Hold the debt ceiling hostage for entitlement reform? Maybe.

Its like being mad at your wife for spending to much and then refusing to pay the bills she already incured after YOU gave her the credit card and told her to go spend money.

it will distroy your family credit and put you further in debt

No it's not. It's like taking the credit card away and cutting it up so you can concentrate on paying the bills you incurred. Quit listening to Obama's childish "logic". He isn't going to respect you in the morning.
You just do not get it. Politicians determine a lot of the debt. But they are our elected officials. Be they what they are. So, you need to look at who creates the bill. Not trying to unilaterally say you are simply not going to pay it. You need to understand the process and if you do not like the programs then stop authorizing the payments. The concept of not raising the debt ceiling is simply a method of blowing up the economy. Which is, obviously, a really bad idea.
tha is why it would be a great idea to bring in more new citizens to pay into them huh?

You see the BIG problem with SS is that the baby boom is so big that it swells the recievers to pay in people at the momment ratios.

More tax payers

More funds.

see why immigration is the answer?

its a win win

The people you are speaking up currently eat up $3 for every $1 they genereate... Yeah, sounds like a solid plan alrighty.
Perhaps a little reality may help. The idea that the deficit is going to remain over a billion is held by those who want to justify austerity. So what do the non partisan experts, like the CBO, suggest the future of the deficit ACTUALLY is? Here is the info and a link:

---Years-- -- 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Deficit/Surplus -1,128 -641 -387 -213 -186 -123 -79 -130 -142 -144 -213

So they see the deficit as $641B this year (2013), which will increase the national debt to GDP ratio a bit more. But from there on, it decreases year by year. And that ratio is what we need to be concerned with. Not the raw number. Any year the deficit is under $450B, based on where we are today with the national debt, will decrease that ratio. And, with deficits in the ranges shown, and with GDP continuing to increase, the national debt to GDP ratio should be in the normal range in about 10 to 15 years.

So, if you get away from the BS, and look at the truth, the problem is different. And the problem is NOT the deficit. It is Unemployment. And decreasing unemployment will add to receipts as those unemployed start paying taxes. Which will also help with the deficit and the National Debt.
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21:00, Households foot the whole bill in the the end. They pay the taxes, the premiums, and they forgo wage increases due to health care costs.


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Its like being mad at your wife for spending to much and then refusing to pay the bills she already incured after YOU gave her the credit card and told her to go spend money.

it will distroy your family credit and put you further in debt

No it's not. It's like taking the credit card away and cutting it up so you can concentrate on paying the bills you incurred. Quit listening to Obama's childish "logic". He isn't going to respect you in the morning.
You just do not get it. Politicians determine a lot of the debt. But they are our elected officials. Be they what they are. So, you need to look at who creates the bill. Not trying to unilaterally say you are simply not going to pay it. You need to understand the process and if you do not like the programs then stop authorizing the payments. The concept of not raising the debt ceiling is simply a method of blowing up the economy. Which is, obviously, a really bad idea.

The liberal mantra of Republicans are going to destroy the full faith and credit of the US is bullshit. Here is why. Just like a family where a parent has lost their job and don't have as much coming in, you all of a sudden have to prioritize the bills. The US government receives enough revenue to pay the essential bills. The military isn't going to go unpaid. People are still going to get their social security checks. We make plenty of revenuce to pay those. What will happen is they will have to decide what gets paid. In happens every day around America's kithcen tables and if Obama and the Senate won't negotiate on spending cuts, then they need to be draged to the table kicking and screaming by the adults in the room. We can still pay the important bills.......but if you want the debt ceiling raised to pay ALL the bills, then we are going to have to agree to cutting spending and not adding additional spending. Again, it's how it works at home. I've known several familes where one person would spend more than they made and get another credit card to continue their addiction. You have to take the card away and cut it up and work out a plan to pay your debts with what you have coming in each pay period. You or I would end up in jail if we operated the way the government does.
43:34, not all sore throats. Cost based on delivery method.

Statement: All employers try to balance making a profit and keeping very good, healthy employees in your workforce.


  • $43_34.jpg
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No it's not. It's like taking the credit card away and cutting it up so you can concentrate on paying the bills you incurred. Quit listening to Obama's childish "logic". He isn't going to respect you in the morning.
You just do not get it. Politicians determine a lot of the debt. But they are our elected officials. Be they what they are. So, you need to look at who creates the bill. Not trying to unilaterally say you are simply not going to pay it. You need to understand the process and if you do not like the programs then stop authorizing the payments. The concept of not raising the debt ceiling is simply a method of blowing up the economy. Which is, obviously, a really bad idea.

