Holder Seeks To Prove Cops, Courts Racist

Rabbi, your ignorance seems to have no limit. The trier of fact has some discretion in sentencing and considers factors in mitigation, aggravation as well as the prior record and the defendant's adjustment in his or her community; his or her remorse, ability to make restitution and any support system.

You give proof for my stance and then call me ignorant? You are a blow hard. All your johns agree.

I suppose you're too stupid and/or too insecure to be honest. I never suggested the prior record wasn't considered, in truth of fact a prior record can be a mitigating factor when it comes to sentencing and imposing jail or prison, large fines or not.

I'm sure you can't understand how that can be, and that's sad, but it does not mitigate your lies and vulgarity.
You agree with my position and offer additional proof and somehow I'm the stupid one. Your presence on this board is an offense to all LEOs. I've met plenty and not too many are as stupid as you are.
There's no reverse psychology. You made a claim. I asked you to back it up. You cannot. Your claim is bogus. Every post you make is filled with errors of one kind or another. Frankly I'd be embarassed to be as ill prepared for debate as you are.

I know, I know...you're asking me for information in 3 other threads too. Your google must be broken.

Im not the one making outrageous untrue claims that cannot be substantiated. That would be you.

But you cant prove it to be false :lol: Checkmate and you fell right into it
I know, I know...you're asking me for information in 3 other threads too. Your google must be broken.

Im not the one making outrageous untrue claims that cannot be substantiated. That would be you.

But you cant prove it to be false :lol: Checkmate and you fell right into it

I dont need to prove it false, dumwad. You made the claim, youhave to support it. You failed.
Does it really feel good getting pwned in every thread? Because you have yet to win one argument.
Im not the one making outrageous untrue claims that cannot be substantiated. That would be you.

But you cant prove it to be false :lol: Checkmate and you fell right into it

I dont need to prove it false, dumwad. You made the claim, youhave to support it. You failed.
Does it really feel good getting pwned in every thread? Because you have yet to win one argument.

Even evil arguments when we're dealing with these morons will probably comes true with Holder in power. Murders and rapist back on our streets killing and destroying innocent life!:mad:
Im not the one making outrageous untrue claims that cannot be substantiated. That would be you.

But you cant prove it to be false :lol: Checkmate and you fell right into it

I dont need to prove it false, dumwad.

I know because you cant do the impossible

You made the claim, youhave to support it. You failed.
Does it really feel good getting pwned in every thread? Because you have yet to win one argument.

You said my claims were untrue. Here I'll let you respond to yourself

Translation: I've got nothing.
Yeah, you cant find cases like that because they don't exist.
Ya big dope.
Longer sentences for blacks is because of what?

I'm sure you have a reason for it all but the bottom line is that blacks are locked up more often, longer and for the same offenses as whites. They are treated differently by the courts and police.

So you can have excuses why that is but that would only give credibility to my argument that it does happen.

A longer sentence is usually given depending on prior arrests!

Minorities, ugly people and fat people are often unfairly punished because of their appearances. Even law enforcement admits to this, why can't you?

Compound this scenario, with the fact that our judicial system (especially in murder cases) very unfairly targets the poor and you start to get a snapshot of the United States penal system.

This has been the case since the dawn of man. Keep on drinking the red punch, though! Say it often enough and it becomes fact.

Over thirty years ago, when my wife and I were just starting out, we lived in a not-very-good neighborhood.

In that neighborhood was a Black Kid named (not his real name) Harry "Gangster" Brown.

Before the age of 18 he had been arrested 65 (SIXTY-FIVE) times. One of the arrests was for breaking into a woman's house, taking a shotgun away from her and beating her with it, then raping her and killing her horse with the shotgun.

Because he was under 14 at the time, nothing much was done to him.

One time when he was around 19, he was hanging out with one of the local neighborhood loser kids, walking by my house, when he looked at my bike and said with a sly grin on his face, "Nice bike. You think it's safe there?''

I said, "Maybe not, Harry. But let me tell you something. If anything happens to my bike.... Anything. I'm going to shoot your ****** ass. I don't care if you're in Alaska when it happens, I will find you and I will shoot you in the guts and watch you shit yourself to death." He walked away -- Quickly.

The thing was -- I wasn't kidding and he knew it.

He never did mess with me or even come around my house anymore. Within a few Months, he got busted by the Feds in a MAJOR Drug bust and, as far as I know, is still in Prison.

He was strongly suspected of breaking into an old woman's house in the neighborhood, robbing and raping her. Couldn't prove it, but I think he did it.

Here's what you dimocrap scumbags don't get and are too stupid to understand.... These guys that are getting handed heavy sentences.....?

YOU don't know about their prior records because much of their prior arrest records are sealed because they were juveniles.

But in a Pre Sentence Investigation Report, EVERYTHING is considered INCLUDING Juvenile Records.

Presentence investigation report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Juvenile records are sealed except when it comes time for a PSIR.

