Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!


Have you picked and asked a Mod yet? You won't be afraid of what they will think of your links as proof, will you?

You lost the bet and your still here so you are entitled to all the abuse we want to give out.

I can understand you being afraid of letting a Mod look at your evidence to see if it proves your assertion....even a Mod of your own choosing. Not too confident in yourself, LittleTraitor?

What are you talking about? The links are posted anyone can look I really don't care.

Have you picked and asked a Mod yet? You won't be afraid of what they will think of your links as proof, will you?

You lost the bet and your still here so you are entitled to all the abuse we want to give out.

I can understand you being afraid of letting a Mod look at your evidence to see if it proves your assertion....even a Mod of your own choosing. Not too confident in yourself, LittleTraitor?

Is being Shitty online something you are paid for, DT?... Seriously, Bodey...

Take a break! You don't have to be a prick every day of you life, you know...


Sorry, that's the wrong Moochele Bachmann quote. That was a the year before Moochele's "take out" quote that I posted that you claimed got Libs so upset. Moochele's "take out" quote did not upset the Libs at the time because no Lib media edited it to change the context like GOPFOX hate media did!!!!

The left got so upset when Bachmann said [it] now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

So now you libs aren't upset at Palin and Bachman, and never have been? Ya'll have never said she wanted to take democrats out? What a load of fucking horseshit. I realize you think it was stupid for attacking her now, but asshat you libs were like a pack of wild dogs.
Again, the burden of proof is on YOU to show where Libs accused Moochele of "taking out" Dems because Moochele used the words "take out." That is what this thread is about, Hoffa using the words "take out" as a call for violence.
Sorry, that's the wrong Moochele Bachmann quote. That was a the year before Moochele's "take out" quote that I posted that you claimed got Libs so upset. Moochele's "take out" quote did not upset the Libs at the time because no Lib media edited it to change the context like GOPFOX hate media did!!!!


So now you libs aren't upset at Palin and Bachman, and never have been? Ya'll have never said she wanted to take democrats out? What a load of fucking horseshit. I realize you think it was stupid for attacking her now, but asshat you libs were like a pack of wild dogs.
Again, the burden of proof is on YOU to show where Libs accused Moochele of "taking out" Dems because Moochele used the words "take out." That is what this thread is about, Hoffa using the words "take out" as a call for violence.

yeah, that and excising context from the hoffa speech while adding unprovable context to the king speech.
Wasn't there some Union Violence yesterday?...

Yep, there sure were. :thup:



{Incidents of union violence rarely reach the level they did in Seattle, WA, Thursday morning. Upset the Port of Longview had hired contractors from a different union, 500 members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, brandishing baseball bats and crowbars, stormed the port and held six security guards hostage.}

500 Union Members Storm Washington Port, Take Six Hostages

Did the promotion of violence by failed president Obama fuel this?
So now you libs aren't upset at Palin and Bachman, and never have been? Ya'll have never said she wanted to take democrats out? What a load of fucking horseshit. I realize you think it was stupid for attacking her now, but asshat you libs were like a pack of wild dogs.
Again, the burden of proof is on YOU to show where Libs accused Moochele of "taking out" Dems because Moochele used the words "take out." That is what this thread is about, Hoffa using the words "take out" as a call for violence.

yeah, that and excising context from the hoffa speech while adding unprovable context to the king speech.

Since when has context ever mattered to you wingnuts?
Wasn't there some Union Violence yesterday?...

Yep, there sure were. :thup:



{Incidents of union violence rarely reach the level they did in Seattle, WA, Thursday morning. Upset the Port of Longview had hired contractors from a different union, 500 members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, brandishing baseball bats and crowbars, stormed the port and held six security guards hostage.}

500 Union Members Storm Washington Port, Take Six Hostages

Did the promotion of violence by failed president Obama fuel this?

I thought the unions were the nice guys and hooffa's speech was all for show. I guess not obama has his army. I have my guns they can use a bat I will use 5.56 and 45acp.
Sorry, that's the wrong Moochele Bachmann quote. That was a the year before Moochele's "take out" quote that I posted that you claimed got Libs so upset. Moochele's "take out" quote did not upset the Libs at the time because no Lib media edited it to change the context like GOPFOX hate media did!!!!


So now you libs aren't upset at Palin and Bachman, and never have been? Ya'll have never said she wanted to take democrats out? What a load of fucking horseshit. I realize you think it was stupid for attacking her now, but asshat you libs were like a pack of wild dogs.
Again, the burden of proof is on YOU to show where Libs accused Moochele of "taking out" Dems because Moochele used the words "take out." That is what this thread is about, Hoffa using the words "take out" as a call for violence.

