Holder Seeks To Prove Cops, Courts Racist

We don't know the cumulative effect, if any, of multiple convictions on the sentencing of individuals.

Whitey gets busted for holding up a gas station... No priors, no juvenile record, has a regular but low-paying job, no gang affiliation, comes from a decent home whose family is very sorry for what he did and offers restitution.

Blackie gets busted for the same thing but has a record as long as your arm, including multiple Juvenile arrests and convictions, several arrests for B&E that were dropped for lack of evidence, is a known gang member suspected of dealing in Class A Narcotics, was arrested for beating his girlfriend into intensive care but she dropped the charges (out of fear for her life), has no family, has no visible means of support now or ever and couldn't give a fuck less about any kind of restitution... Even laughs about it.

Who the FUCK do you think the Judge is going to hammer?

dimocraps are just fucking stupid. I mean, slack-jawed, drool-cup fucking stoopid
You really don't think the commission considered all of this in their study? Do you have any proof they didn't?

Please don't respond with your 'dimocrap scum' nonsense, I am not a dem and the attack tactic doesn't really work with me, I'm all about the facts...not deflection, but facts.

Fuck you and fuck your request for 'proof'

You post like you got a paper asshole.

If that information were in the study, they would say so. It isn't.

Quit while you're ahead


Just as I thought, a member of the Pussy Brigade who just wants to blame everyone else for their failures. To be clear, you are a pussy and you never have an actual argument, just illogical rants that are devoid of fact and filled with personal attacks, cuss words and nonsense.

You define yourself. Pussy.
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So the actual story is we dont know whether there is disparity in the sentencing system or not because we lack enough information.

I am not certain where you come up with that interpretation, but ok.

Last sentence of the article.
Jeff Ulmer, a sociology professor at Pennsylvania State University, described the commission's latest report as an improvement but said it was "a long way from proving that [judicial discretion] has caused greater black-white federal sentencing disparity."
You agree with my position and offer additional proof and somehow I'm the stupid one. Your presence on this board is an offense to all LEOs. I've met plenty and not too many are as stupid as you are.

Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar.
So when confronted wtih your own stupidity you go full retard and just name-call. About what I expect from a disgrace of an LE like you. When you can make some sense post again.

Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar
So the actual story is we dont know whether there is disparity in the sentencing system or not because we lack enough information.

I am not certain where you come up with that interpretation, but ok.

Last sentence of the article.
Jeff Ulmer, a sociology professor at Pennsylvania State University, described the commission's latest report as an improvement but said it was "a long way from proving that [judicial discretion] has caused greater black-white federal sentencing disparity."

That is all I was asking. Thank you and I see your point.
Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar.
So when confronted wtih your own stupidity you go full retard and just name-call. About what I expect from a disgrace of an LE like you. When you can make some sense post again.

Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar

Doubling down on stupid is gay, s0n.
Holder Seeks To Prove Cops, Courts Racist

Prove it? All he needs is an accurate American History textbook? Then again, that might not be too easy to find these days.

So whatt, as a christian, am i going to compare obama to nero?
So which case does he think is tainted? Or does he think all the blacks in jail are railroaded?

does he think the klan goes into chicago and detroit, kills all the brothas amd then juries convict poor inoncent jerome?
Liberals habe a very stupid wayof looking at the world.
Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar.
So when confronted wtih your own stupidity you go full retard and just name-call. About what I expect from a disgrace of an LE like you. When you can make some sense post again.

Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar

So you think blacks like Tookie were setup? That they dont commit the crime? Liberals cannot be taken serious on crime, but even this is stupid for you guys
Blacks commit 5+ times more murder. I seriously the fuck doubt they're being locked up without a good reason.

True that.

Who would the Cops rather hassle? Yuppie Randy on his way home from Happy Hour or Badass Gang Banger Willie?

Think about it...

You put your Cops on the street looking for DUIs and you can make a lot of money. A LOT of money. Typical fines over $1,000, classes and rehabilitation another $1,000 or more and it all goes to the (are you sitting down?) The State.

Not to mention the scum-sucking slimeball of a piece of fucking shit dirtbag lawyer you gotta hire.

Show up in Court on a DUI charge without a lawyer and see what happens to you. It'll make what happened to that thieving gang banger look good in comparison.

Meanwhile, if our resident Storm Troopers bust Badass Gang Banger Willie... Guess what happens?

First off, they gotta catch him, which ain't easy. Prolly takes several Cops and they might get their uniforms (GASP!!) dirty in the process!

And what's the first thing they tell him...? If you can't afford an (wait for it) Attorney one will be provided for you.

And guess who pays for that? Not Gang Bang Willie, I promise you that.

Then we have to go to trial. Yuppie Randy just pleads out..... His scumbag lawyer looks at the Local assistant DA and winks, letting him know that someday, maybe he can charge $5,000 for a half-day's work.

So they make a deal, poor Randy takes it up the ass, maybe gets fired, maybe loses his wife, maybe (shit, not maybe, definitely) has his license popped and has to rent one of those blow meters that cripples your car until you blow into it..... Hard. Kinda humiliating. Has to go to classes, take piss tests, and generally pay even more money to the STATE.

