Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

I'm back and it looks like LittleTraitor hasn't gotten a Mod to mediate yet. You'd think he was afraid that his two links can't stand up to scrutiny or something. He's got his little doggies barking at me, but no Mod as of yet....3 days left...or is it 2? Maybe I'll go get a Mod to look at his argument....but if he doesn't get one of his own choice soon....I'll get one of MY choice.

Look bitch I posted two links for all too see I really don't give a fuck if you get a mod or not. And I really don't care what the fuck they say the threads speak loud and clear.

Ok, so you do not want to be an adult about this impasse. Fine. I'll get a mod then. One of my chosing.

What impasse? There is no impasse. Anyone can read the thread. Are you saying people can't decide foor themself if you're lying or not?
You were right. Now how about giving me the winning lotto numbers for the power ball for Wensday's drawing

I just asked Elvis if he'll mediate this BS.....I'm awaiting his reply.

And I will tell Elvis I welcome him if the other party in this agrees. However, you are not part of this bet, Coward. You ran away with your tail between your legs when I offered a bet to you. This sad little attempt on your part to stick your cowardly nose into our business is unimpressive to say the least.
My instincts about your dishonesty were absolutely spot on.......I knew you wouldn't honor a bet, and i've been fully proven right.

Your dishonesty to hold up your end of the bargain is very telling. It speaks volumes as to your total lack of character.

I just asked Elvis if he'll mediate this BS.....I'm awaiting his reply.

And I will tell Elvis I welcome him if the other party in this agrees. However, you are not part of this bet, Coward. You ran away with your tail between your legs when I offered a bet to you. This sad little attempt on your part to stick your cowardly nose into our business is unimpressive to say the least.
My instincts about your dishonesty were absolutely spot on.......I knew you wouldn't honor a bet, and i've been fully proven right.

Your dishonesty to hold up your end of the bargain is very telling. It speaks volumes as to your total lack of character.

SPOT ON:clap2:
Ah, there it is. Yes...that whole thread is full of libs getting upset about a SHOOTING and about flyers PALIN put out.

But...let's look at how you are trying to use a thread about a SHOOTING and PALIN to prove.....what again? Oh yes....this assertion of yours:

Bachman is NOT Palin.....I know that they might be indistinguishable to some of you...:lol::lol:

So, unless you've got something else, LittleTraitor.....linking a post in a thread about a SHOOTING and flyers put out by PALIN proves nothing about people getting upset at BACHMAN and her comments.

Different time.

Different place.

Different person.


6 days left.

Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

My word is good....and if Bachman is mentioned in that thread which is over 500 pages, why did you ONLY link to a post which is about Palin and her flyer.

Still waiting for your evidence that "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments

Show the Left all upset
Show that in threads about our upset
Show it's about BACHMAN and her comments.....NOT about Palin.

Tick Tock....6 more days.
It's right here in the link reb provided:

It has everythng you asked for, how can you dishonestly dispute it?
I'm not reading this whole train wreck, but Alan Colmes found Bachmann saying almost the identical thing that Hoffa said. Not that it will matter to the radicals on the Right.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oAXtTS9ORw]Worst Persons: StarvingEyes Advergaming, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann - YouTube[/ame]
This post is for any mod...Elvis or otherwise who mediates the bet between LittleTraitor and myself.

1. This bet is ONLY between LittleTraitor and myself...despite other cowardly people trying to insert themselves into it.

2. Loser self-bans for 30 days and gives the winner another 30 days to put the sig of their choice on their sig line.

3. The bet substance. LittleTraitor made this comment/post:

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen
on 09/07

my reply was:

We did? Show us all the threads about her saying that. Look forward to running a comparison....if you dare.

Since then, he has presented two links over and over...the first one, he presented:


All those left hate thread, most were combined into one here's one post from it.
Politicizing a tragedy.

A link to a PALIN thread, not a BACHMANN thread.

he at first insisted that was good enough, then admitted it was not by stating this in another post:


Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

And yet, he doesn't provide a link of Bachmann mentioned at all in that thread.

Then, finally he gets help to pull up another thread:


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

This is where we came to an impasse.

I stated that a Palin thread and a fossilized thread from way past current times was not meeting the proof of LittleTraitor's initial statement
The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen

I have suggested for the last few days we get a mod as a mediator...as a decider...I even told LittleTraitor he could pick the mod of his choice. He has declined to do so himself. But he has his Santa's Little Helpers chiming in. Fine with me. Here is my side of the case. You as a Mod decide. I am totally willing to abide by your decision. After all, I'm the one who suggested we get a mod in the first place.
Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

My word is good....and if Bachman is mentioned in that thread which is over 500 pages, why did you ONLY link to a post which is about Palin and her flyer.

Still waiting for your evidence that "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments

Show the Left all upset
Show that in threads about our upset
Show it's about BACHMAN and her comments.....NOT about Palin.

