Holder Seeks To Prove Cops, Courts Racist

I'm glad that Holder has come to the obvious realization that the war on drugs is a misguided failure. I'm optimistic that America will one day adopt the current model of Portugal, with regards to how we handle our drug crises.

Republicans should be applauding Holder for what he is doing - taking a "smaller government" approach to a problem by loosening the grip on its citizens.

Instead, as per usual, they are making this into a partisan witch hunt with no bases in their own belief system.
The failed war on drugs is a tiny, almost invisible, aspect to Holders intentions.

The reason a disproportionate rate of black men are in prison is because a disproportionate number of criminals are black men. Even liberal social scientists concede racial bias doesn't explain the prison gap.

This is not strictly street dealers
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How much more evidence is needed to prove you're a racist? None.

do you fucking liberrcists know any other word than "racist" ??

it's over use has gotten so fucking old and boring that there is no impact on anyone.., other than you liberacists who feeeeel that word has a damaging effect on us common folk, it don't !! maybe with rich demoncrats like Donald Sterling.

why is it that when a racist is outed..., it is always a fucking demoRAT ?
Given this administration, no surprises here. Holder and his master are some of the most racist, incompetent, uninformed asses this side of hell. But apparently the American electorate favors their tactics. (Can I be excused to go vomit now?)

You're ignorance on the issue is only exceeded by your hate and likely xenophobia. See this link and even someone as foolish as you will understand - possibly - that this inquiry commenced under the Bush Administration. Aren't you even a little embarrassed to have been fooled once again by lies?

See, if you're not willfully ignorant this link:


Note that the national coordinator is with the USDOJ.

You open your mouth and lies just spew forth......

It's like your asshole, with the difference being..... Well, there is no discernible difference

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 is a United States federal law providing funds to states that follow a series of federal protections, known as the "core protections," on the care and treatment of youth in the justice system. The four "core protections" of the act are:
Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders (DSO) -- the deinstitutionalization of status offenders and non-offenders requires that youth who are runaways, truants or curfew violators cannot be detained in juvenile detention facilities or adult jails;
"Sight and Sound" -- The "Sight and Sound" separation protection disallows contact between juvenile and adult offenders (i.e. if juveniles are put in an adult jail or lock up under the limited circumstances the law allows for, they must be separated from adult inmates);
"Jail Removal" -- The "Jail Removal" disallows the placement of youth in adult jails and lock ups except under very limited circumstances;

Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) -- The DMC provision requires states to address the issue of over-representation of youth of color in the justice system.

In 2011 the term 'DMC' was changed to mean Disproportionate Minority Contact

Holder is a racist scumbag.

obama, the lying cocksucker in chief is a racist.

Most ardent dimocrap scum are racists.

Apologize for getting your shit WRONG and maybe I won't call you a racist.

It would be interesting to know where you got your lie. I've never met a 'rank-and-file' dimocrap that was capable of original thought. You only take what is given you by the Hive Mind and transmit it like the good little drone you are.

Where'd you get the lie?

I'm retired LE, retired in 2005 and at the time our agency had already commenced collecting data on the issue.

Who or what caused you to become the asshole you are today? Someone, somewhere in your past seriously damaged you. Get into therapy, you need it desperately.
The Color of Crime

Read it. It debunks all the bullshit racist canards by relying on a broad set of statistics. Numbers don't lie, and it's actually even worse for Blacks than at first glance because Hispanics are often lumped in with Whites.

i went to the link, here is what i first saw: Race, Crime, and Justice in America — Second, Expanded Edition, 2005 nine (9) years ago, those numbers today could quite possibly be doubled or tripled in some cases.

but when.., IF a liarberal responds he/she will argue those numbers have gone "180".., or at the very least, reduced considerably. :up:
How about Holder just upholding current laws, instead of PICKING AND CHOOSING what he wants to prosecute?

Racial Politics: Attorney General Eric Holder thinks the "overrepresentation" of blacks in jails somehow proves that cops and judges are racist. So he's collecting arrest data to lord over mayors. Usually when an agency collects data, it waits to study the results before reaching conclusions. Not this Justice Department. It's gathering data to fit a preconceived notion that the criminal justice system is out to get young men of color. Holder announced Monday that he's gathering records on police stops, searches and arrests to "curb racial bias" within big city police departments. He didn't say "possible" bias. He's convinced cops...

With No Evidence In Hand, Holder Tries To Prove Cops, Courts Racist - Investors.com

How much more evidence is needed to prove you're a racist? None. And, institutional racism has been on the radar of government for over a decade. See:



I'm glad that Holder has come to the obvious realization that the war on drugs is a misguided failure. I'm optimistic that America will one day adopt the current model of Portugal, with regards to how we handle our drug crises.

Republicans should be applauding Holder for what he is doing - taking a "smaller government" approach to a problem by loosening the grip on its citizens.

Instead, as per usual, they are making this into a partisan witch hunt with no bases in their own belief system.

Would you expect a drug abuser to spew this shit? Next he'll want pedophiles let go, because it's now considered a LIFE STYLE, like homosexuality, by the left!
Is anyone seriously saying that the justice system is not heavy handed (now and in the past) on blacks more than whites?

I mean, is anyone saying this is not true?
Is anyone seriously saying that the justice system is not heavy handed (now and in the past) on blacks more than whites?

I mean, is anyone saying this is not true?

It's not true.
Blacks are incarcerated because they commit more crimes. Do you believe this is not the case?
Is anyone seriously saying that the justice system is not heavy handed (now and in the past) on blacks more than whites?

I mean, is anyone saying this is not true?

