HNN Poll: 61% of Historians Rate the Bush Presidency Worst

In this case, the paperwork is Federal Law. Can you imagine the howling from the Dems if W had done this?

The simple truth of Katrina is that it was an evolving catastrophe that turned into thousands of personal tradgedies. Many, many hurricanes had hit this coast before and many will do so again.

Nobody knew the magnitude of the problem that was developing and those closest to the problem, the New Orleans law enforcement and government, were far less responsive than they should have been. AWOL might be a good description here.

The LA State level response was equally wanting. The help that we expect our governments to provide was absent.

The Feds made available everything that was needed, but the state refused it either by commission or ommission. When the LA Governor finally asked for help, 30,000 troops were deployed within 24 hours. By any measure, moving that number of people with their equipment and supplies and the materials and provisions to feed and cloth a million other people is a pretty impressive response and cannot possibly be turned on like a light switch.

As with most Liberal attacks, simply pointing at the result which was a catastrophe, does not automatically afix blame to the targeted suspect. In this case, and in every case from the sinking of the Maine to Women's Soccer Team loss in the 2011 World Cup, Liberals blame W. It's a reflex by now. They cannot help themselves.

Oddly, they don't want to blame the Big 0 for anything.

One might suspect an agenda driven, prejudiced bias if one were a tad cynical.

If US Army Helicopters came in to rescue Katrina victims, Democrats would have cheered, just like all Americans

In a crisis, nobody cares if the proper paperwork has been filled out. Bush should have told them he was coming in to help and Louisiana could have tried to stop it. You and everyone else knows they wouldn't

If Bush truly let "They didn't ask me" to be the reason he didn't help Katrina victims....he truly is the worst president in US History

You keep ignoring the fact that it didn't take a lot of red tape. All the governor had to do was sign her name, she had the pen in hand, President Bush and Mayor Nagin standing right there, and she chose to wait 24 hours. I believe her reasoning was somthing like wanting to see if it was the right thing to do, or something like that.

You have no problem with that? No criticism?

And to say Dems would be cheering... Sorry, I call bullshit. Bush could have cured cancer, ended world hunger, and made a low fat brownie that tasted good and still not been cheered by Dems and Liberals. If he had broken federal law, the cries of Nazi would have been deafening and only drowned out by the cries for impeachment.

Well let's look at it this way then.....the Governor of Louisiana will be judged by history on her actions on Katrina as will George Bush. If you think Bush will receive high grades for his post Katrina performance, you are sadly mistaken.

When an overwhelming majority of Historians rank Bush as one of our worst presidents, that says a lot for his poor performance in office. Katrina is just one of his many failings.....but a failing just the same
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Don't get me wrong Bush blew, but look at the date smokey. That was March 2009, right in the heart of the meltdown. That would of course played into it. They wouldn't blame the Bill Clinton for that one!

And I love when it prefaces with unscientific!

You do know at the time Lincoln was considered the worst President to date!

That's true about Lincoln. And amazing what death will do for a guys popularity. Kennedy was considered mediocre at best and certainly not a shoe in for re-election. That was the whole reason he was in Texas to begin with, trying to build up support for a second term. Now he's on a coin and remembered as American royalty.

You folks are proving that a little of your knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Lincoln, in April 1865, was the darling of the North and the West. His death opened the door to Johnson's inanity and inept handling of Reconstruction, and northern and western fury at the damnable South, which led to the awful portions of radical republican construction.

Kennedy was trying to shore up southern votes because he finally got going on his civil rights program. The left, though, has always had problems that it was a commie who killed Kennedy, a pragmatic cold warrior centrist president. The left will have to live with that as you guys have to live with your stupid comments.
Don't get me wrong Bush blew, but look at the date smokey. That was March 2009, right in the heart of the meltdown. That would of course played into it. They wouldn't blame the Bill Clinton for that one!

And I love when it prefaces with unscientific!

You do know at the time Lincoln was considered the worst President to date!

That's true about Lincoln. And amazing what death will do for a guys popularity. Kennedy was considered mediocre at best and certainly not a shoe in for re-election. That was the whole reason he was in Texas to begin with, trying to build up support for a second term. Now he's on a coin and remembered as American royalty.

You folks are proving that a little of your knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Lincoln, in April 1865, was the darling of the North and the West. His death opened the door to Johnson's inanity and inept handling of Reconstruction, and northern and western fury at the damnable South, which led to the awful portions of radical republican construction.

Kennedy was trying to shore up southern votes because he finally got going on his civil rights program. The left, though, has always had problems that it was a commie who killed Kennedy, a pragmatic cold warrior centrist president. The left will have to live with that as you guys have to live with your stupid comments.

