Holder Will Replace Ginsberg

Talk about your nightmare scenario. Seriously who thought that lifetime appointments with no mandatory retirement age for the Supreme Court Justices was a good idea

Holder is too old. the frend is to put 40-50 year olds on the court so they are there 30 or os years. Holder is 63 IIRC

He also doesn't have the resume to be a USSC Justice
Holder will make a great justice and keep conservatives in check for 20 years
Eric Holders stepping down is to prep him to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg as Supreme Court Justice. Rumors abounded two months ago that this would happen. Remember....Democrats changed the rules in US Senate last spring so they could ram through any ideologue they wanted on a federal bench, this move signifies internal polling by Dems that they will lose Senate. So rather than wait for aging erg to drop dead...they will run Eric Holder...a racist onto the Supreme Court. Ginsberg is the lunatic that thinks US courts should look to European Courts and Europe to help make our decisions. This must be stopped at all cost. Holder is in no way worthy of sitting on High Court.

You're the first I've heard to advance that notion, don't know if it's original or not but seems like good strategic thinking. Of course I disagree with your evaluation of him and Ginsberg. He could help buffer Robert's coalition of conservative activist Justices on the Court.
Holder will make a great justice and keep conservatives in check for 20 years

I doubt he could be confirmed. the senate won't take up any nominee before the elections and if the GOP gets control of the senate, he won't get a hearing. I doubt the GOP is going to lose seats and lots in the GOP won't allow a vote on a partisan like Holder.
Holder has been unfailingly fair and just. He ended Bush's disastrous Fast and Furious, he is against the screwing of the common man of all colors, he is against DOMA, he against unfair jail terms -

Really, is there anything he did not do correctly and well?

The Republicans will push for their own corrupt follower of big money because that's what they do.

When they're not on vacation and ignoring the condition of the world, that is.
Eric Holders stepping down is to prep him to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg as Supreme Court Justice. Rumors abounded two months ago that this would happen. Remember....Democrats changed the rules in US Senate last spring so they could ram through any ideologue they wanted on a federal bench, this move signifies internal polling by Dems that they will lose Senate. So rather than wait for aging erg to drop dead...they will run Eric Holder...a racist onto the Supreme Court. Ginsberg is the lunatic that thinks US courts should look to European Courts and Europe to help make our decisions. This must be stopped at all cost. Holder is in no way worthy of sitting on High Court.

Wow, this LGBT thing is so out of control that I can literally hear the jackboots clicking together.
Holder has been unfailingly fair and just. He ended Bush's disastrous Fast and Furious, he is against the screwing of the common man of all colors, he is against DOMA, he against unfair jail terms -

Really, is there anything he did not do correctly and well?

The Republicans will push for their own corrupt follower of big money because that's what they do.

When they're not on vacation and ignoring the condition of the world, that is.

I didn't think there were any Holder Slurpers left

I was wrong
Holder has been unfailingly fair and just. He ended Bush's disastrous Fast and Furious, he is against the screwing of the common man of all colors, he is against DOMA, he against unfair jail terms -

Really, is there anything he did not do correctly and well?

The Republicans will push for their own corrupt follower of big money because that's what they do.

When they're not on vacation and ignoring the condition of the world, that is.

Is there anything he did correctly and well? Not really.
'twould be great but never happen.

The right has lied so much about this good, decent man and even if the useless Rs loved him, they'll fight anything Obama does.

Holder has fought for equal right for all races as well as going up against big business, DOMA, etc to fight for the little guy. Let's hope we don't lose him.


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