You're a Judge, you have defendant just found guilty of Breaking and Entering an occupied house, you look into his Juvenile record and see arrests for assault, B&E, Car-Jacking, Home Invasions, Fleeing and Eluding, Armed Robbery, Burglary, Sexual Battery and then you couple that with prior arrests as an Adult in which he was given probation and time served....

What the FUCK are you going to do?

Unless you're a gutless dimocrap scumbag racist, you throw the book at him. Hard. Really hard.

And the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM picks it up like it's the mean Justice System picking on a poor minority kid.

Why? Because it suits their political narrative for one thing, for another, they can't see his Juvenile Record.

The Juvenile System is designed EXCLUSIVELY as a Reformative system. It's purpose is not to punish.

It's purpose is to reform and correct, NOT to punish.

Unless the Juvenile is tried as an Adult.

You people, you libturd fucking morons...? You're stupid.

You seriously are.
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But you cant prove it to be false :lol: Checkmate and you fell right into it

I dont need to prove it false, dumwad.

I know because you cant do the impossible

You made the claim, youhave to support it. You failed.
Does it really feel good getting pwned in every thread? Because you have yet to win one argument.

You said my claims were untrue. Here I'll let you respond to yourself

Translation: I've got nothing.
Yeah, you cant find cases like that because they don't exist.
Ya big dope.

You're not very good at this debate thing, ya know?
You give proof for my stance and then call me ignorant? You are a blow hard. All your johns agree.

I suppose you're too stupid and/or too insecure to be honest. I never suggested the prior record wasn't considered, in truth of fact a prior record can be a mitigating factor when it comes to sentencing and imposing jail or prison, large fines or not.

I'm sure you can't understand how that can be, and that's sad, but it does not mitigate your lies and vulgarity.
You agree with my position and offer additional proof and somehow I'm the stupid one. Your presence on this board is an offense to all LEOs. I've met plenty and not too many are as stupid as you are.

Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar.
Holder Seeks To Prove Cops, Courts Racist

Prove it? All he needs is an accurate American History textbook? Then again, that might not be too easy to find these days.

If Holder were out to do real good and not demagogue, he would challenge the outrageous abuse of Terry stops in the democratically controlled cities of New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, D.C., Detroit, Boston . . . which harass everyone, but most especially humiliate minorities in the poorer neighborhoods.

That's the major source of wrongful prosecutions in this country.

In the meantime, blacks do commit the highest percentage of felonies in this country relative to their percentage of the population.

If Holder really wanted to do something about that, he would stop being a leftist, leave the Democrat Party and stop promoting the welfare state and its mentality of victimhood, sloth and dependency.
Sentencing disparity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Didn't bother looking at the article, I don't really care...like I said, do the crime, do the time. The only issue I would have if someone's constitutional rights are abridged or if they are convicted when they are innocent.

My guess, the end answer is that economics has more to do with sentencing disparity rather than race. Remember the rich kid in TX that killed a family in a drunk driving accident and claimed he was too spoiled...he received a pretty light sentence. He had the lawyers and the money and received less of a sentence.
I suppose you're too stupid and/or too insecure to be honest. I never suggested the prior record wasn't considered, in truth of fact a prior record can be a mitigating factor when it comes to sentencing and imposing jail or prison, large fines or not.

I'm sure you can't understand how that can be, and that's sad, but it does not mitigate your lies and vulgarity.
You agree with my position and offer additional proof and somehow I'm the stupid one. Your presence on this board is an offense to all LEOs. I've met plenty and not too many are as stupid as you are.

Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar.
So when confronted wtih your own stupidity you go full retard and just name-call. About what I expect from a disgrace of an LE like you. When you can make some sense post again.
Wide Racial Divide in Sentencing - WSJ.com

Racial Gap in Men's Sentencing

Feb. 14, 2013 5:36 p.m. ET

Prison sentences of black men were nearly 20% longer than those of white men for similar crimes in recent years, an analysis by the U.S. Sentencing Commission found.

That racial gap has widened since the Supreme Court restored judicial discretion in sentencing in 2005, according to the Sentencing Commission's findings, which were submitted to Congress last month and released publicly this week.

In its report, the commission recommended that federal judges give sentencing guidelines more weight, and that appeals courts more closely scrutinize sentences that fall beyond them.

The commission, which is part of the judicial branch, was careful to avoid the implication of racism among federal judges, acknowledging that they "make sentencing decisions based on many legitimate considerations that are not or cannot be measured."

Still, the findings drew criticism from advocacy groups and researchers, who said the commission's focus on the very end of the criminal-justice process ignored possible bias at earlier stages, such as when a person is arrested and charged, or enters into a plea deal with prosecutors.

"They've only got data on this final slice of the process, but they are still missing crucial parts of the criminal-justice process," said Sonja Starr, a law professor at the University of Michigan, who has analyzed sentencing and arrest data and found no marked increase in racial disparity since 2005.

Douglas A. Berman, a law professor at the Ohio State University who studies sentencing, said, "It's not surprising that the commission that's in charge of both monitoring and amending the guidelines has a general affinity for the guidelines."

The Sentencing Commission didn't return requests for comment.