All for the crime of having one too many drinks. Or, in some cases, just ONE drink

So Randy is out around Seven or Eight Grand, maybe his wife, his home, his job and.... Who cares.

But Gang Bang Willie? He's got a goober-mint supplied lawyer, three hots and a cot, a shower and free medical and dental.

He ain't never had it so good.

Know what Willie loses? Nothing. Willie ain't got nothing so he ain't got nothing to lose.

Bottom line, it costs the goober-mint TENS, maybe HUNDREDS, of thousands of dollars to bust, prosecute and jail Gang Bang Willie but they MAKE money off of poor old dumbass Yuppie Randy.

Who do you think the gubmint would rather arrest?

You people are idiots. All of you.

^Not aimed at the quoted poster^
Blacks(per capita) commit 5+ times more murder. I seriously the fuck doubt they're being locked up without a good reason.

If this debate is about being locked up for no reason then you're right?

If this debate is about blacks receiving unfair sentences and harrassment by cops and the justice system you just gave an excuse why.

But no one is denying that the unfairness is happening. You simply say "blacks commit crimes" and pretending that is a reason for unfair sentencing.
Blacks(per capita) commit 5+ times more murder. I seriously the fuck doubt they're being locked up without a good reason.

If this debate is about being locked up for no reason then you're right?

If this debate is about blacks receiving unfair sentences and harrassment by cops and the justice system you just gave an excuse why.

But no one is denying that the unfairness is happening. You simply say "blacks commit crimes" and pretending that is a reason for unfair sentencing.

If they commit more crimes then it is not unfair they get locked up more. You do understand that, right?
So when confronted wtih your own stupidity you go full retard and just name-call. About what I expect from a disgrace of an LE like you. When you can make some sense post again.

Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar

Doubling down on stupid is gay, s0n.

"gay", and I suppose you'll double down on the lie that you're not a bigot too.
Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar

Doubling down on stupid is gay, s0n.

"gay", and I suppose you'll double down on the lie that you're not a bigot too.

Doubling down on stupid is a common theme with you!

Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar

Doubling down on stupid is gay, s0n.

"gay", and I suppose you'll double down on the lie that you're not a bigot too.

You're the liar here, chief. You prove it over and over. At least whenever you post something resembling facts.
Blacks(per capita) commit 5+ times more murder. I seriously the fuck doubt they're being locked up without a good reason.

If this debate is about being locked up for no reason then you're right?

If this debate is about blacks receiving unfair sentences and harrassment by cops and the justice system you just gave an excuse why.

But no one is denying that the unfairness is happening. You simply say "blacks commit crimes" and pretending that is a reason for unfair sentencing.

what is this shit, unfair sentancing?

So youre for standardized sentances? That would eliminate bias.
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Blacks(per capita) commit 5+ times more murder. I seriously the fuck doubt they're being locked up without a good reason.

If this debate is about being locked up for no reason then you're right?

If this debate is about blacks receiving unfair sentences and harrassment by cops and the justice system you just gave an excuse why.

But no one is denying that the unfairness is happening. You simply say "blacks commit crimes" and pretending that is a reason for unfair sentencing.

If they commit more crimes then it is not unfair they get locked up more. You do understand that, right?

Yeah I understand your hypothetical and I understand that has nothing to do with what the topic is about unless you cant read
If this debate is about being locked up for no reason then you're right?

If this debate is about blacks receiving unfair sentences and harrassment by cops and the justice system you just gave an excuse why.

But no one is denying that the unfairness is happening. You simply say "blacks commit crimes" and pretending that is a reason for unfair sentencing.

If they commit more crimes then it is not unfair they get locked up more. You do understand that, right?

Yeah I understand your hypothetical and I understand that has nothing to do with what the topic is about unless you cant read

You're kidding, right? The topic is Holder's attempt to undermine the justice system by using statistical analysis to show that blacks get charged more often than whites.
My response is they get charged more often because they commit more crimes. How is that off topic here? Or are you just reaching for anything to make your ass whipping look better?
Rabbi, you know I know you're a liar, and most everyone with an IQ of three digits does too. In all honesty - something you know nothing about - you are also an asshole and as is typical of most petty punks, will deny your hand is in the cookies jar even when shown a photo of your hand in the cookie jar

Doubling down on stupid is gay, s0n.

"gay", and I suppose you'll double down on the lie that you're not a bigot too.

oh no, hes a real klansman for saying gay

i lobe how people like you try to equate ****** or gay to denying service to someone or beating someone or something you know is serious.

maybe he meant happy, or maybe fags are just gross to him. I know you dont have an issue with it, but then again youve probably never tried being gay......i wonder why
If this debate is about being locked up for no reason then you're right?

If this debate is about blacks receiving unfair sentences and harrassment by cops and the justice system you just gave an excuse why.

But no one is denying that the unfairness is happening. You simply say "blacks commit crimes" and pretending that is a reason for unfair sentencing.

If they commit more crimes then it is not unfair they get locked up more. You do understand that, right?

Yeah I understand your hypothetical and I understand that has nothing to do with what the topic is about unless you cant read

So youre for standardized punishments, correct?

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