Hmmm...I thought churches didn't have to worry about performing gay marriages...what about this...

It's a business that performs a religious ceremony. You don't own the business, pay their taxes or lease/mortgage/overhead. The fags can go to a fag friendly chapel. Tyrants that want to deny one's religious freedoms need to go to jail.
That doesn't make it a church. So the business has to follow the laws of the state.
The Constitution trumps state law. Assuming homosexuality is considered on the same level as religions and race.
I find it disgusting that you and people like you are advocating for a business to break the law and use religion to excuse it.
I find it disgusting that you are more interested in ramming homosexuality down people's throats than you are in respecting their religious views. Like I said, normal people find businesses that accommodate them, not forcing a business to accommodate them.
You christians really don't show much respect for your faith. jesus wasn't about profit. In fact, he said a camel can get through the eye of a needle much easier than a rich person can get into heaven. Your jesus also preached for the rich to sell everything they have and give it to the poor. You christians don't do that and in fact use your faith to make money. You also use that same faith to say you have the right to discriminate against you fellow human beings.

Which would disgust jesus.
I'm not a Christian. Apparently that's too much for your toggle switch brain.

You can worship the lint in your belly button for all I care.

The facts are that this isn't a church. It's a business. They perform weddings.

If this was a church I would be in full agreement with you. But it's not a church. It's a business. When they get that license they agree to serve the public and obey all laws of the area. The city has a law that says no one can discriminate against gay people,

If that business owner wants to have all the benefits of a church then he should turn in his business license and start a church.

If you want to bring the constitution into it, those business people are violating the 14th amendment. If they refuse to give the same business to gay people as they do to heterosexuals, they're violating the 14th amendment. Which has a lot to do with the law of that area that makes it illegal to discriminate against gay people.

No one is telling those people they can't be any religion they want. No one is violating their religious freedom. They can still worship the god of their choice while complying with the laws. I'm sure they perform a wide variety of religious ceremonies of which I'm sure the business people aren't members of all the varieties of religions they do services for. So if they can do a service of a religion that they aren't a member of, that means that not doing a ceremony of their own faith isn't keeping them from following their faith. Which means that performing any ceremony for a gay couple wouldn't keep them from following their faith.

So no one's religious freedom is being violated.

You advocate for a business owner to violate the law using religion to excuse it. Which is typical for people like you.

Seems to me that you conservatives think that you can pick and choose what laws you want to follow.

Here in the real world everyone follows all the laws. Not just those they like.

You can reply to this but I won't read it. I'm going to scroll right past your posts. I don't waste my time with people who advocate breaking the laws and violating the constitution.

They certainly are not. You will find NOWHERE in the 14th does it say you have a right to do business with people. NOWHERE

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say you have a right to do business at all.

Actually it does.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

I know you are going to attempt to claim that self same Amendment means you have a right to do business with me, but in fact that would be horse shit and you know it. In EVERY other aspect, we aren't allowed to claim a right that over runs another person's rights, except for PA laws, why is that I wonder.
As has SCOTUS on these matters of orientation, marriage, and duty and obligation in the public square.
If we had not the 14th Amendment, the CRA, and PA laws, we would have people doing business in public refusing to serve customers because of religion or race or ethnic origin or orientation or sexuality of whatever.
If we had not the 14th Amendment, the CRA, and PA laws, we would have people doing business in public refusing to serve customers because of religion or race or ethnic origin or orientation or sexuality of whatever.

So what? It's THEIR business, not yours. Show me where in the COTUS it says the government can force people to be nice to each other..
What you do in public is everybody's business.

We are not going back to bad times.

My business isn't the public sir. It's PRIVATE property. Know how I know? I pay the property tax.

When you are doing business in public as a service to the public, no, sir, you are not private at all.

Really? So just anyone can come anywhere on my business and I have no control over that? That's what you're claiming Jake?
Everyone says that because this is a business, that a person automatically gives up his right to freedom of religion.

Can someone tell me why a gays "right" to be married, trumps the right of religious freedom? Who is it that is determining one right to be more powerful than another?


They aren't a church. If they wanted religious exemptions from the law, they would be a tax exempt church, not a for profit business.

They can become a church, but they'd lose all that $$$$$. Wonder which will be more important to them?
What you do in public is everybody's business.

We are not going back to bad times.

My business isn't the public sir. It's PRIVATE property. Know how I know? I pay the property tax.

When you are doing business in public as a service to the public, no, sir, you are not private at all.

Really? So just anyone can come anywhere on my business and I have no control over that? That's what you're claiming Jake?

Quarrel with me you will lose. Quarrel with state business accommodation law you will lose.

So, if you are going into business after your retirement, do it privately and by word of mouth.

Simply do not advertise. If you do, you are subject to PA laws.
What you do in public is everybody's business.

We are not going back to bad times.

My business isn't the public sir. It's PRIVATE property. Know how I know? I pay the property tax.

When you are doing business in public as a service to the public, no, sir, you are not private at all.

Really? So just anyone can come anywhere on my business and I have no control over that? That's what you're claiming Jake?

Quarrel with me you will lose. Quarrel with state business accommodation law you will lose.

So, if you are going into business after your retirement, do it privately and by word of mouth.

Simply do not advertise. If you do, you are subject to PA laws.

Jake, you haven't defeated me yet, what makes you think you can this time?

I ask you again. WHERE in the COTUS does it say the government can prevent people from being mean to other people?
I got my BA from a university that rejected your ass. Nevermind my 2 other Masters.

You're a cum-guzzler.....but we don't accept your demented life.

you're no true believer ?

sure you are, you believe everything Fox feeds you.
Right, because Fox News totally made up the lawsuit that is being filed....

stfu Fox fan ... don't talk with your mouth full ... grunt and nod your head.

your Low IQ ilk has been marginalized in America, deal with it .
Someone should be getting their money back on that one. degrees are economics, business and education related.

You have no clue about the Bible yet have a hard-on for the cocksucking fucktard.

My college degrees are a foreign concept to you...a migrant wetback queer living on the street.

I got my BA from a university that rejected your ass. Nevermind my 2 other Masters.

your Low IQ ilk has been marginalized in America, deal with it .

I got my BA from a university that rejected your ass. Nevermind my 2 other Masters.

your Low IQ ilk has been marginalized in America, deal with it .

Yes I am sure you are very proud of the degrees you bought from mail order bible "skool" for a "love gift" of only 29.95 :itsok:
My college degrees are a foreign concept to you...a migrant wetback queer living on the street.

Get your ass back in the field....

I got my BA from a university that rejected your ass. Nevermind my 2 other Masters.

your Low IQ ilk has been marginalized in America, deal with it .

I got my BA from a university that rejected your ass. Nevermind my 2 other Masters.

your Low IQ ilk has been marginalized in America, deal with it .

Yes I am sure you are very proud of the degrees you bought from mail order bible "skool" for a "love gift" of only 29.95 :itsok:



As I said...someone should be getting their money back on that one.

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