Holding Hands. What do you think?

Normal boys get into fights.....that's natural.

So why have them act like queers and hold hands?

That's a really perverted punishment......... :doubt:

Or Muslim?
Isnt hand holding by men in Eastern Cultures viewed as a sign of respect?
Didn't Bush hold the King of Saudi Arabia's hand? I don't think either are gay.
So you are first a homophobe? Not a Muslim?

The Principal did nothing wrong, which is probably why 200 students stood up for me. It's not his fault Americans like to put everything into a box.
He wasn't shaming them by making them do something sexual. He was probably trying to get them to respect each other.

Actually, you are correct. I've been to Jidda Saudi Arabia, Dubai U.A.E., and yes, that was part of our port brief. We were told that a lot of times, males who are friends will hold hands as a sign of mutual respect while walking around together in public. Saw quite a bit of it actually, and there was nothing in the behavior of any of those men to suggest that they were the least bit gay.

But then again, Americans have some pretty strange ideas when it comes to sexuality when compared with the rest of the world. Personally? I think it came from the puritanical beliefs of the people who formed this country early on, and it kept growing into what it is today.

I remember being overseas in Rhodes Greece, when some females from the air det decided to go native while hanging out on the beach and went topless. Well...............seems that an LT from the air wing saw them and told them immediately return to the ship. Matter of fact, he even wanted to revoke their liberty privileges and restrict them to the ship for the rest of the port visit.

However................the Captain heard about what the LT was doing, took him aside and chewed his ass. The skipper said that those women did something good, because they were blending in with the rest of the beachgoers, and if they'd have kept their tops on, they would have stood out as Americans, and could have possibly opened themselves up for unwanted attention by those who weren't exactly friendly with the U.S.

No................there is nothing "gay" or homosexual about 2 people of the same gender holding hands. Matter of fact, lots of times you can see young children here in America running around the playground (3rd grade or younger), holding hands because they are friends, not because they are gay. It's only when they get older and start to have their sexual ideas formed by society that they quit.

Personally, I think you need to learn to think beyond your idiotic biases.

Tell me something, if you can, if our attitudes toward sex are a result of the puritanical origins of this country, why has it become more dangerous to have deviant sexual ideals since the "Free love" crowd moved into power in the last few decades? If your theory was correct, wouldn't the current trend be away from criminalizing prostitution?
2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

My god, kid are you fucking nuts?:lol:
No but you must be stupid. The kids called them gay. That would classify as homophobic. You appear to be number 3 that doesn't know the meaning of homophobic. Was the question really that hard to understand? Can you please enlighten me as to what was nuts about it? Be specific.

I think this is the first time editec ever agreed with me.

That should tell you how fucked up your viewpoint is.
Or Muslim?
Isnt hand holding by men in Eastern Cultures viewed as a sign of respect?
Didn't Bush hold the King of Saudi Arabia's hand? I don't think either are gay.
So you are first a homophobe? Not a Muslim?

The Principal did nothing wrong, which is probably why 200 students stood up for me. It's not his fault Americans like to put everything into a box.
He wasn't shaming them by making them do something sexual. He was probably trying to get them to respect each other.

Actually, you are correct. I've been to Jidda Saudi Arabia, Dubai U.A.E., and yes, that was part of our port brief. We were told that a lot of times, males who are friends will hold hands as a sign of mutual respect while walking around together in public. Saw quite a bit of it actually, and there was nothing in the behavior of any of those men to suggest that they were the least bit gay.

But then again, Americans have some pretty strange ideas when it comes to sexuality when compared with the rest of the world. Personally? I think it came from the puritanical beliefs of the people who formed this country early on, and it kept growing into what it is today.

I remember being overseas in Rhodes Greece, when some females from the air det decided to go native while hanging out on the beach and went topless. Well...............seems that an LT from the air wing saw them and told them immediately return to the ship. Matter of fact, he even wanted to revoke their liberty privileges and restrict them to the ship for the rest of the port visit.

However................the Captain heard about what the LT was doing, took him aside and chewed his ass. The skipper said that those women did something good, because they were blending in with the rest of the beachgoers, and if they'd have kept their tops on, they would have stood out as Americans, and could have possibly opened themselves up for unwanted attention by those who weren't exactly friendly with the U.S.

