Hogg Family home gets a little karma

Calling in a false police report is a criminal offense.

Strange to see the advocates of law and order applauding prank police calls as both funny and appropriate.

The Parkland kids really have a hook in the gun nuts. Note I say 'gun nuts' rather than gun lovers. There are folks who truly love their guns and the gun culture and demonstrate that love through intellectual arguments. I disagree with those arguments, but I respect them. But gun nuts use emotional, visceral and Reactionary arguments even to the point they would break the law to advance them.

Your's is such a position. You would not only quash first amendment rights in your cause, but celebrate law breakers.

Why is the second amendment more important than the first?

Yes, get back to us with all the fake outrage at 'lawlessness' when your Party stops hiring thugs through Craig's List to assault legal assemblies, stops supporting scum like Black Lives Matter and their police assassination campaigns, and crying all those tears about those poor MS-13 'Dreamers' and creating 'sanctuary cities' to shelter criminals you think are grand, just for starters. lol what a joke your 'PArty is, nothing but an organized crime syndicate from top to bottom, and a violent racist one to boot.

All that kool-aid you drink in one short hateful paragraph. You're a good little Trumpanzee, Trump might even appoint you to be the keeper of the swamp.

And here we have yet another moron puppet who has never had an original thought in its life. 'kool-aid', 'Trumpanzee', some idiot sniveling about 'Trump!'. lol how original, and typical of you fake news purveyors.
I've discovered a rule of thumb for USMB: It's pointless discussing political theory with anyone who has 'Death', 'Thunder' or 'Lightning' in their username. The best they can do is retransmit echoes from the chamber.

Responding to those who drink the kool-aid, and echo it over and over is not a waste of time, it will never cure the ignorance of a biddable fool (a supporter of Trump, and the current iteration of Republicans); it does however expose their ignorance, hate, fear and intelligence to other readers.

Keep up the good work.

You fags wouldn't know 'good work', you're mentally ill, and all you can do is being the annoying little 10 year olds you are. Not a single original thought in any of your posts; you can't be original even by accident, and neither can your fellow deviants, so of course you morons think each other's puppet stamps here are 'good work'.
Family of Stoneman Douglas student advocate David Hogg 'swatted' at home

LMAO! To bad the little shit stain wasn't home....All's fair in love and war and this IS a war.
Wow, Republicans attacking a traumatized child who's friends had been brutally murdered.

Why is the not unexpected?

The Right to own, possess or have in their custody and control is more important to the callous (dare I say, sociopaths) who lack empathy, than the lives of kids and adults whose life is snuffed out by a bullet, and those who loved them.

The NRA is an enabler and therefore a supporter of domestic terrorism.

lol what an idiot. And the fag even uses the stupid affectation 'I dare say', as if it really talks like that, another example of the moron's utter lack of originality or independent thought. 'snuffed out by a bullet', lol lol lol and yet another parroted phrase, what a silly assed drama queen, and no doubt a drag queen, too.
That's not funny.

In my state it's a crime to call a false report to 9-11. A person can get in a lot of trouble for doing it.

They wasted tax dollars and took people away from actual crimes and emergencies.

But leave it to a conservative to be that selfish and not care about the law.

Actually it seems to be another fun pastime for your cherished 'millenials' and black thugs, going by who and where it's happening.
Perhaps a 'die in' or whatever nonsense they call it in his parents yard, driveway etc. Seriously, until these anti 2A zealots do a die in at Sheriff Scott Israel's office and condemn the Promise Program how can anyone take them seriously? I really, really don't get it... defies all logic
Great series of posts there, Picaro!
Do you have any argument other than ad hominem attacks?
Great series of posts there, Picaro!
Do you have any argument other than ad hominem attacks?

Didn't post any ad homs, they're all valid and legitimate points, and besides, ad homs are valid arguments in many cases,as anybody who bothered to actually study logic beyond Google Scholaring and maybe Philosophy 101 as an easy elective.

Maybe you and the fake news peddlers need a safe space to promote the Snowflake Agenda, and not spend so time here posting your idiot insults and group gang bangs. left wing and deviant pedo-friendly Trolls never like being trolled, they can't take what they dish out, so maybe they should just stay in the knitting forums or the candling making discussions. I understand many of them keep forgetting to put the wicks in most of the time and end up with big wax doorstops.
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Do explain why you think David Hogg and his family deserve karma? What has David Hogg done wrong other than use free speech to promote better gun control laws?

He didn't use free speech to do it, he used a school shooting to push an anti-gun agenda.

Sorry if law abiding citizens don't take too kindly to a teenage pencil dick trying to promote taking their guns away because some whackhead decides to go shoot up a school.
Do explain why you think David Hogg and his family deserve karma? What has David Hogg done wrong other than use free speech to promote better gun control laws?

He didn't use free speech to do it, he used a school shooting to push an anti-gun agenda.

Sorry if law abiding citizens don't take too kindly to a teenage pencil dick trying to promote taking their guns away because some whackhead decides to go shoot up a school.

Hogg is just another hired Democratic Party shill, part a campaign to go after the NRA, is all. These gimps don't care about school kids, other than as porn stars for their kiddie porn or objects of their pet NAMBLA fellow travellers' affections. All the school shootings done by black and latino thugs for decades didn't bother them, still don't, no obligatory mention of the NRA re those thousands of shootings, but now we're supposed to believe these sociopaths are suddenly all interested, and that this Hogg guy is some 'grass roots activist', when we all know he's around because of all the big bucks that went into this 'spontaneous uprising' from Democratic Party organizations, and a lot from Hollywood money as well, the demographic that was all mad n stuff because one of their kiddie raper heroes had to go live in France for a few years; they didn't like that adults who bang 12 year olds could be charged with a crime. they still don't.
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When you're too cowardly to take responsibility for your actions become a Republican. Call in fake calls to the police so they are wasting their time when a real call comes in.

The definition of a loser.

lol yeah right, and if you don't like being a Republican, you can do all that much better by becoming a sicko deviant Democrat and traitor and just snivel all day and regurgitate idiotic fake news about 'Russian Collusion' and support a corrupt and venal 'Special Prosecutor' wasting all kinds of time and money.
And, just a reminder that these vermin running around encouraging the fake 'activism' of guys like Hogg are avid supporters of an organization that averages murdering some 900 babies every single day.

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