Holder Will Replace Ginsberg

'twould be great but never happen.

The right has lied so much about this good, decent man and even if the useless Rs loved him, they'll fight anything Obama does.

Holder has fought for equal right for all races as well as going up against big business, DOMA, etc to fight for the little guy. Let's hope we don't lose him.
there is not one demoscum that qualifies as a good, decent man, were in hell do you people find the gall to post such shit ?

good gawdamighty talk about party unity, it is people like you who kept Ted Kennedy from being charged with negligent homicide.

thank you for putting your ignorance...., or is it stupidity on display. :up:

:fu: ....................... :asshole: :lmao:
This idea was on talk radio today. As another poster mentioned, though, Ginsberg has said that she is not stepping down. Of course, at her age a health crisis can come on suddenly.

Still, I highly doubt that Holder would get the nomination if Ginsberg retired. Obama would have to have balls of steel to weather the shit storm that nomination would create. The outcry would be brutal. Here you have an AG who was held in contempt of the House of Representatives, as well as other high profile, polarizing controversies.

Obama is shallow. I see no benefit to him or his legacy in appointing a half-assed former prosecutor with tons of baggage . Admittedly, I nearly soiled myself when I heard this idea today.

The committee hearing on Holder would be contentious and a long, drawn affair. Republicans would have a gift at these hearings to skewer Holder and his background with complete abandon.
Besides, Holder may prefer to cash in on his celebrity by authoring books, giving speeches, and landing a lucrative lobbying gig.

I don't see this as being in the cards, but, what do I know
Eric Holders stepping down is to prep him to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg as Supreme Court Justice. Rumors abounded two months ago that this would happen. Remember....Democrats changed the rules in US Senate last spring so they could ram through any ideologue they wanted on a federal bench, this move signifies internal polling by Dems that they will lose Senate. So rather than wait for aging erg to drop dead...they will run Eric Holder...a racist onto the Supreme Court. Ginsberg is the lunatic that thinks US courts should look to European Courts and Europe to help make our decisions. This must be stopped at all cost. Holder is in no way worthy of sitting on High Court.

We're screwed. If that happens...
Talk about your nightmare scenario. Seriously who thought that lifetime appointments with no mandatory retirement age for the Supreme Court Justices was a good idea
Had something to do with the Founding Fathers...

The very first bill introduced in the United States Senate was the Judiciary Act of 1789. It divided the country in 13 judicial districts, which were further organized into the Eastern, Middle, and Southern "circuits." The 1789 Act called for the Supreme Court to consist of a Chief Justice and only five Associate Justices, and for the Court to meet, or "sit" in the Nation's Capital. For the first 101 years of its service, Supreme Court Justices were required to "ride circuit," holding court twice a year in each of the 13 judicial districts. The Act also created the position of U.S. Attorney General and assigned the power to nominate Supreme Court justices to the President of the United States with the approval of the Senate.
A Brief History of the US Supreme Court
Eric Holders stepping down is to prep him to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg as Supreme Court Justice. Rumors abounded two months ago that this would happen. Remember....Democrats changed the rules in US Senate last spring so they could ram through any ideologue they wanted on a federal bench, this move signifies internal polling by Dems that they will lose Senate. So rather than wait for aging erg to drop dead...they will run Eric Holder...a racist onto the Supreme Court. Ginsberg is the lunatic that thinks US courts should look to European Courts and Europe to help make our decisions. This must be stopped at all cost. Holder is in no way worthy of sitting on High Court.

You don't have to resign from the Attorney General position in order to be nominated for the Supreme Court,

you idiot.
I'm rather non-partisan. But just the mere fact that he is the only Cabinet Secretary in the history of the US to be held in contempt? Really? I'm sure the POTUS could find someone less politically divisive. His behavior during that Fast and Furious thing was, well, contemptible. Even some democrats thought so.
House holds Holder in contempt
House holds Holder in contempt - CNN.com
The House approved a pair of criminal and civil measures against the attorney general, marking the first time in American history that the head of the Justice Department has been held in contempt by Congress.

House members approved the criminal contempt measure in a 255-67 vote. Almost every House Republican backed the measure, along with 17 Democrats. Shortly thereafter, the civil measure passed in a sharply polarized 258-95 vote.