No................there is nothing "gay" or homosexual about 2 people of the same gender holding hands. Matter of fact, lots of times you can see young children here in America running around the playground (3rd grade or younger), holding hands because they are friends, not because they are gay. It's only when they get older and start to have their sexual ideas formed by society that they quit.

Personally, I think you need to learn to think beyond your idiotic biases.

Tell me something, if you can, if our attitudes toward sex are a result of the puritanical origins of this country, why has it become more dangerous to have deviant sexual ideals since the "Free love" crowd moved into power in the last few decades? If your theory was correct, wouldn't the current trend be away from criminalizing prostitution?

What are you even talking about?
At first I thought you were just being an ass. Now I see you are just stupid. You don't know the meaning of homophobia do you? :lol:

From the article

"Kids were laughing at them and calling them names asking, 'Are you gay?'
The reason why I asked the question is because of the above quote. How did you miss that?

BTW you still haven't explained WTF this meant.

Is a good is it a good move? It is if you want kids to be monkeys.

I am not the stupid one. Phobias are, by definition, an irrational fear. Contempt, despite the idiocy of idiots, is not fear, irrational or otherwise.

Would you call it heterophobia if a boy and a girl had been fighting, the principle demanded they hold hands, and someone asked if they were dating? There were a bunch of teenagers teasing them, The fact that they asked if they were gay does not demonstrate that they are afraid of gays. Believe it or not, it doesn't even demonstrate that they are contemptuous of gays. The fact that you automatically go there, does, however, demonstrate your innate bias and lack of intelligence.

That, however is your problem, not mine.

By the way, I did explain myself, you just couldn't keep up. If you could follow basic explanations you wouldn't go around posting some of the drivel you do. Ancient civilizations that disappear without a trace only happen in bad movies, not real life.

Yes you are in fact stupid. It takes intelligence to understand that fear is the root of all negative feelings. If you had stayed after school to catch up due to your slowness you would know that. Check out a concept called 7 levels. Keeps you from shallow thinking like yours. If being gay was no big deal then the question would not have been asked. Maybe you are extremely old or was very unpopular in school but kids dont act weird in high school over "normal" relationships unless 1 of the participants is an outcast. is that why you think that? I still believe your problem was you had no understanding of the word homophobic.

No you didnt explain. You just appeared to be drunk. Dont drink and post. What are you even talking about? Ancient civilizations? Please stop drinking.
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My god, kid are you fucking nuts?:lol:
No but you must be stupid. The kids called them gay. That would classify as homophobic. You appear to be number 3 that doesn't know the meaning of homophobic. Was the question really that hard to understand? Can you please enlighten me as to what was nuts about it? Be specific.

I think this is the first time editec ever agreed with me.

That should tell you how fucked up your viewpoint is.

Sorry. It only tells me how wildly ignorant you are. If others understood the question, WTF was wrong with you?
The district was smart to put out a statement saying that they don't condone the punishment. It was designed to deter others from the same behavior through humiliation. Most kids would choose the punishment over suspension, and a lot would let the teasing roll off their shoulder...but not all of them would, and with bullying being such a focus, it does seem like an inappropriate method. I would have rather seen them have to write a report and present it to the class on the importance of civil disagreements with our peers.

I would do one of two things: sucker punch the other kid in the jaw, or simply quit school.
I would not volunteer to be humiliated so some teacher can feel in control.

If I had good reason to punch someone I would stick to my guns so to speak. And I had no parents to get in trouble with.

You cant get around the fact that the teacher would still have control. In this case you would either get suspended or have to hold hands. I'm wondering why you would choose to be suspended?

I would choose to get suspended because I will not volunteer to be humiliated.

In an earlier post I already said I was suspended once for not shaking the hand of another student.

I would rather be suspended than compromise my own integrity.

I'd drop out of school before I did it.
At first I thought you were just being an ass. Now I see you are just stupid. You don't know the meaning of homophobia do you? :lol:

From the article

The reason why I asked the question is because of the above quote. How did you miss that?

BTW you still haven't explained WTF this meant.

I am not the stupid one. Phobias are, by definition, an irrational fear. Contempt, despite the idiocy of idiots, is not fear, irrational or otherwise.

