Holder Screws Up Snowden Extradition!


Jun 1, 2013
Adolf Hussein's real soul-mate can't get out of his own way....perjured himself multiple times before Congress, screwed-up "fast and furious", got dozens of mehicans and two Americans murdered from it, couldn't remember going after a Fox reporter, refused to prosecute Black Panther thugs with clubs at a polling place, is now suing businesses that want a criminal background-check for new hires because it's a "racist policy" according to Eric. Yet you'd think he'd be able to do a simple extradition of a fugitive, right? GONG!

Snowden's departure from Hong Kong was a setback for the United States, which had been pressing Hong Kong to surrender him to American law enforcement officials. The Hong Kong government said on Sunday, in its first detailed statement about Mr. Snowden, that the United States had made a legal request for the issue of a provisional arrest warrant against Mr. Snowden, but that the Hong Kong government had concluded that the request “did not fully comply with the legal requirements under Hong Kong law.”


The statement said that Hong Kong had requested more information from the United States but had not received it. Because the government “has yet to have sufficient information to process the request for provisional warrant of arrest, there is no legal basis to restrict Mr. Snowden from leaving Hong Kong,” the statement said.

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I would love what additional information it was that was needed. Did it have to do with what Hong Kong claims Snowden told them or was it really a technicality they just screwed up by not getting it back to them in a timely fashion? And will we ever know?
Hong Kong was never going to accept the extradition request. What they did, was exactly what the IRS did to the conservative groups seeking 501c authorization. They said "you didn't comply", and if the US had given them what they wanted, they would have said "you still didn't comply", delaying approval of the extradition until Snowden left. Of more interest is the little addendum Hong Kong attached to the denial of extradition asking for details on American spying in Hong Kong.
Listen, each country we have extradition treaties with has a different set of standards that must be complied with. Mexico for instance, will not extradite a fugitive to us facing a death-sentence. Each set of circumstances is clearly laid out in the particular treaty. So looking at Holder's incompetence in every endeavor he's entered, it is no surprise he and his lackeys screwed up the Snowden affair. To say Hong Kong wouldn't have complied without knowing what information was given and not given, is flying blind. My hunch is Holder doesn't know how to do an extradition or is so gun-shy given his recent troubles, he delegated it so far away from his office, a rookie got the job and screwed the pooch.
Yet more evidence that our government is Too Big To Succeed.

This incompetence also refutes the claim that we have to pay such high pay and benefits to the Elites Who Deign To Serve because they could earn so much more in the private sector. If they can't even fill out a form correctly, they're too feeble to work in a proper business.
Yet more evidence that our government is Too Big To Succeed.

This incompetence also refutes the claim that we have to pay such high pay and benefits to the Elites Who Deign To Serve because they could earn so much more in the private sector. If they can't even fill out a form correctly, they're too feeble to work in a proper business.

Exactly......and Hong Kong has the right to determine what "crime" the person of interest has committed before they throw him on an airliner headed back to the US....if Holder's DOJ can't tell them or won't tell them, or doesn't know what or how to tell them, they have the right to tell Holder to go pound sand. :lol:

And this morning we learn Interpol may have a warrant out for him so he is flying on state-owned aircraft who don't need to honor an arrest warrant like a public airline would.
Holder Screws Up Snowden Extradition!

Wrong. This has Obama's fingerprints all over it. Impeach him.
It's clearly Bush's fault.
I would love what additional information it was that was needed. Did it have to do with what Hong Kong claims Snowden told them or was it really a technicality they just screwed up by not getting it back to them in a timely fashion? And will we ever know?

maybe it was something like, what information have you stolen from honk kong business and people.
The World is finally learning how to tell the US to "f*ck off". Watch what happens when they dump the Dollar.
Adolf Hussein's real soul-mate can't get out of his own way....perjured himself multiple times before Congress, screwed-up "fast and furious", got dozens of mehicans and two Americans murdered from it, couldn't remember going after a Fox reporter, refused to prosecute Black Panther thugs with clubs at a polling place, is now suing businesses that want a criminal background-check for new hires because it's a "racist policy" according to Eric. Yet you'd think he'd be able to do a simple extradition of a fugitive, right? GONG!

Snowden's departure from Hong Kong was a setback for the United States, which had been pressing Hong Kong to surrender him to American law enforcement officials. The Hong Kong government said on Sunday, in its first detailed statement about Mr. Snowden, that the United States had made a legal request for the issue of a provisional arrest warrant against Mr. Snowden, but that the Hong Kong government had concluded that the request “did not fully comply with the legal requirements under Hong Kong law.”


The statement said that Hong Kong had requested more information from the United States but had not received it. Because the government “has yet to have sufficient information to process the request for provisional warrant of arrest, there is no legal basis to restrict Mr. Snowden from leaving Hong Kong,” the statement said.

I guess "Because Mr. Snowden's revelations make Obama look bad" wasn't good enough for Hong Kong.

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