Hogg Family home gets a little karma

did you meant to say TOO bad? :icon_rolleyes:

yeah, too bad public resources were wasted to satisfy some idiot's juvenile jollies.
Calling in a false police report is a criminal offense.

Strange to see the advocates of law and order applauding prank police calls as both funny and appropriate.

The Parkland kids really have a hook in the gun nuts. Note I say 'gun nuts' rather than gun lovers. There are folks who truly love their guns and the gun culture and demonstrate that love through intellectual arguments. I disagree with those arguments, but I respect them. But gun nuts use emotional, visceral and Reactionary arguments even to the point they would break the law to advance them.

Your's is such a position. You would not only quash first amendment rights in your cause, but celebrate law breakers.

Why is the second amendment more important than the first?
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the culprit is lucky no one got hurt...

i hope he's peeing his pants in fear right now over getting caught.

THAT would be a little good "karma" :eusa_clap:
I think its funny in an ironic sorta way but this shouldnt have happened.
Battle him within the law, if you must.
False alarms are a tactic of cowards, and put people at risk. Claiming it is war is stupid, something not unexpected from the Callous Conservative coterie.
Oh I am FAR beyond a conservative. I play for keeps and I am just waiting for blood to flow. Conservatives want to work a little around the edges and fix this and that. I want to destroy the whole damn system and institute something new.
This isn't funny...people could get hurt or killed....I don't agree with Hogg and I'm sure he will one day disagree with his young self as well...but this is not the way to educate the young skull full of mush....
LMAO! To bad the little shit stain wasn't home....All's fair in love and war and this IS a war.

you are at WAR with kids who were shot at..?? yes, YOU are a shit stain.

funny, how deranged gun nuts keep invoking WAR.. keep it up!

taking up arms against the US Government is treason, dumbass..

the 2nd doesn't mean what you morons think it means. :itsok:
LMAO! To bad the little shit stain wasn't home....All's fair in love and war and this IS a war.

you are at WAR with kids who were shot at..?? yes, YOU are a shit stain.

funny, how deranged gun nuts keep invoking WAR.. keep it up!

taking up arms against the US Government is treason, dumbass..

the 2nd doesn't mean what you morons think it means. :itsok:
You obviously haven't read the ENTIRE Declaration of Independence. Tsk Tsk.
Family of Stoneman Douglas student advocate David Hogg 'swatted' at home

LMAO! To bad the little shit stain wasn't home....All's fair in love and war and this IS a war.

Apparently, you don't understand what karma is, or how it works. When you do something really good, it puts a bit of good into the Universe, and you are rewarded with some good for yourself. Works the same way for bad.

Saying that Hogg was getting some karmic payback is incorrect. This wasn't karma balancing the books, it was some hateful person doing something illegal in that they called a false alarm to his house.

True karma would say that whoever did the false alarm gets rewarded in some fashion for his misdeeds.

And, I kinda hope that karma visits you sometime soon, so that you are better able to understand how it works.
LMAO! To bad the little shit stain wasn't home....All's fair in love and war and this IS a war.

you are at WAR with kids who were shot at..?? yes, YOU are a shit stain.

funny, how deranged gun nuts keep invoking WAR.. keep it up!

taking up arms against the US Government is treason, dumbass..

the 2nd doesn't mean what you morons think it means. :itsok:
You obviously haven't read the ENTIRE Declaration of Independence. Tsk Tsk.

wrong again :eusa_clap:
LMAO! To bad the little shit stain wasn't home....All's fair in love and war and this IS a war.

you are at WAR with kids who were shot at..?? yes, YOU are a shit stain.

funny, how deranged gun nuts keep invoking WAR.. keep it up!

taking up arms against the US Government is treason, dumbass..

the 2nd doesn't mean what you morons think it means. :itsok:

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