one only has to look at his actions to realize that they were anything but Socialist. No wonder that soon he completely consolidated power and kicked off the big war that he pretty much dropped the rhetoric. No reason to even give a passing nod to it anymore.

Heck, if anyone needs more proof, all they have to do is look at the first group of people that he went after and murdered in order to consolidate his power. Socialists. Reichstag fire anyone?

So while might have mouthed some Socialist ideologies, his actions were anything but. Risking the wrath of Godwin, it's pretty much like Bush who spouted conservative ideology, and then proceeded to become a big-government liberal. He just didn't persue the current liberal agenda's (thats pretty much the textbook definition of a neo-conservative).

And that, as they say, is that.
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Before you start throwing the word "Fascisim" around, I suggest you at least look up what it means, and how that definition affects EVERYTHING, not the least of which will be how all of us live should even a fraction of his agenda go through. As the old saying goes, there will be no point in closing the barn door once the horse is out.

Like it or not, Obama IS a fascist, and he's already proven it with his handling of the banks and the auto industries and now he's after insurance and health care. Privately owned, but government-controlled. Don't take my word for it - find it out for yourself.

As for your statement that: "You've got to have someone to hate in Fascism, it seems," you're quite right. Examine the ethnocentric church Obama attended for 20 years:

From Newsmax.com, 1/7/08: “We are a congregation which is unashamedly black and unapologetically Christian,” says the Trinity United Church of Christ’s website in Chicago. “We are an African people and remain true to our native land, the mother continent, the cradle of civilization.”

That’s just the beginning. The church has a “non-negotiable commitment to Africa,” according to its website, and its pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. subscribes to what is called the Black Value System.

While the Black Value System includes such items as commitment to God, education, and self-discipline, it refers to “our racist competitive society” and includes the disavowal of the pursuit of “middle-classness” and a pledge of allegiance to “all black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System.” It defines “middle-classness” as a way for American society to “snare” blacks rather than “killing them off directly” or “placing them in concentration camps,” just as the country structures “an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.”

In sermons and interviews, Dr. Wright has equated Zionism with racism and Israel with South Africa under its previous policy of apartheid. On the Sunday after 9/11, Wright said the attacks were a consequence of violent American policies. Four years later, Wright suggested that the attacks were retribution for America’s racism.

“In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01,” Wright wrote in a church-affiliated magazine. “White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ‘disappeared’ as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.”

In one of his sermons, Wright said, “Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run!...We [in the U.S.] believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God.”

As for Israel, “The Israelis have illegally occupied Palestinian territories for over 40 years now,” Wright has said. “Divestment has now hit the table again as a strategy to wake the business community and wake up Americans concerning the injustice and the racism under which the Palestinians have lived because of Zionism.”

Obama says he found religion and Jesus Christ through Wright, whom he met in the mid-1980s. He has been attending Wright’s church regularly since 1988.

As for the "flooding of corporate media," like it or not, it's freedom of speech. If you don't like what you're hearing, turn it off. You seem to be operating under the notion that someone's rights are being stepped on because you don't like or believe what's being said. The veracity or lack thereof is not your problem. You have the choice to turn it off. Likewise, if they do not like or believe what you might say, given equal time on the same type of forum, their choice would be the same - they could simply turn you off. I would think someone as intelligent as you clearly are would understand that nothing is more important than maintaining the constitutional right to freedom of speech, regardless of whether what is being said is pleasing or viewed as honest by anyone with an opposing viewpoint?

And cons wonder why no one takes them seriously.

Is it because you are cognitively challenged?!?

And cons wonder why no one takes them seriously.

Oh dear, I'm so sorry, but I'm not a "con"!!!!! OMG! There's not a label you can slap on me! You can't put me in "my place" now! I'm educated, I believe in equal rights, I defend the constitution, I'm in favor of gay marriage, and I'm pro choice! I think for myself, I examine things from all sides, and I don't let other people make my decisions for me, or create my biases! Gasp! What kind of a world has it become, when you have to deal with someone who isn't afraid to look at things the way they are instead of the way you just really, really want them to be?
This coming from the poster who just called Obama a fascist. "like it or not."

