Hmmm...Massachusetts gun control laws had no impact on gun crime rates.....who saw that coming? Well, we did........

So then you are saying we should actually enforce federal gun laws and put everyone found to be in possession of a firearm who is defined by federal law as a person who is prohibited in federal prison for a minimum of 5 years, right?

FYI when cities in this country actually did that, a statistically significant drop in violent crimes was the result.

Nope. We need to totally ban guns... not lock up people...
You think locking everyone up who commits a minor violation is "realistic"? We lock up 2 million people now, how is that working out for us?
Possessing a gun illegally is not a minor violation it is a felony.
So what's your point? Cheating on your taxes is a felony, but it's estimated that 1.6 Million Americans do. We lock very few of them up.

Again, we lock up 2 million people. How is that working out for us again?
We lock up the wrong people. I don;t know how many times you have to hear that before it sinks into that sludge you call a brain.
We lock up the wrong people. I don;t know how many times you have to hear that before it sinks into that sludge you call a brain.

No, we lock up too many people. We lock up people based on their race and wealth instead of the seriousness of their crime.

Rush Limbaugh gets rehab, the poor black kid gets prison.

Aunt Becky gets 11 days, the poor woman who tried to get her kid out of the school with the metal detectors got five years.

If you catch someone with a gun they shouldn't have, you take their gun. Period.
No, we lock up too many people. We lock up people based on their race and wealth instead of the seriousness of their crime.

Rush Limbaugh gets rehab, the poor black kid gets prison.

Aunt Becky gets 11 days, the poor woman who tried to get her kid out of the school with the metal detectors got five years.

If you catch someone with a gun they shouldn't have, you take their gun. Period.
We lock up the wrong people.

We lock up more people for petty drug offenses than we do for violent crimes.
We lock up more people for property crimes than we do for violent crimes

Our bail policies are way off base
People are sitting in jails for years awaiting trial.

In fact most people in state and county prisons have not even been convicted of a crime.

Those are the problems with our so called justice system.

Legalizing drugs is the staring point just by doing that we can unclog both the courts and the prisons, free up the cops to actually go after dangerous criminals, save billions of dollars annually that can be used for treatment etc.

None of that has anything to do with the fact that locking up people who break gun laws has been proven to reduce crime in those cities that have done it.
We lock up the wrong people.

We lock up more people for petty drug offenses than we do for violent crimes.
We lock up more people for property crimes than we do for violent crimes

Our bail policies are way off base
People are sitting in jails for years awaiting trial.

In fact most people in state and county prisons have not even been convicted of a crime.

Those are the problems with our so called justice system.

Legalizing drugs is the staring point just by doing that we can unclog both the courts and the prisons, free up the cops to actually go after dangerous criminals, save billions of dollars annually that can be used for treatment etc.

None of that has anything to do with the fact that locking up people who break gun laws has been proven to reduce crime in those cities that have done it.

Well, according to NRA Propaganda, anyway. They don't report the cities that tried this and failed.

I don't disagree with you, a lot of our "justice" system is broken.

But pretending that guns aren't a big part of that equation- most of them people killing family members or associates, is disingenuous.
No, we lock up too many people. We lock up people based on their race and wealth instead of the seriousness of their crime.

Rush Limbaugh gets rehab, the poor black kid gets prison.

Aunt Becky gets 11 days, the poor woman who tried to get her kid out of the school with the metal detectors got five years.

If you catch someone with a gun they shouldn't have, you take their gun. Period.

No.....the democrats are releasing the worst of the worst over and over again.......keep them locked up.
Well, according to NRA Propaganda, anyway. They don't report the cities that tried this and failed.

I don't disagree with you, a lot of our "justice" system is broken.

But pretending that guns aren't a big part of that equation- most of them people killing family members or associates, is disingenuous.

You fixate on the NRA, one organization actually trying to keep violent gun offenders in prison, while the democrat party is reducing the prison time for armed robbery and drive by really are an idiot.

The majority of gun murder victims are criminals.....and the friends and family of criminals........yet you don't want to stop them, you want them on the street.
Well, according to NRA Propaganda, anyway. They don't report the cities that tried this and failed.

I don't disagree with you, a lot of our "justice" system is broken.

But pretending that guns aren't a big part of that equation- most of them people killing family members or associates, is disingenuous.
Guns are not the cause of crime.

Our murder rate is the same as it was in 1950.

