Holder's DOJ Particpated In the IRS Scandal! Surpise!


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
Oh yeah. We've all heard of Eric Holder. He's the dude that gave arms to the Mexican drug cartel that lead to the death and bloodshed. Well ... the Democrat U.S. Attorney General is still finding new ways to abuse his power and commit crime (or at least very shady dealings). Well ... I'll let the facts speak for themselves:

Bombshell: Eric Holder’s DOJ Participated in IRS Scandal!
The IRS targeting scandal goes much deeper than anyone imagined!
Last week, it was revealed that Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Government Oversight Committee, was instrumental in urging Lois Lerner to target conservative non-profit groups. This explains a lot, considering how Elijah Cummings was doing everything in his power to stop the investigation!
Bombshell: Eric Holder?s DOJ Participated in IRS Scandal! | Politics

Can America take much more of Obama and his thugs?
Of course they did. How could they not have?

The top Democrat on the House Committee (Rep. Cummings) charged with investigating the IRS was actually participating in the scandal! Talk about a conflict of interest…

Well, the next shoe has dropped. Recently released emails obtained by Judicial Watch now prove that not only was Lois Lerner coordinating with Democrat lawmakers, but she was also in talks with Eric Holder’s Department of Justice over how to prosecute these Tea Party groups for exercising their First Amendment rights!

I'm about to post the link to the original FOIA acquired documents by Judicial Watch. You'll need an application that handles ZIP files.

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You and I know it but the Dems beg for "links." But, as usual, Holder's underhanded dealings are the fault of Conservatives. It's the only "argument" they're left with.
don't you guys realize you're just a bunch of domestic terrorist

Certainly. Under our current administration anyone caught revealing Democrat schemes, lies, criminal activities, or stupid ideas are "domestic terrorists." In reality, our honest inquiries are just roadblocks and nuisances (from the Progressive's perspective).
There's a new bill being written that would stop the pay for anyone that has been held in contempt of congress, like Holder.

Maybe then these filthy hacks will think twice before they defy congress, because as it is, being held in contempt really doesn't mean much.
There's a new bill being written that would stop the pay for anyone that has been held in contempt of congress, like Holder.

Maybe then these filthy hacks will think twice before they defy congress, because as it is, being held in contempt really doesn't mean much.

The electric chair is the only solution.
The more that is revealed (dug up) about the actions of the Obama administration and the liberals that have joined in to promote the debacle, the more we will all understand the true meaning of sleazy, deceptive LIAR!
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Oh yeah. We've all heard of Eric Holder. He's the dude that gave arms to the Mexican drug cartel that lead to the death and bloodshed. Well ... the Democrat U.S. Attorney General is still finding new ways to abuse his power and commit crime (or at least very shady dealings). Well ... I'll let the facts speak for themselves:

Bombshell: Eric Holder’s DOJ Participated in IRS Scandal!
The IRS targeting scandal goes much deeper than anyone imagined!
Last week, it was revealed that Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Government Oversight Committee, was instrumental in urging Lois Lerner to target conservative non-profit groups. This explains a lot, considering how Elijah Cummings was doing everything in his power to stop the investigation!
Bombshell: Eric Holder?s DOJ Participated in IRS Scandal! | Politics

Can America take much more of Obama and his thugs?

I'm sorry to hear it.
Good thing there is not a smidgen of corruption otherwise this might look bad.

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