Holder headed to Ferguson on Wednesday, Will Oversee Federal Response to Shooting

If the Cop isn't charged Criminally he could still be charged Civilly which has a lower threshold of guilty or liability.

If he gets found guilty civilly then I'm sure his Insurance (that most Police Officers have) will pay off.

i am not sure he can be sued civilly seems like government employees cant be sued
Holder headed to Ferguson on Wednesday, will oversee federal response to shooting

Holder headed to Ferguson on Wednesday, will oversee federal response to shooting - The Washington Post

1. Federal investigators have found over 200 witnesses??? There just happened to be 200 people where this occurred? And they all saw it go down? Come on...o_O

2. Investigators are not asking, "Tell me what happened in your own words..." They want to know, "Did the cop use excessive force? Did MB have his hands up? Did the cop have to shoot? Did the cop deprive him of his civil rights??" Doesn't this sound a bit one sided? :rolleyes:

I think Holder is ready to tar and feather this cop without much of a real hearing. :(

Holder is a race-baiter writ large.

He's got no business in Ferguson other than take advantage of a sad situation. It isn't about justice from the Chief Law Enforcement Officer, it is about advancing a narrative. The facts of the case so far do not warrant federal involvement, but his motive isn't about local justice but instead about taking political and ideological advantage of the social situation, ala Sharpton and Jackson and Shabaaz, et al....
Can anyone guess why the suspect was shot 6 times? Doesn't that seem a tad bit excessive? I am not taking sides but 2 shots to the head would seemingly be enough to stop anyone.
Police can be found not guilty of a Policy misstep by their own Police Departments but that doesn't shield them from Civil Liability.
Cops and Civil Liability - POLICE Magazine
Under federal civil rights law, suits can be brought when an official violates federal constitutional or statutory rights, under color of law (badge and gun). (42 US Code, section 1983; Bivens v. Six Unknown Agents.) If you were to violate the Fourth Amendment by making an unreasonable search or seizure, for example, you could have to pay monetary damages to the person whose rights were violated. The evidence could also be suppressed from a criminal trial, because of the exclusionary rule created by the courts to deter future violations.[/b][/b]
Police get their Authority to Arrest from OUR Right of Ordinary Arrest. We just give it to them so they can do their job that WE authorize them to do.
The longer the investigation goes on, the better it looks for Darren Wilson. It was the FBI, Holder's own investigator's, that found the witnesses the corroborate Wilson's version of events.
Can anyone guess why the suspect was shot 6 times? Doesn't that seem a tad bit excessive? I am not taking sides but 2 shots to the head would seemingly be enough to stop anyone.
The officer would have kept firing until the threat was neutralized. The shots to the arms would not have even slowed Brown down. The officer kept shooting until he was down.
The officer would have kept firing until the threat was neutralized. The shots to the arms would not have even slowed Brown down. The officer kept shooting until he was down.

I am thinking that while this may be true I am thinking that the officer lost his temper and shot him 6 times because he missed twice. I don't want the police officer's job it would be very tough and situations like this make it tougher.
Well they start suing the police then we need to be able to sue this FEDERAL government next.

If this cop is found not guilty of anything...I bet you can expect another Rodney King event so start getting prepared
The longer the investigation goes on, the better it looks for Darren Wilson. It was the FBI, Holder's own investigator's, that found the witnesses the corroborate Wilson's version of events.

Accordinging to a couple posters, Holder had already decided to charge the Officer.
I am thinking that while this may be true I am thinking that the officer lost his temper and shot him 6 times because he missed twice. I don't want the police officer's job it would be very tough and situations like this make it tougher.

Police training is that you keep firing until the threat is neutralized. After all, does it make sense to stop firing and allow a wounded assailant to continue attacking? Until the head shot, none of the wounds would have slowed Brown down. They were all minor. I don't think the officer lost his temper at all. I think he was scared shitless.
If the Cop isn't charged Criminally he could still be charged Civilly which has a lower threshold of guilty or liability.

If he gets found guilty civilly then I'm sure his Insurance (that most Police Officers have) will pay off.

I think Wilson should counter sue the family and Sharpton, for harassment and inciting the public against him. He should sue the president and Holder for not being unbiased preservers of the law and pursuing their job objectively.

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