Holding Hands. What do you think?

2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

My sister used to do that when her kids fought. They hated it and toned down the fighting

No teacher could ever make me hold hands with another guy.

Why not? Wouldn't that be the easiest way (in this case) to prevent getting suspended and getting in trouble at home with your parents?
There is nothing wrong with holding hands if it is done in a manly way

My sister used to do that when her kids fought. They hated it and toned down the fighting

No teacher could ever make me hold hands with another guy.

Why not? Wouldn't that be the easiest way (in this case) to prevent getting suspended and getting in trouble at home with your parents?

I would not volunteer to be humiliated so some teacher can feel in control.

If I had good reason to punch someone I would stick to my guns so to speak. And I had no parents to get in trouble with.
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It was a stupid punishment that would probably encourage the same kids to fight each other again to prove they are not gay because of all the gay taunting they will be getting from their peers. This principal has no idea what a teenage boy's psychology consists of. Nor does the principal seem to understand the cause of bullying. The principal just gave license for the student body to harass the kids who were fighting. It just goes to show that teenagers aren't the only ones who bully in schools.

yep and with harassment from guys these 2 dont like comes more fights.....
No teacher could ever make me hold hands with another guy.

Why not? Wouldn't that be the easiest way (in this case) to prevent getting suspended and getting in trouble at home with your parents?

I would not volunteer to be humiliated so some teacher can feel in control.

If I had good reason to punch someone I would stick to my guns so to speak. And I had no parents to get in trouble with.

You cant get around the fact that the teacher would still have control. In this case you would either get suspended or have to hold hands. I'm wondering why you would choose to be suspended?
2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

My god, kid are you fucking nuts?:lol:
No but you must be stupid. The kids called them gay. That would classify as homophobic. You appear to be number 3 that doesn't know the meaning of homophobic. Was the question really that hard to understand? Can you please enlighten me as to what was nuts about it? Be specific.

Oh no! the kids called them gay.

Horror of horrors!

Grow some balls, lad.
My god, kid are you fucking nuts?:lol:
No but you must be stupid. The kids called them gay. That would classify as homophobic. You appear to be number 3 that doesn't know the meaning of homophobic. Was the question really that hard to understand? Can you please enlighten me as to what was nuts about it? Be specific.

Oh no! the kids called them gay.

Horror of horrors!

Grow some balls, lad.

So in other words you cant be specific? BTW don't obsess over my balls. It makes me uncomfortable.
Why not? Wouldn't that be the easiest way (in this case) to prevent getting suspended and getting in trouble at home with your parents?

I would not volunteer to be humiliated so some teacher can feel in control.

If I had good reason to punch someone I would stick to my guns so to speak. And I had no parents to get in trouble with.

You cant get around the fact that the teacher would still have control. In this case you would either get suspended or have to hold hands. I'm wondering why you would choose to be suspended?

I would choose to get suspended because I will not volunteer to be humiliated.

In an earlier post I already said I was suspended once for not shaking the hand of another student.

I would rather be suspended than compromise my own integrity.
I would not volunteer to be humiliated so some teacher can feel in control.

If I had good reason to punch someone I would stick to my guns so to speak. And I had no parents to get in trouble with.

You cant get around the fact that the teacher would still have control. In this case you would either get suspended or have to hold hands. I'm wondering why you would choose to be suspended?

I would choose to get suspended because I will not volunteer to be humiliated.

In an earlier post I already said I was suspended once for not shaking the hand of another student.

I would rather be suspended than compromise my own integrity.

Why would holding or shaking the hand of the other person be compromising your integrity? I would think that would show you have more integrity.
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You cant get around the fact that the teacher would still have control. In this case you would either get suspended or have to hold hands. I'm wondering why you would choose to be suspended?

I would choose to get suspended because I will not volunteer to be humiliated.

In an earlier post I already said I was suspended once for not shaking the hand of another student.

I would rather be suspended than compromise my own integrity.

Why would holding or shaking the hand of the other person be compromising your integrity?

If I was to get in a fight with someone it would be for good reason as when I slugged a kid in HS. Why should I shake his hand and basically be forced to apologize if I am not sorry I slugged him?

I took the suspension because a false apology is dishonest. I am not dishonest.

The holding hands thing is nothing but public humiliation and as I said I will not volunteer to be humiliated.
I would choose to get suspended because I will not volunteer to be humiliated.

In an earlier post I already said I was suspended once for not shaking the hand of another student.

I would rather be suspended than compromise my own integrity.

Why would holding or shaking the hand of the other person be compromising your integrity?

If I was to get in a fight with someone it would be for good reason as when I slugged a kid in HS. Why should I shake his hand and basically be forced to apologize if I am not sorry I slugged him?

I took the suspension because a false apology is dishonest. I am not dishonest.

The holding hands thing is nothing but public humiliation and as I said I will not volunteer to be humiliated.

Hopefully no one believes that you should actually be sorry for popping the guy but I always took an apology as a way of admitting you could have handled the situation better.

Why is holding hands more of a public humiliation than getting suspended?
Nah. The question you pose is just too stupid for me to respond further.

Like I said..the principle is wiser than dim people can see. Why bother to shine a light in darkness?

AND..I am betting the two forced to hold hands will learn something about themselves and maybe become friends. Kinda like here...when folks battle it out then one says something the other can relate to and it is a very slow progress to FINALLY understand where and why they didn't like each other. But it takes gumption, bravery, and an open mind to get that far and some just don't have it in them to remove the tunnel vision. I'm hoping these two students get some of the wise shine light on them. Those who laughed at them? They are in the dark. Someday they may understand it all....and many not.

The principal is wise to put two boys in a situation where they will be bullied and teased and called gay? You don't think this will cause more fights? You don't think this was bullying by the principal? The worse principals and teachers always have one thing in common. They don't remember what being a kid was like. They are misguided by their own tunnel vision. If, as you say, the principal is shining a light in darkness then Jerry Springer must be the reincarnation of Plato. A public shaming is not shining a light on anything except the principals own incompetence.
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At first I thought you were just being an ass. Now I see you are just stupid. You don't know the meaning of homophobia do you? :lol:

From the article

"Kids were laughing at them and calling them names asking, 'Are you gay?'
The reason why I asked the question is because of the above quote. How did you miss that?

BTW you still haven't explained WTF this meant.

Is a good is it a good move? It is if you want kids to be monkeys.

I am not the stupid one. Phobias are, by definition, an irrational fear. Contempt, despite the idiocy of idiots, is not fear, irrational or otherwise.

Would you call it heterophobia if a boy and a girl had been fighting, the principle demanded they hold hands, and someone asked if they were dating? There were a bunch of teenagers teasing them, The fact that they asked if they were gay does not demonstrate that they are afraid of gays. Believe it or not, it doesn't even demonstrate that they are contemptuous of gays. The fact that you automatically go there, does, however, demonstrate your innate bias and lack of intelligence.

That, however is your problem, not mine.

By the way, I did explain myself, you just couldn't keep up. If you could follow basic explanations you wouldn't go around posting some of the drivel you do. Ancient civilizations that disappear without a trace only happen in bad movies, not real life.
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