Hold the debt ceiling hostage for entitlement reform? Maybe.

bla bla bla,

wheres your solution sj fella

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=a9c5Vslf1EA]The USA Financial Crisis - Problems and Solutions - YouTube[/ame]

Entitlement Reform

Corker plans new bill on entitlement reform - The Hill's Floor Action

What they mean when they say ?entitlement reform? | The Stand

Social Security History

Collision Course: Why Democrats Must Back Entitlement Reform

The Right?s Entitlement Reform Dilemma and the Politics of the Parenting Class - By Reihan Salam - The Agenda - National Review Online

I'm just playing with links here. Want the cartoons? There's some pretty funny ones, some not so funny.
The quiet liberal plans for entitlement reform - David Nather - POLITICO.com
By DAVID NATHER | 1/27/13 7:11 PM EST
Social Security: 'Chained CPI'
Savings: $112 billion

Social Security: Lift cap on taxable earnings
Revenues: $500 billion or more

Social Security: Change the benefit formula
Savings: Would close half of Social Security shortfall

Medicare: Expanded means testing
Savings: $20 billion

Medicare: Faster payment reforms
Savings: $10 billion

Medicare: Drug rebates
Savings: $135 billion
Four funny cartoons.




bla bla bla,

wheres your solution sj fella

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=a9c5Vslf1EA]The USA Financial Crisis - Problems and Solutions - YouTube[/ame]

Entitlement Reform

Corker plans new bill on entitlement reform - The Hill's Floor Action

What they mean when they say ?entitlement reform? | The Stand

Social Security History

Collision Course: Why Democrats Must Back Entitlement Reform

The Right?s Entitlement Reform Dilemma and the Politics of the Parenting Class - By Reihan Salam - The Agenda - National Review Online

I'm just playing with links here. Want the cartoons? There's some pretty funny ones, some not so funny.
nah. But you have link to only a few bat shit crazy con sites here. You should be able to go out and get more. I mean, nothing like a completely partial list. Dipshit.
bla bla bla,

wheres your solution sj fella

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=a9c5Vslf1EA]The USA Financial Crisis - Problems and Solutions - YouTube[/ame]

Entitlement Reform

Corker plans new bill on entitlement reform - The Hill's Floor Action

What they mean when they say ?entitlement reform? | The Stand

Social Security History

Collision Course: Why Democrats Must Back Entitlement Reform

The Right?s Entitlement Reform Dilemma and the Politics of the Parenting Class - By Reihan Salam - The Agenda - National Review Online

I'm just playing with links here. Want the cartoons? There's some pretty funny ones, some not so funny.
nah. But you have link to only a few bat shit crazy con sites here. You should be able to go out and get more. I mean, nothing like a completely partial list. Dipshit.

You're welcome to post as many as you like. I expect you will post the ONE counter source I found.
Social Security: Lift cap on taxable earnings
Revenues: $500 billion or more

I've never understood a cap on SS earnings. It makes zero logical sense.
In case you can't read the first comic:
Who said we can't work together! Now whose turn is it to kick this can down the road? Just kidding... Let's do it at the same time.
I am not sure what provision it refers to but I hear a logical statement that we should not be paying for Warren Buffet's prescriptions.
I think once the government starts to admit they have a problem it won't be a hard sell that we need to do something. What we do will probably be a fight but it is time to start.
Its like being mad at your wife for spending to much and then refusing to pay the bills she already incured after YOU gave her the credit card and told her to go spend money.

it will distroy your family credit and put you further in debt

No it's not. It's like taking the credit card away and cutting it up so you can concentrate on paying the bills you incurred. Quit listening to Obama's childish "logic". He isn't going to respect you in the morning.
Its like being mad at your wife for spending to much and then refusing to pay the bills she already incured after YOU gave her the credit card and told her to go spend money.

it will distroy your family credit and put you further in debt

No it's not. It's like taking the credit card away and cutting it up so you can concentrate on paying the bills you incurred. Quit listening to Obama's childish "logic". He isn't going to respect you in the morning.

I would say that to not raise the debt ceiling is unrealistic and that I expect that the debt will have a curve over the top a little higher than it is now but in this budget cycle we can lay a ten year plan that will put us on solid footing and I think that is all one can hope for.
I am watching another C-SPAN video. Apparently there is a drinking game that goes along with this. ;)

I am going to kick off slides that I find especially informative and give the time where they're found in the video. Hope someone/anyone finds this helpful.
8:18 Shows that this is not just a government issue but affects households and business es also.

Fact just stated: 5% of the population accounts for 65% of the cost.


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Great graphic depiction of our fiscal situation. It should be posted on the wall of every Civics and Economics classroom.

When they shut down the school due to lack of funding who is going to see it anyway? :confused:
Nice. A post by some guy by the name of Micheal in a nut case site that concentrates on survival-ism and right wing ideas. Let me get an article out of moveon.org, and we will be even. And have learned NOTHING.
Try a non partisan source with some standing. Then it may be interesting.

Statement: Set total health care spending to GDP growth as a goal.


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