Hobby Lobby and the Loss of America's Soul

Right. YOu keep telling yourself that Romney lost because he didn't do everything the religious crazies asked him to.

Did I say that jerkoff or are you hallucinating? You did your morning troll-by now run along and try to make sense. Maybe you can mock people's beliefs along the way, moron.

Learn to use the quoting function, dumbass....

You can't make the argument that Romney was too liberal or too moderate. He did everything the far right asked of him. And you guys pretended to believe him.... until he lost, and then he became a RINO.


Do you ever reply to what people say or is your head so far up your own ass that it blocks your vision?

Did I say that jerkoff or are you hallucinating? You did your morning troll-by now run along and try to make sense. Maybe you can mock people's beliefs along the way, moron.

Learn to use the quoting function, dumbass....

You can't make the argument that Romney was too liberal or too moderate. He did everything the far right asked of him. And you guys pretended to believe him.... until he lost, and then he became a RINO.


Do you ever reply to what people say or is your head so far up your own ass that it blocks your vision?

I am replying to what you say...

It's just that what you are saying is so divorced from reality that you need a reality check.

Okay, I'll play along. Name a way that Romney as he ran in 2012 was a RINO.

Not shit he did 10 or 20 years ago when he was Massachusetts Mitt.

Romney lost because he was the candidate of Plutocracy. And people have had their fill of Plutocracy.

If the economy were great and Obama were white, he'd have lost 49 states.
Learn to use the quoting function, dumbass....

You can't make the argument that Romney was too liberal or too moderate. He did everything the far right asked of him. And you guys pretended to believe him.... until he lost, and then he became a RINO.


Do you ever reply to what people say or is your head so far up your own ass that it blocks your vision?
I am replying to what you say...

It's just that what you are saying is so divorced from reality that you need a reality check.

Okay, I'll play along. Name a way that Romney as he ran in 2012 was a RINO.

Not shit he did 10 or 20 years ago when he was Massachusetts Mitt.

Romney lost because he was the candidate of Plutocracy. And people have had their fill of Plutocracy.

If the economy were great and Obama were white, he'd have lost 49 states.

What was that about learning how to use the quote function? :lol: Did he run as a true Conservative? No, STFU. It's the same drivel out of you every morning.
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What was that about learning how to use the quote function? :lol: Did he run as a true Conservative? No, STFU. It's the same drivel out of you every morning.

People were able to follow what I did just fine... you seemed to have fouled it up again, though.

Now, answer my question. What was Romney 'heresy" as a conservative in 2012?

What bit of batshittery did he not embrace?

He didn't lose because conservatives stayed home. He got just as many votes as McCain did and a little shy of what Bush-43 got in 2004.

He lost because moderates, women, working people, minorities, looked at his "I've got mine, fuck you" platform and ran screaming away from him.

Your problem is that you are applying the No True Scotsman fallacy...


What was that about learning how to use the quote function? :lol: Did he run as a true Conservative? No, STFU. It's the same drivel out of you every morning.

People were able to follow what I did just fine... you seemed to have fouled it up again, though.

Now, answer my question. What was Romney 'heresy" as a conservative in 2012?

What bit of batshittery did he not embrace?

He didn't lose because conservatives stayed home. He got just as many votes as McCain did and a little shy of what Bush-43 got in 2004.

He lost because moderates, women, working people, minorities, looked at his "I've got mine, fuck you" platform and ran screaming away from him.

Your problem is that you are applying the No True Scotsman fallacy...


Idiots like you and this one elected him. The only one that can't seem to follow and is bitching about it is you, Mary.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio&feature=player_detailpage]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]
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That isn't what I asked, guy.

I asked what made Romney "not a real conservative", and you have YET to provide one substansive example of how he strayed from the Orthodoxy of Conservative Batshittery.

If only he stood up to Limbaugh and the Teabaggers, he might have gotten some moderate votes.

He wouldn't have gotten mine because I hate Mormons, but hey, he might have stood a chance.

Blaming the "Obama Phone" lady for your inability to connect with voters is kind of a cop-out.

If you can't sell your message in this environment, when would it sell?
That isn't what I asked, guy.

I asked what made Romney "not a real conservative", and you have YET to provide one substansive example of how he strayed from the Orthodoxy of Conservative Batshittery.

If only he stood up to Limbaugh and the Teabaggers, he might have gotten some moderate votes.

He wouldn't have gotten mine because I hate Mormons, but hey, he might have stood a chance.

Blaming the "Obama Phone" lady for your inability to connect with voters is kind of a cop-out.

If you can't sell your message in this environment, when would it sell?

You seem to be doing a fine job of replying to yourself and still making no sense. :clap2:
That isn't what I asked, guy.

I asked what made Romney "not a real conservative", and you have YET to provide one substansive example of how he strayed from the Orthodoxy of Conservative Batshittery.

If only he stood up to Limbaugh and the Teabaggers, he might have gotten some moderate votes.