Tick Tock....6 more days.
It's right here in the link reb provided:

It has everythng you asked for, how can you dishonestly dispute it?
Except the Moochele "take out" quote that I posted that started the whole thing! The "take out" quote was the "it" BDBoop was referring to and reb was replying to.

“We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”Moochele Bachmann April 15, 2010

But it's different when she says it. </channeling RWNJ>

The left got so upset when Bachmann said [it] now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.
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Looks like we have no mods on at the moment, but I will be submitted a copy of the above post to them if they wish to rule. Of course....LittleTraitor can so the same if he isn't as afraid as Wicked Lester Coward. (bring on some more of those silly little PMs, Coward....they amuse me)
This post is for any mod...Elvis or otherwise who mediates the bet between LittleTraitor and myself.

1. This bet is ONLY between LittleTraitor and myself...despite other cowardly people trying to insert themselves into it.

2. Loser self-bans for 30 days and gives the winner another 30 days to put the sig of their choice on their sig line.

3. The bet substance. LittleTraitor made this comment/post:

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen
on 09/07

my reply was:

We did? Show us all the threads about her saying that. Look forward to running a comparison....if you dare.

Since then, he has presented two links over and over...the first one, he presented:


A link to a PALIN thread, not a BACHMANN thread.

he at first insisted that was good enough, then admitted it was not by stating this in another post:


Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

And yet, he doesn't provide a link of Bachmann mentioned at all in that thread.

Then, finally he gets help to pull up another thread:


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

This is where we came to an impasse.

I stated that a Palin thread and a fossilized thread from way past current times was not meeting the proof of LittleTraitor's initial statement
The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen

I have suggested for the last few days we get a mod as a mediator...as a decider...I even told LittleTraitor he could pick the mod of his choice. He has declined to do so himself. But he has his Santa's Little Helpers chiming in. Fine with me. Here is my side of the case. You as a Mod decide. I am totally willing to abide by your decision. After all, I'm the one who suggested we get a mod in the first place.

Here's the link


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

You did not specify a date. Quit stalling and ban yourself. And when does a date of hate have an expration date on it?
This post is for any mod...Elvis or otherwise who mediates the bet between LittleTraitor and myself.

1. This bet is ONLY between LittleTraitor and myself...despite other cowardly people trying to insert themselves into it.

2. Loser self-bans for 30 days and gives the winner another 30 days to put the sig of their choice on their sig line.

3. The bet substance. LittleTraitor made this comment/post:

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen
on 09/07

my reply was:


Since then, he has presented two links over and over...the first one, he presented:


A link to a PALIN thread, not a BACHMANN thread.

he at first insisted that was good enough, then admitted it was not by stating this in another post:


And yet, he doesn't provide a link of Bachmann mentioned at all in that thread.

Then, finally he gets help to pull up another thread:


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

This is where we came to an impasse.

I stated that a Palin thread and a fossilized thread from way past current times was not meeting the proof of LittleTraitor's initial statement

I have suggested for the last few days we get a mod as a mediator...as a decider...I even told LittleTraitor he could pick the mod of his choice. He has declined to do so himself. But he has his Santa's Little Helpers chiming in. Fine with me. Here is my side of the case. You as a Mod decide. I am totally willing to abide by your decision. After all, I'm the one who suggested we get a mod in the first place.

Here's the link


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

You did not specify a date. Quit stalling and ban yourself. And when does a date of hate have an expration date on it?

And you DIDN'T not specify date either. I have said my piece and I have already PM'd at least one Mod....we'll see what the Mod says...and I will comply with their decision.....will you?
This post is for any mod...Elvis or otherwise who mediates the bet between LittleTraitor and myself.

1. This bet is ONLY between LittleTraitor and myself...despite other cowardly people trying to insert themselves into it.

2. Loser self-bans for 30 days and gives the winner another 30 days to put the sig of their choice on their sig line.

3. The bet substance. LittleTraitor made this comment/post:

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen
on 09/07

my reply was:

We did? Show us all the threads about her saying that. Look forward to running a comparison....if you dare.

Since then, he has presented two links over and over...the first one, he presented:


A link to a PALIN thread, not a BACHMANN thread.

he at first insisted that was good enough, then admitted it was not by stating this in another post:


Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

And yet, he doesn't provide a link of Bachmann mentioned at all in that thread.

Then, finally he gets help to pull up another thread:


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

This is where we came to an impasse.

I stated that a Palin thread and a fossilized thread from way past current times was not meeting the proof of LittleTraitor's initial statement
The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen

I have suggested for the last few days we get a mod as a mediator...as a decider...I even told LittleTraitor he could pick the mod of his choice. He has declined to do so himself. But he has his Santa's Little Helpers chiming in. Fine with me. Here is my side of the case. You as a Mod decide. I am totally willing to abide by your decision. After all, I'm the one who suggested we get a mod in the first place.
You lost, COWARD......Show some integrity and pay your bet!