Would you call it heterophobia if a boy and a girl had been fighting, the principle demanded they hold hands, and someone asked if they were dating? There were a bunch of teenagers teasing them, The fact that they asked if they were gay does not demonstrate that they are afraid of gays. Believe it or not, it doesn't even demonstrate that they are contemptuous of gays. The fact that you automatically go there, does, however, demonstrate your innate bias and lack of intelligence.

That, however is your problem, not mine.

By the way, I did explain myself, you just couldn't keep up. If you could follow basic explanations you wouldn't go around posting some of the drivel you do. Ancient civilizations that disappear without a trace only happen in bad movies, not real life.

Yes you are in fact stupid. It takes intelligence to understand that fear is the root of all negative feelings. If you had stayed after school to catch up due to your slowness you would know that. Check out a concept called 7 levels. Keeps you from shallow thinking like yours. If being gay was no big deal then the question would not have been asked. Maybe you are extremely old or was very unpopular in school but kids dont act weird in high school over "normal" relationships unless 1 of the participants is an outcast. is that why you think that? I still believe your problem was you had no understanding of the word homophobic.

No you didnt explain. You just appeared to be drunk. Dont drink and post. What are you even talking about? Ancient civilizations? Please stop drinking.

Fear is the root of all negative feelings? Seriously? People who are sad are really afraid?

If you don't like the taste of lemons does that mean you are afraid of lemons?

I don't like racists, or ignorant idiots, does that mean I am afraid of them?

Maybe you aren't human, but kids always mock others.
I am not the stupid one. Phobias are, by definition, an irrational fear. Contempt, despite the idiocy of idiots, is not fear, irrational or otherwise.

Would you call it heterophobia if a boy and a girl had been fighting, the principle demanded they hold hands, and someone asked if they were dating? There were a bunch of teenagers teasing them, The fact that they asked if they were gay does not demonstrate that they are afraid of gays. Believe it or not, it doesn't even demonstrate that they are contemptuous of gays. The fact that you automatically go there, does, however, demonstrate your innate bias and lack of intelligence.

That, however is your problem, not mine.

By the way, I did explain myself, you just couldn't keep up. If you could follow basic explanations you wouldn't go around posting some of the drivel you do. Ancient civilizations that disappear without a trace only happen in bad movies, not real life.

Yes you are in fact stupid. It takes intelligence to understand that fear is the root of all negative feelings. If you had stayed after school to catch up due to your slowness you would know that. Check out a concept called 7 levels. Keeps you from shallow thinking like yours. If being gay was no big deal then the question would not have been asked. Maybe you are extremely old or was very unpopular in school but kids dont act weird in high school over "normal" relationships unless 1 of the participants is an outcast. is that why you think that? I still believe your problem was you had no understanding of the word homophobic.

No you didnt explain. You just appeared to be drunk. Dont drink and post. What are you even talking about? Ancient civilizations? Please stop drinking.

Fear is the root of all negative feelings? Seriously? People who are sad are really afraid?

If you don't like the taste of lemons does that mean you are afraid of lemons?

I don't like racists, or ignorant idiots, does that mean I am afraid of them?

Maybe you aren't human, but kids always mock others.

Yes to all of your questions. Kids do mock each other and that's why adults teach them not to. It sounds like your thought patterns are the same as a suspended pre-adolescent from the level of reasoning you have exhibited in quite a number of your posts. Were you held back often in school?
Yes you are in fact stupid. It takes intelligence to understand that fear is the root of all negative feelings. If you had stayed after school to catch up due to your slowness you would know that. Check out a concept called 7 levels. Keeps you from shallow thinking like yours. If being gay was no big deal then the question would not have been asked. Maybe you are extremely old or was very unpopular in school but kids dont act weird in high school over "normal" relationships unless 1 of the participants is an outcast. is that why you think that? I still believe your problem was you had no understanding of the word homophobic.

No you didnt explain. You just appeared to be drunk. Dont drink and post. What are you even talking about? Ancient civilizations? Please stop drinking.

Fear is the root of all negative feelings? Seriously? People who are sad are really afraid?

If you don't like the taste of lemons does that mean you are afraid of lemons?

I don't like racists, or ignorant idiots, does that mean I am afraid of them?

Maybe you aren't human, but kids always mock others.