The liberal mantra of Republicans are going to destroy the full faith and credit of the US is bullshit. Here is why. Just like a family where a parent has lost their job and don't have as much coming in, you all of a sudden have to prioritize the bills. The US government receives enough revenue to pay the essential bills. The military isn't going to go unpaid. People are still going to get their social security checks. We make plenty of revenuce to pay those. What will happen is they will have to decide what gets paid. In happens every day around America's kithcen tables and if Obama and the Senate won't negotiate on spending cuts, then they need to be draged to the table kicking and screaming by the adults in the room. We can still pay the important bills.......but if you want the debt ceiling raised to pay ALL the bills, then we are going to have to agree to cutting spending and not adding additional spending. Again, it's how it works at home. I've known several familes where one person would spend more than they made and get another credit card to continue their addiction. You have to take the card away and cut it up and work out a plan to pay your debts with what you have coming in each pay period. You or I would end up in jail if we operated the way the government does.
Some one does not get it. But I am absolutely certain that I understand it enough to know that not raising the debt ceiling enough to pay the debts is not the answer. What we will see is another series of credit rating decreases. higher interest rates will result. And then we can watch your "adults in the room" determine which bills we will not pay. Which will create more problems for the economy. IT IS SIMPLY A REALLY STUPID IDEA TO ATTACK THE PROBLEM AT THIS POINT. But, if you do, with the help of the republican party, you will damage the republican party greatly, as it should be.
Speaking of growing up, maybe you should look at attacking the problem where it exists, which is at the law making point. Not the pay for it point.

You also need to stop trying to compare the us budget with your home budget, or with credit cards. Most of the debt is payable for ongoing budget items that have been ongoing for a lot of years. If you want to cut social security, do it the honestly. Not by refusing to pay for projects that congress has approved. And get a clue about what you are atacking. You are trying to bring down the debt of the US. Essentially, trying to reduce the deficit, because apparently you believe it is out of control. Look at the numbers from the CBO and you will see that it is coming down, rather quickly without doing something stupid. See the CBO numbers in post 43, above. And try to understand that the idea of not passing an increase in the debt ceiling will cost us jobs. Potentially, lots of jobs. And, unemployment is the current problem. Creating more unemployment is exactly what will cause this deficit problem to be a real problem, over time.
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Did not include any slides from Karen Ignagni. She had a really excellent presentation about alignment between all the layers of the health care system. She also has an excellent ipad app.
The liberal mantra of Republicans are going to destroy the full faith and credit of the US is bullshit. Here is why. Just like a family where a parent has lost their job and don't have as much coming in, you all of a sudden have to prioritize the bills. .

your are so right!! The whole reason we have a debt ceiling vote is because enough people thought it was important to stop and think twice about what the hell is going on! At this point $16 trillion in debt and $50 trillion in unfunded liabilities on our childrens backs says its time to freakin think for once, to confront the deadly liberal addiction.

Its 100% idiotic to assume good faith on the part of an addict. The libturd addicts had many chances that they made many excuses like when Newts Balanced Budget was proposed. It got through the House and fell one vote short in Senate. If it had passed, no crisis whatsover today!! Why did libturds kill that approach too !!

Ans: spending with abandon to the liberal addict philosophy. It buys votes and transfers wealth from those who have to those who don't thus destroying everyone's incentives. What could be more liberal than that??
Watching this presentation a little clarity came to me on what I think is a fundamental issue with trying to get to a federal budget. The two presentations I recently watched, The USA Financial Crisis - Problems and Solutions and Experts Discuss Growing Health Care Costs.

One seems to give guidance to the levels different departments should be set at the other seems to give advice on how best to use that money once it is allocated. I believe this is a reason I found Simpson-Bowles so confusing. I may be getting this all wrong but the S-B report seems to be more about who to spend the money wisely which is very different than what needs to be the levels of the budget. The House Budget seems to be more along the lines of the S-B report than a specification on what levels each department should be set at, although I still believe the House Budget is incoherent no matter how it is read.

So accountants are needed to make a budget and economists make a budget resolution. I am going to think about this some more and would appreciate any feedback on this concept.

So does the President's budget give 10 year projections? If so do the chamber's budgets suggest changes in those projects. I mean one can not really argue what the dollar amount for the current budget is. It is what it is. The question of what it will be is open to debate I guess. It would help if the Senate came out with a budget.
The liberal mantra of Republicans are going to destroy the full faith and credit of the US is bullshit. Here is why. Just like a family where a parent has lost their job and don't have as much coming in, you all of a sudden have to prioritize the bills. .

your are so right!! The whole reason we have a debt ceiling vote is because enough people thought it was important to stop and think twice about what the hell is going on! At this point $16 trillion in debt and $50 trillion in unfunded liabilities on our childrens backs says its time to freakin think for once, to confront the deadly liberal addiction.

Its 100% idiotic to assume good faith on the part of an addict. The libturd addicts had many chances that they made many excuses like when Newts Balanced Budget was proposed. It got through the House and fell one vote short in Senate. If it had passed, no crisis whatsover today!! Why did libturds kill that approach too !!

Ans: spending with abandon to the liberal addict philosophy. It buys votes and transfers wealth from those who have to those who don't thus destroying everyone's incentives. What could be more liberal than that??

For starters:
Newt's Balanced Budget Claim Doesn't Add Up | Mother Jones
Questioned by Fox News' Bret Baier on his conservative credentials at Thursday's GOP debate in Iowa, Newt Gingrich made a curious claim: As Speaker of the House, he said, he'd balanced the federal budget four times. It's a claim he's made before—in a video on his campaign website, and on the stump. But as Politifact notes, it's false: Although Congress did pass balanced budgets for four straight years beginning in the late 1990s, the latter two came after Gingrich had resigned from the House and he'd played no part in crafting them.
Watching this presentation a little clarity came to me on what I think is a fundamental issue with trying to get to a federal budget. The two presentations I recently watched, The USA Financial Crisis - Problems and Solutions and Experts Discuss Growing Health Care Costs.