You asked for a thread showing lib's bitching about what Bachman said. A thread that was started by a LIB was provided by reb, and clearly shows lib's bitching.

You never specified dates of the thread, or the number of lib's bitching. You simply asked for a thread about Bachmann, and lib's bitching about what she said.......YOU LOST, fair and square.

Why are you so damn dishonest?
This post is for any mod...Elvis or otherwise who mediates the bet between LittleTraitor and myself.

1. This bet is ONLY between LittleTraitor and myself...despite other cowardly people trying to insert themselves into it.

2. Loser self-bans for 30 days and gives the winner another 30 days to put the sig of their choice on their sig line.

3. The bet substance. LittleTraitor made this comment/post:

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen
on 09/07

my reply was:


Since then, he has presented two links over and over...the first one, he presented:


A link to a PALIN thread, not a BACHMANN thread.

he at first insisted that was good enough, then admitted it was not by stating this in another post:


And yet, he doesn't provide a link of Bachmann mentioned at all in that thread.

Then, finally he gets help to pull up another thread:


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

This is where we came to an impasse.

I stated that a Palin thread and a fossilized thread from way past current times was not meeting the proof of LittleTraitor's initial statement
The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen

I have suggested for the last few days we get a mod as a mediator...as a decider...I even told LittleTraitor he could pick the mod of his choice. He has declined to do so himself. But he has his Santa's Little Helpers chiming in. Fine with me. Here is my side of the case. You as a Mod decide. I am totally willing to abide by your decision. After all, I'm the one who suggested we get a mod in the first place.
You lost, COWARD......Show some integrity and pay your bet!

You asked for a thread showing lib's bitching about what Bachman said. A thread that was started by a LIB was provided by reb, and clearly shows lib's bitching.

You never specified dates of the thread, or the number of lib's bitching. You simply asked for a thread about Bachmann, and lib's bitching about what she said.......YOU LOST, fair and square.

Why are you so damn dishonest?

Love the cowardly PMs. This bet does not concern you. You had a chance and you snivelled you. Despite the low contempt I have for LittleTraitor, it is MILES above the contempt I have for your cowardly sniveling.

Snivel on.
This post is for any mod...Elvis or otherwise who mediates the bet between LittleTraitor and myself.

1. This bet is ONLY between LittleTraitor and myself...despite other cowardly people trying to insert themselves into it.

2. Loser self-bans for 30 days and gives the winner another 30 days to put the sig of their choice on their sig line.

3. The bet substance. LittleTraitor made this comment/post:


on 09/07

my reply was:


Since then, he has presented two links over and over...the first one, he presented:


A link to a PALIN thread, not a BACHMANN thread.

he at first insisted that was good enough, then admitted it was not by stating this in another post:


And yet, he doesn't provide a link of Bachmann mentioned at all in that thread.

Then, finally he gets help to pull up another thread:


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

This is where we came to an impasse.

I stated that a Palin thread and a fossilized thread from way past current times was not meeting the proof of LittleTraitor's initial statement

I have suggested for the last few days we get a mod as a mediator...as a decider...I even told LittleTraitor he could pick the mod of his choice. He has declined to do so himself. But he has his Santa's Little Helpers chiming in. Fine with me. Here is my side of the case. You as a Mod decide. I am totally willing to abide by your decision. After all, I'm the one who suggested we get a mod in the first place.

Here's the link


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

You did not specify a date. Quit stalling and ban yourself. And when does a date of hate have an expration date on it?

And you DIDN'T not specify date either. I have said my piece and I have already PM'd at least one Mod....we'll see what the Mod says...and I will comply with their decision.....will you?
You fuckin' lil' snake.......YOU WERE THE ONE WHO PROPOSED THE BET......YOU LAID OUT THE GUIDELINES.....Nowhere did you state that reb must specify dates, and now you're moving the goal posts?

You are one dishonest lil' hack!
This post is for any mod...Elvis or otherwise who mediates the bet between LittleTraitor and myself.

1. This bet is ONLY between LittleTraitor and myself...despite other cowardly people trying to insert themselves into it.

2. Loser self-bans for 30 days and gives the winner another 30 days to put the sig of their choice on their sig line.

3. The bet substance. LittleTraitor made this comment/post:


on 09/07

my reply was:


Since then, he has presented two links over and over...the first one, he presented:


A link to a PALIN thread, not a BACHMANN thread.

he at first insisted that was good enough, then admitted it was not by stating this in another post:


And yet, he doesn't provide a link of Bachmann mentioned at all in that thread.

Then, finally he gets help to pull up another thread:


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

This is where we came to an impasse.