Yes to all of your questions. Kids do mock each other and that's why adults teach them not to. It sounds like your thought patterns are the same as a suspended pre-adolescent from the level of reasoning you have exhibited in quite a number of your posts. Were you held back often in school?

Obama mocks people who disagree with him all the time, does that make him per-adolescent, or dies it just make you stupid? Mocking others is a lot more natural than pussyfooting around and pretending that everything is fine simply because you don't want to hurt people's feelings. If you ever grow up you might learn that mocking other people is not the end of the world.
Fear is the root of all negative feelings? Seriously? People who are sad are really afraid?

If you don't like the taste of lemons does that mean you are afraid of lemons?

I don't like racists, or ignorant idiots, does that mean I am afraid of them?

Maybe you aren't human, but kids always mock others.

Yes to all of your questions. Kids do mock each other and that's why adults teach them not to. It sounds like your thought patterns are the same as a suspended pre-adolescent from the level of reasoning you have exhibited in quite a number of your posts. Were you held back often in school?

Obama mocks people who disagree with him all the time, does that make him per-adolescent, or dies it just make you stupid? Mocking others is a lot more natural than pussyfooting around and pretending that everything is fine simply because you don't want to hurt people's feelings. If you ever grow up you might learn that mocking other people is not the end of the world.

How did the POTUS fall out of the sky and into the discussion? I said you were pre - adolescent because you fail to grasp basic concepts any post adolescent knows. Are you always this dense or are you just pretending? Who said mocking was the end of the world? Fear is a natural response. Go take psych 101 and they will teach you the same thing I am teaching you now.
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Why would holding or shaking the hand of the other person be compromising your integrity?

If I was to get in a fight with someone it would be for good reason as when I slugged a kid in HS. Why should I shake his hand and basically be forced to apologize if I am not sorry I slugged him?

I took the suspension because a false apology is dishonest. I am not dishonest.

The holding hands thing is nothing but public humiliation and as I said I will not volunteer to be humiliated.

Hopefully no one believes that you should actually be sorry for popping the guy but I always took an apology as a way of admitting you could have handled the situation better.

Why is holding hands more of a public humiliation than getting suspended?

A suspension was not humiliating to me. It did not open me to ridicule in fact I rather enjoyed it.
If I was to get in a fight with someone it would be for good reason as when I slugged a kid in HS. Why should I shake his hand and basically be forced to apologize if I am not sorry I slugged him?

I took the suspension because a false apology is dishonest. I am not dishonest.

The holding hands thing is nothing but public humiliation and as I said I will not volunteer to be humiliated.

Hopefully no one believes that you should actually be sorry for popping the guy but I always took an apology as a way of admitting you could have handled the situation better.

Why is holding hands more of a public humiliation than getting suspended?

A suspension was not humiliating to me. It did not open me to ridicule in fact I rather enjoyed it.

Ok that makes more sense. It depends more on social dynamics and their affects on you which is more humiliating.
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2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Two East Valley high school students were forced to hold hands in front of their classmates as punishment this week for fighting.
Now that punishment is drawing criticism.

The students at Westwood High in Mesa were apparently given the option to hold hands instead of being suspended.

Read more: 2 Mesa students forced to hold hands as punishment for fighting

Does this encourage homophobic behavior or is this a good move on the part of the principal to stop fights?

Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). It can be expressed as antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, or hatred, may be based on irrational fear, and is sometimes related to religious beliefs.

What's wrong with it...inconvenience is the punishment, but it also FORCES them to cooperate rather than work against each other....I see nothing homophobic or homo-supportive about it.
Normal boys get into fights.....that's natural.

So why have them act like queers and hold hands?

That's a really perverted punishment......... :doubt:

Why is holding hands "acting queer"?

Thats why I asked the question about it encouraging homophobia. if people are making comments like this what do you think the kids are doing?
I think the hand holding insistence was patronizing because it wreaked of thinking neither could be civil to the other without graceless humiliation in place of problem-solving. Teaching through role-playing exercises could have been done if any of the teachers were qualified to critique role-playing well, concluding with "Next time, put yourself in the other person's shoes if you're man enough," and let it go at that.
There is nothing wrong with holding hands if it is done in a manly way


There is nothing manly about 2 guys holding hands unless one is pulling the other's ass out of a burning building.

Its just a way of saying....I think you are special

sorry for your loss Rw.....

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