Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

Actually, if you had any degree of reading comprehension, you would have known that I have been making comments ALL ALONG on the wager, especially since it was my post of Moochele's "take out" quote that initiated the reb's claim that Libs were upset when Moochele used the words "take out."

So it's all about you, then?

Doorknob will be so disappointed!
there you have it folks, when pressed honestly ed just turns to being a hack who ignores things presented to him.


When is Edtheliar not a hack?

I'm not fabricating anything, you can not find the beginning of his speech and neither can I. I acknowledge that then ask you to make a decision based on an assumption.

It was very simple, if voting is what he was talking about in the non-existent section of his comments that neither you nor I can find yet, would you still find it wrong to say what he said?

You wont answer, that shows your only interested in making this a politics issue instead of making it a values issue. You show that you don't care if one side does it and that it only matters to you if the side you disagree with does it.

Hackish at best.
The links have been posted and for that matter why are you still here you lost move along.

So...you are afraid of arbitration. I can certainly understand why. I am not afraid of third party arbitration. I'm so confident, I'm offering that YOU pick the Mod to arbitrate.
Who care's? the links are posted for all to see are you that stupid to think no one else can read them?

Really? You dug thru threads back TWO years because "who cares?" :lol::lol:

If you're afraid to get a Mod to look over your evidence because even YOU think it's not good enough....I can totally understand. You still have 5 days to find something that would convince me or an impartial third party (a Mod). So, either russle up a MOD and convince him/her or find more evidence....better evidence than a Palin thread and a two year old thread mostly filled with Rightie posters.

As for me, I'm off to the beach until Sunday afternoon. TTFN....and good luck.
So...you are afraid of arbitration. I can certainly understand why. I am not afraid of third party arbitration. I'm so confident, I'm offering that YOU pick the Mod to arbitrate.
Who care's? the links are posted for all to see are you that stupid to think no one else can read them?

Really? You dug thru threads back TWO years because "who cares?" :lol::lol:

If you're afraid to get a Mod to look over your evidence because even YOU think it's not good enough....I can totally understand. You still have 5 days to find something that would convince me or an impartial third party (a Mod). So, either russle up a MOD and convince him/her or find more evidence....better evidence than a Palin thread and a two year old thread mostly filled with Rightie posters.

As for me, I'm off to the beach until Sunday afternoon. TTFN....and good luck.

No who cares who looks at the links. Call a mod I really don't care you lost the bet and are now bordering on being a liar, if you don't ban yourself you will be.
You say your links prove your assertion. I say they do not. A classic impasse. Adults take the high road and find an impartial third party to decide. I am offering you that adult solution. You get to pick a Mod to look over your evidence, those two links, and "rule" whether you have proven your statement:

I am totally willing to abide by their decision. You even get to pick the mod of your choice.
Hop to it.

The links have been posted and for that matter why are you still here you lost move along.

So...you are afraid of arbitration. I can certainly understand why. I am not afraid of third party arbitration. I'm so confident, I'm offering that YOU pick the Mod to arbitrate.
You fuckin' lil' liberal, snake piece of shit...........YOU FUCKIN' LOST, PERIOD!

You have no honor.....Everything i've suspected of you has been fully proven true.

You owe reb......He held up his end of the bet. he provided the link, that contained everything you asked for.

You are a fuckin' snake, nothing more.....A dishonest piece of shit.
I dunno about the rest of you all, but I'm getting bored with the welsher crowing victory. Her entertainment value has run out for me.

So how bout that NFL?

Have you picked and asked a Mod yet? You won't be afraid of what they will think of your links as proof, will you?

You lost the bet and your still here so you are entitled to all the abuse we want to give out.

I can understand you being afraid of letting a Mod look at your evidence to see if it proves your assertion....even a Mod of your own choosing. Not too confident in yourself, LittleTraitor?
You lost bitch, pay up......There is no moving the goal posts....There is no arbitration. You lost, fair and square, and it figures that a consistently proven dishonest, lying hack such as yourself, would pull this garbage.

It's exactly why I didn't take your bet proposal.....I can smell a snake from a mile away.