No, not really Supreme Court Justice material. . . .
Holder has been unfailingly fair and just. He ended Bush's disastrous Fast and Furious, he is against the screwing of the common man of all colors, he is against DOMA, he against unfair jail terms -

Really, is there anything he did not do correctly and well?

The Republicans will push for their own corrupt follower of big money because that's what they do.

When they're not on vacation and ignoring the condition of the world, that is.

I didn't think there were any Holder Slurpers left

I was wrong

Some people (meaning you) just can't help trying to drag a thread down into the gutter with them.

That would be so cool

Nothing would piss off conservatives more

Good to know that pricks like you are more interested in pissing off conservatives even if it means putting a lying douchebag racist prick on the SCOTUS.

Alan Grayson would have been right had we been talking about you.
Eric Holders stepping down is to prep him to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg as Supreme Court Justice. Rumors abounded two months ago that this would happen. Remember....Democrats changed the rules in US Senate last spring so they could ram through any ideologue they wanted on a federal bench, this move signifies internal polling by Dems that they will lose Senate. So rather than wait for aging erg to drop dead...they will run Eric Holder...a racist onto the Supreme Court. Ginsberg is the lunatic that thinks US courts should look to European Courts and Europe to help make our decisions. This must be stopped at all cost. Holder is in no way worthy of sitting on High Court.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Justice Ginsberg wants nothing to do with being the person who snuck someone as sleazy as Eric Holder onto the Supreme Court. Yes, she is a liberal Justice but unless she has no respect for the law (and I don't think that's the case at all!) enabling someone who sees the law as something to work around...not something to respect...is not going to be a legacy she's going to want to have. Although I don't share many of Justice Ginsberg's views I don't find her to be lacking in character. Eric Holder has no moral compass. Having him on the Supreme Court would be a travesty. If for no other reason (and God knows there are plenty of other reasons!) than his part in the Marc Rich pardon.
Eric Holders stepping down is to prep him to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg as Supreme Court Justice. Rumors abounded two months ago that this would happen. Remember....Democrats changed the rules in US Senate last spring so they could ram through any ideologue they wanted on a federal bench, this move signifies internal polling by Dems that they will lose Senate. So rather than wait for aging erg to drop dead...they will run Eric Holder...a racist onto the Supreme Court. Ginsberg is the lunatic that thinks US courts should look to European Courts and Europe to help make our decisions. This must be stopped at all cost. Holder is in no way worthy of sitting on High Court.

You don't have to resign from the Attorney General position in order to be nominated for the Supreme Court,

you idiot.
But if the Republicans are going to gain the Senate you want to run the daily double while Dems still in control during lame duck session...idiot.
Eric Holders stepping down is to prep him to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg as Supreme Court Justice. Rumors abounded two months ago that this would happen. Remember....Democrats changed the rules in US Senate last spring so they could ram through any ideologue they wanted on a federal bench, this move signifies internal polling by Dems that they will lose Senate. So rather than wait for aging erg to drop dead...they will run Eric Holder...a racist onto the Supreme Court. Ginsberg is the lunatic that thinks US courts should look to European Courts and Europe to help make our decisions. This must be stopped at all cost. Holder is in no way worthy of sitting on High Court.

You don't have to resign from the Attorney General position in order to be nominated for the Supreme Court,

you idiot.
But if the Republicans are going to gain the Senate you want to run the daily double while Dems still in control during lame duck session...idiot.

You don't have to resign from the Attorney General position in order to be nominated for the Supreme Court.
Holder has been unfailingly fair and just. He ended Bush's disastrous Fast and Furious, he is against the screwing of the common man of all colors, he is against DOMA, he against unfair jail terms -

Really, is there anything he did not do correctly and well?

The Republicans will push for their own corrupt follower of big money because that's what they do.

When they're not on vacation and ignoring the condition of the world, that is.

I didn't think there were any Holder Slurpers left

I was wrong

Some people (meaning you) just can't help trying to drag a thread down into the gutter with them.

Smellybutter, TurtleDude has more brains and common sense in one flipper than you have in your entire body,


:fu: ......................... :asshole:

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