One seems to give guidance to the levels different departments should be set at the other seems to give advice on how best to use that money once it is allocated. I believe this is a reason I found Simpson-Bowles so confusing. I may be getting this all wrong but the S-B report seems to be more about who to spend the money wisely which is very different than what needs to be the levels of the budget. The House Budget seems to be more along the lines of the S-B report than a specification on what levels each department should be set at, although I still believe the House Budget is incoherent no matter how it is read.

So accountants are needed to make a budget and economists make a budget resolution. I am going to think about this some more and would appreciate any feedback on this concept.

So does the President's budget give 10 year projections? If so do the chamber's budgets suggest changes in those projects. I mean one can not really argue what the dollar amount for the current budget is. It is what it is. The question of what it will be is open to debate I guess. It would help if the Senate came out with a budget.

The problems would be solved with a simple Balanced Budget Amendment like all households have.

Plus, Sarbanes Oxley punishments for libturds politicians who lie about the numbers would help too!!
The liberal mantra of Republicans are going to destroy the full faith and credit of the US is bullshit. Here is why. Just like a family where a parent has lost their job and don't have as much coming in, you all of a sudden have to prioritize the bills. .

your are so right!! The whole reason we have a debt ceiling vote is because enough people thought it was important to stop and think twice about what the hell is going on! At this point $16 trillion in debt and $50 trillion in unfunded liabilities on our childrens backs says its time to freakin think for once, to confront the deadly liberal addiction.

Its 100% idiotic to assume good faith on the part of an addict. The libturd addicts had many chances that they made many excuses like when Newts Balanced Budget was proposed. It got through the House and fell one vote short in Senate. If it had passed, no crisis whatsover today!! Why did libturds kill that approach too !!

Ans: spending with abandon to the liberal addict philosophy. It buys votes and transfers wealth from those who have to those who don't thus destroying everyone's incentives. What could be more liberal than that??

Bush came into office with a surplus. Bush was in for eight years and had two wars. Obama has been in office for four years and has not started any wars. So exactly how did Obama spend all this country's money?
Watching this presentation a little clarity came to me on what I think is a fundamental issue with trying to get to a federal budget. The two presentations I recently watched, The USA Financial Crisis - Problems and Solutions and Experts Discuss Growing Health Care Costs.

One seems to give guidance to the levels different departments should be set at the other seems to give advice on how best to use that money once it is allocated. I believe this is a reason I found Simpson-Bowles so confusing. I may be getting this all wrong but the S-B report seems to be more about who to spend the money wisely which is very different than what needs to be the levels of the budget. The House Budget seems to be more along the lines of the S-B report than a specification on what levels each department should be set at, although I still believe the House Budget is incoherent no matter how it is read.

So accountants are needed to make a budget and economists make a budget resolution. I am going to think about this some more and would appreciate any feedback on this concept.

So does the President's budget give 10 year projections? If so do the chamber's budgets suggest changes in those projects. I mean one can not really argue what the dollar amount for the current budget is. It is what it is. The question of what it will be is open to debate I guess. It would help if the Senate came out with a budget.

The problems would be solved with a simple Balanced Budget Amendment like all households have.

Plus, Sarbanes Oxley punishments for libturds politicians who lie about the numbers would help too!!

So you believe we should not have invaded Afghanistan and Iraq?
Watching this presentation a little clarity came to me on what I think is a fundamental issue with trying to get to a federal budget. The two presentations I recently watched, The USA Financial Crisis - Problems and Solutions and Experts Discuss Growing Health Care Costs.

One seems to give guidance to the levels different departments should be set at the other seems to give advice on how best to use that money once it is allocated. I believe this is a reason I found Simpson-Bowles so confusing. I may be getting this all wrong but the S-B report seems to be more about who to spend the money wisely which is very different than what needs to be the levels of the budget. The House Budget seems to be more along the lines of the S-B report than a specification on what levels each department should be set at, although I still believe the House Budget is incoherent no matter how it is read.

So accountants are needed to make a budget and economists make a budget resolution. I am going to think about this some more and would appreciate any feedback on this concept.

So does the President's budget give 10 year projections? If so do the chamber's budgets suggest changes in those projects. I mean one can not really argue what the dollar amount for the current budget is. It is what it is. The question of what it will be is open to debate I guess. It would help if the Senate came out with a budget.

The problems would be solved with a simple Balanced Budget Amendment like all households have.

Plus, Sarbanes Oxley punishments for libturds politicians who lie about the numbers would help too!!

So you believe we should not have invaded Afghanistan and Iraq?

We are the world's policeman, the empire of liberty, so we really can't evade our responsibility for long. Remember Pearl Harbor, 9/11. Liberals have no right to complain since they create all the liberal regimes that we ultimately must go to war against.
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