Is Obama using the state to effectuate change?

Yes, you said?

So he is a fascist.

Why are you having so much difficulty grasping the concept?

Is Obama using the state to effectuate change?

Yes, you said?

So he is a fascist.

Why are you having so much difficulty grasping the concept?

whatever gave you the idea that using the state to effectuate change has anything whatsoever to do with fascism?
Oh dear, I'm so sorry, but I'm not a "con"!!!!! OMG! There's not a label you can slap on me! You can't put me in "my place" now! I'm educated, I believe in equal rights, I defend the constitution, I'm in favor of gay marriage, and I'm pro choice! I think for myself, I examine things from all sides, and I don't let other people make my decisions for me, or create my biases! Gasp! What kind of a world has it become, when you have to deal with someone who isn't afraid to look at things the way they are instead of the way you just really, really want them to be?
This coming from the poster who just called Obama a fascist. "like it or not."

Is Obama using the state to effectuate change?

Yes, you said?

So he is a fascist.

Why are you having so much difficulty grasping the concept?


Speaking of cognitively challenged.

Good God.
Very good. So when the government dictates political ideology and corporate economic ideology, you get fascism. But you're telling me you don't see any of that happening now, though, right? Not with the takeover of the banks or the micro-management and/or takeover of the auto industry - privately owned industries? Or interference in a person's choice of health care? You don't see ANY of that happening AT ALL?

The banks were given LOANS while Bush was president. Most of the TARP funds have been paid back.


And you KNOW that HOW?

Is Obama using the state to effectuate change?

Yes, you said?

So he is a fascist.

Why are you having so much difficulty grasping the concept?

whatever gave you the idea that using the state to effectuate change has anything whatsoever to do with fascism?

Because some people don't realize that all governments - not just those they don't like - engage in what is usually derisively termed "social engineering".
Very good. So when the government dictates political ideology and corporate economic ideology, you get fascism. But you're telling me you don't see any of that happening now, though, right? Not with the takeover of the banks or the micro-management and/or takeover of the auto industry - privately owned industries? Or interference in a person's choice of health care? You don't see ANY of that happening AT ALL?

The banks were given LOANS while Bush was president. Most of the TARP funds have been paid back.


And you KNOW that HOW?


Don't know about "most", but...



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Is Obama using the state to effectuate change?

Yes, you said?

So he is a fascist.

Why are you having so much difficulty grasping the concept?

whatever gave you the idea that using the state to effectuate change has anything whatsoever to do with fascism?

"...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini

Is Obama using the state to effectuate change?

Yes, you said?

So he is a fascist.

Why are you having so much difficulty grasping the concept?

whatever gave you the idea that using the state to effectuate change has anything whatsoever to do with fascism?

"...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini


and when the religious right tries to use the state to effectuate change?

btw, one comment by mussolini does not facism make...

you're pretty loose with the definitions ... because what you're claiming doesn't fit any definition I've ever heard.
Is Obama using the state to effectuate change?

Yes, you said?

So he is a fascist.

Why are you having so much difficulty grasping the concept?

whatever gave you the idea that using the state to effectuate change has anything whatsoever to do with fascism?

Because some people don't realize that all governments - not just those they don't like - engage in what is usually derisively termed "social engineering".

I am certain that you meant to say: "Because some people don't realize that all FASCIST governments - not just those they don't like - engage in what is usually derisively termed "social engineering".

whatever gave you the idea that using the state to effectuate change has anything whatsoever to do with fascism?

"...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Benito Mussolini


and when the religious right tries to use the state to effectuate change?

btw, one comment by mussolini does not facism make...

you're pretty loose with the definitions ... because what you're claiming doesn't fit any definition I've ever heard.

You attended a government owned and operated school , right?


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