The links are posted I was here when you libs were whining so you can't lie to me lie to someone else.
You lost the bet and your still here so you are entitled to all the abuse we want to give out.

I can understand you being afraid of letting a Mod look at your evidence to see if it proves your assertion....even a Mod of your own choosing. Not too confident in yourself, LittleTraitor?

What are you talking about? The links are posted anyone can look I really don't care.

You say your links prove your assertion. I say they do not. A classic impasse. Adults take the high road and find an impartial third party to decide. I am offering you that adult solution. You get to pick a Mod to look over your evidence, those two links, and "rule" whether you have proven your statement:
The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

I am totally willing to abide by their decision. You even get to pick the mod of your choice.
Hop to it.
I can understand you being afraid of letting a Mod look at your evidence to see if it proves your assertion....even a Mod of your own choosing. Not too confident in yourself, LittleTraitor?

What are you talking about? The links are posted anyone can look I really don't care.

You say your links prove your assertion. I say they do not. A classic impasse. Adults take the high road and find an impartial third party to decide. I am offering you that adult solution. You get to pick a Mod to look over your evidence, those two links, and "rule" whether you have proven your statement:
The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

I am totally willing to abide by their decision. You even get to pick the mod of your choice.
Hop to it.

The links have been posted and for that matter why are you still here you lost move along.
What are you talking about? The links are posted anyone can look I really don't care.

You say your links prove your assertion. I say they do not. A classic impasse. Adults take the high road and find an impartial third party to decide. I am offering you that adult solution. You get to pick a Mod to look over your evidence, those two links, and "rule" whether you have proven your statement:
The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

I am totally willing to abide by their decision. You even get to pick the mod of your choice.
Hop to it.

The links have been posted and for that matter why are you still here you lost move along.

So...you are afraid of arbitration. I can certainly understand why. I am not afraid of third party arbitration. I'm so confident, I'm offering that YOU pick the Mod to arbitrate.
Again, the burden of proof is on YOU to show where Libs accused Moochele of "taking out" Dems because Moochele used the words "take out." That is what this thread is about, Hoffa using the words "take out" as a call for violence.

You're a little late to the game and a little low on IQ points, edtheliar.
Actually, if you had any degree of reading comprehension, you would have known that I have been making comments ALL ALONG on the wager, especially since it was my post of Moochele's "take out" quote that initiated the reb's claim that Libs were upset when Moochele used the words "take out."
You say your links prove your assertion. I say they do not. A classic impasse. Adults take the high road and find an impartial third party to decide. I am offering you that adult solution. You get to pick a Mod to look over your evidence, those two links, and "rule" whether you have proven your statement:

I am totally willing to abide by their decision. You even get to pick the mod of your choice.
Hop to it.

The links have been posted and for that matter why are you still here you lost move along.

So...you are afraid of arbitration. I can certainly understand why. I am not afraid of third party arbitration. I'm so confident, I'm offering that YOU pick the Mod to arbitrate.
Who care's? the links are posted for all to see are you that stupid to think no one else can read them?
There was not one syllable about voting in that rant. It ended with an insult and a threat! The Fascist said "We're not going to let the Socialists shut us down." After the vote he said how he was he was going to stop the "Socialists." The Fascist called on the Teabaggers to beat the pulp out of them.

Neither you, the person who first brought up king's comments, nor I can provide the full context of those comments.

I asked you to make an assumption that Rep King was talking about voting since neither one of us can provide the context leading up to the comments in your video link.

Under said assumption would king's comments still have been "wrong to say" in your opinion?

its not too difficult of an exercise in thinking man, i know you can handle this!
The context was beating Americans to a pulp, stated outright and clearly. YOU fabricated a voting context that there is no record of, unlike Moochele and Hoffa who both in unedited form clearly referenced voting. I do not have to assume YOUR fabrication. The burden of proof is on you to show King ever mentioned voting.

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King R Iowa March 21, 2010

there you have it folks, when pressed honestly ed just turns to being a hack who ignores things presented to him.

I'm not fabricating anything, you can not find the beginning of his speech and neither can I. I acknowledge that then ask you to make a decision based on an assumption.

It was very simple, if voting is what he was talking about in the non-existent section of his comments that neither you nor I can find yet, would you still find it wrong to say what he said?

You wont answer, that shows your only interested in making this a politics issue instead of making it a values issue. You show that you don't care if one side does it and that it only matters to you if the side you disagree with does it.

Hackish at best.

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