There is no question that Lincoln was despised when he was president. He had no chance at reelection until Grant and Sherman won key victories in the summer of 1864. It is also true that he was made a martyr after he was assassinated.
But historians are smarter than that. They look at the big picture. What were you faced with and how did you respond? It is clear that Lincoln understood the big picture more than any of his contemporaries. Monday morning quarterbacking showed that Lincoln was right

No question he was our greatest president.
That's true about Lincoln. And amazing what death will do for a guys popularity. Kennedy was considered mediocre at best and certainly not a shoe in for re-election. That was the whole reason he was in Texas to begin with, trying to build up support for a second term. Now he's on a coin and remembered as American royalty.

You folks are proving that a little of your knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Lincoln, in April 1865, was the darling of the North and the West. His death opened the door to Johnson's inanity and inept handling of Reconstruction, and northern and western fury at the damnable South, which led to the awful portions of radical republican construction.

Kennedy was trying to shore up southern votes because he finally got going on his civil rights program. The left, though, has always had problems that it was a commie who killed Kennedy, a pragmatic cold warrior centrist president. The left will have to live with that as you guys have to live with your stupid comments.

There is no question that Lincoln was despised when he was president. He had no chance at reelection until Grant and Sherman won key victories in the summer of 1864. It is also true that he was made a martyr after he was assassinated.
But historians are smarter than that. They look at the big picture. What were you faced with and how did you respond? It is clear that Lincoln understood the big picture more than any of his contemporaries. Monday morning quarterbacking showed that Lincoln was right

No question he was our greatest president.

No question exists that in April 1865 that Lincoln was wildly popular. Lee's surrender. Richmond conquered, burned, and occupied. Johnston on the run in the Carolinas. Atlanta, Savannah, Charleston, Columbia burned. The American people were very happy overall with Lincoln, discounting the puppets in the South.
You folks are proving that a little of your knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Lincoln, in April 1865, was the darling of the North and the West. His death opened the door to Johnson's inanity and inept handling of Reconstruction, and northern and western fury at the damnable South, which led to the awful portions of radical republican construction.

Kennedy was trying to shore up southern votes because he finally got going on his civil rights program. The left, though, has always had problems that it was a commie who killed Kennedy, a pragmatic cold warrior centrist president. The left will have to live with that as you guys have to live with your stupid comments.

There is no question that Lincoln was despised when he was president. He had no chance at reelection until Grant and Sherman won key victories in the summer of 1864. It is also true that he was made a martyr after he was assassinated.
But historians are smarter than that. They look at the big picture. What were you faced with and how did you respond? It is clear that Lincoln understood the big picture more than any of his contemporaries. Monday morning quarterbacking showed that Lincoln was right

No question he was our greatest president.

No question exists that in April 1865 that Lincoln was wildly popular. Lee's surrender. Richmond conquered, burned, and occupied. Johnston on the run in the Carolinas. Atlanta, Savannah, Charleston, Columbia burned. The American people were very happy overall with Lincoln, discounting the puppets in the South.

Sadly, Lincoln was assassinated a week after Lee surrendered. It would have been great to see what the reconstruction was like under Lincoln instead of a vengeful Johnson. Lincoln seemed to understand that he needed to reestablish a nation. The south suffered because of Booth
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The South sure did suffer. Johnson's plan was not much different than Lincoln's, other than Johnson hated the planter class and the wealthy of the South, but he got off on giving them pardons when they begged his forgiveness.

The sticking point was race relations and the GOP creating a voting base of blacks in the South. Lincoln would have supported that to the max, I think.

Booth shot the one man that could have let the South up easily.
The South sure did suffer. Johnson's plan was not much different than Lincoln's, other than Johnson hated the planter class and the wealthy of the South, but he got off on giving them pardons when they begged his forgiveness.

The sticking point was race relations and the GOP creating a voting base of blacks in the South. Lincoln would have supported that to the max, I think.

Booth shot the one man that could have let the South up easily.

It's not only that, but there was a cry to punish the south after Lincoln was killed
If US Army Helicopters came in to rescue Katrina victims, Democrats would have cheered, just like all Americans

In a crisis, nobody cares if the proper paperwork has been filled out. Bush should have told them he was coming in to help and Louisiana could have tried to stop it. You and everyone else knows they wouldn't

If Bush truly let "They didn't ask me" to be the reason he didn't help Katrina victims....he truly is the worst president in US History

You keep ignoring the fact that it didn't take a lot of red tape. All the governor had to do was sign her name, she had the pen in hand, President Bush and Mayor Nagin standing right there, and she chose to wait 24 hours. I believe her reasoning was somthing like wanting to see if it was the right thing to do, or something like that.

You have no problem with that? No criticism?

And to say Dems would be cheering... Sorry, I call bullshit. Bush could have cured cancer, ended world hunger, and made a low fat brownie that tasted good and still not been cheered by Dems and Liberals. If he had broken federal law, the cries of Nazi would have been deafening and only drowned out by the cries for impeachment.

Well let's look at it this way then.....the Governor of Louisiana will be judged by history on her actions on Katrina as will George Bush. If you think Bush will receive high grades for his post Katrina performance, you are sadly mistaken.