It's not true.
Blacks are incarcerated because they commit more crimes. Do you believe this is not the case?

Longer sentences for blacks is because of what?

I'm sure you have a reason for it all but the bottom line is that blacks are locked up more often, longer and for the same offenses as whites. They are treated differently by the courts and police.

So you can have excuses why that is but that would only give credibility to my argument that it does happen.
Is anyone seriously saying that the justice system is not heavy handed (now and in the past) on blacks more than whites?

I mean, is anyone saying this is not true?

It's not true.
Blacks are incarcerated because they commit more crimes. Do you believe this is not the case?

Longer sentences for blacks is because of what?

I'm sure you have a reason for it all but the bottom line is that blacks are locked up more often, longer and for the same offenses as whites. They are treated differently by the courts and police.

So you can have excuses why that is but that would only give credibility to my argument that it does happen.

Maybe it's because they've already been given several 2nd chances? Ever think of that? Of course not, you're an idiot.

Not every charge leads to a conviction. Many times, the perp is let go due to a lack of evidence or some other reason.

If you knew any Cops, they'd tell you that they usually have to arrest the same guy five to ten times before he does any time.

I don't know this from reading some fucking College paper from some fucking juvenile, post-pubescent, suburban fuckwad, I know it from experience.

These people get hit with longer sentences because the Court System has had it with them. They've already been given 2nd chance after 2nd chance.

And you're an idiot. Stick to discussing what color of the rainbow is your fav-o-flav.

I get tired of having to educate idiots like you
How about Holder just upholding current laws, instead of PICKING AND CHOOSING what he wants to prosecute?

Racial Politics: Attorney General Eric Holder thinks the "overrepresentation" of blacks in jails somehow proves that cops and judges are racist. So he's collecting arrest data to lord over mayors. Usually when an agency collects data, it waits to study the results before reaching conclusions. Not this Justice Department. It's gathering data to fit a preconceived notion that the criminal justice system is out to get young men of color. Holder announced Monday that he's gathering records on police stops, searches and arrests to "curb racial bias" within big city police departments. He didn't say "possible" bias. He's convinced cops...

With No Evidence In Hand, Holder Tries To Prove Cops, Courts Racist - Investors.com

How much more evidence is needed to prove you're a racist? None. And, institutional racism has been on the radar of government for over a decade. See:



Cute. One picture is worth ... shit. Almost every person I interviewed/investigated who was in prison or C.J. was innocent; you're a racist, no matter how much you protest or deny the label. But keep on denying that fact and proving it with your posts.
The only bit of information anyone needs to see the inherent racism in American "culture" is the difference in criminal sentencing between crack and powder cocaine.

And considering that the entire drug war was started by Nixon after the 1972 National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse told him that marijuana was less harmful to America than marijuana prohibition laws, we shouldn't focus on the racism in the "justice" system but rather focus on the systemic stupidity. Stupidity and racism are often intertwined.

End the drug war, America. You need to get this done.
How about Holder just upholding current laws, instead of PICKING AND CHOOSING what he wants to prosecute?

Racial Politics: Attorney General Eric Holder thinks the "overrepresentation" of blacks in jails somehow proves that cops and judges are racist. So he's collecting arrest data to lord over mayors. Usually when an agency collects data, it waits to study the results before reaching conclusions. Not this Justice Department. It's gathering data to fit a preconceived notion that the criminal justice system is out to get young men of color. Holder announced Monday that he's gathering records on police stops, searches and arrests to "curb racial bias" within big city police departments. He didn't say "possible" bias. He's convinced cops...

With No Evidence In Hand, Holder Tries To Prove Cops, Courts Racist - Investors.com

Is he going to use himself as exhibit #1 to prove racism?

cuz if not, he should be investigated for his bias
How much more evidence is needed to prove you're a racist? None. And, institutional racism has been on the radar of government for over a decade. See:



Cute. One picture is worth ... shit. Almost every person I interviewed/investigated who was in prison or C.J. was innocent; you're a racist, no matter how much you protest or deny the label. But keep on denying that fact and proving it with your posts.

hey, did you neg all those people that insulted Condi Rice yet? I @ed you a couple of times, but you never posted you lying racist bag of vomit.
It's not true.
Blacks are incarcerated because they commit more crimes. Do you believe this is not the case?

Longer sentences for blacks is because of what?

I'm sure you have a reason for it all but the bottom line is that blacks are locked up more often, longer and for the same offenses as whites. They are treated differently by the courts and police.

So you can have excuses why that is but that would only give credibility to my argument that it does happen.

Maybe it's because they've already been given several 2nd chances? Ever think of that? Of course not, you're an idiot.

Maybe but like I said that only strengthens my position. Thanks.

Not every charge leads to a conviction. Many times, the perp is let go due to a lack of evidence or some other reason.

If you knew any Cops, they'd tell you that they usually have to arrest the same guy five to ten times before he does any time.

I know plenty of cops and its obvious you dont. But thats neither here nor there. Again, blacks are treated differently by the police and courts and I dont hear one person saying that is not true.

I don't know this from reading some fucking College paper from some fucking juvenile, post-pubescent, suburban fuckwad, I know it from experience.

These people get hit with longer sentences because the Court System has had it with them. They've already been given 2nd chance after 2nd chance.

Thanks again for backing me up. That doesnt explain tho why blacks are doing more time more often than their white doppelgangers (sort of speak)

And you're an idiot. Stick to discussing what color of the rainbow is your fav-o-flav.

I get tired of having to educate idiots like you

You didnt do anything but lie and back me up. Thanks

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