Now, you were no pilot. And you're damn sure are not a mother as you claim. (9 year old two years ago, is now taking drivers tests).....The search function was just as helpful to me, as it obviously was to reb. ......And I will blow your lies out of the water, ON MY TIME, you fuckin' snake!

Ah, there it is. Yes...that whole thread is full of libs getting upset about a SHOOTING and about flyers PALIN put out.

But...let's look at how you are trying to use a thread about a SHOOTING and PALIN to prove.....what again? Oh yes....this assertion of yours:

Bachman is NOT Palin.....I know that they might be indistinguishable to some of you...:lol::lol:

So, unless you've got something else, LittleTraitor.....linking a post in a thread about a SHOOTING and flyers put out by PALIN proves nothing about people getting upset at BACHMAN and her comments.

Different time.

Different place.

Different person.


6 days left.
Ahhh yes... The derangement we feel towards Palin is NOTHING like the derangement we feel against Bachmann or BOOOOOOOSHH!!! or Perry or..... or... or....

Day Two of the "Boedecea fights her Terminal Hypocrisy Disease.

Gonna take the cure and condemn your friends for doing what you claim they don't?
I must say, you are in good shape for carrying LittleTraitor's water for him. Maybe YOU can find those Leftist Threads about Bachman's comments. He seems to be struggling and he only has 6 days left.
reb supplied it, BITCH!:


Pay up, Skank.......YOU LOST!
Neither you, the person who first brought up king's comments, nor I can provide the full context of those comments.

I asked you to make an assumption that Rep King was talking about voting since neither one of us can provide the context leading up to the comments in your video link.

Under said assumption would king's comments still have been "wrong to say" in your opinion?

its not too difficult of an exercise in thinking man, i know you can handle this!
The context was beating Americans to a pulp, stated outright and clearly. YOU fabricated a voting context that there is no record of, unlike Moochele and Hoffa who both in unedited form clearly referenced voting. I do not have to assume YOUR fabrication. The burden of proof is on you to show King ever mentioned voting.

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King R Iowa March 21, 2010

there you have it folks, when pressed honestly ed just turns to being a hack who ignores things presented to him.

I'm not fabricating anything, you can not find the beginning of his speech and neither can I. I acknowledge that then ask you to make a decision based on an assumption.

It was very simple, if voting is what he was talking about in the non-existent section of his comments that neither you nor I can find yet, would you still find it wrong to say what he said?

You wont answer, that shows your only interested in making this a politics issue instead of making it a values issue. You show that you don't care if one side does it and that it only matters to you if the side you disagree with does it.

Hackish at best.
You presented absolutely nothing to show King was talking about voting. You made a self serving assumption, and you claim that if I don't swallow your self serving assumption that makes me a hack, rather than you for your hackish assumption. :cuckoo:

What preceded beating Americans to a pulp, was talk of secession not talk of voting. And before that it was reported that he and the Teabaggers were patting themselves on the back.

Here is how it was reported from the time he was introduced, I challenge you to find anyone who reported King reference voting.

The crowd cheered as Hoekstra — who is leaving Congress to run for governor of Michigan — walked out and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) walked in. “I just came down here,” said King, “so I could say to you, God bless you.”
“God bless you!” shouted one activist.
“We’re here whenever you need us!” said another activist, patting King on the back.
“You are the awesome American people,” said King. “If I could start a country with a bunch of people, they’d be the folks who were standing with us the last few days. Let’s hope we don’t have to do that! Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!” One by one, the people gathered outside the Capitol, who’d spent the day cheering and singing whenever Republicans appeared and egged them on, came to the realization that they’d been beaten in this round. They’d have to redouble their efforts.
Doorknob has one goal, derail the thread. Take the focus away from the incitement of violence by Mob Boss Hoffa and the endorsement of that violence by failed president Obama.
Obviously YOU know deep down in your heart that Obama is not a failure, because you would not have to desperately resort to lies about Hoffa and Obama if you truly believed Obama was a failure.
Thank you for unknowingly revealing your true feelings.
Actually, if you had any degree of reading comprehension, you would have known that I have been making comments ALL ALONG on the wager, especially since it was my post of Moochele's "take out" quote that initiated the reb's claim that Libs were upset when Moochele used the words "take out."

So it's all about you, then?