When an overwhelming majority of Historians rank Bush as one of our worst presidents, that says a lot for his poor performance in office. Katrina is just one of his many failings.....but a failing just the same

Well, that was almost a response to my questions. Probably the best I can hope for anyway. I've already given my opinion on these "historians". As for Bush's performance post-Katrina, it wasn't nearly as bad as his detractors and not nearly as good as his proponents, but that can pretty much be said for 99% of things with a political dressing.
Don't get me wrong Bush blew, but look at the date smokey. That was March 2009, right in the heart of the meltdown. That would of course played into it. They wouldn't blame the Bill Clinton for that one!

And I love when it prefaces with unscientific!

You do know at the time Lincoln was considered the worst President to date!

That's true about Lincoln. And amazing what death will do for a guys popularity. Kennedy was considered mediocre at best and certainly not a shoe in for re-election. That was the whole reason he was in Texas to begin with, trying to build up support for a second term. Now he's on a coin and remembered as American royalty.

You folks are proving that a little of your knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Lincoln, in April 1865, was the darling of the North and the West. His death opened the door to Johnson's inanity and inept handling of Reconstruction, and northern and western fury at the damnable South, which led to the awful portions of radical republican construction.

Kennedy was trying to shore up southern votes because he finally got going on his civil rights program. The left, though, has always had problems that it was a commie who killed Kennedy, a pragmatic cold warrior centrist president. The left will have to live with that as you guys have to live with your stupid comments.

You can be wrong all you like, but don't be insulting when you do it.
That's true about Lincoln. And amazing what death will do for a guys popularity. Kennedy was considered mediocre at best and certainly not a shoe in for re-election. That was the whole reason he was in Texas to begin with, trying to build up support for a second term. Now he's on a coin and remembered as American royalty.

You folks are proving that a little of your knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Lincoln, in April 1865, was the darling of the North and the West. His death opened the door to Johnson's inanity and inept handling of Reconstruction, and northern and western fury at the damnable South, which led to the awful portions of radical republican construction.

Kennedy was trying to shore up southern votes because he finally got going on his civil rights program. The left, though, has always had problems that it was a commie who killed Kennedy, a pragmatic cold warrior centrist president. The left will have to live with that as you guys have to live with your stupid comments.

You can be wrong all you like, but don't be insulting when you do it.

That is exactly what you are projecting, MoistTrout. Follow your own advice.
* * * 61 percent of the historians concluded that the current presidency is the worst in the nation’s history * * * *

The current presidency is the Obama presidency. :lol:

It is the worst.

On the other hand, who gives a fuck what 61% of a group of academics (self-perpetuating libs for the most part) "think" anyway?
President Bush is still being polled?

I bet he really gives a flying fuck.

The "ratings" offered by the liberal "historians" in 2009 concerning their assessment of the Bush Administration is

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo meaningful.
* * * 61 percent of the historians concluded that the current presidency is the worst in the nation’s history * * * *

The current presidency is the Obama presidency. :lol:

It is the worst.

On the other hand, who gives a fuck what 61% of a group of academics (self-perpetuating libs for the most part) "think" anyway?

And I imagine the 61% don't give a crap what you think, Liability, as well.
President Bush is still being polled?

I bet he really gives a flying fuck.

The "ratings" offered by the liberal "historians" in 2009 concerning their assessment of the Bush Administration is

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo meaningful.

Yes....every historian is a liberal
Just like every scientist is a liberal

Makes it easy when you don't like what they are saying ....doesn't it?
President Bush is still being polled?

I bet he really gives a flying fuck.

The "ratings" offered by the liberal "historians" in 2009 concerning their assessment of the Bush Administration is

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo meaningful.

Yes....every historian is a liberal
Just like every scientist is a liberal

Makes it easy when you don't like what they are saying ....doesn't it?

Now that's amusing.

I don't RECALL having EVER said, suggested or implied that all historians are liberals.

In fact, I DIDN'T.
* * * 61 percent of the historians concluded that the current presidency is the worst in the nation’s history * * * *

The current presidency is the Obama presidency. :lol:

It is the worst.

On the other hand, who gives a fuck what 61% of a group of academics (self-perpetuating libs for the most part) "think" anyway?

And I imagine the 61% don't give a crap what you think, Liability, as well.

I imagine even fewer care what YOU think Fakey.

You are a stalwart of the extreme liberal branch of the Democrat Parody.

Have you figured out, yet, that your dishonest denials of that are utterly unpersuasive? You fool NOBODY.

That little dose of reality was given to you, gratis. :thup:
I am a stalwart of the Republican Party.

You are an out of mainstream far right reactionary trying to pretend to be conservative.

That is what you are faking, L.
I am a stalwart of the Republican Party.

You are an out of mainstream far right reactionary trying to pretend to be conservative.

That is what you are faking, L.

Nope. You are a lib. Plain and simple.

To your overly-simple lib mind, anybody who espouses a conservative political philosophy is deemed a "far right reactionary." There's another term you employ all too frequently but couldn't properly define if your life depended on it. :cuckoo:

You remain utterly transparent. As frauds like you go, you should.

You still fool nobody.

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