The Supreme Court, in the 2005 case U.S. v. Booker, struck down a 1984 law that required federal district judges to impose a sentence within the range of the federal sentencing guidelines, which are set by the commission.

The law was meant to alleviate the disparity in federal sentences, but critics say placing restrictions on judges can exacerbate the problem by rendering them powerless to deviate from guidelines and laws that are inherently biased. An often-cited example is a federal law that created steeper penalties for crack-cocaine offenses, which are committed by blacks more frequently than whites, than for powder-cocaine offenses. Congress reduced the disparity in 2010.

In the two years after the Booker ruling, sentences of blacks were on average 15.2% longer than the sentences of similarly situated whites, according to the Sentencing Commission report. Between December 2007 and September 2011, the most recent period covered in the report, sentences of black males were 19.5% longer than those for whites. The analysis also found that black males were 25% less likely than whites in the same period to receive a sentence below the guidelines' range.

The Sentencing Commission released a similar report in 2010. Researchers criticized its analysis for including sentences of probation, which they argued amplified the demographic differences.

In the new study, the Sentencing Commission conducted a separate analysis that excluded sentences of probation. It yielded the same pattern, but the racial disparity was less pronounced. Sentences of black males were 14.5% longer than whites, rather than nearly 20%.

Jeff Ulmer, a sociology professor at Pennsylvania State University, described the commission's latest report as an improvement but said it was "a long way from proving that [judicial discretion] has caused greater black-white federal sentencing disparity."
So the actual story is we dont know whether there is disparity in the sentencing system or not because we lack enough information.
So the actual story is we dont know whether there is disparity in the sentencing system or not because we lack enough information.

I am not certain where you come up with that interpretation, but ok.
So the actual story is we dont know whether there is disparity in the sentencing system or not because we lack enough information.

I am not certain where you come up with that interpretation, but ok.

We don't know the cumulative effect, if any, of multiple convictions on the sentencing of individuals.

Whitey gets busted for holding up a gas station... No priors, no juvenile record, has a regular but low-paying job, no gang affiliation, comes from a decent home whose family is very sorry for what he did and offers restitution.

Blackie gets busted for the same thing but has a record as long as your arm, including multiple Juvenile arrests and convictions, several arrests for B&E that were dropped for lack of evidence, is a known gang member suspected of dealing in Class A Narcotics, was arrested for beating his girlfriend into intensive care but she dropped the charges (out of fear for her life), has no family, has no visible means of support now or ever and couldn't give a fuck less about any kind of restitution... Even laughs about it.

Who the FUCK do you think the Judge is going to hammer?

dimocraps are just fucking stupid. I mean, slack-jawed, drool-cup fucking stoopid
So the actual story is we dont know whether there is disparity in the sentencing system or not because we lack enough information.

I am not certain where you come up with that interpretation, but ok.

We don't know the cumulative effect, if any, of multiple convictions on the sentencing of individuals.

Whitey gets busted for holding up a gas station... No priors, no juvenile record, has a regular but low-paying job, no gang affiliation, comes from a decent home whose family is very sorry for what he did and offers restitution.

Blackie gets busted for the same thing but has a record as long as your arm, including multiple Juvenile arrests and convictions, several arrests for B&E that were dropped for lack of evidence, is a known gang member suspected of dealing in Class A Narcotics, was arrested for beating his girlfriend into intensive care but she dropped the charges (out of fear for her life), has no family, has no visible means of support now or ever and couldn't give a fuck less about any kind of restitution... Even laughs about it.

Who the FUCK do you think the Judge is going to hammer?

dimocraps are just fucking stupid. I mean, slack-jawed, drool-cup fucking stoopid
You really don't think the commission considered all of this in their study? Do you have any proof they didn't?

Please don't respond with your 'dimocrap scum' nonsense, I am not a dem and the attack tactic doesn't really work with me, I'm all about the facts...not deflection, but facts.
I am not certain where you come up with that interpretation, but ok.

We don't know the cumulative effect, if any, of multiple convictions on the sentencing of individuals.

Whitey gets busted for holding up a gas station... No priors, no juvenile record, has a regular but low-paying job, no gang affiliation, comes from a decent home whose family is very sorry for what he did and offers restitution.

Blackie gets busted for the same thing but has a record as long as your arm, including multiple Juvenile arrests and convictions, several arrests for B&E that were dropped for lack of evidence, is a known gang member suspected of dealing in Class A Narcotics, was arrested for beating his girlfriend into intensive care but she dropped the charges (out of fear for her life), has no family, has no visible means of support now or ever and couldn't give a fuck less about any kind of restitution... Even laughs about it.

Who the FUCK do you think the Judge is going to hammer?

dimocraps are just fucking stupid. I mean, slack-jawed, drool-cup fucking stoopid
You really don't think the commission considered all of this in their study? Do you have any proof they didn't?

Please don't respond with your 'dimocrap scum' nonsense, I am not a dem and the attack tactic doesn't really work with me, I'm all about the facts...not deflection, but facts.

Fuck you and fuck your request for 'proof'

You post like you got a paper asshole.

If that information were in the study, they would say so. It isn't.

Quit while you're ahead


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