Like I said before everyone knows where 70 - 80 % of all murders occur but the powers that be don't give a shit because it's young inner city minority males killing other young inner city minority males.
No.....the democrats are releasing the worst of the worst over and over again.......keep them locked up.
We lock up 2 million people.
We lock up 2 million people
We Lock up 2 million people

Locking people up doesn't make us any safer.

You fixate on the NRA, one organization actually trying to keep violent gun offenders in prison, while the democrat party is reducing the prison time for armed robbery and drive by really are an idiot.

It costs $70,000 to lock up a criminal a year. We could give each and every one of them a job, and solve our problems.

Like I said before everyone knows where 70 - 80 % of all murders occur but the powers that be don't give a shit because it's young inner city minority males killing other young inner city minority males.
RIght, and we all know THOSE people don't count. We only care for a day or two when it's white kids getting slaughtered at Stoneman or Sandy Hook.
We lock up 2 million people.
We lock up 2 million people
We Lock up 2 million people

Locking people up doesn't make us any safer.

It costs $70,000 to lock up a criminal a year. We could give each and every one of them a job, and solve our problems.

RIght, and we all know THOSE people don't count. We only care for a day or two when it's white kids getting slaughtered at Stoneman or Sandy Hook.
We lock up the wrong people
We lock up the wrong people
We lock up the wrong people
We lock up the wrong people

See I can do that too.

And I already told how we can cut down the number of people we lock up by well over half.

And I never said those people don't count but the fucking state and federal governments who run our law enforcement certainly don't think they matter.

The facts are plain to see if you'll only open your eyes a fraction of what you open your mouth
And I already told how we can cut down the number of people we lock up by well over half.

And that would STILL be too many.

And I never said those people don't count but the fucking state and federal governments who run our law enforcement certainly don't think they matter.

Murder enforcement isn't a state or federal matter... it's a local one. The problem is, local governments WANT to ban guns, but the NRA keeps running to the courts to get protection for their profits.
And that would STILL be too many.

Murder enforcement isn't a state or federal matter... it's a local one. The problem is, local governments WANT to ban guns, but the NRA keeps running to the courts to get protection for their profits.

Gun laws are a federal matter but we don't enforce our gun laws. Local governments and law enforcement don't give a shit about what happens in the poorest neighborhoods and never really did.

And if you want to ban guns you'll need to change the Constitution. Good luck with that. A gun ban will do nothing but increase the illegal gun trade and increase crime just like Prohibition did, just like to failed war on drugs did.

Like I said when you want to be a realist and deal with the actual problem and not just spout your naïve idealism get back to me.
We lock up 2 million people.
We lock up 2 million people
We Lock up 2 million people

Locking people up doesn't make us any safer.

It costs $70,000 to lock up a criminal a year. We could give each and every one of them a job, and solve our problems.

RIght, and we all know THOSE people don't count. We only care for a day or two when it's white kids getting slaughtered at Stoneman or Sandy Hook.

Moron, the democrat party lets the most violent, known, repeat offenders over and over again, so it doesn't matter how many we lock up, they keep releasing the worst of the worst......

That 70,000 dollars is a lot less than allowing the violent assholes to run free......the ones shooting people and causing the medical costs........

Those "people" don't count to people like you because you keep voting for the political party, the democrats, who keep releasing violent criminals who murder black let them out...over and over again.
Gun laws are a federal matter but we don't enforce our gun laws.

Well, yeah, they are designed to be toothless, thanks to the NRA.

Moron, the democrat party lets the most violent, known, repeat offenders over and over again, so it doesn't matter how many we lock up, they keep releasing the worst of the worst......

That 70,000 dollars is a lot less than allowing the violent assholes to run free......the ones shooting people and causing the medical costs........

Which they wouldn't be able to do if they weren't able to get guns so easily.

You see, everyone else in the world has figured this out.
Well, yeah, they are designed to be toothless, thanks to the NRA.

Which they wouldn't be able to do if they weren't able to get guns so easily.

You see, everyone else in the world has figured this out.
It has nothing to do with the NRA.

Local governments and law enforcement do not prosecute gun crimes. In fact gun charges are usually the first offenses to be dropped.

So you whine about crimes committed with guns but you don;t want to put people in jail for crimes committed with guns.

That is naivete bordering on retardation.

So take a step into the real world and grow the fuck up.
Local governments and law enforcement do not prosecute gun crimes. In fact gun charges are usually the first offenses to be dropped.

So you whine about crimes committed with guns but you don;t want to put people in jail for crimes committed with guns.

That is naivete bordering on retardation.

So take a step into the real world and grow the fuck up.

Kind of hard to charge gun crimes when the NRA will turn anyone charged with one into a martyr.

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