Holder appoints special prosecutors for Obama leak probes


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
Figures if he is going down for gun running, he is going to take Obama admin with him?

'WASHINGTON (AP) -- Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday appointed two U.S. attorneys to lead a pair of criminal investigations into possible unauthorized disclosures of classified information, authorizing the two prosecutors to follow all appropriate investigative leads within the executive and legislative branches of government.'

News from The Associated Press
I am completely surprized by Holders move. Integrety is not an adjective I would freely use with any of Obama's administration, but Holder did name two Special prosecuters. I have to think that he either had to bow to legislative pressure or he is looking for Obama to provide some cover for him before Darryl Issa moves his contempt charge forward.
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You guys ought to wait for your marching orders on this one. You have yet to hear the reasons why you should object to this move by Holder. You always get embarrassed when you jump the gun like that.

Wait to be told what to think like good little nutters.
Perhaps he should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Fast and Furious.
Figures if he is going down for gun running, he is going to take Obama admin with him?

'WASHINGTON (AP) -- Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday appointed two U.S. attorneys to lead a pair of criminal investigations into possible unauthorized disclosures of classified information, authorizing the two prosecutors to follow all appropriate investigative leads within the executive and legislative branches of government.'

News from The Associated Press

I don't think Holder will ensure a fair investigation of Obama's administration. They all think they can get away with anything they want and are probably in shock that they have to defend themselves. Leaks can only come from the small circle of people in the know. And Obama didn't speak out against the leaks. He didn't mind the attention and probably hoped it made him look like a tough guy. I hate how many people, and allies, were thrown under the bus so Obama could look good.
This thread...........indeed this forum..........needs more hyperbole. There is just not enough hyperbole.
They will find some non-important person deep in the bowls of the Obama Administration and pin the blame on him, send him to jail, and then pray this issue goes away. Their trick of purposefully releasing secret info just to try to make Obama look good blew up in their faces. He can't run on his sorry record so they are trying to find something, anything, to get the liberals all fired up again because right now they are leaving the sinking Obama ship like the rats they are.

Reno's tool. Get back to me when we prosecute the death of so many. What as it 75 women and children on America's soil?

This is the prick.
Not that I want to be the *old bore* aka well seasoned and a cougar but do some of you younger ones really know about Holder's past?

Holder dodged for Reno for killing all those people in Texas.
Not that I want to be the *old bore* aka well seasoned and a cougar but do some of you younger ones really know about Holder's past?

Holder dodged for Reno for killing all those people in Texas.

It was ok to murder them because they were religious nuts, or didn't you get the memo?
Do you really think any special prosecutor Holder appoints will be interested in the truth? This is a CYA moment.
Do you really think any special prosecutor Holder appoints will be interested in the truth? This is a CYA moment.

If they have any aspirations for higher office they may follow the actual leads. But having seen how lawyers that are mostly liberals act when appointed I doubt it. I mean the Special Prosecutor on the Plame thing broke the law to even try the guy he tried.
with the current crop of hyper partisan nitiwts in charge of the US House?

stupidest move by Holder yet


I am completely surprized by Holders move. Integrety is not an adjective I would freely use with any of Obama's administration, but Holder did name two Special prosecuters. I have to think that he either had to bow to legislative pressure or he is looking for Obama to provide some cover for him before Darryl Issa moves his contempt charge forward.

Issa is a disgrace and unworthy of serious attention

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