Doorknob will be so disappointed!
No, as you well know but are too dishonest to admit, it is about my POST of Moochele's using the "take out" words that BDBoop replied to that evoked the false statement that reb posted and bobeccea called him on.
Pay attention, child.

To refresh your feeble memory:

“We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”Moochele Bachmann April 15, 2010

But it's different when she says it. </channeling RWNJ>

The left got so upset when Bachmann said [it] now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.
I'm back and it looks like LittleTraitor hasn't gotten a Mod to mediate yet. You'd think he was afraid that his two links can't stand up to scrutiny or something. He's got his little doggies barking at me, but no Mod as of yet....3 days left...or is it 2? Maybe I'll go get a Mod to look at his argument....but if he doesn't get one of his own choice soon....I'll get one of MY choice.
Ahhh yes... The derangement we feel towards Palin is NOTHING like the derangement we feel against Bachmann or BOOOOOOOSHH!!! or Perry or..... or... or....

Day Two of the "Boedecea fights her Terminal Hypocrisy Disease.

Gonna take the cure and condemn your friends for doing what you claim they don't?
I must say, you are in good shape for carrying LittleTraitor's water for him. Maybe YOU can find those Leftist Threads about Bachman's comments. He seems to be struggling and he only has 6 days left.
reb supplied it, BITCH!:


Pay up, Skank.......YOU LOST!

Did you mumble something, Coward?
I'm back and it looks like LittleTraitor hasn't gotten a Mod to mediate yet. You'd think he was afraid that his two links can't stand up to scrutiny or something. He's got his little doggies barking at me, but no Mod as of yet....3 days left...or is it 2? Maybe I'll go get a Mod to look at his argument....but if he doesn't get one of his own choice soon....I'll get one of MY choice.

Look bitch I posted two links for all too see I really don't give a fuck if you get a mod or not. And I really don't care what the fuck they say the threads speak loud and clear.
I must say, you are in good shape for carrying LittleTraitor's water for him. Maybe YOU can find those Leftist Threads about Bachman's comments. He seems to be struggling and he only has 6 days left.
reb supplied it, BITCH!:


Pay up, Skank.......YOU LOST!

Did you mumble something, Coward?
You lost!.......Pay up!

Everything you asked of reb, was fully provided......Why the blatant dishonesty, COWARD?

Did you mumble something, Coward?
You lost!.......Pay up!

Everything you asked of reb, was fully provided......Why the blatant dishonesty, COWARD?

You were right. Now how about giving me the winning lotto numbers for the power ball for Wensday's drawing
I'm back and it looks like LittleTraitor hasn't gotten a Mod to mediate yet. You'd think he was afraid that his two links can't stand up to scrutiny or something. He's got his little doggies barking at me, but no Mod as of yet....3 days left...or is it 2? Maybe I'll go get a Mod to look at his argument....but if he doesn't get one of his own choice soon....I'll get one of MY choice.

Look bitch I posted two links for all too see I really don't give a fuck if you get a mod or not. And I really don't care what the fuck they say the threads speak loud and clear.

Ok, so you do not want to be an adult about this impasse. Fine. I'll get a mod then. One of my chosing.
You lost!.......Pay up!

Everything you asked of reb, was fully provided......Why the blatant dishonesty, COWARD?

You were right. Now how about giving me the winning lotto numbers for the power ball for Wensday's drawing

I just asked Elvis if he'll mediate this BS.....I'm awaiting his reply.

And I will tell Elvis I welcome him if the other party in this agrees. However, you are not part of this bet, Coward. You ran away with your tail between your legs when I offered a bet to you. This sad little attempt on your part to stick your cowardly nose into our business is unimpressive to say the least.
You were right. Now how about giving me the winning lotto numbers for the power ball for Wensday's drawing

I just asked Elvis if he'll mediate this BS.....I'm awaiting his reply.

And I will tell Elvis I welcome him if the other party in this agrees. However, you are not part of this bet, Coward. You ran away with your tail between your legs when I offered a bet to you. This sad little attempt on your part to stick your cowardly nose into our business is unimpressive to say the least.

I said I don't give a fuck what a mod said. It does not matter you wanted a link I gave you two for all too read.

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