I stated that a Palin thread and a fossilized thread from way past current times was not meeting the proof of LittleTraitor's initial statement

I have suggested for the last few days we get a mod as a mediator...as a decider...I even told LittleTraitor he could pick the mod of his choice. He has declined to do so himself. But he has his Santa's Little Helpers chiming in. Fine with me. Here is my side of the case. You as a Mod decide. I am totally willing to abide by your decision. After all, I'm the one who suggested we get a mod in the first place.
You lost, COWARD......Show some integrity and pay your bet!

You asked for a thread showing lib's bitching about what Bachman said. A thread that was started by a LIB was provided by reb, and clearly shows lib's bitching.

You never specified dates of the thread, or the number of lib's bitching. You simply asked for a thread about Bachmann, and lib's bitching about what she said.......YOU LOST, fair and square.

Why are you so damn dishonest?

Love the cowardly PMs. This bet does not concern you. You had a chance and you snivelled you. Despite the low contempt I have for LittleTraitor, it is MILES above the contempt I have for your cowardly sniveling.

Snivel on.
YOU started the PM's, you dishonest lil' freak!

LMAO!......Your lack of honesty and character is friggin' laughable.:lol:
This post is for any mod...Elvis or otherwise who mediates the bet between LittleTraitor and myself.

1. This bet is ONLY between LittleTraitor and myself...despite other cowardly people trying to insert themselves into it.

2. Loser self-bans for 30 days and gives the winner another 30 days to put the sig of their choice on their sig line.

3. The bet substance. LittleTraitor made this comment/post:


on 09/07

my reply was:


Since then, he has presented two links over and over...the first one, he presented:


A link to a PALIN thread, not a BACHMANN thread.

he at first insisted that was good enough, then admitted it was not by stating this in another post:


And yet, he doesn't provide a link of Bachmann mentioned at all in that thread.

Then, finally he gets help to pull up another thread:


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

This is where we came to an impasse.

I stated that a Palin thread and a fossilized thread from way past current times was not meeting the proof of LittleTraitor's initial statement

I have suggested for the last few days we get a mod as a mediator...as a decider...I even told LittleTraitor he could pick the mod of his choice. He has declined to do so himself. But he has his Santa's Little Helpers chiming in. Fine with me. Here is my side of the case. You as a Mod decide. I am totally willing to abide by your decision. After all, I'm the one who suggested we get a mod in the first place.

Here's the link


But you will notice the thread is 2 and a half years old.

You did not specify a date. Quit stalling and ban yourself. And when does a date of hate have an expration date on it?

And you DIDN'T not specify date either. I have said my piece and I have already PM'd at least one Mod....we'll see what the Mod says...and I will comply with their decision.....will you?

I don't care about the date you are the one that is whining about the date of the video. Wouldn't it seem fitting to use a Bachman thread since your argument is about Bachman no matter the date? We are after talking about the same periodof time in reference to bachman.
You lost, COWARD......Show some integrity and pay your bet!

You asked for a thread showing lib's bitching about what Bachman said. A thread that was started by a LIB was provided by reb, and clearly shows lib's bitching.

You never specified dates of the thread, or the number of lib's bitching. You simply asked for a thread about Bachmann, and lib's bitching about what she said.......YOU LOST, fair and square.

Why are you so damn dishonest?

Love the cowardly PMs. This bet does not concern you. You had a chance and you snivelled you. Despite the low contempt I have for LittleTraitor, it is MILES above the contempt I have for your cowardly sniveling.

Snivel on.
YOU started the PM's, you dishonest lil' freak!
LMAO!......Your lack of honesty and character is friggin' laughable.:lol:

I'm surprised at how easily and how smoothly you lie about things that are so easy to check.
Love the cowardly PMs. This bet does not concern you. You had a chance and you snivelled you. Despite the low contempt I have for LittleTraitor, it is MILES above the contempt I have for your cowardly sniveling.

Snivel on.
YOU started the PM's, you dishonest lil' freak!
LMAO!......Your lack of honesty and character is friggin' laughable.:lol:

I'm surprised at how easily and how smoothly you lie about things that are so easy to check.
I just checked, you made the first PM, FOOL!:lol::lol::lol:

I also just checked when you made your bet proposal to reb.......You are sitting up here totally moving the goal posts, and LYING your ass off, because you know you lost.
Last edited:
Too bad I can't connect PMs....Wicked Lester Coward's are getting shriller and shriller. Reminds me of Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction".
You lost, pay your bet!

No different then Vegas....If i'm wactching a game of Blackjack, and I see someone place their bet, lose their hand, and then try to sneak their chip off the table, i'm making noise.

You're a snake. You're trying to sneak your chip off the table. You are welshing on your bet. You have no honor, PERIOD!

The evidence of your dishonesty, and lack of integrity is clearly showing in this thread.

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