He wouldn't have gotten mine because I hate Mormons, but hey, he might have stood a chance.

Blaming the "Obama Phone" lady for your inability to connect with voters is kind of a cop-out.

If you can't sell your message in this environment, when would it sell?

Attacks people's beliefs, hates Mormons and is clueless..the consumate LIberal. Oh I'm sorry..he's an "Eisenhowr Republican". Eisenhower wouldn't spit at you.
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That isn't what I asked, guy.

I asked what made Romney "not a real conservative", and you have YET to provide one substansive example of how he strayed from the Orthodoxy of Conservative Batshittery.

If only he stood up to Limbaugh and the Teabaggers, he might have gotten some moderate votes.

He wouldn't have gotten mine because I hate Mormons, but hey, he might have stood a chance.

Blaming the "Obama Phone" lady for your inability to connect with voters is kind of a cop-out.

If you can't sell your message in this environment, when would it sell?

You seem to be doing a fine job of replying to yourself and still making no sense. :clap2:

Well, you keep avoiding the question, probably because of your low reading comprehension ability.

Tell you what, I'll let you have the floor.

How was Romney NOT a conservative?
But you keep telling yourself Romney's problem was he wasn't conservative enough. And you nominate some batshit crazy guy in 2016, and Hillary will have him for lunch.

Please do run, Hillary. I beg you to.

Be careful what you wish for, you might get it...

President Hillary will make you guys MISS Obama.

I'll worry about it then. If we're lucky, she'll drop dead. She's a lying POS much like you who runs from responsibility and is as slimy as B.J.
Attacks people's beliefs, hates Mormons and is clueless..the consumate LIberal. Oh I'm sorry..he's an "Eisenhowr Republican". Eisenhower wouldn't spit at you.

Ike was no friend of the LDS cult.

Cults started by con artists who want to fuck teenage girls are not high up on my list, guy.

And, yes, I will attack beliefs that I think are silly.

Oh... How was Romney not a "real" conservative. I'm still waiting for an answer on that one.
Hobby Lobby should close its doors. Fire everyone and close up shop. Move offshore and become an online retailer with a foreign distribution center.
Hobby Lobby is a great place to go if you build R/C model airplanes like I do.

I regularly guy instant glue and other hobby tools from them as well as Balsa wood. The wood isn't Contest Grade but at least I can go through their stock and select the best ones.

40% of one item coupons are readily available too!

I love Hobby Lobby!

Fuck Obama!
Please do run, Hillary. I beg you to.

Be careful what you wish for, you might get it...

President Hillary will make you guys MISS Obama.

I'll worry about it then. If we're lucky, she'll drop dead. She's a lying POS much like you who runs from responsibility and is as slimy as B.J.

Gee, I don't know... the worst thing we had to worry about under BJ was whether he was getting a BJ.

Unemployment was at 3.9%, we were at peace, we were posting 400 Billion dollar surpluses. Shit was totally awesome under BJ.

Oh, how was Romney not a real conservative? I'm still waiting for an answer on that one.
That isn't what I asked, guy.

I asked what made Romney "not a real conservative", and you have YET to provide one substansive example of how he strayed from the Orthodoxy of Conservative Batshittery.

If only he stood up to Limbaugh and the Teabaggers, he might have gotten some moderate votes.

He wouldn't have gotten mine because I hate Mormons, but hey, he might have stood a chance.

Blaming the "Obama Phone" lady for your inability to connect with voters is kind of a cop-out.

If you can't sell your message in this environment, when would it sell?

You seem to be doing a fine job of replying to yourself and still making no sense. :clap2:

Well, you keep avoiding the question, probably because of your low reading comprehension ability.

Tell you what, I'll let you have the floor.

How was Romney NOT a conservative?

WRONG again. I'm not about to rehash the whole fucking campaign because you say so. You said it yourself. If he was so good...he would have won. You want to get into it...by all means do so.

I don't need to argue with a libshit to know he was no Conservative. You may need links...I don't.
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Oh... How was Romney not a "real" conservative. I'm still waiting for an answer on that one.
He's just a lackey for the Big Bankers who finance both parties.

A Hedge Fund Manager is what he is, that doesn't make him Conservative.
You seem to be doing a fine job of replying to yourself and still making no sense. :clap2:

Well, you keep avoiding the question, probably because of your low reading comprehension ability.

Tell you what, I'll let you have the floor.

How was Romney NOT a conservative?

WRONG again. I'm not about to rehash the whole fucking campaign because you say so. You said it yourself. If he was so good...he would have won. You want to get into it...by all means do so.

I don't need to argue with a libshiot to know he was no Conservative. You may need links...I don't.

"Good" and "Conservative" aren't the same thing.

Romney was a bad candidate because he failed to connect with people. Because he insulted the very voters he needed to win. And he had a batshit crazy religion.

However, you have yet to give ONE EXAMPLE of how he wasn't a "conservative".

Because we both know you can't.

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