Holder Will Replace Ginsberg

Talk about your nightmare scenario. Seriously who thought that lifetime appointments with no mandatory retirement age for the Supreme Court Justices was a good idea

Well, better than having each president forcing through all members of the Supreme Court. There could be a better way, but it's never going to happen, change just doesn't happen much in US politics, other than different names of people.
Elevating George Lincoln Rockwell to the Supreme Court is on a par with naming George Lincoln Rockwell to chair a Holocaust memorial.
Well, one thing's for sure. With Holder gone, Obama's done with anything domestic beyond threatening to let the nation default if Obamacare is touched. It's on to Damascus.
Beats me how threads like this even start. There is this thing called "getting confirmed."
Yes. For one thing you would think his unilateral veto of the 2013 Windsor decision, where he extends federal rights to "legally gay married couples" even in states where they were not legally married according to Windsor's definition of state's choice. That might get him disqualified as a dictator instead of a person fit to actually deliberate over facts and respect standing SCOTUS interpretations, orders & precedent. The last thing SCOTUS needs is an arrogant political schill like Holder.
Talk about your nightmare scenario. Seriously who thought that lifetime appointments with no mandatory retirement age for the Supreme Court Justices was a good idea

Holder is too old. the frend is to put 40-50 year olds on the court so they are there 30 or os years. Holder is 63 IIRC

He also doesn't have the resume to be a USSC Justice
I would prefer somebody who flunked out of nose picking in college to be Supreme Court Justice than Eric Holder.
Eric Holders stepping down is to prep him to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg as Supreme Court Justice. Rumors abounded two months ago that this would happen. Remember....Democrats changed the rules in US Senate last spring so they could ram through any ideologue they wanted on a federal bench, this move signifies internal polling by Dems that they will lose Senate. So rather than wait for aging erg to drop dead...they will run Eric Holder...a racist onto the Supreme Court. Ginsberg is the lunatic that thinks US courts should look to European Courts and Europe to help make our decisions. This must be stopped at all cost. Holder is in no way worthy of sitting on High Court.

Holder would be a deadly addition to the Supreme Court.
He is the worst, most corrupt AG the USA has ever had......... and he would kill dead any form of justice in this country if he became part of SCOTUS. We have seen how he thinks and acts. And there is no justice that is any part of him or his thought process.

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